10,251 research outputs found

    Resonating valence bond states in the PEPS formalism

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    We study resonating valence bond (RVB) states in the Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) formalism. Based on symmetries in the PEPS description, we establish relations between the toric code state, the orthogonal dimer state, and the SU(2) singlet RVB state on the kagome lattice: We prove the equivalence of toric code and dimer state, and devise an interpolation between the dimer state and the RVB state. This interpolation corresponds to a continuous path in Hamiltonian space, proving that the RVB state is the four-fold degenerate ground state of a local Hamiltonian on the (finite) kagome lattice. We investigate this interpolation using numerical PEPS methods, studying the decay of correlation functions, the change of overlap, and the entanglement spectrum, none of which exhibits signs of a phase transition.Comment: 11+9 pages, 28 figures. v2: More numerical results, and a few minor improvements. v3: Accepted version (minor changes relative to v2), Journal-Ref adde

    Red-giant stars in eccentric binaries

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    The unparalleled photometric data obtained by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has led to improved understanding of red-giant stars and binary stars. We discuss the characterization of known eccentric system, containing a solar-like oscillating red-giant primary component. We also report several new binary systems that are candidates for hosting an oscillating companion. A powerful approach to study binary stars is to combine asteroseimic techniques with light curve fitting. Seismology allows us to deduce the properties of red giants. In addition, by modeling the ellipsoidal modulations we can constrain the parameters of the binary system. An valuable independent source are ground-bases, high-resolution spectrographs

    Fundamental limitations in the purifications of tensor networks

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    We show a fundamental limitation in the description of quantum many-body mixed states with tensor networks in purification form. Namely, we show that there exist mixed states which can be represented as a translationally invariant (TI) matrix product density operator (MPDO) valid for all system sizes, but for which there does not exist a TI purification valid for all system sizes. The proof is based on an undecidable problem and on the uniqueness of canonical forms of matrix product states. The result also holds for classical states.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 1 figure. v2: very minor changes. About to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Multiscale understanding of tricalcium silicate hydration reactions

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    Tricalcium silicate, the main constituent of Portland cement, hydrates to produce crystalline calcium hydroxide and calcium-silicate-hydrates (C-S-H) nanocrystalline gel. This hydration reaction is poorly understood at the nanoscale. The understanding of atomic arrangement in nanocrystalline phases is intrinsically complicated and this challenge is exacerbated by the presence of additional crystalline phase(s). Here, we use calorimetry and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction to quantitatively follow tricalcium silicate hydration process: i) its dissolution, ii) portlandite crystallization and iii) C-S-H gel precipitation. Chiefly, synchrotron pair distribution function (PDF) allows to identify a defective clinotobermorite, Ca11Si9O28(OH)2.8.5H2O, as the nanocrystalline component of C-S-H. Furthermore, PDF analysis also indicates that C-S-H gel contains monolayer calcium hydroxide which is stretched as recently predicted by first principles calculations. These outcomes, plus additional laboratory characterization, yielded a multiscale picture for C-S-H nanocomposite gel which explains the observed densities and Ca/Si atomic ratios at the nano- and meso- scales.This work has been supported by Spanish MINECO through BIA2014-57658-C2-2-R, which is co-funded by FEDER, BIA2014-57658-C2-1-R and I3 (IEDI-2016-0079) grants. We also thank CELLS-ALBA (Barcelona, Spain) for providing synchrotron beam time at BL04-MSPD beamline

    Participatory Militias: An Analysis of an Armed Movement's Online Audience

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    Armed groups of civilians known as "self-defense forces" have ousted the powerful Knights Templar drug cartel from several towns in Michoacan. This militia uprising has unfolded on social media, particularly in the "VXM" ("Valor por Michoacan," Spanish for "Courage for Michoacan") Facebook page, gathering more than 170,000 fans. Previous work on the Drug War has documented the use of social media for real-time reports of violent clashes. However, VXM goes one step further by taking on a pro-militia propagandist role, engaging in two-way communication with its audience. This paper presents a descriptive analysis of VXM and its audience. We examined nine months of posts, from VXM's inception until May 2014, totaling 6,000 posts by VXM administrators and more than 108,000 comments from its audience. We describe the main conversation themes, post frequency and relationships with offline events and public figures. We also characterize the behavior of VXM's most active audience members. Our work illustrates VXM's online mobilization strategies, and how its audience takes part in defining the narrative of this armed conflict. We conclude by discussing possible applications of our findings for the design of future communication technologies.Comment: Participatory Militias: An Analysis of an Armed Movement's Online Audience. Saiph Savage, Andres Monroy-Hernandez. CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 201

    Luxación tibio astragalina posteromedial sin fractura de maleolos: a propósito de un caso

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    Se describe un caso de luxación tibioastragalina posteromedial abierta sin fractura asociada de maleolos, en un paciente de 28 años. A los dos años del desbridamiento quirúrgico, reducción manual y reparación capsuloligamentosa, el paciente estaba libre de dolor y presentaba una función semejante a la del tobillo contralateral. Se revisa la literatura sobre el tema y se discuten los factores etiopatológicos, complicaciones y principios de tratamiento

    Fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales

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    Se aportan 10 casos de fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales tratados quirúrgicamente de forma diferida con un tiempo medio de demora de 12 días (rango: 3 a 22 días). Nueve fracturas diafisarias fueron tratadas con placa AO de fémur, y una, donde la fractura de cadera asociada pasó inicialmente inadvertida, mediante un clavo de Küntscher. Las fracturas de cadera se fijaron con tornillos de esponjosa (8 casos) o clavo-placa de Richards (2 casos). En todos los pacientes se inició un programa de rehabilitación precoz. El seguimiento medio ha sido de 31 meses (rango: 12 a 84 meses). Todas las fracturas consolidaron. Las complicaciones fueron un caso de acortamiento femoral y otro de artrosis coxofemoral post-traumá- tica. En nuestra experiencia, la fijación de la fractura diafisaria con placa AO, combinada con tornillos de esponjosa o clavo-placa de Richards para la síntesis de la fractura de cadera, proporciona resultados satisfactoriosWe review 10 cases of ipsilateral hip and femoral shaft fractures. Operative treatment was performed in all cases, with an average delay of 12 days (range: 3 to 22 days). Nine femoral shaft fractures were stabilizated with an AO plate, and one, where the associated hip fracture was initially missed, with a Küntscher rod. Hip fractures were fixed with cancellous screws (8 cases) or Richards compression screw (2 cases). An early rehabilitation program was carried out in all patients. The average follow-up was 31 months (range: 12 to 84 months). All fractures healed. Complications were a case of femoral shortening an a case of post-traumatic hip osteoarthritis. In our study, the combination of AO plate for the shaft fracture with cancellous screws or Richards compression screw for the hip fracture provides good results

    The KINDRA project – towards Open Science in Hydrogeology for higher impact

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    Groundwater knowledge and research in the European Union is often scattered and non-standardised. Therefore, KINDRA is conducting an EU-wide assessment of existing groundwater-related practical and scientific knowledge based on a new Hydrogeological Research Classification System (HRC-SYS). The classification is supported by a web service, the European Inventory of Groundwater Research (EIGR), which acts not only as a knowledge repository but also as a tool to help identify relevant research topics, existing research trends and critical research challenges. These results will be useful for producing synergies, implementing policies and optimising water management in Europe. This article presents the work of the project during the first two years in relation to a common classification system and an activity for data collection and training delivered by the EFG’s National Associations in 20 European countries