533 research outputs found

    Oral tongue cancer in public hospitals in Madrid, Spain (1990-2008)

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    The cancer which appears in the mobile portion of the tongue is the most common neoplasm of the oral cavity. The objective of this study was to analyse oral tongue cancer epidemiology in a population of 610 patients diagnosed between 1990 and 2008 and detailed in the Tumour Registry of the Madrid region. A retrospective analysis based on the following variables provided in the Tumour Registry was achieved: age, gender, histology, stage, location, treatment. Descriptive and analytic statistics with these variables, using Pearson?s Chi-square test to study the relationship between the qualitative variables. Patients? mean age was 61.53±13.95 years, with a gender ratio of 2.09:1 (413 males vs 197 females). The lesion was mainly localized in the lateral border of tongue, with other sites (dorsal face, ventral face, lingual tonsil, contiguous sites, tongue NOS) represented at lower rates. Squamous cell carcinomas (94.9%) far outweighted other histologies (salivary gland tumours, soft tissue tumours, haematolymphoid tumours). 59% of the cases appeared in localized stages, versus 35.2% in regional and 4.8% in distant stages. Surgery was the most frequently used treatment, followed by surgery in combination with radiotherapy. Oral tongue cancer is a disease of the elderly, with a male predominance. It mainly appears in its lateral border, localized squamous cell carcinomas representing the great majority of lingual neoplasms

    Exfoliated graphite flakes as soft-electrodes for precisely contacting nanoobjects

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    This is the post-peer reviewed version of the following article: P. ares et al. “Exfoliated graphite flakes as soft-electrodes for precisely contacting nanoobjects”. 2D Matererials, 2015, 2(3): 035008. Which has been published in final form at:http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/2/3/035008We introduce a simple, clean and reliable method to transfer exfoliated graphite flakes as soft-electrodes for the electrical contacts of nano-objects. The microelectrodes thus produced exhibit extremely well-defined and thin edges and can be placed at any sample location with sub-micrometer precision. The procedure is carried out under ambient conditions and does not require chemical agents. We present electrical characterization of relevant examples including carbon nanotubes, metal-organic MMX nanoribbons, reduced graphene sheets and damaged circuit repair. The quality of the electrical contacts thus obtained is as good as those fabricated with conventional techniques. This technique is particularly relevant for conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM) studiesThis work was supported by Consolider CSD2010-0024, MAD2D-CM, S2013/MIT-3007 and MAT2013-46753-C2-1 and

    Evolution of suprathermal seed particle and solar energetic particle abundances

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    We report on a survey of the composition of solar-wind suprathermal tails and solar energetic particles (SEPs) including data from 1998 to 2010, with a focus on 2007 to 2010. The start of solar cycle 24 included several SEP events that were unusually He-poor. We conclude that these He-poor events are more likely related to Q/M-dependent spectral variations than to seed-particle composition changes. We also find that the quiet-time suprathermal Fe/O ratio during the 2008-2009 solar-minimum was dramatically lower (Fe/O ≤ 0.01) than earlier due in part to very low solar activity, but also suggesting contributions from an oxygen-rich source of suprathermal ions of unknown origin

    Growth under laboratory conditions of wild juvenile black-spot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo B.)

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    As an alternative to the culture of traditional fish, experiments have been started with black-spot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) and are summarized here. Two groups of bream (B-1 and B-2) with 63 fish of mean weight 173 g and 67fish of mean weight 217 g, respectively, were captured on the NW coast of Spain between September and December 1991, transported to the laboratory, and maintained in 12 m tanks. After about 30 days acclimation, lengths and weights of all fish were measured. These measurements were repeated at 2 month intervals,for 14 months in the first group and 10 months in the second. The mean weights reached at the end of these periods were 462 g and 383 s. respectively. Fish were fed with laboratory prepared moist food. and the amount eaten daily was controlled. Survival rate at the end of the experiment was 90.5% in group B-1 and95.5% in group B-2. Temperature, measured daily, ranged from 12ºC to 20°C. This paper provides information on the capture, transport, acclimation and maintenance of the fish throughout the experiment.Versión del editor0,000

