1,035 research outputs found

    Stress during slaughter increases lipid metabolites and decreases oxidative stability of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during frozen storage

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    6 páginas, 1 figura, 3 tablasThe consequences of slaughter on the formation of lipid metabolites and oxidative stability of fish muscle during long term frozen storage (−10 °C) were evaluated using farmed rainbow trout killed by asphyxia in air or percussion. The level of major adenine nucleotides and their related compounds was determined in order to check the stress level during slaughter. Plasma lipid metabolites were studied through the determination of eicosanoids and docosanoids such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes, thromboxanes, isoprostanes, resolvins, hydroxides, hydroperoxides, coming from eicosapentaenoic (EPA), arachidonic (ARA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. In addition, lipid oxidative stability of fillets was monitored. Results revealed that stress during slaughter can greatly influence oxidative stress and oxidative stability of rainbow trout fillets. In fact, asphyxia, which was the most stressful, induced a higher production of some lipid mediators such as hydroperoxides and EPA-derived prostaglandins, such as 12-HpHEPE/15-HpHEPE and PGD3/PGE3. As a consequence, fillets derived from asphyxiated fish were less stable in terms of oxidative stability and showed lower shelf-lifeThe authors gratefully acknowledge the Erasmus Placement Project for Giulia Secci’s grant, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) for the doctoral fellowship to Gabriel Dasilva, the ASTRO Company for the project financial supporting and the Fondazione Edmund Mach for kindly providing rainbow troutPeer reviewe

    Multi-sensor Cloud Retrieval Simulator and Remote Sensing from Model Parameters

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    In this paper we describe a general procedure for calculating synthetic sensor radiances from variable output from a global atmospheric forecast model. In order to take proper account of the discrepancies between model resolution and sensor footprint, the algorithm takes explicit account of the model subgrid variability, in particular its description of the probability density function of total water (vapor and cloud condensate.) The simulated sensor radiances are then substituted into an operational remote sensing algorithm processing chain to produce a variety of remote sensing products that would normally be produced from actual sensor output. This output can then be used for a wide variety of purposes such as model parameter verification, remote sensing algorithm validation, testing of new retrieval methods and future sensor studies.We show a specific implementation using the GEOS-5 model, the MODIS instrument and the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) Data Collection 5.1 operational remote sensing cloud algorithm processing chain (including the cloud mask, cloud top properties and cloud optical and microphysical properties products). We focus on clouds because they are very important to model development and improvement

    Skin Temperature Analysis and Bias Correction in a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Data Assimilation System

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    In an initial investigation, remotely sensed surface temperature is assimilated into a coupled atmosphere/land global data assimilation system, with explicit accounting for biases in the model state. In this scheme, an incremental bias correction term is introduced in the model's surface energy budget. In its simplest form, the algorithm estimates and corrects a constant time mean bias for each gridpoint; additional benefits are attained with a refined version of the algorithm which allows for a correction of the mean diurnal cycle. The method is validated against the assimilated observations, as well as independent near-surface air temperature observations. In many regions, not accounting for the diurnal cycle of bias caused degradation of the diurnal amplitude of background model air temperature. Energy fluxes collected through the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) are used to more closely inspect the surface energy budget. In general, sensible heat flux is improved with the surface temperature assimilation, and two stations show a reduction of bias by as much as 30 Wm(sup -2) Rondonia station in Amazonia, the Bowen ratio changes direction in an improvement related to the temperature assimilation. However, at many stations the monthly latent heat flux bias is slightly increased. These results show the impact of univariate assimilation of surface temperature observations on the surface energy budget, and suggest the need for multivariate land data assimilation. The results also show the need for independent validation data, especially flux stations in varied climate regimes

    In Vivo Imaging of Vesicular Monoamine Transporters in Human Brain Using [ 11 C]Tetrabenazine and Positron Emission Tomography

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    The pharmacokinetics of [ 11 CJtetrabenazine, a high-affinity radioligand for the monoamine vesicular transporter, were determined in living human brain using in vivo imaging by positron emission tomography (PET). The radiotracer showed high brain uptake and rapid washout from all brain regions with relatively slower clearance from regions of highest concentrations of monoamine vesicular transporters (striatum), resulting in clear differential visualization of these structures at short intervals after injection (10–20 min). As the first human PET imaging study of a vesicular neurotransmitter transporter, these experiments demonstrate that external imaging of vesicular transporters forms a new and valuable approach to the in vivo quantification of monoaminergic neurons, with potential application to the in vivo study of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65743/1/j.1471-4159.1993.tb03521.x.pd

