263 research outputs found

    Аграрне перенаселення в українських губерніях Російської імперії початку ХХ ст.

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    Sustainable urban development is a critical issue in the Netherlands. The country is densely populated, which causes conflicts between environmental concerns and spatial development. Environmental policy integration is proposed as a way to improve the integration of environmental values into spatial planning with the help of learning processes. This chapter evaluates the extent to which the combination of a map-based touch table and an area-specific environmental profile are of added value to environmental policy integration. The case study is the application of the map-based touch table, called MapTable® for the development of a sustainable neighborhood in the region of Utrecht, the Netherlands. It was found that MapTable® facilitates learning processes by providing a platform for communication among stakeholders from different backgrounds. Nonetheless, it must be ensured that all stakeholders are equally included, and that the process suits the application of a map-based touch table in combination with an area-specific environmental profile

    Toward coherent quantum computation of scattering amplitudes with a measurement-based photonic quantum processor

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    In recent years, applications of quantum simulation have been developed to study properties of strongly interacting theories. This has been driven by two factors: on the one hand, needs from theorists to have access to physical observables that are prohibitively difficult to study using classical computing; on the other hand, quantum hardware becoming increasingly reliable and scalable to larger systems. In this work, we discuss the feasibility of using quantum optical simulation for studying scattering observables that are presently inaccessible via lattice QCD and are at the core of the experimental program at Jefferson Lab, the future Electron-Ion Collider, and other accelerator facilities. We show that recent progress in measurement-based photonic quantum computing can be leveraged to provide deterministic generation of required exotic gates and implementation in a single photonic quantum processor.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Value of early postoperative epicardial programmed ventricular stimulation studies after surgery for ventricular tachyarrhythmias

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    The value of early postoperative epicardial programmed ventricular stimulation studies after electrophysiologically-directed surgery for ventricular tachyarrhythmia was assessed in 34 patients who underwent epicardial stimulation within 7 to 30 days (mean 9.8) of surgery and were followed up for at least 6 months. The antiarrhythmic operation performed was an endocardial ventriculotomy (full encircling or limited), an endocardial resection, a wall resection or a combination of these procedures. All these interventions were directed by intraoperative mapping during sinus rhythm. Temporary epicardial wire electrodes left at the time of surgery rather than endocardial catheter electrodes were used to perform the pacing. The stimulation protocol included the introduction of up to three ventricular extrastimuli and incremental burst ventricular pacing performed at twice diastolic threshold (9.2 ± 5.8 mA for the right ventricle and 6.0 ± 3.5 mA for the left ventricle). A study was considered positive when ventricular tachycardia, defined as 10 or more consecutive ventricular beats, was induced by any pacing modality.Nineteen patients (Group I) had a negative study: after stimulation of both ventricles in 15 patients and of the left ventricle only in 4. Fifteen patients (Group II) had a positive study: after stimulation of the right ventricle in nine patients and of the left ventricle in six. The two groups were comparable with respect to preoperative clinical status, surgical procedures performed and postoperative ejection fraction. No arrhythmic events were observed in Group I during a mean follow-up period of 19.5 months (range 4 to 37), whereas seven arrhythmic events (47% incidence) occurred (p = 0.0008) in Group II during a mean follow-up period of 17.7 months (range 5 to 39). These arrhythmic events were sudden death (five patients) and sustained ventricular tachycardia (two patients).It is concluded that temporary epicardially-placed electrodes can be used satisfactorily to perform programmed ventricular stimulation studies in the postoperative period, thereby avoiding the cardiac catheterizations otherwise necessary to perform these studies. In addition, the protocol used in this report of epicardial programmed ventricular stimulation early after surgery for ventricular tachyarrhythmia predicts a good outcome if the study is negative and identifies patients at a high risk for future arrhythmic events when positive

