4,457 research outputs found

    Biodiversidad de Diplura (Hexapoda: Entognatha) en México

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    ResumenSe hace una descripción general de la morfología de los Diplura, dando información sobre su reproducción, así como de sus hábitats frecuentes y su importancia desde diversos aspectos. Se muestra la distribución de 6 familias en 23 estados de México. Se hace una evaluación de la diversidad y se proporciona el listado (Apéndice) de las 57 especies que se conocen del país, señalando los estados donde han sido citados.AbstractA general description of the morphology of the Diplura is done, information about their reproduction and habitats as well as their common environments and their importance in different aspects is provided. Distribution of 6 families in 23 states of Mexico is shown. An assessment of their diversity and a list of the 57 species known in the country and the states where they have been cited are provided

    The Separation of Property and Control and its Costs a Century-Old Problem that Seems Modern

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    The Agency Costs resulting from the conflict between principals and agents, due to the separation of ownership and control in the capitalist enterprise, was analyzed in many works of the last century. Could we assume that the current globalization of companies has increased the differences between principals and agents? Does this scenario lead to an increase in Agency Costs in those companies with the greatest presence in the global economy? The objective of this article is to compile studies that will allow us to answer these questions affirmatively and conclude that large transnational, multinational or global companies involve higher Agency Costs than those that remain within national borders

    Organizational Capabilities of Retail Companies to Develop Green Marketing Strategies

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    The human being has damaged the planet by the indiscriminate consumption of products that are not friendly to the environment, hence now the trend of consumers to choose sustainable products. This is the reason why companies are changing the way they make their products, as well as the style of communication to inform that their products are favorable to the environment. The scope of this work is to assess retail enterprises ability for developing green marketing strategies. The study is quantitative-exploratory based on a non-probabilistic sample. A questionnaire was applied to 30 business owners and/or managers. Data was analyzed by using the principal components method. It was observed that the retail companies in Rioverde city, San Luis Potosí (S.L.P.) are able to develop green marketing strategies. The correlation matrix shows acceptable correlations and the values of the Sample Adequacy Measure (MSA) values are greater than 0.500: These values allow corroborating that the data structure is adequate to be examined by factor analysis. The analysis detects two latent factors that together explain 69.18% of the common variance. The results indicate that green marketing strategies require that owners or managers reformulate their business and processes from different perspectives: internally and with their customers. With respect the first point, staff must be trained on the importance of ecological products for the environment, health and the benefits for the company. With reference to, the second point, the owner or manager must identify the specific market for these products, because customers are varied and with different needs.

    Synthesis and Effect of CaTiO3 formation in CaO·Al2O3 by Solid-State Reaction from CaCO3· Al2O3 and Ti

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    CaO⋅Al2O3/CaTiO3 material was synthesized by a solid-state reaction. The effects of CaTiO3 formed into the CaO⋅Al2O3 during the synthesized process on the microstructure and mechanical properties were studied. CaCO3 was obtained from snail shells, Al2O3, and Ti powders were employed as a raw material. A chemical system with a 1:1 M ratio between CaCO3 and Al2O3 was formed, with an addition of 10 wt% Ti metallic particles. The microstructural analysis through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction was realized. The apparent density was determined by the Archimedes method, and the mechanical behavior (hardness, fracture toughness, and transversal elastic modulus) were also determined. XRD analysis revealed the formation of calcium aluminate phases such as CaAl2O4, CaAl4O7, and CaAl12O19; in addition, the CaTiO3 phase was also identified. The in-situ formation of CaTiO3 in the ceramic material, improves the mechanical properties such as the transversal elastic modulus and fracture toughness (48 GPa and 1.32 MPa m1/2, respectively) in comparison to the reference material (55 GPa and 0.43 MPa m1/2, respectively). Changes in the microstructural morphology, bulk density, and hardness values were also observed with a positive effect in the compound material

    Sacha inchi oil (Plukenetia volubilis) stabilized with antioxidants for addition in fresh cheese

