153 research outputs found

    Coupling between the Iberian basin–scale circulation and the Portugal boundary current system. A chemical study

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    15 páginas, 7 figurasThe role played by the Portugal Current System in the ventilation of the different modes of Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) is evaluated with data from a series of cruises carried out along the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Results show the Portugal Current, located west of 10.3°W, conveying fresh modes of recently ventilated ENACW of subpolar origin to the south. Within 70 km of the slope, the Portugal Coastal Countercurrent transports northwards low oxygen/high nutrient ENACW of subtropical origin. Downstream ventilation of ENACW of subtropical origin occurs by mixing or entrainment with offshore ventilated ENACW. We point to mesoscale eddies as the main mechanism for this downstream indirect ventilation, which reconciles opposing views from direct current measurements and hydrographic studies.Financial support for this work came from the EU, contract No. MAS2-CT93-65, and the Spanish CICYT, Contract No. AMB93-1415-CE.Peer reviewe

    Anatomy of the “false thumb” of Tremarctos ornatus (Carnivora, Ursidae, Tremarctinae) : phylogenetic and functional implications

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    Se describe por primera vez el sesamoideo radial o “falso pulgar” del oso de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus), mostrando la gran similitud morfológica con el del panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) y las diferencias que presenta con el resto de los Ursidae. Esto apunta a la existencia de un origen común para esta estructura en ambas especies, pero considerando las filogenias aceptadas de Ursidae, la presencia de falso pulgar en T. ornatus y A. melanoleuca sería una simplesiomorfía respecto al resto de úrsidos, en los cuales el sesamoideo radial nunca aumentó de tamaño, careciendo de la especializada función que posee en Tremarctinae y Ailuropodinae.We describe for the first time the radial sesamoid or “false thumb” of the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), showing its great morphological similarities with that of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and the differences with that of the rest of the Ursidae. This points to the existence of a common origin for this structure in both species, but considering the accepted phylogenies of ursids, the sharing of a “false thumb” in T. ornatus and A. melanoleuca would be a plesiomorphy for these groups, whereas in the rest of the ursids the radial sesamoid was probably reduced, lacking the specialised function that this bone has in Tremarctinae and [email protected] [email protected]

    Evidencias do cambio climático na hidrografía e a dinámica das rías e da plataforma galega

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    16 páginas, 9 figuras, 3 tablas[EN] This study is focused on multidecadal-scale variations of the hydrographic and hydrodynamic features of Rías and shelf waters off Galicia. Water masses take, through their thermohaline characteristics, a footprint of the climatic variability, mainly caused by changes either in the hydrological budget (precipitation, evaporation, runoff), in heat exchange and wind stress. In this study we focus in the evidences of change in the surface and sub-surface water mass characteristics. Regarding surface water masses, a significant warming during the last 45 years has been noticed, at a rate of 0.17 ºC/ decade. This warming was especially intense from the 1970’s, 0.27 ºC/decade. The tendency is opposite in subsurface waters, but it only takes into account data from the last 15 years. Regarding hydrodynamics, because of its strong influence in the renewal time of the Rías and consequently in their living resources, a study of decadal changes in the estuarine circulation of the Rías de Vigo and Arousa has been made. Results showed a progressive decay in the estuarine circulation, which causes an increase of renewal times. On the other hand, indirect evidence of a possible deceleration of the winter Iberian Poleward Current (IPC) are reported. This slow down is partially caused by a decrease in the meridional (N-S) temperature gradient off the Iberian coast. Nevertheless, the fall of the meridional gradient is not clear because it has been inferred from surface waters. On the contrary, IPC seems to be intensified by the increasing southerly autumn winds, although it appears weakened by the decreasing southerly winter winds. Thus, the overall effect of the CIP is still uncertain. Finally, a study of sea level and wave changes on the Galician coast has been made. An increase of (2-2.5 cm/ decade) in the sea level as well as a decrease in the wave height (3 cm/decade) has been reported, but in this last topic results are not significant[GA] Este estudo centrarase en determinar as variacións que ocorren a escalas multidecadais nas características hidrográficas e hidrodinámicas das augas das rías e da plataforma fronte a Galicia. As masas de auga reciben a través das súas características termohalinas unha pegada das alteracións climáticas, principalmente a causa de cambios no balance hidrolóxico (precipitación, evaporación, achegas continentais), do intercambio de calor e da acción do vento. Neste estudo analizaremos as evidencias de cambio nas características das masas de auga superficiais e subsuperficiais. Nas primeiras detectouse quentamento de xeito significativo nos últimos 45 anos a unha taxa media de 0,17 ºC por década, especialmente intenso desde hai 30 anos, 0,27 ºC por década. Nas augas subsuperficiais a tendencia é a inversa, aínda que só se conta con datos dos últimos 15 anos. En canto á hidrodinámica, e pola súa forte implicación nos tempos de renovación da ría e, polo tanto, nos recursos mariños que viven nela, fíxose un estudo sobre os cambios na circulación estuárica das rías de Vigo e Arousa nas últimas décadas. Os resultados amosan un descenso paulatino a longa escala temporal da circulación que causa un aumento dos tempos de renovación. Por outra banda, achéganse evidencias indirectas dunha posible ralentización da corrente invernal cara ao Polo (CIP) causada por un descenso no gradiente meridional (N-S) de temperatura fronte ás costas ibéricas. Non obstante, o descenso do gradiente meridional non está claro, pois induciuse só a partir de datos superficiais. Ademais, a propia CIP amosa estar intensificada pola maior intensidade dos ventos sur no outono e debilitada polo descenso dos ventos do sur no inverno, polo que o efecto global na CIP é aínda incerto. Por último, faise un estudo dos cambios do nivel do mar e da ondada nas costas galegas que amosa un aumento daquel (2-2,5 cm/década) e un descenso desta (3 cm/década), aínda que no caso da ondada os resultados non son concluíntesPeer reviewe