    Integrating Geodesign and game experiments for negotiating urban development

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    In this article we explore an expansion of geodesign to analyze processes of competition and cooperation by combining it with game-theoretical modelling and experiments. We test the applicability of facilitating these two fields in an integrated workshop by analysing the case study of oversupply of development sites in the Liemers corridor. Two workshops were held, with representatives of the six municipalities involved and with the regional and provincial authority, in which participants negotiated over the distribution of the supply of development sites. The workshops were performed around an interactive MapTable, with spatial information (from GIS) and financial information (from the game-theoretical model) being visualized in real-time. The integrated workshops were assessed to discover differences in terms of process and outcomes, and they examine whether and how learning takes place. We conclude that the combination of game theory and geodesign provides added value for planning support by facilitating a realistic discussion, and negotiation that is strongly connected to real-life locations, and by aiming at designing a common, collaborative solution. Through the integrated workshop learning about the problem of oversupply in financial and geographical terms and also about each other’s motives and behaviour is stimulated

    A non-parametric structural hybrid modeling approach for electricity prices

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    We develop a stochastic model of zonal/regional electricity prices, designed to reflect information in fuel forward curves and aggregated capacity and load as well as zonal or regional price spreads. We use a nonparametric model of the supply stack that captures heat rates and fuel prices for all generators in the market operator territory, combined with an adjustment term to approximate congestion and other zone-specific behavior. The approach requires minimal calibration effort, is readily adaptable to changing market conditions and regulations, and retains sufficient tractability for the purpose of forward price calibration. The model is illustrated for the spot and forward electricity prices of the PS zone in the PJM market, and the set of time-dependent risk premiums are inferred and analyzed

    Construcción de Servicios Interactivos en Entornos de Televisión Digital

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    Context: In order to expand the range of virtual education opportunities, it’s important to consider two technological aspects: the great potential of TV penetration and the Web 2.0 services boom in social networks and Internet communities, spaces in which users share and generate knowledge around a topic. So, it’s necessary to define how to implement and deploy these interactive services in television environments, given the particularcharacteristics of this scenario.Method: For the purpose of guiding the building process of interactive services, in this paper we propose a scheme of service consumption in scenarios of interactive digital television (iDTV), which has been adapted from the REST-JSON (Representational State Transfer – Javascript Object Notation) architectural style.Results: As a result of the use of the proposed scheme, we implemented the message board, chat and e-mail services, in the television scenarios of digital terrestrial television (DTT) and Mobile TV of the ST-CAV project (T-Learning services for the support of virtual academic communities). Likewise, another result obtained in the present paper, was the evaluation of the implemented services through network traffic and memory consumptiontests.Conclusions: According to processing and response times obtained in the evaluation of implemented interactive services, the presented scheme can be considered as a viable alternative for the design and building of services in iDTV scenarios, allowing convergence with Internet applications (Web 2.0).Contexto: Con el fin de ampliar el abanico de oportunidades de la educación virtual, es importante considerar dos aspectos tecnológicos relevantes: el gran potencial de la penetración de la televisión y el auge de servicios de la web 2.0 en redes sociales y comunidades en Internet, espacios en los cuales los usuarios comparten y generan conocimiento alrededor de una temática. Así, se hace necesario definir la forma adecuada de implementar y desplegar estos servicios interactivos en entornos de televisión, dadas las características particulares de este escenario.Método: Con el propósito de guiar el proceso de construcción de servicios interactivos de televisión, en este artículo se propone un esquema para el consumo de servicios para escenarios de televisión digital interactiva (TVDi), el cual fue adaptado a partir del estilo arquitectónico REST-JSON (Representational State Transfer – Javascript Object Notation).Resultados: Como resultados del uso del esquema propuesto, se construyeron los servicios de chat, tablón de mensajes y acceso a correo electrónico, en los escenarios de televisión digital terrestre (TDT) y TV Móvil del proyecto ST-CAV (Servicios de T-Learning para el soporte de Comunidades Académicas Virtuales). Así mismo, otro de los resultados del presente artículo fue la evaluación de los servicios implementados, mediante pruebas de tráfico de red y consumo de memoria.Conclusiones: De acuerdo a los tiempos de procesamiento y respuesta obtenidos en la evaluación de los servicios interactivos implementados, es posible concluir que el esquema planteado en este artículo, puede considerarse como una alternativa adecuada para el diseño y construcción de servicios en escenarios de TVDi, permitiendo la convergencia con aplicaciones de Internet (web 2.0)

