127 research outputs found

    Manly Mud: Portrayal of Masculinity in Infantry Units in World War Two as Seen in the Comics of Bill Mauldin

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    This essay will explore the comics of Bill Mauldin published during World War Two and how masculinity in the infantry was portrayed. Current studies on masculinity in World War Two have focused on soldier’s accounts of the war as well as depictions of soldiers in propaganda. Some work on the effects of comics during the war has also been done but nothing as of yet has combined the two. This paper aims to look at how the comics of Bill Mauldin supported or rejected the model masculine archetype that was developed through propaganda and became a privileged figure in conceptualization of the war. Mauldin’s comics were unique in the depiction of his subject matter and raised criticism from superior officers during the war while generally receiving praise from the rank and file. This paper will also look at how Mauldin portrayed masculinity in his comics and how that fit with the dominant image of soldiers

    In Vivo Induction of P‑Glycoprotein Function can be Measured with [18F]MC225 and PET

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    P-Glycoprotein (P-gp) is an efflux pump located at the blood−brain barrier (BBB) that contributes to the protection of the central nervous system by transporting neurotoxic compounds out of the brain. A decline in P-gp function has been related to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. P-gp inducers can increase the P-gp function and are considered as potential candidates for the treatment of such disorders. The P-gp inducer MC111 increased P-gp expression and function in SW480 human colon adenocarcinoma and colo-320 cells, respectively. Our study aims to evaluate the P-gp inducing effect of MC111 in the whole brain in vivo, using the P-gp tracer [18F]MC225 and positron emission tomography (PET). Eighteen Wistar rats were treated with either vehicle solution, 4.5 mg/kg of MC111 (low-dose group), or 6 mg/kg of MC111 (high-dose group). Animals underwent a 60 min dynamic PET scan with arterial-blood sampling, 24 h after treatment with the inducer. Data were analyzed using the 1-tissue-compartment model and metabolite-corrected plasma as the input function. Model parameters such as the influx constant (K1) and volume of distribution (VT) were calculated, which reflectthe in vivo P-gp function. P-gp and pregnane xenobiotic receptor (PXR) expression levels of the whole brain were assessed using western blot. The administration of MC111 decreased K1 and VT of [18F]MC225 in the whole brain and all of the selected brain regions. In the high-dose group, whole-brain K1 was decreased by 34% (K1-high-dose = 0.20 ± 0.02 vs K1-control = 0.30 ± 0.02; p < 0.001) and in the low-dose group by 7% (K1-low-dose = 0.28 ± 0.02 vs K1-control = 0.30 ± 0.02; p = 0.42) compared to controls. Whole-brain VT was decreased by 25% in the high-dose group (VT-high-dose = 5.92 ± 0.41 vs VT-control = 7.82 ± 0.38; p < 0.001) and by 6% in the low-dose group (VT-low-dose = 7.35 ± 0.38 vs VT-control = 7.82 ± 0.37; p = 0.38) compared to controls. k2 values did not vary after treatment. The treatment did not affect the metabolism of [18F]MC225. Western blot studies using the whole brain tissue did not detect changes in the P-gp expression, however, preliminary results using isolated brain capillaries found an increasing trend up to 37% in treated rats. The decrease in K1 and VT values after treatment with the inducer indicates an increase in the P-gp functionality at the BBB of treated rats. Moreover, preliminary results using brain endothelial cells also sustained the increase in the P-gp expression. In conclusion, the results verify that MC111 induces P-gp expression and function at the BBB in rats. An increasing trend regarding the P-gp expression levels is found using western blot and an increased P-gp function is confirmed with [18F]MC225 and PET

    Delay and Impairment in Brain Development and Function in Rat Offspring After Maternal Exposure to Methylmercury

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    Maternal exposure to the neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg) has been shown to have adverse effects on neural development of the offspring in man. Little is known about the underlying mechanisms by which MeHg affects the developing brain. To explore the neurodevelopmental defects and the underlying mechanism associated with MeHg exposure, the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar rat pups were analyzed by [F-18]FDG PET functional imaging, field potential analysis, and microarray gene expression profiling. Female rat pups were exposed to MeHg via maternal diet during intrauterinal and lactational period (from gestational day 6 to postnatal day (PND)10), and their brain tissues were sampled for the analysis at weaning (PND18-21) and adulthood (PND61-70). The [F-18]FDG PET imaging and field potential analysis suggested a delay in brain activity and impaired neural function by MeHg. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis substantiated these findings by showing (1) a delay in the onset of gene expression related to neural development, and (2) alterations in pathways related to both structural and functional aspects of nervous system development. The latter included changes in gene expression of developmental regulators, developmental phase associated genes, small GTPase signaling molecules, and representatives of all processes required for synaptic transmission. These findings were observed at dose levels at which only marginal changes in conventional developmental toxicity endpoints were detected. Therefore, the approaches applied in this study are promising in terms of yielding increased sensitivity compared with classical developmental toxicity tests