    Evaluating Observation Influence on Regional Water Budgets in Reanalyses

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    The assimilation of observations in reanalyses incurs the potential for the physical terms of budgets to be balanced by a term relating the fit of the observations relative to a forecast first guess analysis. This may indicate a limitation in the physical processes of the background model, or perhaps inconsistencies in the observing system and its assimilation. In the MERRA reanalysis, an area of long term moisture flux divergence over land has been identified over the Central United States. Here, we evaluate the water vapor budget in this region, taking advantage of two unique features of the MERRA diagnostic output; 1) a closed water budget that includes the analysis increment and 2) a gridded diagnostic output data set of the assimilated observations and their innovations (e.g. forecast departures). In the Central United States, an anomaly occurs where the analysis adds water to the region, while precipitation decreases and moisture flux divergence increases. This is related more to a change in the observing system than to a deficiency in the model physical processes. MERRAs Gridded Innovations and Observations (GIO) data narrow the observations that influence this feature to the ATOVS and Aqua satellites during the 06Z and 18Z analysis cycles. Observing system experiments further narrow the instruments that affect the anomalous feature to AMSUA (mainly window channels) and AIRS. This effort also shows the complexities of the observing system, and the reactions of the regional water budgets in reanalyses to the assimilated observations

    Stress Transmission through Three-Dimensional Ordered Granular Arrays

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    We measure the local contact forces at both the top and bottom boundaries of three-dimensional face-centered-cubic and hexagonal-close-packed granular crystals in response to an external force applied to a small area at the top surface. Depending on the crystal structure, we find markedly different results which can be understood in terms of force balance considerations in the specific geometry of the crystal. Small amounts of disorder are found to create additional structure at both the top and bottom surfaces.Comment: 9 pages including 9 figures (many in color) submitted to PR

    The Hyperinsulinemia Produced By Concanavalin A In Rats Is Opioid- Dependent And Hormonally Regulated

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    The present study examines the effect of concanavalin A (Con A) on the blood insulin and glucose levels of rats. Male and female rats treated with Con A (62.5-500 μg/kg) for three days sowed a dose- and time-dependent hyperinsulinemia that listed more than 48 h. Male rats were more sensitive to Con A. Thus, 6 h after treatment with Con A the circulating insulin levels in male rats had increased by 85% (control: 10.2 ± 0.9 mU/l and Con A-treated: 10.3 ± mU/l) in females. An identical response was seen after 12 h. Con A (250 μg/kg) produced time-dependent hypoglycemia in both sexes but more pronounced in males. There was no correlation between the hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia described above. The Con A-induced hyperinsulinemia in rats of both sexes was abolished in gonadectomized animals, P<0.05) while testosterone (10 mg/kg, im) had no similar effect on intact female rats. Pretreating Con A-injected rats with opioid antagonists such as naloxone (1 mg/kg, sc) and naltrexone (5 mg/kg, sc) blocked the hyperinsulinemia produced by the lectin in males (control: +101 ± 17% vs naloxone-treated: +5 ± 14%, or naltrexone-treated: -23 ± 4.5%) and females (control: +86 ± 23% vs naloxone-treated: +21 ± 20%, or naltrexone-treated: -18 ± 11%). These results demonstrates that Con A increases the levels of circulating insulin in rats and that this response is opioid-dependent and hormonally regulated.31569770


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    We have measured valence-band photoemission spectra and dark conductivity of a-SiN(x):H compounds for compositions between x = 0 and x = 1.35. The photoemission spectra have been measured with Zr Mzeta and Al Kalpha radiation of 151.4 and 1486.6 eV, respectively. At hnu = 151.4 eV the spectra resemble directly the total density-of-states (DOS) of the system; the most important change with x is the shift of spectral weight from near the valence-band maximum (VBM) toward the center of the band, indicating the change from a band of Si-Si bonding states to a band of Si-N bonding states. At hnu = 1486.6 eV the spectra are dominated by the contribution of the Si-3s partial DOS; this contribution is located at the bottom of the band and shifts toward higher binding energies with increasing x. We compare our results at x = 0.36 and x = 1.35 with those of two recent calculations. Combining results of the dark-conductivity measurements and the photoemission spectra with a previous determination of the optical gaps we make a plot of the VBM, Fermi-level position, and conduction-band minimum (CBM) versus x. It is shown that the sudden opening of the gap at x approximately 1 is due mainly to the recession of the CBM.4919134461345

    Source Attributions of Pollution to the Western Arctic During the NASA ARCTAS Field Campaign

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    We use the NASA GEOS-5 transport model with tagged tracers to investigate the contributions of different regional sources of CO and black carbon (BC) to their concentrations in the Western Arctic (i.e., 50-90 deg N and 190- 320 deg E) in spring and summer 2008. The model is evaluated by comparing the results with airborne measurements of CO and BC from the NASA Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) field campaigns to demonstrate the strengths and limitations of our simulations. We also examine the reliability of tagged CO tracers in characterizing air mass origins using the measured fossil fuel tracer of dichloromethane and the biomass burning tracer of acetonitrile. Our tagged CO simulations suggest that most of the enhanced CO concentrations (above background level from CH4 production) observed during April originate from Asian anthropogenic emissions. Boreal biomass burning emissions and Asian anthropogenic emissions are of similar importance in July domain wise, although the biomass burning CO fraction is much larger in the area of the ARCTAS field experiments. The fraction of CO from Asian anthropogenic emissions is larger in spring than in summer. European sources make up no more than 10% of CO levels in the campaign domain during either period. Comparisons of CO concentrations along the flight tracks with regional averages from GEOS-5 show that the alongtrack measurements are representative of the concentrations within the large domain of the Western Arctic in April but not in July
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