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    Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) is a nut that has been grown in the Amazon Rainforest and the high Andes Mountains of Peru for countless centuries. The oil of this nut, natural source of omega 3, 6 and 9, has been recognized by its high antioxidant capacity in humans. In this work, oil from Sacha Inchi was fortified with two commercial antioxidants (Ecoprol 2020 and tocopherol) in order to prepare a fresh cheese from cow's milk. The antioxidant capacities of Sacha Inchi and commercial antioxidants were used as preservatives with the purpose to increase the shelf-life of fresh cheese besides nutritional content. The factorial method was necessary to prepare seven formulations in order to find the optimal concentration of the antioxidants added to Sacha Inchi oil andthe addition of this oil to the fresh cheese. A sensory analysis was performed to choose the best formulation. The results showed that an oil formulation (F4) with tocopherol (150 mg/kg of oil) and Ecoprol 2020 (1000 mg/kg of oil) displayed the lowest peroxide values (PI: 2.6 ± 0.1 meq O2/kg of oil, p < 0.001) and it was able to reduce approximately 50% of fatty acid oxidation in Sacha Inchi oil in relation to the PI control. Then, F4 was used to elaborate further nine formulations (F’1 – F’9), enriched with Sacha Inchi oil (1 to 4%) to prepare the fresh cheese. Microbiological analysis for all formulations were performed (limits of mold, yeasts, coliforms, salmonella, and  bacteria) in order to meet the legal requirements of health and safety in Peru. The cheese taste acceptability was determined through the sensorial evaluation, which reached 7.2 according to the 9- hedonic scale for F'5. Thus, an optimum fresh cheese was obtained from the formulation (F’5) with 22.5g/L of salt and 2.5% of Sacha Inchi oil enriched with 150 mg/kg of tocopherol and 1000 mg/kg of Ecoprol 2020. The cheese shelf-life was also evaluated, increasing it up from 7 days to 16 days in refrigeration. Key words: cheese, antioxidant, Sacha Inchi, shelf-life, Ecoprol 2020, tocophero

    Modeling the emission line sequence of H II galaxies

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    Using a sample of unprecedented size (about 400 objects) of H II galaxies in which the oxygen abundances have been obtained using the temperature derived from the [OIII] 4363/5007 line ratio, we confirm that the H II galaxies form a very narrow sequence in many diagrams relating line ratios and Hbeta equivalent width. We divide our sample in three metallicity bins, each of which is compared with sequences of photoionization models for evolving starbursts with corresponding metallicity. Our aim is to find under what conditions a theoretical sequence can reproduce all the observed trends. Taking into account the presence of an older, non-ionizing stellar population, for which independent indications exist, we find that the simple model of an adiabatic expanding bubble reproduces the observational diagrams very well if account is taken of an aperture correction and the covering factor is assumed to decrease with time exponentially with an e-folding time of 3 Myr. We find that the He II 4686 nebular line emission occurs too frequently and in too wide a range of EW(Hbeta) to be attributable to either the hard radiation field from Wolf-Rayet stars or the X-rays produced by the latest stellar generation. Assuming that the He II 4686 line is due to photoionization by a hot plasma at a temperature of 10^6 K, a total X-ray luminosity of 10^40 - 4x10^40 erg/s is required for at least half of the sources. We find evidence for self-enrichment in nitrogen on a time scale of several Myr, and argue for a possible self-enrichment in oxygen as well.Comment: 15 pages, 6 Postscript figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Capital humano y descentralizacion de la educacion. El caso para Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e determinar o capital humano no processo de descentralização da educação no município de Tlajomulco de Zuniga, Jalisco. Este objectivo é confirmar o relacionamento positivo há uma escolaridade de renda direta destinado a medir como as variáveis de impacto e gerar variações de renda diretamente o andamento do projeto. Assim, na hipótese de capital humano inicial sobre escolaridade em relação ao rendimento de uma nova variável que influencia integra de forma positiva. A pesquisa é principalmente evidência empírica através da análise matemática, estatística e económica. Os resultados confirmam a teoria do capital humano através do impacto de um maior nível de educação sobre a renda dos indivíduos em seu trabalho