    Tissue-resident, extravascular Ly6c- monocytes are critical for inflammation in the synovium

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    Monocytes are abundant immune cells that infiltrate inflamed organs. However, the majority of monocyte studies focus on circulating cells, rather than those in tissue. Here, we identify and characterize an intravascular synovial monocyte population resembling circulating non-classical monocytes and an extravascular tissue-resident monocyte-lineage cell (TR-MC) population distinct in surface marker and transcriptional profile from circulating monocytes, dendritic cells, and tissue macrophages that are conserved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. TR-MCs are independent of NR4A1 and CCR2, long lived, and embryonically derived. TR-MCs undergo increased proliferation and reverse diapedesis dependent on LFA1 in response to arthrogenic stimuli and are required for the development of RA-like disease. Moreover, pathways that are activated in TR-MCs at the peak of arthritis overlap with those that are downregulated in LFA1-/- TR-MCs. These findings show a facet of mononuclear cell biology that could be imperative to understanding tissue-resident myeloid cell function in RA.</p

    System Engineering Paper

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    The Iowa State University team, Team LunaCY, is composed of the following sub-teams: the main student organization, the Lunabotics Club; a senior mechanical engineering design course, ME 415; a senior multidisciplinary design course, ENGR 466; and a senior design course from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. Team LunaCY designed and fabricated ART-E III, Astra Robotic Tractor- Excavator the Third, for the team's third appearance in the NASA Lunabotic Mining competition. While designing ART-E III, the team had four main goals for this year's competition:to reduce the total weight of the robot, to increase the amount of regolith simulant mined, to reduce dust, and to make ART-E III autonomous. After many designs and research, a final robot design was chosen that obtained all four goals of Team LunaCY. A few changes Team LunaCY made this year was to go to the electrical, computer, and software engineering club fest at Iowa State University to recruit engineering students to accomplish the task of making ART-E III autonomous. Team LunaCY chose to use LabView to program the robot and various sensors were installed to measure the distance between the robot and the surroundings to allow ART-E III to maneuver autonomously. Team LunaCY also built a testing arena to test prototypes and ART-E III in. To best replicate the competition arena at the Kennedy Space Center, a regolith simulant was made from sand, QuickCrete, and fly ash to cover the floor of the arena. Team LunaCY also installed fans to allow ventilation in the arena and used proper safety attire when working in the arena . With the additional practice in the testing arena and innovative robot design, Team LunaCY expects to make a strong appearance at the 2012 NASA Lunabotic Mining Competition.

    Validity and reliability of different techniques of neck–shaft angle measurement

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    AIM: To determine a valid and reliable neck-shaft angle (NSA) measurement method while rotating the pelvises in increments of 5° in order to simulate patient malpositioning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT images of 17 patients were used to produce digitally reconstructed radiographs in frontal and lateral views and three-dimensional (3D)-reconstructions of the femurs, considered to be the reference standard. Malpositioning was simulated by axially rotating the frontal radiographs from 0° to 20°. Three operators measured in two-dimensions the NSA using four different methods, three times each, at each axial rotation (AR) position. Method 1 (femoral neck axis drawn by joining the centre of the femoral head (CFH) to the median of the femoral neck base; femoral diaphysis axis drawn by joining the median of two lines passing through the medial and lateral edges of the femoral axis below the lesser trochanter) and method 2 (femoral axis taken as the median of a triangle passing through base of femoral neck and medial and lateral head-neck junction; femoral diaphysis as previous) were described for the first time; method 3 was based on a previous study; method 4 was a free-hand technique. Reliability, validity, and global uncertainty were assessed. RESULTS: Method 1 showed the best reliability and validity. The global uncertainty also showed minimal values for method 1, ranging from 7.4° to 14.3° across AR positions. CONCLUSION: Method 1, based on locating the CFH, was the most reliable and valid method and should be considered as a standardised two-dimensional NSA measurement method for clinical application