    Contextual fear response is modulated by M-type K+ channels and is associated with subtle structural changes of the axon initial segment in hippocampal GABAergic neurons

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    Background: In the fear memory network, the hippocampus modulates contextual aspects of fear learning while mutual connections between the amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex are widely involved in fear extinction. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in the regulation of fear and anxiety, so the regulation of GPCRs in fear signaling pathways can modulate the mechanisms of fear memory acquisition, consolidation and extinction. Various studies suggested a role of M-type K+ channels in modulating fear expression and extinction, although conflicting data prevented drawing of clear conclusions. In the present work, we examined the impact of M-type K+ channel blockade or activation on contextual fear acquisition and extinction. In addition, regarding the pivotal role of the hippocampus in contextual fear conditioning (CFC) and the involvement of the axon initial segment (AIS) in neuronal plasticity, we investigated whether structural alterations of the AIS in hippocampal neurons occurred during contextual fear memory acquisition and short-time extinction in mice in a behaviorally relevant context. Results: When a single systemic injection of the M-channel blocker XE991 (2 mg/kg, IP) was carried out 15 minutes before the foot shock session, fear expression was significantly reduced. Expression of c-Fos was increased following CFC, mostly in GABAergic neurons at day 1 and day 2 post-fear training in CA1 and dentate gyrus hippocampal regions. A significantly longer AIS segment was observed in GABAergic neurons of the CA1 hippocampal region at day 2. Conclusions: Our results underscore the role of M-type K + channels in CFC and the importance of hippocampal GABAergic neurons in fear expression

    Esquema de servicios para Televisión Digital Interactiva, basados en el protocolo REST-JSON

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    Con el propósito de ampliar el abanico de oportunidades para la educación virtual y teniendo en cuenta: las características de interactividad  y  amplio potencial de penetración de la televisión  ,así como el  auge de servicios de la Web 2.0 en  redes sociales y comunidades en Internet, mediante las cuales los usuarios comparten y generan conocimiento alrededor de una temática. Este artículo plantea un esquema para el despliegue de servicios creados bajo el concepto de la Web 2.0, tales como: Foros, Chat, Blogs; en entornos de Televisión digital interactiva – TDi, y presenta como resultado la implementación de 2 servicios: el servicios de tablón y acceso a correo; el  esquema y la implementación están basados en el uso protocolo de servicios web REST-JSON para el consumo y diseño de servicios. El presente trabajo está enmarcado dentro del proyecto ST-CAV (Servicios de T-Learning para el soporte de Comunidades Académicas Virtuales - CAV), el cual pretende dar soporte a comunidades académicas virtuales en entornos de Televisión Digital Interactiva TDi

    Predictive utility of an adapted Marshall head CT classification scheme after traumatic brain injury

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    Objective: To study the predictive relationship among persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) between an objective indicator of injury severity (the adapted Marshall computed tomography [CT] classification scheme) and clinical indicators of injury severity in the acute phase, functional outcomes at inpatient rehabilitation discharge, and functional and participation outcomes at 1 year after injury, including death.Participants: The sample involved 4895 individuals who received inpatient rehabilitation following acute hospitalization for TBI and were enrolled in the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Database between 1989 and 2014.Design: Head CT variables for each person were fit into adapted Marshall CT classification categories I through IV.Main Measures: Prediction models were developed to determine the amount of variability explained by the CT classification categories compared with commonly used predictors, including a clinical indicator of injury severity.Results: The adapted Marshall classification categories aided only in the prediction of craniotomy or craniectomy during acute hospitalization, otherwise making no meaningful contribution to variance in the multivariable models predicting outcomes at any time point after injury.Conclusion: Results suggest that head CT findings classified in this manner do not inform clinical discussions related to functional prognosis or rehabilitation planning after TBI