    Helios 3198 solar simulator adaptation for the characterization of LCPV prototypes

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    This paper covers the adaptation and experimental verification that has been carried out to the Helios 3198 solar simulator to use it in the characterization of a LCPV prototype. The challenge is to deal with the diffuse light that can distort the measurement of a LCPV prototype because of the larger acceptance angle. A deflector chamber for the flash lamp has been designed and implemented to capture this diffuse light. The experimental verification has proven the reliability of the solution, demonstrating that the inclusion of this element in the equipment is not modifying the spatial uniformity and the angular distribution of the light at the receiver plane. Therefore, this work demonstrates that the Helios 3198 solar simulator, including a deflector chamber for the lamp, can be used for the characterization of a LCPV prototype

    The Expanding Phenotypical Spectrum of WARS2 -Related Disorder : Four Novel Cases with a Common Recurrent Variant

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    Biallelic variants in the mitochondrial form of the tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases (WARS2) can cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with movement disorders including early-onset tremor-parkinsonism syndrome. Here, we describe four new patients, who all presented at a young age with a tremor-parkinsonism syndrome and responded well to levodopa. All patients carry the same recurrent, hypomorphic missense variant (NM_015836.4: c.37T>G; p.Trp13Gly) either together with a previously described truncating variant (NM_015836.4: c.797Cdel; p.Pro266ArgfsTer10), a novel truncating variant (NM_015836.4: c.346C>T; p.Gln116Ter), a novel canonical splice site variant (NM_015836.4: c.349-1G>A), or a novel missense variant (NM_015836.4: c.475A>C, p.Thr159Pro). We investigated the mitochondrial function in patients and found increased levels of mitochondrially encoded cytochrome C Oxidase II as part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well as decreased mitochondrial integrity and branching. Finally, we conducted a literature review and here summarize the broad phenotypical spectrum of reported WARS2 -related disorders. In conclusion, WARS2 -related disorders are diagnostically challenging diseases due to the broad phenotypic spectrum and the disease relevance of a relatively common missense change that is often filtered out in a diagnostic setting since it occurs in ~0.5% of the general European population

