895 research outputs found


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    Nuclear star formation in the quasar PG1126-041 from adaptive optics assisted spectroscopy

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    We present adaptive optics assisted spectroscopy of three quasars obtained with NACO at VLT. The high angular resolution achieved with the adaptive optics (~0.08"), joined to the diagnostic power of near-IR spectroscopy, allow us to investigate the properties of the innermost 100 pc of these quasars. In the quasar with the best adaptive optics correction, PG1126-041, we spatially resolve the Pa-alpha emission within the nuclear 100 pc. The comparison with higher excitation lines suggests that the narrow Pa-alpha emission is due to nuclear star formation. The inferred intensity of the nuclear star formation (13 M(sun)/yr) may account for most of the far-IR luminosity observed in this quasar.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Are z>2 Herschel galaxies proto-spheroids?

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    We present a backward approach for the interpretation of the evolution of the near-infrared and the far-infrared luminosity functions across the redshift range 0<z<3. In our method, late-type galaxies are treated by means of a parametric phenomenological method based on PEP/HerMES data up to z~4, whereas spheroids are described by means of a physically motivated backward model. The spectral evolution of spheroids is modelled by means of a single-mass model, associated to a present-day elliptical with K-band luminosity comparable to the break of the local early-type luminosity function. The formation of proto-spheroids is assumed to occurr across the redshift range 1< z < 5. The key parameter is represented by the redshift z_0.5 at which half proto-spheroids are already formed. A statistical study indicates for this parameter values between z_0.5=1.5 and z_0.5=3. We assume as fiducial value z_0.5~2, and show that this assumption allows us to describe accourately the redshift distributions and the source counts. By assuming z_0.5 ~ 2 at the far-IR flux limit of the PEP-COSMOS survey, the PEP-selected sources observed at z>2 can be explained as progenitors of local spheroids caught during their formation. We also test the effects of mass downsizing by dividing the spheroids into three populations of different present-day stellar masses. The results obtained in this case confirm the validity of our approach, i.e. that the bulk of proto-spheroids can be modelled by means of a single model which describes the evolution of galaxies at the break of the present-day early type K-band LF.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 26 pages; 13 figure

    Integral field spectroscopy in the near infrared of NGC 3125-A and SBS 0335-052

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    We present integral field spectroscopy in the near infrared of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxies NGC 3125-A and of the low metallicity dwarf galaxy SBS 0335-052. The use of adaptive optics in the observations produces sub-arcsecond angular resolution. We pinpoint the star forming cores of both galaxies, identify relevant ISM components such as dust, photo ionized gas, shock excited gas and molecular gas. We relate these components to the large scale star formation process of the galaxies. In particular we find the emission of the near infrared lines of H2 and especially [FeII] does not coincide with the HII region in NGC 3125. We have the first clear detection of [FeII] in SBS 0335-052


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    Il contributo propone una chiave di lettura della ricerca volta a sottolineare come la dimensione critica ed analitica presentata si distacchi dal mainstream delle ricerche sul volontariato sottolineando la dimensione umana del fenomeno in quanto distinta dalla dimensione sistemica
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