197 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to analyze the response of growth and production of Median potatoes to the application of various doses of Phonska NPK fertilizer in Rurukan Village, North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted from August to November 2020 in Rurukan Village, East Tomohon District, Tomohon City. The design used was a Randomized Completely Blocked Design (RCBD) with six (6) treatments and three (3) replications consisting of P1 Fertilization Treatment (150 kg/ha), P2 NPK Fertilization Treatment (300 kg/ha), P3 NPK Fertilization Treatment (450 kg/ha), P4 NPK Fertilization Treatment (600 kg/ha), P5 NPK Fertilization Treatment (750 kg/ha) and P6 NPK Fertilization Treatment (900 kg/ha). The results showed that (1) the treatment with Phonska NPK fertilizer at a dose of 450 kg/ha had a significant effect on the growth and production components of the Medians potato plant in Rurukan Village, North Sulawesi Province and (2) the highest plant productivity was obtained in the treatment of Phonska NPK fertilizer with dose 450 kg/ha = 18, 11 tons/ha

    Perancangan Komunikasi Visual “Bermain Video Game Itu Sehat Dan Kreatif” Sebagai Kampanye Game Pump IT Up Untuk Remaja

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    Iklan layanan masyarakat ini berisi kampanye tentang mengajak remaja untuk mulai memperhatikan kesehatan tubuh mereka dengan cara bermain video game Pump It Up. Banyak anak remaja yang tidak memperhatikan kesehatan tubuh mereka, malas berolahraga dan lebih senang bermain video game. Sehingga melalui iklan layanan masyarakat ini diharapkan remaja mulai memperhatikan dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh mereka dengan cara berolahraga yang menyenangkan yaitu dengan mengajak mereka bermain Pump It Up

    Evaluasi Status Mutu Air Danau Rawapening

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    Increasing type and number of human activities will impact on decreasing quality of water. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the water quality status of Rawapening Lake regularly to ensure that the water quality remains in its natural condition. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the water quality status and class of Rawapening Lake. The survey was done in the lake during dry season for 3 months (July to September 2016). Water sampling conducted in seven locations. The measured variables were all parameters as specified in Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001. To determine the water quality status was using storet methods. Determination of the water class was by comparing the concentration of all parameters with the standard. Observations indicated that the Rawapening Lake water quality status was in heavily polluted. There were eight parameters exceeding the standard i.e. TSS, BOD, COD, total phosphor and total coliform, Cd and Pb, and H2S. Therefore, it is necessary to decrease them through activities such as not throwing rubbish into the lake, lifting biomass of water hyacinth, picking up peat soil sediments, using environmentally friendly fuels, reducing fertilizers and pellet, reforesting critical lands, limiting mining activities, banning waste disposal directly to rivers

    Peningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat di Dusun Nglampu dengan Palang Dapur

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    Dusun Nglampu is located in Desa Pucanganom, Kecamatan Srumbung, Kabupaten Magelang. People have difficulty to access health service because of expensive medication in hospital and limited operation time in puskesmas. Commonly, people do not know how to process herbs for medication. Consequently, they do not have alternative medication which is accessible. In this program, a guideline of the use of herbs as medicine is packed in a book called "Palang Dapur" which provides information about disease and its symptoms, herbs that can be used to solve the symptoms; about methods to prepare the herbs; how to consume, and other relevant advices. There are 20 diseases and symptoms that are discussed in the "Palang Dapur", i.e.: cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, itching, cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, irregular menstruation, abdominal pain due to menstruation, vaginal discharge, toothache because of caries, fatigue, aches, burns, acne, insomnia, headache, and pain eyes. Counseling and mentoring related to the use of the "Palang Dapur" were done. This resulted in increasing people\u27s knowledge and skills in using herbs as herbal medicines. Results on pre-test and post-test to demonstrate knowledge and skills of the target communities increased from 52.2% to 93.7%. Results of the questionnaire showed that explaining and sharing of the "Palang Dapur" could increase the use of herbs for medication from 40.9% to 97.7%. Furthermore,, 95% of participants agreed that this program could help to solve their common daily health problems including their family

    Interfering with mRNA methylation by the 2′O-Methyltransferase (NSP16) from SARS-CoV-2 to tackle the COVID-19 disease

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    The pandemic associated to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in a huge number of deaths and infected people. Although several vaccine programmes are currently underway and have reached phase 3, and a few small size drugs repurposed to aid treatment of severe cases of COVID-19 infections, effective therapeutic options for this disease do not currently exist. NSP16 is a S-adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM) dependent 2′O-Methyltransferase that converts mRNA cap-0 into cap-1 structure to prevent virus detection by cell innate immunity mechanisms. NSP16 methylates the ribose 2′O-position of the first nucleotide of the mRNA only in the presence of an interacting partner, the protein NSP10. This feature suggests that inhibition of the NSP16 may represent a therapeutic window to treat COVID-19. To test this idea, we performed comparative structural analyses of the NSP16 present in human coronaviruses and developed a sinefungin (SFG) similarity-based virtual screening campaign to assess the druggability of the SARS-CoV-2 NSP16 enzyme. Through these studies, we identified the SFG analogue 44601604 as a promising more potent inhibitor of NSP16 to limit viral replication in infected cells, favouring viral clearance

