126 research outputs found

    Society and Culture in Raşid’S Divan

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    DergiPark: 326085trakyasobedAn important property of the Divan literature, existed for centuries in a wide geography, is to be fed from the world’s richest cultural resources. Religion, mysticism, social life, various sciences mythology, historical and legendary heroes, traditions-customs, folk beliefs are among its sources. Relationships with social life of the Divan poetry has come to ignore, and constantly discussed claimed to be far from reality. Information obtained by careful examination of the products of the culture of the Ottoman literature in recent years has clarified the issue, this information is the life and history of the Ottoman Divan poetry, which reveals the intimate bond. In this study, the 8th century poet historian Raşid Divan located in the human, social, cultural, time, not of a part of the only of the society, such as space, all peculiar to the the events, used merchandise, the people living in that era show that how to get in a divan is the product of effort. The purpose of this study, which is a part of Turkey since Literature, the ongoing cultural heritage of the Turkish nation for centuries, is to reveal a more rectum page. It will be seen for years away from society and treated as foreign Divan poetry carries the core values of our nation filled with nice richness. Information about these types of historic figures and events of the string in the study can be reachedÇok geniş bir coğrafyada yüzyıllar boyunca varlığını sürdüren divan edebiyatının özelliklerinin başında dünyanın en zengin kültür kaynaklarından beslenmiş olması gelir. Din ve tasavvuf, sosyal hayat, çeşitli ilimler, mitoloji, tarihî ve efsanevî kahramanlar, gelenekgörenek ve halk inançları.. onun kaynakları arasındadır. Divan şiirinin sosyal hayatla olan bağı çoğu zaman görmezden gelinmiş, gerçeklikten uzak olduğu iddiası sürekli tartışılmıştır. Son yıllarda divan edebiyatı kültürüne ait ürünlerin dikkatle incelenmesiyle elde edilen bilgiler konuya açıklık getirmekte, divan şiirinin Osmanlı hayatı ve tarihi ile olan sıkı bağlarını gözler önüne sermektedir. Bu çalışma XVIII. yy. şairlerinden Tarihçi Raşid Divanında yer alan insan, toplum, kültür, zaman, mekân gibi yalnızca toplumun bir kesimine ait değil, tümüne has olayların, kullanılan eşyaların, o dönemde yaşayan insanların bir divanda nasıl yer aldığını gösterme çabasının ürünüdür. Türk edebiyatı tarihinden bir bölümü içeren bu çalışmadaki amaç, Türk milletinin yüzyıllardan beri süregelen kültür birikiminden bir sayfayı daha aralamak, ortaya çıkarmaktır. Görülecektir ki yıllardır toplumdan uzak, yabancı olarak nitelenen divan şiiri, milletimizin öz değerleriyle dolu nice zenginliği taşımaktadır. Bu tür çalışmalarda şiir dizelerinde yer alan tarihi şahsiyetler ve olaylar hakkında bilgilere de ulaşılabilmektedi

    Universe-Human Relationship in Arif’S Nusha-I Alem

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    DergiPark: 437744trakyasobedEserlerindeki bilgilere göre 14.yüzyılın sonu ve 15. yüzyılın başında yaşadığı tahmin edilen Ârif, tasavvufalanında, daha çok mesnevi türünde eserler kaleme almış bir şairdir. Şairineserleri incelendiğinde, kendisinin geniş bir Kur’an ve hadis bilgisine sahipolduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada âlem kelimesinin anlamları, bunlardanhareketle âlemlerin özellikleri, insan, insan-âlem ilişkisi, üzerindedurulmuştur. Konu ile ilgili olarak, sözlük, ansiklopedi maddeleri ve bazıtasavvufi eserlerden yararlanılmış, Ârif’in Nüsha-i Âlem adlı mesnevisitaranmıştır.Ârif eserinde, evren-insankarşılaştırmalarını, insanın kâinatın bir özeti olduğu ana fikri çerçevesindeyapmıştır. Yedigök tabakası, yedi gezegen, bu gezegenlerin bulunduğu konumlar, on iki burç,ay, güneş ve yıldızlar, arş, kürsi, levh ve kalem, cennet ve cennete ait bazıözelliklerle iyi ve kötü kavramlarının insandaki karşılıkları ele alınmış;duyularımız, duyu organlarımız, içinde yaşadığımız bedene ve taşıdığımız canaait özellikler sıralanmıştır. Ayrıca vakit kavramının insan hayatınındönemlerine olan benzerlikleri, insanın iç dünyasında barındırdığı keder vekaygıların, göz yaşının, gülmenin ve çıkardığımız bazı seslerin, aldığımıznefesin, et, kas ve kemiklerimizin, damarlarımızda akan kanın, yönkavramlarının; katılık, öfkeli olmak, sabretmek gibi huylarımızın tabiatlailişkisi kurulmuş ve bunlar çeşitli benzetmelerle anlatılmıştır.Eserdeinsanın dünyaya gönderiliş amacı üzerinde durulmuş; iyi bir kul olmanıngerektirdiği doğru bir inanış, doğruluk içinde bir hayat, kısacası Allah’ınemirlerini yaşamak düşüncesi vurgulanmıştır.According to theinformation in his written works, Arif, estimated to have lived in the end ofthe 14th and the beginning of the 15th century, is a poet who has receivedwritten works in the field of Sufism, mostly in the form of masnavi. When thewritten works of the poet are examined, it is understood that he has a wideknowledge of Quran and hadith. In this research, the meanings of the word ofthe 'universe' and starting from this point of meanings the features of theuniverse, human, human-universe relation have been studied. For the research,dictionary, encyclopedia articles, and some Sufistic written works were usedand the masnavis named Arif's Nüsha-i Âlem was scanned.In his writtenworks, Arif made the universe-human comparisons within the framework of theidea that humanity is a summary of the universe. Seven sky layers, sevenplanets, locations of these planets, twelve signs, moon, sun and stars, theninth heaven (arş), kürsi, levh, heaven, and heavenly properties have beenhandled. Additionally, the features of our senses, our sensory organs, the bodywe live in and the spirit we have are listed. Also, relationships, between theconcept of time and the periods of human life, between the concept of directionand feelings such as grief, anxiety, tears, laughter, which are held in theinner world of humanity in addition to that the breath that a human takes, somevoices that a human creates, human's muscles, flesh, bones, blood in her/hisveins, between nature and human habits like obdurateness, hotheadedness, longsufferance was established and these relationships are described in variousanalogies.The subjectswhich are discussed in his written works; the purpose of human sending to theworld, the true belief to be a good servant, the life in righteousness. Inshort, it is emphasized to live the commandments of Allah in his written works