    Charge density wave in layered La1-xCexSb2

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    The layered rare-earth diantimonides RSb2 are anisotropic metals with generally low electronic densities whose properties can be modified by substituting the rare earth. LaSb2 is a nonmagnetic metal with a low residual resistivity presenting a low-temperature magnetoresistance that does not saturate with the magnetic field. It has been proposed that the latter can be associated to a charge density wave (CDW), but no CDW has yet been found. Here we find a kink in the resistivity above room temperature in LaSb2 (at 355 K) and show that the kink becomes much more pronounced with substitution of La by Ce along the La1-xCexSb2 series. We find signatures of a CDW in x-ray scattering, specific heat, and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments in particular for x≈0.5. We observe a distortion of rare-earth-Sb bonds lying in-plane of the tetragonal crystal using x-ray scattering, an anomaly in the specific heat at the same temperature as the kink in resistivity and charge modulations in STM. We conclude that LaSb2 has a CDW which is stabilized in the La1-xCexSb2 series due to substitutional disorder.E.H. acknowledges the support of Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COL-CIENCIAS (Colombia) Programa Doctorados en el Exterior Convocatoria 568-2012. This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (FIS2014-54498-R, MAT2011-27470-C02-02, and CSD-2009-00013), by the European Union (Graphene Flagship Contract No. CNECT-ICT-604391 and COST MP1201 action), and by the Comunidad de Madrid through programs Nanofrontmag-CM (S2013/MIT-2850) and MAD2D-CM (S2013/MIT-3007). We acknowledge MINECO and CSIC for financial support and for provision of synchrotron radiation facilities and would like to thank the SpLine BM25 staff for assistance in using the beamline

    Geochemical vs. microbial approach to the new production of the coastal upwelling system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)

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    Symposium GLOBEC–IMBER España, Valencia, 28-30 marzo 2007The fate of the inorganic and organic N trapped in the coastal upwelling system of Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), accumulation/export versus production/ consumption, was studied at the short time–scale (2–4 d) during July 2002. A transient geochemical box model was applied to the measured residual currents and concentrations of inorganic (NT), dissolved (DON) and particulate (PON) organic N to obtain the i) net balance of inputs minus outputs (i – o); ii) the net accumulation (V·dN/dt); and iii) the net ecosystem production (NEP) of NT, DON and PON. The average NEP during July (107 mg N m-2 d-1) indicates an autotrophic metabolism of the ría. About 25% of this material was exported to the shelf and the remaining 75% was transferred to the sediments or promoted to higher trophic levels. Measurements of oxygen production (Pg) and respiration (R) were performed in a single site twice a week at five depths. In addition, microzooplankton grazing and sedimentation rates were measured for first time in the Ría de Vigo. The high grazing rates observed reduces the efficiency of the ría to transfer organic matter directly from phytoplankton to the metazoans Comparison of the metabolic state of the Ría de Vigo derived from these in vitro measurements (Pg, R, grazing and sedimentation) and the in situ geochemical budget shows that they agree in 2 of the 3 study cases. Both methods are complementary and their simultaneous application allows obtaining a better knowledge of coastal upwelling ecosystems functioningN

    Wintering grounds, population size and evolutionary history of a cryptic passerine species from isotopic and genetic data

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    Cryptic species pose a particular challenge to biologists in the context of life history investigations because of the difficulty in their field discrimination. Additionally, there is normally a lag in their widespread acceptance by the scientific community once they are formally recognised. These two factors might constrain our ability to properly assess the conservation status of the different species conforming a cryptic complex. In this study, we analysed isotopic and genetic data to shed light into the still unclear wintering grounds, population size and evolutionary history of the Iberian chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus, a species included within the common chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita until two decades ago due to their phenotypic similarity. We used molecular methods to identify spring-migrating Phylloscopus species captured in northern Iberia, and by comparing the Hydrogen isotopic ratios of their claw tips (δ2Hc; which would reflect the signatures of their wintering grounds), we detected that δ2Hc values of Iberian chiffchaffs were similar to willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus; a renowned trans-Saharan migrant), and higher than common chiffchaffs (mostly a pre-Saharan migrant). These results strongly support the idea that Iberian chiffchaffs winter in tropical Africa. We additionally reconstructed the phylogeny and evolutionary history of the Iberian chiffchaff's clade using mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Our results revealed relatively high values of nucleotide diversity (and, hence, high Ne) for the species that were greater than the values of the common/Iberian most recent common ancestor. This suggests that the Iberian chiffchaff did not experience strong bottlenecks after diverging from the common chiffchaff approximately one million years ago. Ultimately, our study provides another illustrative example of how isotopic and genetic analysis tools can help to enhance our understanding of avian ecology and evolution.Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu