541 research outputs found

    A note on the M5 brane anomaly

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    The problem of the M5 brane anomaly cancellation is addressed. We reformulate FHMM construction making explicit the relation with the M5 brane SUGRA solution. We suggest another solution to the magnetic coupling equation which doesn't need anomalous SO(5) variation of the 3-form potential and coincides with the SUGRA solution outside smoothed out core of the magnetic source. Chern-Simons term evaluated on this solution generates the same anomaly inflow as achieved by FHMM.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe

    Stringy Robinson-Trautman Solutions

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    A class of solutions of the low energy string theory in four dimensions is studied. This class admits a geodesic, shear-free null congruence which is non-twisting but in general diverging and the corresponding solutions in Einstein's theory form the Robinson-Trautman family together with a subset of the Kundt's class. The Robinson-Trautman conditions are found to be frame invariant in string theory. The Lorentz Chern-Simons three form of the stringy Robinson-Trautman solutions is shown to be always closed. The stringy generalizations of the vacuum Robinson-Trautman equation are obtained and three subclasses of solutions are identified. One of these subclasses exists, among all the dilatonic theories, only in Einstein's theory and in string theory. Several known solutions including the dilatonic black holes, the pp- waves, the stringy C-metric and certain solutions which correspond to exact conformal field theories are shown to be particular members of the stringy Robinson-Trautman family. Some new solutions which are static or asymptotically flat and radiating are also presented. The radiating solutions have a positive Bondi mass. One of these radiating solutions has the property that it settles down smoothly to a black hole state at late retarded times.Comment: Latex, 30 Pages, 1 Figure; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Simplified calculations of band-gap renormalization in quantum-wells

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    Non-linear optical properties of photoexcited semiconductor quantum-wells are of interest because of their opto-electronic device application possibilities. Many-body interactions of the optically created electrons and holes lead to the band-gap renormalization which in turn determines the absorption spectra of such systems. We employ a simplified approach to calculate the band-gap renormalization in quantum-well systems by considering the interaction of a single electron-hole pair with the collective excitations (plasmons). This method neglects the exchange-correlation effects but fully accounts for the Coulomb-hole term in the single-particle self-energy. We demonstrate that the density, temperature, and well-width dependence of the band-gap renormalization for GaAs quantum-wells within our model is in good agreement with the experimental results. © 1996 Academic Press Limited

    Coupled plasmon-phonon mode effects on the Coulomb drag in double-quantum-well systems

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    We study the Coulomb drag rate for electrons in a double-quantum-well structure taking into account the electron-optical phonon interactions. The full wave vector and frequency dependent random-phase approximation (RPA) at finite temperature is employed to describe the effective interlayer Coulomb interaction. The electron-electron and electron-optical phonon couplings are treated on an equal footing. The electron-phonon mediated interaction contribution is investigated for different layer separations and layer densities. We find that the drag rate at high temperatures (i.e., T≥0.2EF) is dominated by the coupled plasmon-phonon modes of the system. The peak position of the drag rate is shifted to the low temperatures with a slight increase in magnitude, compared to the uncoupled system results in RPA. This behavior is in qualitative agreement with the recent measurements. Including the local-field effects in an approximate way we also estimate the contribution of intralayer correlations

    Variational approach for phonon renormalization effects in photoexcited quantum wires and quantum wells

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    We investigate the effects of screening on polaronic corrections to the effective band edge in photoexcited quasi-one-dimensional GaAs quantum wires and two-dimensional quantum wells. We develop a variational method to calculate the polaron energy of a two-component plasma (electrons and holes) coupled to LO-phonons. Screening effects are incorporated within a dynamical scheme. We find that the screening effects and finite well width considerably reduce the polaron energy as the plasma density increases. Many-body corrections beyond the random-phase approximation are also considered

    Phonon renormalization effects in photoexcited quantum wires

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    We study the effects of screening on polaronic corrections to the effective band edge in a quasi-one-dimensional GaAs quantum wire. We find that the screening effects and finite well width considerably reduce the polaron energy and oppose the polaronic band-gap renormalization. We calculate the polaronic effective mass as a function of the carrier density and temperature. Effects of the vertex corrections to the conduction- and valence-band edges are also discussed. © 1995 The American Physical Society

    Confined-phonon effects in the band-gap renormalization of semiconductor quantum wires

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    We calculate the band-gap renormalization in quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor quantum wires including carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon interactions. We use the quasistatic approximation to obtain the self-energies at the band edge that define the band-gap renormalization. The random-phase approximation at finite temperature is employed to describe the screening effects. We find that confined LO-phonon modes through their interaction with the electrons and holes modify the band gap significantly and produce a larger value than the static ∈0 approximation

    Confined optical phonon effects on the band gap renormalization in quantum wire structures

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    We consider the different approximations for the bandgap renormalization (BGR) within the random phase approximation (RPA), the quasi-static limit and the plasmon-pole approximation, and compare with the full result. We then include bulk optical phonons and also the phonon confinement using the phonons from the dielectric continuum (DC) model. We show that the results are very similar except at low densities where the quasi-static results overestimate the renormalization

    Investigation of phage and molasses interactions for the biocontrol of E. coli O157:H7

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    Resistance to antibiotics is one of the most critical health problems in the world. Therefore, finding new treatment methods to be used as alternatives to antibiotics has become a priority for researchers. Similar to phages, certain products containing antimicrobial components, such as molasses, are widely used to eliminate resistant bacteria. Molasses has a strong antimicrobial effect on bacterial cells, and this effect is thought to be due to the breakdown of the cytoplasmic cell membrane and cell proteins of the polyphenols in molasses. In the present study, phage–molasses interactions were investigated to examine the effects of concomitant use. It was found that molasses samples increased the size of phage plaques by up to 3-fold, and MIC and 1/2 x MIC concentrations of molasses increased the burst size of phages. Although no synergistic effect was found between the phage and molasses, the antimicrobial activities of the components and the effect of molasses on phage activity were demonstrated. © 2022, Canadian Science Publishing. All rights reserved.Emine Ku€bra Tayyarcan is supported by the 100/ 2000 doctoral scholarship provided by the Council of Higher Education, Turkey

    Lectures on Linear Stability of Rotating Black Holes

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    These lecture notes are concerned with linear stability of the non-extreme Kerr geometry under perturbations of general spin. After a brief review of the Kerr black hole and its symmetries, we describe these symmetries by Killing fields and work out the connection to conservation laws. The Penrose process and superradiance effects are discussed. Decay results on the long-time behavior of Dirac waves are outlined. It is explained schematically how the Maxwell equations and the equations for linearized gravitational waves can be decoupled to obtain the Teukolsky equation. It is shown how the Teukolsky equation can be fully separated to a system of coupled ordinary differential equations. Linear stability of the non-extreme Kerr black hole is stated as a pointwise decay result for solutions of the Cauchy problem for the Teukolsky equation. The stability proof is outlined, with an emphasis on the underlying ideas and methods.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, lectures given at first DOMOSCHOOL in July 2018, minor improvements (published version