111 research outputs found

    Entanglement Generation of Clifford Quantum Cellular Automata

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    Clifford quantum cellular automata (CQCAs) are a special kind of quantum cellular automata (QCAs) that incorporate Clifford group operations for the time evolution. Despite being classically simulable, they can be used as basic building blocks for universal quantum computation. This is due to the connection to translation-invariant stabilizer states and their entanglement properties. We will give a self-contained introduction to CQCAs and investigate the generation of entanglement under CQCA action. Furthermore, we will discuss finite configurations and applications of CQCAs.Comment: to appear in the "DPG spring meeting 2009" special issue of Applied Physics

    National contributions for decarbonizing the world economy in line with the G7 agreement

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    In June 2015, the G7 agreed to two global mitigation goals: 'a decarbonization of the global economy over the course of this century' and 'the upper end of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendation of 40%–70% reductions by 2050 compared to 2010'. These IPCC recommendations aim to preserve a likely (>66%) chance of limiting global warming to 2 °C but are not necessarily consistent with the stronger ambition of the subsequent Paris Agreement of 'holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels'. The G7 did not specify global or national emissions scenarios consistent with its own agreement. Here we identify global cost-optimal emissions scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models that match the G7 agreement. These scenarios have global 2030 emissions targets of 11%–43% below 2010, global net negative CO2 emissions starting between 2056 and 2080, and some exhibit net negative greenhouse gas emissions from 2080 onwards. We allocate emissions from these global scenarios to countries according to five equity approaches representative of the five equity categories presented in the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (IPCCAR5): 'capability', 'equality', 'responsibility-capability-need', 'equal cumulative per capita' and 'staged approaches'. Our results show that G7 members' Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDCs) mitigation targets are in line with a grandfathering approach but lack ambition to meet various visions of climate justice. The INDCs of China and Russia fall short of meeting the requirements of any allocation approach. Depending on how their INDCs are evaluated, the INDCs of India and Brazil can match some equity approaches evaluated in this study

    Design of an Activity-Based Probe for Human Neutrophil Elastase: Implementation of the Lossen Rearrangement To Induce Förster Resonance Energy Transfers.

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    Human neutrophil elastase is an important regulator of the immune response and plays a role in host defense mechanisms and further physiological processes. The uncontrolled activity of this serine protease may cause severe tissue alterations and impair inflammatory states. The design of an activity-based probe for human neutrophil elastase reported herein relies on a sulfonyloxyphthalimide moiety as a new type of warhead that is linker-connected to a coumarin fluorophore. The inhibitory potency of the activity-based probe was assessed against several serine and cysteine proteases, and the selectivity for human neutrophil elastase (Ki = 6.85 nM) was determined. The adequate fluorescent tag of the probe allowed for the in-gel fluorescence detection of human neutrophil elastase in the low nanomolar range. The coumarin moiety and the anthranilic acid function of the probe, produced in the course of a Lossen rearrangement, were part of two different Förster resonance energy transfers

    PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC 2006 categories

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    All Annex I Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to report domestic emissions on an annual basis in a Common Reporting Format (CRF). In 2015, the CRF data reporting was updated to follow the more recent 2006 guidelines from the IPCC and the structure of the reporting tables was modified accordingly. However, the hierarchical categorisation of data in the IPCC 2006 guidelines is not readily extracted from the reporting tables. In this paper, we present the PRIMAP-crf data as a re-constructed hierarchical dataset according to the IPCC 2006 guidelines. Furthermore, the data are organised in a series of tables containing all available countries and years for each individual gas and category reported. It is therefore readily usable for climate policy assessment, such as the quantification of emissions reduction targets.In addition to single gases, the Kyoto basket of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, and NF3) is provided according to multiple global warming potentials. The dataset was produced using the PRIMAP emissions module. Key processing steps include extracting data from submitted CRF Excel spreadsheets, mapping CRF categories to IPCC 2006 categories, constructing missing categories from available data, and aggregating single gases to gas baskets. Finally, we describe key aspects of the data with relevance for climate policy: the contribution of NF3 to national totals, changes in data reported over subsequent years, and issues or difficulties encountered when processing currently available data. The processed data are available under an Open Data CC BY 4.0 license, and are available at https://doi.org/10.5880/pik.2018.001.</p

    NNLO versus NLO multi-jet merging for top-pair production including electroweak corrections