    Agreement of body composition methods in elite male football referees

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    Objective: The current literature about the body composition of elite football referees is scarce and almost non-existent. Therefore, and in order to establish the level of agreement between bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in elite football referees, the aim of this study was to compare fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) values measured with these two different methods. Method: A total of 30 male referees belonging to 1st, 2nd and 2ndB categories, and 36 assistant referees from 1st and 2nd categories in the Spanish national league participated in this study. Total and regional FM and FFM were assessed using a portable BIA analyser TANITA BC 418-MA (Tanita Corp., Tokyo, Japan) and DXA (Hologic Corp. Software version 12.4, Bedford, MA 01730). Agreement between methods was assessed by plotting the results in Bland-Altman graphs and the presence of heteroscedasticity was also examined. Differences between methods were analysed by two-paired samples t-test. Results: For the whole group, BIA underestimated body fat percentage in 3.87 points (CI 95%=3.22-4.52; p=<0.01) and overestimated kg of total FFM in 3.56 points (CI 95%=3.08-4.05; p=<0.01), however, no heteroscedasticity was shown in any case (all p>0.05). Conclusions: The present study suggests that according to DXA, BIA values calculated with a non-specific equation are underestimating total FM and, consequently, overestimating total FFM in male elite football referees. Objetivo: La literatura científica existente sobre la composición corporal en árbitros de fútbol es todavía escasa. Por lo tanto y para establecer el nivel de concordancia entre el análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica y la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía en árbitros de fútbol de elite, el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los valores de masa grasa (MG) y la masa libre de grasa (MLG) medidos con ambos métodos. Método: Un total de 30 árbitros pertenecientes a las categorías de 1ª, 2ª y 2ª división B, y 36 asistentes de 1ª y 2ª división de la liga española participaron en este estudio. La MG y la MLG tanto a nivel total como regional se evaluó utilizando la impedancia bioeléctrica TANITA BC 418-MA (Tanita Corp., Tokyo, Japan) y absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía (Hologic Corp. Software versión 12.4, Bedford, MA 01730). La concordancia entre métodos se evaluó con gráficos de Bland-Altman y también se examinó la presencia de heterocedasticidad. Las diferencias entre métodos se analizaron con la prueba T de Student para muestras relacionadas. Resultados: Para el total de la muestra, la impedancia bioeléctrica infraestimó el porcentaje de MG en 3.87 puntos (IC 95%=3.22-4.52; p=0.05). Conclusión: El presente estudio sugiere que, tomando como referencia la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía, la impedancia bioeléctrica calculada a partir de una ecuación no especifica para árbitros, infraestima la MG y consecuentemente, sobreestima la MLG en árbitros de fútbol de elite

    STEREO/SEPT observations of upstream particle events: almost monoenergetic ion beams

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    We present observations of Almost Monoenergetic Ion (AMI) events in the energy range of 100–1200 keV detected with the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT) onboard both STEREO spacecraft. The energy spectrum of AMI events contain 1, 2, or 3 narrow peaks with the relative width at half maximum of 0.1–0.7 and their energy maxima varies for different events from 120 to 1200 keV. These events were detected close to the bow-shock (STEREO-A&B) and to the magnetopause at STEREO-B as well as unexpectedly far upstream of the bow-shock and far away from the magnetotail at distances up to 1100 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> (STEREO-B) and 1900 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> (STEREO-A). We discuss the origin of AMI events, the connection to the Earth's bow-shock and to the magnetosphere, and the conditions of the interplanetary medium and magnetosphere under which these AMI bursts occur. Evidence that the detected spectral peaks were caused by quasi-monoenergetic beams of protons, helium, and heavier ions are given. Furthermore, we present the spatial distribution of all AMI events from December 2006 until August 2007

