69 research outputs found

    Tourmaline Composition of the Kı¸sladag Porphyry Au Deposit,Western Turkey: Implication of Epithermal Overprint

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    The Kışladağ porphyry Au deposit occurs in a middle Miocene magmatic complex comprising three different intrusions and magmatic-hydrothermal brecciation related to the multiphase effects of the different intrusions. Tourmaline occurrences are common throughout the deposit, mostly as an outer alteration rim around the veins with lesser amounts disseminated in the intrusions, and are associated with every phase of mineralization. Tourmaline mineralization has developed as a tourmaline-rich matrix in brecciated zones and tourmaline-quartz and/or tourmaline-sulfide veinlets within the different intrusive rocks. Tourmaline was identified in the tourmaline-bearing breccia zone (TBZ) and intrusive rocks that had undergone potassic, phyllic, and advanced argillic alteration. The tourmaline is present as two morphological varieties, aggregates of fine crystals (rosettes, fan-shaped) and larger isolated crystals and their aggregates. Four tourmaline generations (tourmaline I to IV) have different compositions and substitutions. Tourmaline I in TBZ and INT#1 is distinguished by the highest Fetot and enriched in Fe3+. Tourmalines II and III occur as fine aggregates, accompanied by the formation of isolated crystals and are characterized by lower Fetot and Fe3+. Tourmaline IV is characterized by the lowest Fetot, enriched in Cl, and has the highest proportion of X-site vacancy among all the tourmalines. Tourmaline I may be attributed to the potassic stage in INT#1 and early tourmaline in TBZ. Tourmalines II and III from INT#1 and the TBZ could be referred to the phyllic stage. The low Fe content in tourmaline is caused by the simultaneous deposition of sulfide minerals. Tourmaline IV from the TBZ and tourmaline II from INT#3 are distinguished by the high X-site vacancy proportion up to the formation of X-site vacant species as well as enriched in Cl; they can be attributed to the argillic stage of the hydrothermal process. The textural and especially chemical data of the tourmaline from the Kışladağ Au deposit provide information on the physico-chemical conditions during the porphyry to epithermal transition and subsequent epithermal overprinting

    Осцилляции Ааронова—Бома и распределения равновесных токов в открытой квантовой точке и кольцевом интерферометре

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    Magnetotransport in submicron devices formed on the basis of GaAs/AlGaAs structures is simulated by the method of nonequilibrium Green functions. In the one-particle approximation, the influence of a perpendicular magnetic field on electron transmission through a quasi-one-dimensional quantum dot and the Aharonov—Bohm interferometer is considered. Two-terminal conductance and magnetic moment of the devices are calculated. Two-dimensional patterns of equilibrium (persistent) currents are obtained. The correlations between energy dependences of magnetic moment and conductance are considered. For the quasi-one-dimensional quantum dot, regular conductance oscillations similar to the ABOs were found at low magnetic fields (0.05—0.4 T). In the case of a ring interferometer, the contribution to the total equilibrium current and magnetic moment at a given energy can change sharply both in magnitude and in sign when the magnetic field changes within the same Aharonov—Bohm oscillation. The conductance through the interferometer is determined not by the number of propagating modes, but rather by the influence of triangular quantum dots at the entrances to the ring, causing back scattering. Period of calculated ABOs corresponds to that measured for these devices.Методом неравновесных функций Грина промоделирован магнитотранспорт в двух субмикронных устройствах, сформированных на основе структур GaAs/AlGaAs. В одночастичном приближении рассмотрено влияние перпендикулярного магнитного поля на квантовый транспорт в квазиодномерной квантовой точке и в интерферометре Ааронова—Бома. Численным расчетом найдены магнитополевые осцилляции двухтерминального контактанса устройств, распределения равновесных (персистентных) токов и магнитный момент, генерируемый в этих устройствах персистентными токами. Прослежены корреляции между магнитным моментом, магнитополевыми осцилляциями кондактанса и резонансами по энергии в заданном магнитном поле. Для квазиодномерной квантовой точки в диапазоне низких магнитных полей (0,05—0,4 Tл) обнаружены более или менее регулярные осцилляции кондактанса, подобные осцилляциям Аронова—Бома. В случае кольцевого интерферометра вклад в полный равновесный ток и магнитный момент при заданной энергии может резко меняться как по величине, так и по знаку при изменении магнитного поля в пределах одной осцилляции Ааронова—Бома. Показано, что кондактанс интерферометра определяется, скорее, не числом распространяющихся в кольце мод, а влиянием треугольных квантовых точек на входах в кольцо, вызывающих сильное отражение. Период вычисленных осцилляций Ааронова—Бома соответствует измеренным для этих устройств

    Forensic interviewing of mentally disordered suspects: The impact of interview style on investigation outcomes.