    Induction of labour versus expectant monitoring in women with pregnancy induced hypertension or mild preeclampsia at term: the HYPITAT trial

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    Contains fulltext : 53183.pdf ( ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Hypertensive disorders, i.e. pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia, complicate 10 to 15% of all pregnancies at term and are a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The only causal treatment is delivery. In case of preterm pregnancies conservative management is advocated if the risks for mother and child remain acceptable. In contrast, there is no consensus on how to manage mild hypertensive disease in pregnancies at term. Induction of labour might prevent maternal and neonatal complications at the expense of increased instrumental vaginal delivery rates and caesarean section rates. METHODS/DESIGN: Women with a pregnancy complicated by pregnancy induced hypertension or mild preeclampsia at a gestational age between 36+0 and 41+0 weeks will be asked to participate in a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. Women will be randomised to either induction of labour or expectant management for spontaneous delivery. The primary outcome of this study is severe maternal morbidity, which can be complicated by maternal mortality in rare cases. Secondary outcome measures are neonatal mortality and morbidity, caesarean and vaginal instrumental delivery rates, maternal quality of life and costs. Analysis will be by intention to treat. In total, 720 pregnant women have to be randomised to show a reduction in severe maternal complications of hypertensive disease from 12 to 6%. DISCUSSION: This trial will provide evidence as to whether or not induction of labour in women with pregnancy induced hypertension or mild preeclampsia (nearly) at term is an effective treatment to prevent severe maternal complications. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The protocol is registered in the clinical trial register number ISRCTN08132825

    Measuring serotonin synthesis: from conventional methods to PET tracers and their (pre)clinical implications

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    The serotonergic system of the brain is complex, with an extensive innervation pattern covering all brain regions and endowed with at least 15 different receptors (each with their particular distribution patterns), specific reuptake mechanisms and synthetic processes. Many aspects of the functioning of the serotonergic system are still unclear, partially because of the difficulty of measuring physiological processes in the living brain. In this review we give an overview of the conventional methods of measuring serotonin synthesis and methods using positron emission tomography (PET) tracers, more specifically with respect to serotonergic function in affective disorders. Conventional methods are invasive and do not directly measure synthesis rates. Although they may give insight into turnover rates, a more direct measurement may be preferred. PET is a noninvasive technique which can trace metabolic processes, like serotonin synthesis. Tracers developed for this purpose are α-[11C]methyltryptophan ([11C]AMT) and 5-hydroxy-L-[ÎČ-11C]tryptophan ([11C]5-HTP). Both tracers have advantages and disadvantages. [11C]AMT can enter the kynurenine pathway under inflammatory conditions (and thus provide a false signal), but this tracer has been used in many studies leading to novel insights regarding antidepressant action. [11C]5-HTP is difficult to produce, but trapping of this compound may better represent serotonin synthesis. AMT and 5-HTP kinetics are differently affected by tryptophan depletion and changes of mood. This may indicate that both tracers are associated with different enzymatic processes. In conclusion, PET with radiolabelled substrates for the serotonergic pathway is the only direct way to detect changes of serotonin synthesis in the living brain

    In vitro effects of bleaching agents on FM3A cell line

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    Objective: There are concerns about the possible pathologic effects of relatively long-term exposure of oral tissues to bleaching agents. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cytotoxic effects of various bleaching agents on mouse mammary carcinoma FM3A cell line. Method and materials: FM3A cell line obtained from European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures was used in cell culture assay. Exponentially growing cells were seeded in 1 x 105 cells/mL in 5 mL of RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and antibiotics in each well of a six-well plate. PowerGel was applied onto the cell culture medium and incubated for 24 hours at 37 C in a 5% carbon dioxide atmosphere after light curing. Opalescence PF gel was left on cell culture medium for 24 hours at the same conditions. After 24-hour incubation, the cells were collected by trypsinization and counted with a hemocytometer. For cell viability, trypane blue exclusion assay was used. The cytotoxicity of PowerGel and Opalescence PF were determined by evaluation of cell growth and viability in comparison to untreated controls (cell growth = 100%). The data were submitted to statistical analysis (One-way analysis of variance, Dunnett's t test). Results: Cell growth after 24 hours was significantly reduced (P = .000) in comparison to the control group. The cell growth in the Opalescence PF gel group also was reduced (P < .05). It was found that both gels affected cell viability. Conclusion: PowerGel and Opalescence PF showed a cytotoxic effect on cell growth in FM3A cell line