    Radon daughter removal from PTFE surfaces and its application in liquid xenon detectors

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    Long-lived radon daughters are a critical background source in experiments searching for low-energy rare events. Originating from radon in ambient air, radioactive polonium, bismuth and lead isotopes plate-out on materials that are later employed in the experiment. In this paper, we examine cleaning procedures for their capability to remove radon daughters from PTFE surfaces, a material often used in liquid xenon TPCs. We found a large difference between the removal efficiency obtained for the decay chains of 222^{222}Rn and 220^{220}Rn, respectively. This indicates that the plate-out mechanism has an effect on the cleaning success. While the long-lived 222^{222}Rn daughters could be reduced by a factor of ~2, the removal of 220^{220}Rn daughters was up to 10 times more efficient depending on the treatment. Furthermore, the impact of a nitric acid based PTFE cleaning on the liquid xenon purity is investigated in a small-scale liquid xenon TPC

    Eje 11. Cultura/ arte/ estética

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    En las últimas décadas tanto la redefinición de los campos de producción cultural como la reconceptualización de los fenómenos culturales han llevado tanto a los estudios en comunicación como a las ciencias sociales en general a prestar atención y renovar las perspectivas con las cuales investigar las distintas instancias de producción, circulación y consumo de obras, objetos y artefactos culturales, como así también las trayectorias sociales, las redes de relaciones y las prácticas que vinculan a los actores involucrados. Del mismo modo, las transformaciones tecnológicas y los procesos de globalización han coadyuvado en la dirección hacia una "estetización" de la vida cotidiana y las prácticas sociales. Es en este marco que este grupo de trabajo se propone discutir aquellas ponencias en las cuales algunas de estas preocupaciones y otras afines pudiesen o bien ser tematizadas directamente, o bien encontrar alguna conexión relevante para su abordaje.Eje 11. Cultura/ arte/ estéticaFacultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Mechanical elasticity as a physical signature of conformational dynamics in a virus particle

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    In this study we test the hypothesis that mechanically elastic regions in a virus particle (or large biomolecular complex) must coincide with conformationally dynamic regions, because both properties are intrinsically correlated. Hypothesis-derived predictions were subjected to verification by using 19 variants of the minute virus of mice capsid. The structural modifications in these variants reduced, preserved, or restored the conformational dynamism of regions surrounding capsid pores that are involved in molecular translocation events required for virus infectivity. The mechanical elasticity of the modified capsids was analyzed by atomic force microscopy, and the results corroborated every prediction tested: Any mutation (or chemical cross-linking) that impaired a conformational rearrangement of the pore regions increased their mechanical stiffness. On the contrary, any mutation that preserved the dynamics of the pore regions also preserved their elasticity. Moreover, any pseudo-reversion that restored the dynamics of the pore regions (lost through previous mutation) also restored their elasticity. Finally, no correlation was observed between dynamics of the pore regions and mechanical elasticity of other capsid regions. This study (i) corroborates the hypothesis that local mechanical elasticity and conformational dynamics in a viral particle are intrinsically correlated; (ii) proposes that determination by atomic force microscopy of local mechanical elasticity, combined with mutational analysis, may be used to identify and study conformationally dynamic regions in virus particles and large biomolecular complexes; (iii) supports a connection between mechanical properties and biological function in a virus; (iv) shows that viral capsids can be greatly stiffened by protein engineering for nanotechnological applications.MICINN; Fundación Ramón ArecesPeer Reviewe

    A stereoselective synthesis of (R)-(-)-rolipram from L-glutamic acid

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    A stereoselective synthesis of (R)-(-)-rolipram from L-glutamic acid is described. The key step is a stereoselective Michael addition of an arylcuprate to a modified pyroglutamic derivative which acts as the template to induce the stereoselectivity. Facile manipulation of the enantiomerically pure Michael product afforded the expected therapeutic agent.We gratefully acknowledge ZAMBON GROUP for studentships (to A. D. and J. S.) and financial support