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    The investigative interviewing of a vulnerable suspect is a complex and difficult task. Current best practice advocates for the use of open questions in order to elicit a free recall. However, those with mental health conditions have limited cognitive abilities that relate to free recall and episodic memory, and there is emerging evidence that suggests open questions may not always be most suitable for the vulnerable interviewee. As such, the present study examined the impact of two different interview models (best practice v modified interview) on the amount and accuracy of investigation relevant information obtained within an experimental vulnerable ‘suspect’ sample. Participants engaged in two tasks; a minor transgression and a matched non-transgression. Each participant was then subject to either a best practice (containing largely open questions) or a modified interview (containing largely closed questions). Vulnerable participants provided a significantly higher and more accurate amount of investigation relevant information during the modified interview rather than the best practice interview. In addition, participants that have mental health conditions sought more clarifications during the best practice interviews. The type of interview did not impact upon the level of vulnerability displayed. Our findings challenge current best practice in that vulnerable participants performed worse in interviews containing more open questions than closed questions. These findings add to the emerging evidence base that vulnerable individuals may require an alternative method of questioning, including the use of closed questions as ‘scaffolding’ during an investigative interview

    Влияние самоорганизации поверхностного заряда на затворно-индуцированные электронную и дырочную двумерные системы

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    A model is proposed for describing the self-organization of localized charges and quantum scattering in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs structures in which a two-dimensional gas of electrons or holes is created by the corresponding gate voltage. We assume that in such a metal-dielectric-undoped semiconductor structure carrier scattering on surface charges localized at the interface between GaAs and the dielectric dominates. Proposed model considers these charges and the corresponding image charges in the metal gate as a closed system in a thermostat. The electrostatic self-organization for this system in thermodynamic equilibrium is studied numerically using the Metropolis algorithm in a wide temperature range. It is shown that, at T > 100 K, a simple formula derived from the theory of two-dimensional one-component plasma gives almost the same behavior of the structural factor at low wave numbers as the Monte Carlo calculation. The scattering times of gate-induced carriers are described by formulas in which the structural factor characterizes the frozen disorder in the given system. In these formulas, the behavior of the structural factor at small wave numbers is decisive. A calculation using these formulas with disorder corresponding to infinite T gives two to three times shorter scattering times than in the corresponding experiments. We found that the theory is consistent with experiment at a freezing point of disorder T ≈ 1000 K for a sample with a two-dimensional electron gas and T ≈ 700 K for a sample with a two-dimensional hole gas. The found values are an upper estimate of the freezing temperature in the studied structures, since the model ignores sources of disorder other than temperature.Предложена простая модель для описания самоорганизации локализованных зарядов и квантового рассеяния в нелегированных структурах GaAs/AlGaAs, в которых двумерный газ электронов, либо дырок создается соответствующим напряжением на затворе. Предполагается, что в такой структуре металл—диэлектрик—нелегированный полупроводник доминирует рассеяние носителей на локализованных поверхностных зарядах, которые могут находиться в любой точке плоскости, имитирующей интерфейс между GaAs и диэлектриком. Предложенная модель рассматривает эти поверхностные заряды и соответствующие заряды изображения в металлическом затворе как замкнутую систему в термостате. Электростатическая самоорганизация для данной системы в состояниях термодинамического равновесия исследована численно с помощью алгоритма Метрополиса в широком диапазоне температур. Показано, что при T > 100 К простая формула, выведенная из теории двумерной однокомпонентной плазмы дает почти такое же поведение структурного фактора при малых волновых числах, как алгоритм Метрополиса. Времена рассеяния затворно-индуцированных носителей описываются формулами, в которых структурный фактор характеризует замороженный беспорядок в данной системе. В этих формулах определяющим является поведение структурного фактора при малых волновых числах. Расчет по этим формулам при беспорядке, отвечающем бесконечной T, дал в два-три раза меньшие времена рассеяния, чем в соответствующих экспериментах. Мы нашли, что теория согласуется с экспериментом при температуре замерзания беспорядка T ≈ 1000 К в случае образца с двумерным электронным газом и T ≈ 700 К для образца с двумерным дырочным газом. Найденные величины являются оценкой сверху температуры замерзания в изучаемых структурах, поскольку модель игнорирует другие источники беспорядка кроме температуры

