738 research outputs found

    Nutritional strategies to reduce enteric methane emissions

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    Nutritional strategies to reduce enteric methane emissions

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    The Claims Culture: A Taxonomy of Industry Attitudes

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    This paper presents an analysis of a familiar aspect of construction industry culture that we have dubbed 'the claims culture'. This is a culture of contract administration that lays a strong emphasis on the planning and management of claims. The principal elements of the analysis are two sets of distinctions. The first comprises economic and occupational orders, referring to two kinds of control that are exercised over the construction process; predicated respectively on economic ownership and occupational competence. The second refers to contrasting attitudes towards relationships and problem solving within these orders: respectively 'distributive' and 'integrative'. The concepts of economic and occupational order entail further sub-categories. The various attitudes associated with these categories and sub-categories are described. They are assessed as to their consequences for change initiatives in the industry

    Metabolomic changes in lactating multiparous naturally MAP-infected Holstein-Friesian dairy cows suggest changes in mitochondrial energy pathways

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    Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causative organism of Johne's Disease, a chronic intestinal infection of ruminants. Infected cows begin shedding MAP within the asymptomatic, subclinical stage of infection before clinical signs, such as weight loss, diarrhoea and reduced milk yields develop within the clinical stages of disease. Herein, we examine the milk metabolomic profiles of naturally MAP-infected Holstein-Friesian cows. The study used biobanked milk samples which were collected 73.4 ± 3.79 (early lactation) and 143 ± 3.79 (mean ± SE) (mid-lactation) days post-calving from 5 MAP-infected and 5 control multiparous cows. The milk metabolome was assessed using flow infusion electrospray high-resolution mass spectrometry (FIE-HRMS) for sensitive, non-targeted metabolite fingerprinting. Metabolite fingerprinting assessments using partial least squares discriminate analyses (PLS-DA) indicated that lactation stage was a larger source of variation than MAP status. Examining each lactation stage separately for changes associated to MAP-infection status identified 45 metabolites, 33 in early lactation and 12 in mid-lactation, but only 6 metabolites were targeted in both stages of lactation. Pathway enrichment analysis suggested that MAP affected the malate-aspartate shuffle during early lactation. Pearson's correlation analysis indicated relationships between milk lactose concentrations in mid-lactation and 6 metabolites that were tentatively linked to MAP-infection status. The targeted metabolites were suggestive of wider changes in the bioenergetic metabolism that appear to be an acceleration of the effects of progressing lactation in healthy cows. Additionally, milk lactose concentrations suggest that MAP reduces the availability of lactose derivatives

    Models and metaphors: complexity theory and through-life management in the built environment

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    Complexity thinking may have both modelling and metaphorical applications in the through-life management of the built environment. These two distinct approaches are examined and compared. In the first instance, some of the sources of complexity in the design, construction and maintenance of the built environment are identified. The metaphorical use of complexity in management thinking and its application in the built environment are briefly examined. This is followed by an exploration of modelling techniques relevant to built environment concerns. Non-linear and complex mathematical techniques such as fuzzy logic, cellular automata and attractors, may be applicable to their analysis. Existing software tools are identified and examples of successful built environment applications of complexity modelling are given. Some issues that arise include the definition of phenomena in a mathematically usable way, the functionality of available software and the possibility of going beyond representational modelling. Further questions arising from the application of complexity thinking are discussed, including the possibilities for confusion that arise from the use of metaphor. The metaphor of a 'commentary machine' is suggested as a possible way forward and it is suggested that an appropriate linguistic analysis can in certain situations reduce perceived complexity

    Reflections on a 'virtual' practice development unit: changing practice through identity development

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    Aims. This paper draws together the personal thoughts and critical reflections of key people involved in the establishment of a ‘virtual’ practice development unit of clinical nurse specialists in the south of England. Background. This practice development unit is ‘virtual’ in that it is not constrained by physical or specialty boundaries. It became the first group of Trust-wide clinical nurse specialists to be accredited in the UK as a practice development unit in 2004. Design and methods. The local university was asked to facilitate the accreditation process via 11 two-hour audio-recorded learning sessions. Critical reflections from practice development unit members, leaders and university staff were written 12 months after successful accreditation, and the framework of their content analysed. Findings and discussion. Practice development was seen as a way for the clinical nurse specialists to realize their potential for improving patient care by transforming care practice in a collaborative, interprofessional and evolutionary manner. The practice development unit provided a means for these nurses to analyse their role and function within the Trust. Roberts’ identity development model for nursing serves as a useful theoretical underpinning for the reflections contained in this paper. Conclusions. These narratives provide another example of nurses making the effort to shape and contribute to patient care through organizational redesign. This group of nurses began to realize that the structure of the practice development unit process provided them with the means to analyse their role and function within the organization and, as they reflected on this structure, their behaviour began to change. Relevance to clinical practice. Evidence from these reflections supports the view that practice development unit participants have secured a positive and professional identity and are, therefore, better able to improve the patient experience

    Indicativos de resiliência familiar em famílias de crianças com síndrome de Down

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    Resumo Este estudo objetiva caracterizar e analisar a resiliência familiar em famílias de crianças com síndrome de Down. Participaram cinco famílias compostas por pai, mãe e filhos, tendo um deles a síndrome. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário de Caracterização do Sistema Familiar, o qual foi respondido pela mãe; o Inventário de Estratégias de Coping, o qual ambos os genitores responderam separadamente; e entrevistas com genitores e filhos com desenvolvimento típico. As famílias foram visitadas em três momentos. Os resultados indicam que diante de eventos ruins, principalmente, dos problemas de saúde relacionados à síndrome de Down, as famílias apresentam capacidade de extrair sentido da adversidade, bem como de se organizar de forma cooperativa, com diálogo e estreitamento dos vínculos. Em todas as famílias foram identificados indicativos de resiliência familiar. A estratégia de coping mais utilizada é a reavaliação positiva, enquanto a menos utilizada é fuga-esquiva

    Inequalities, harm reduction and non-combustible nicotine products:A meta-ethnography of qualitative evidence

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    BACKGROUND: We sought to review qualitative evidence on how smokers in different socioeconomic groups engage with non-combustible nicotine products (NCNP), including electronic cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapies, in order to provide insight into how these products might impact on smoking inequalities. METHODS: We searched ten electronic databases in February 2017 using terms relating to NCNP and socioeconomic status. We included qualitative studies that were published since 1980 and were available in English. We used guidelines adapted from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme for appraising qualitative research. RESULTS: The review only identified studies exploring the attitudes of socioeconomically disadvantaged smokers towards NCNP for harm reduction or cessation purposes (i.e. we did not identify any relevant studies of more advantaged socioeconomic groups). Using a lines-of-argument meta-ethnographic approach, we identified a predominantly pessimistic attitude to NCNP for harm reduction or cessation of smoking due to: wider circumstances of socioeconomic disadvantage; lack of a perceived advantage of alternative products over smoking; and a perceived lack of information about relative harms of NCNP compared to smoking. Optimistic findings, although fewer, suggested the potential of NCNP being taken up among smokers experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our review highlights the importance of considering the social, cultural and economic circumstances that influence experiences of smoking and of alternative product use