206 research outputs found

    Application of psychological diagnosis in the process of establishing criteria for psychodynamic therapy designed for patients with personality disorders

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    Aim of the study. The main purpose of this paper was to present a model of psychological diagnosis, aimed at establishing the fundamental criteria for qualifying patients with symptoms of various mental disorders (including neurotic and personality disorders) for outpatient psychodynamic therapy. Subject or material and methods. Rorschach Inkblot Test, clinical interview Results. The research was conducted in the years 2010-2013 in the Neurosis Treatment Centre and in the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic A study population comprised 38 males and 42 females. Discussion. The structure of personality characteristics and their impact on a patient's eligibility to participate in a particular type of psychotherapy was assessed based on the major assumptions of psychodynamic approach, with special focus on the criteria put forward by Gabbard; the Big Five personality dimensions; as well as on the diagnostic criteria for personality disorders, developed by the American Psychiatric Association. Conclusions. Analysis of the result of this research allowed to develop a model of fundamental criteria for selecting an appropriate form of psychotherapy designed for patients with various types of personality disorders. Eight criteria were found to be significant in the process of qualifying the aforementioned individuals for outpatient psychotherapy. They included two psychological dimensions: intrapsychic (describing psychological indicators of the self-structure and maturity level of the patient's identity) and interpersonal (describing indicators of the person's capacity for establishing emotional relations with others). Diagnosis of the aforementioned indicators proves to contribute significantly to the process of selecting effective therapeutic methods for neurotic patients as well as individuals who exhibit symptoms of more severe destabilization of personality organization


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    Summary. The article presents the results of numerical analysis whose aim was to compare the basic dynamic and strength parameters of lightweight load-carrying crane structures made of aluminium alloys and steel. The analysis covered the typical construction of workshop cranes with a span of 3 to 5 meters, girders in the form of an I-beam and maximum load capacities amounting to 5 tons. The values of stresses, deflections and natural frequencies were compared and then matched with the masses of the various structures. In the simulation a girder model was used and computed by the finite element method

    Application of the Rorschach test in psychological diagnosis of personality disorders

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    The paper presents the authors' own research, which points to the possibility of applying the Rorschach test in the clinical diagnosis of personality disorders

    Modeling assumptions influence on stress and strain state in 450 t cranes hoisting winch construction

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    This work investigates the FEM simulation of stress and strain state of the selected trolley’s load-carrying structure with 450 tones hoisting capacity [1]. Computational loads were adopted as in standard PN-EN 13001-2. Model of trolley was built from several cooperating with each other (in contact) parts. The influence of model assumptions (simplification) in selected construction nodes to the value of maximum stress and strain with its area of occurrence was being analyzed. The aim of this study was to determine whether the simplification, which reduces the time required to prepare the model and perform calculations (e.g., rigid connection instead of contact) are substantially changing the characteristics of the model

    I++ simulator used to support working with coordinate measuring machine

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    This paper presents examples of usage of Coordinate Measuring Machine simulator, which facilitate metrological tasks in laboratory and industrial conditions, and constitute a great convenience in Coordinate Measuring Technique learning process

    "Movable platform" - the idea and energy consumption

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    This paper presents the application of the concept of moving sidewalks at railway stations (the movable platform) including the calculation of electricity consumption. Particular focus was placed on issue of energy profit and loss in two stages - through the loss (consumption) of energy by using a moving sidewalk at a railway station platform and the profit (reduced consumption) of energy, by the lack of having to start the train, that supports movable platform, from the initial speed of 0 km/h

    Analiza numeryczna konstrukcji systemu rozsączającego wody opadowe

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    Progressive implements which make possible advanced geotechnical analysis, induced the author to verify previously accepted engineering solutions of construction of rain waters drainage system with the use of reinforced concrete walls and horizontal geogrids. The quantitative analysis of stress distribution in ground medium around the drainage system was performed in numerical model with the use of finite element method . This analysis confirmed previous – intuitive and qualitative - assumptions of the technical design. The application of reinforced concrete walls, transmission of ground lateral pressure to the soil below and the above drainage system, result in twofold reduction of horizontal components of ground stresses in area between reinforced walls and the drainage. The usage of two layers of geogrid over the drainage system  made possible strain relief of this system (in the middle, the most sensitive zone) in vertical direction of about 75%.Dostępność nowoczesnych narzędzi, pozwalających na zaawansowane analizy geotechniczne, skłoniła autora niniejszej publikacji do zweryfikowania przyjętych uprzednio, po części intuicyjnych, rozwiązań technicznych konstrukcji systemu rozsączającego wody opadowe, polegającego na zastosowaniu elementów odciążających w postaci ścian żelbetowych oraz poziomych geosiatek. Metodą elementów skończonych w modelu numerycznym otrzymano ilościową analizę rozkładu naprężeń w ośrodku gruntowym otaczającym system rozsączania wód opadowych, która potwierdza intuicyjne, jakościowe, założenia projektu technicznego. Dzięki zastosowaniu żelbetowych ścian przenoszących parcie boczne gruntu na grunt powyżej jak i poniżej systemu rozsączającego uzyskano dwukrotne zmniejszenie poziomych składowych naprężeń ośrodka gruntowego w strefie pomiędzy żelbetowymi ścianami a systemem rozsączającym. Zastosowanie dwóch warstw geosiatki powyżej systemu rozsączającego umożliwiło odciążenie systemu rozsączania (w środkowej, najbardziej wrażliwej strefie) w kierunku pionowym o około 75%

    Przejawy społecznych lęków przed technologią w grach cyfrowych

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    Współczesne społeczeństwo często określa się mianem społeczeństwa ryzyka. Ludzie są bardziej niż kiedyś świadomi zagrożeń, rozczarowani niespełnionym obietnicami nauki i często są przekonani, że cokolwiek zrobią nie zmieni to status quo. To sprawia, że boją się przyszłości. Obawiają się nieprzewidywalnych konsekwencji wynalazków i odkryć technonaukowych. Przelewają zatem swoje lęki na artefakty medialne, dzięki czemu stają się one bardziej namacalne i łatwiej jest sobie z nimi poradzić. W tym artykule analizuję różne sposoby występowanie lęków w medium gier cyfrowych. Skupiam się na dwóch głównych pytaniach: (1) jakiego typu lęki technologiczne najczęściej przewijają się w tym medium, (2) za pomocą jakich środków są one przedstawiane graczom. Na potrzeby tej pracy zbadałem bogaty wybór fabularnych gier cyfrowych i część z nich przywołuję jako przykłady na poparcie moich obserwacji.Modern society is often called a society of risk. A combination of high awareness people show with regard to possible issues they could face, disillusionment they have with the progress of science and the belief they often hold that we can do nothing to change the status quo leads them to fear for the future. They are often concerned with the unpredictable consequences of technoscientific inventions and discoveries, so they channel their fears into the media artifacts, to make them more tangible and easier to endure. In this article, I will analyze various ways in which these fears are channeled into the digital games medium. I will focus on two main questions, i.e. (1) what types of technological fears are the most common in the medium and (2) what are the ways in which such fears can be presented to the player. To do this I will examine an extensive selection of games some of which are used in this paper as examples of my findings.


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    In case of coordinate machines that use CAA correction matrix, the issue of kinematic errors analysis may be based on the determination of residual error distribution. Temperature changes have an impact on CMM kinematic structure, which may cause the differences in the map of residual errors. As for today, the residual errors were analysed only for the reference temperature. No research was undertaken on the residual errors changes depending on the temperature variations. This paper presents the experiment aimed at residual errors analysis and resulting errors distributions for different temperatures