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    In this proceedings we compare phenomenological predictions for differential distributions in top-quark pair production at the LHC. In particular we consider NNLO QCD fixed-order predictions and parton-level predictions based on NLO QCD multi-jet merging following the MEPS@NLO scheme. In both predictions NLO electroweak (EW) corrections are incorporated in different approximations. We focus on several transverse-momentum distributions and on the top-quark invariant mass distribution, both highly relevant for the ongoing physics program at the LHC. We discuss comparisons between the different considered approximations and their advantages and disadvantages for different distributions.Comment: 5 pages plus references, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, September 201

    Preliminarno ispitivanje antimikotskog i citotoksičnog djelovanja derivata cikloalkil[b]tiofena PLS-DA analizom

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    A series of 2-[(arylidene)amino]-cycloalkyl[b]thiophene-3-carbonitriles (2a-x) was synthesized by incorporation of substituted aromatic aldehydes in Gewald adducts (1a-c). The title compounds were screened for their antifungal activity against Candida krusei and Criptococcusneoformans and for their antiproliferative activity against a panel of 3 human cancer cell lines (HT29, NCI H-292 and HEP). Forantiproliferative activity, the partial least squares (PLS) methodology was applied. Some of the prepared compounds exhibited promising antifungal and proliferative properties. The most active compounds for antifungal activity were cyclohexyl[b]thiophene derivatives, and forantiproliferative activity cycloheptyl[b]thiophene derivatives, especially 2-[(1H-indol-2-yl-methylidene)amino]-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-cyclohepta[b]thiophene-3-carbonitrile (2r), which inhibited more than 97 % growth of the three cell lines. The PLS discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)applied generated good exploratory and predictive results and showed that the descriptors having shape characteristics were strongly correlated with the biological data.Koristeći supstituirane aromatske aldehide u Gewaldovim aduktima 1a-c sintetizirani su derivati 2-[(ariliden)amino]-cikloalkil[b]tiofen-3-karbonitrila (2a-x). Ispitano je antimikotsko djelovanje tih spojeva na gljivice Candida krusei i Criptococcus neoformans te antiproliferativno djelovanje na tri humane tumorske stanične linije (HT29, NCI H-292 i HEP). Za antiproliferativno djelovanje primijenjena je metoda parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS) koristeći softverski program Pentacle. Neki od ispitanih spojeva pokazuju obećavajuće antimikotsko i antiproliferativno djelovanje. Najjače antimikotsko djelovanje imaju cikloheksil[b]tiofen derivati, a najjače antiproliferativno djelovanje cikloheptil[b]tiofen derivati, posebice 2-[(1H-indol-2-il-metiliden)amino]-5,6,7,8-tetrahidro-4H-ciklohepta[b]tiofen-3-karbonitril (2r), koji inhibira viĆĄe od 97 % rast svih triju ispitivanih staničnih linija. Primijenjena PLS diskriminirajuća analiza dala je dobre istraĆŸivačke i prognostičke rezultate i pokazala da deskriptori dobro koreliraju s bioloĆĄkim rezultatima

    Development of an SPR imaging biosensor for determination of cathepsin G in saliva and white blood cells

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    Cathepsin G (CatG) is an endopeptidase that is associated with the early immune response. The synthetic compound cathepsin G inhibitor I (CGI-I) was tested for its ability to inhibit the activity of CatG via a new surface plasmon resonance imaging assay. CGI-I was immobilized on the gold surface of an SPR sensor that was first modified with 1-octadecanethiol. A concentration of CGI-I equal to 4.0 Όg·mL-1 and a pH of 8.0 were found to give the best results. The dynamic response of the sensor ranges from 0.25 to 1.5 ng·mL-1, and the detection limit is 0.12 ng·mL-1. The sensor was applied to detect CatG in human saliva and white blood cells

    National contributions to climate change due to historical emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide since 1850

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    Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) have made significant contributions to global warming since the pre-industrial period and are therefore targeted in international climate policy. There is substantial interest in tracking and apportioning national contributions to climate change and informing equitable commitments to decarbonisation. Here, we introduce a new dataset of national contributions to global warming caused by historical emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide during the years 1851–2021, which are consistent with the latest findings of the IPCC. We calculate the global mean surface temperature response to historical emissions of the three gases, including recent refinements which account for the short atmospheric lifetime of CH4. We report national contributions to global warming resulting from emissions of each gas, including a disaggregation to fossil and land use sectors. This dataset will be updated annually as national emissions datasets are updated