    Using internet enabled mobile devices and social networking technologies to promote exercise as an intervention for young first episode psychosis patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Young people with first episode psychosis are at an increased risk for a range of poor health outcomes. In contrast to the growing body of evidence that suggests that exercise therapy may benefit the physical and mental health of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, there are no studies to date that have sought to extend the use of exercise therapy among patients with first episode psychosis. The aim of the study is to test the feasibility and acceptability of an exercise program that will be delivered via internet enabled mobile devices and social networking technologies among young people with first episode psychosis.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study is a qualitative pilot study being conducted at Orygen Youth Health Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia. Participants are young people aged 15-24 who are receiving clinical care at a specialist first episode psychosis treatment centre. Participants will also comprise young people from the general population. The exercise intervention is a 9-week running program, designed to gradually build a person's level of fitness to be able to run 5 kilometres (3 miles) towards the end of the program. The program will be delivered via an internet enabled mobile device. Participants will be asked to post messages about their running experiences on the social networking website, and will also be asked to attend three face-to-face interviews.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This paper describes the development of a qualitative study to pilot a running program coupled with the use of internet enabled mobile devices among young people with first episode psychosis. If the program is found to be feasible and acceptable to patients, it is hoped that further rigorous evaluations will ultimately lead to the introduction of exercise therapy as part of an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach in routine clinical care.</p

    Green qualities in the neighbourhood and mental health - results from a longitudinal cohort study in Southern Sweden

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    Background: Poor mental health is a major issue worldwide and causality is complex. For diseases with multifactorial background synergistic effects of person-and place-factors can potentially be preventive. Nature is suggested as one such positive place-factor. In this cohort study we tested the effect of defined green qualities (Serene, Space, Wild, Culture, Lush) in the environment at baseline on mental health at follow-up. We also studied interaction effects on mental health of those place factors and varied person factors (financial stress, living conditions, and physical activity). Methods: Data on person factors were extracted from a longitudinal (years 1999/2000 and 2005) population health survey (n = 24945). The participants were geocoded and linked to data on green qualities from landscape assessments, and stored in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Crude odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated, and multivariate logistic analyses were performed. Results: Mental health was not affected by access to the chosen green qualities, neither in terms of amount nor in terms of any specific quality. However, we found a reduced risk for poor mental health at follow-up among women, through a significant interaction effect between physical activity and access to the qualities Serene or Space. For men the tendencies were similar, though not significant. Regarding the other three green qualities, as well as amount of qualities, no statistically certain synergistic effects were found. Likewise, no significant synergies were detected between green qualities and the other person-factors. Only advanced exercise significantly reduced the risk for poor mental health among women, but not for men, compared to physical inactivity. Conclusions: The results do not directly support the hypothesis of a preventive mental health effect by access to the green qualities. However, the additive effect of serene nature to physical activity contributed to better mental health at follow-up. This tendency was equal for both sexes, but statistically significant only for women. Objective landscape assessments may be important in detangling geographic determinants of health. This study stresses the importance of considering interaction effects when dealing with disorders of multifactorial background

    A systematic review of mental health outcome measures for young people aged 12 to 25 years

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    ASTRACT. The overall aim of this research is to investigate a regulated state mechanism established in economic relations between the Soviet state and industry during the period of New Economic Policy (NEP) in Russia in 1921- 23. Within this paper, the characteristics of the processes of denationalization, leasing of enterprises, organization of trusts and syndicates, search for the new forms of organization and management of industrial production are presented. The research focuses attention on laws and regulations in industrial area. Historical evidence suggest that co-existence of various property forms and lease relations during the NEP period could not lead to the fully operational industrial enterprises, including large ones, since full-fledged market environment is necessary for market to function successfully

    Aharonov–Bohm oscillations and equilibrium current distributions in open quantum dot and in ring interferometer

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    Magnetotransport in two submicron-sized devices formed on the basis of GaAs/AlGaAs structures has been simulated using nonequilibrium Green functions. The effect of a perpendicular magnetic field on quantum transport in a quasi-one-dimensional quantum dot and in an Aharonov–Bohm interferometer has been analyzed in a single-particle approximation. Magnetic field oscillations of two-terminal conductance of the devices, equilibrium (persistent) current distributions and magnetic moment generated in the devices by persistent currents have been determined using numerical methods. Correlations between the magnetic moment, magnetic field oscillations of conductance and energy resonance in a specific magnetic field have been traced. Sufficiently regular conductance oscillations similar to Aharonov–Bohm ones have been revealed for a quasi-one-dimensional quantum dot at small magnetic fields (0.05–0.4 T). For a ring interferometer the contribution to the total equilibrium current and magnetic moment at a specific energy may change abruptly both in magnitude and in sign as a result of changing magnetic field within one Aharonov–Bohm oscillation. We show that the conductance of an interferometer is determined not by the number of modes propagating in the ring but rather by the effect of triangular quantum dots at the ring entrance that produce a strong reflection. The period of the calculated Aharonov–Bohm oscillations is in agreement with the measurement results for these devices