    Antibacterial effect of chitosan from squid pens against Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria

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    Background and Objectives: Chitosan, a polysaccharide derived from squid pens – the squid waste, is gaining considerable interests in biomedical engineering due to the biodegradability, biocompatibility, nontoxicity, and antibacterial activity. It is necessary to eradicate the bacteria from root canal in endodontic treatment, including Porphyromonas gingivalis. P. gingiva- lis is one of the most prevalently found bacteria in root canals and its presence can cause endodontic treatment failure. This study was conducted to find the antibacterial effect of chitosan from squid pen against P. gingivalis at a certain concentration. Materials and Methods: Chitosan 1.5% (w/v) was diluted in several tubes. The lowest concentration with no bacterial growth was considered to have antibacterial activity against P. gingivalis. Results: There was no bacterial growth in nutrient agar media at the concentration of 10.75%. Conclusion: Chitosan that was made from squid pens has antibacterial activity against P. gingivalis

    Respons Imun Ayam Petelur Pascavaksinasi Newcastle Disease Dan Egg Drop Syndrome

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    Some viral diseases in poultry could lead to huge losses to the farmers. Newcastle Disease (ND) and Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS) are a group of infectious viral disease that can cause the decreasein egg production. Newcastle Disease is caused by Avian paramyxovirus type 1 (PMV-1) Paramyxoviridae family. The causative agent of EDS is Duck adenovirus-I Adenoviridae family. Both of these diseases affect the economic losses to the poultry. The main action to prevent hens from ND and EDS virus diseases is vaccination. The success ofvaccination can be tested by serology. ND and EDS virus characteristically agglutinate hen's erythrocyte they have Hemagglutine protein on virus envelope so can be tested by hemagglutination. The study was conducted ona commercial poultry farm in order to determine the success of vaccination against ND and EDS. The hens were vaccinated by Newcastle Disease-Infectious Bronchitis- Egg Drop Syndrome (ND-IB-EDS) inactivated vaccines.Serological test was conducted in pre and post vaccination by using microtiter hemagglutination test. The antibody titre is expressed in units of HI log2. The results of the study, the mean antibody titer against ND pre vaccinationwas 4,53 ± 1,356 HI log2 and antibody titre in 2nd, 3rd and 4th week were 8,67 ± 0,617 HI log2, 7,73 ± 1,335 HI log2 and 5,20 ± 0,862 HI log2 post vaccination. Antibody titre against EDS pre vaccination was 0 ± 0,000 HI log2 and antibody titre post vaccination in 2nd, 3rd and 4th week were 7 ± 1,363 HI log2, 7,27 ± 1,438 HI log2 and 7,6 ± 1,056 HI log2. It showed that ND-IB-EDS inactivated vaccines is serological protective for ND and EDS titres

    Reported Barriers to Hepatitis C Treatment among Pregnant and Early-Parenting Mothers Undergoing Substance Use Disorder Treatment in One U.S. State

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    Nationwide, the prevalence of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has risen in recent years. At least 90% of infected persons must be treated to achieve global elimination targets. The current study aimed to explore barriers to, and facilitators of, direct-acting antiviral (DAA) HCV treatment uptake amongst pregnant and early-parenting women undergoing comprehensive substance use treatment. Twenty participants with documented HCV antibody positivity were recruited from two substance use treatment centers in central Kentucky. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore knowledge about HCV, previous experiences, and intentions to seek care. Themes were extracted using an inductive analytical approach. Most participants were aware of the dangers posed by HCV infection. However, there was a high degree of misinformation about transmission mechanisms and treatment eligibility requirements. Low priority for HCV treatment also surfaced as a barrier to treatment uptake. Participants reported being unable to seek care due to time and resource limitations in the presence of a highly demanding treatment process. Findings from the current study suggest that more work is needed to eliminate residual barriers that limit access to HCV treatment among pregnant and early-parenting women in treatment for substance use disorder

    Parental perceptions of the outcome and meaning of normalization

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    The purpose of this secondary analysis was to identify the meaning of normalization for parents of a child with a chronic genetic condition. The sample was comprised of 28 families (48 parents), selected to reflect two groups: Normalization Present (NP) and Normalization Absent (NA). Constant comparison analysis was used to identify themes characterizing parents' perceptions of the meaning of normalization. The meanings parents attributed to normalization reflected their evaluation of condition management, parenting role, and condition impact, with parents in the NP and NA groups demonstrating distinct patterns of meaning. These meaning patterns are discussed as an outcome of normalization. Providers can play a pivotal role in helping families achieve normalization by providing guidance on how to balance condition management with normal family life