    The connectedness and risk spillovers between bitcoin spot and futures markets: evidence from intraday data

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    This paper examines the dynamic relation between Bitcoin spot and futures markets during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using hourly data from 2020 combined with quantile impulse response analysis and predictability in the distribution test, we attempt to ascertain whether spot or futures markets lead in the price discovery process under a variety of market conditions. Granger predictability based on the left tail, the right tail, and the center of the distribution show bidirectional predictability between spot and futures markets suggesting significant feedback effects following normal and extreme gains/losses where neither market dominates in price discovery. Using a CAViaR model and the associated impulse response functions with estimates for dynamic tail dependence, we document spillovers between quantiles of spot and futures returns. Estimates of impulse response functions at various risk levels show the futures market has an edge in influencing the spot market and figures more prominently in the price discovery process

    To what extent does hyaluronic acid affect healing of xenografts? A histomorphometric study in a rabbit model

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    ABSTRACT Among the many graft materials that have been used for the treatment of bone defects in oral and maxillofacial regions is xenograft. To improve osteoconductive effects of xenografts, they have been combined with various biocompatible materials, such as hyaluronic acid and bone morphogenetic protein. Objective: To determine bone-healing capacity of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA) combined with xenograft in rabbit calvarial bone defects. Material and methods: Ten adult male New Zealand rabbits (mean weight 3 kg) were included in the study. Three 6-mm-diameter bicortical cranial defects were created on calvarial bone of all rabbits. These defects were filled as follows: a) xenograft; b) HA+xenograft; c) autograft. One month after the first operation, rabbits were sacrificed. Specimens were evaluated histomorphometrically. Results: Considering multiple comparisons, differences regarding new bone were statistically significant between all groups (

    Attitudes of non-physician health workers working in the Emergency Department towards euthanasia, death, and the terminally patient

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    Aim: The use of the right to die in the center of the individual's own decision is called euthanasia. This decision, was evaluated from legal, religious, and medical perspectives. In different countries applied euthanasia, which can be performed actively or passively. In our study, we planned to investigate the perspectives of healthcare professionals working in the emergency department about euthanasia and their thoughts on diseases that can be applied to euthanasia. Material and methods: A survey was conducted from June to October 2022 on non-physician health workers working in the Emergency department. A questionnaire including demographic data, professional knowledge, and Attitude Scale towards Euthanasia, Death, and the Terminally Patient was administered to the healthcare professionals who agreed to participate in the study. The obtained data were analyzed. Results: In the study, the feedback of 60 participants, 37 of whom were women, was evaluated. The mean age of the entrants was found to be 39.07±10.11 years. 60% of the participants had received cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in the past year. 70% of the participants stated that they could be euthanized for coma, 38.33% for severe disability, and 36.67% for severe and incurable neurological diseases. Conclusion: In the process of euthanasia, which does not have a legal infrastructure in our country, different perspectives are seen from different departments of health services. Key words: emergency department, euthanasia, non-health worker


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    Bu çalışmada Erzurum Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Göle Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı Yalnızçam ve Uğurlu Orman İşletme Şefliği sınırları içerisinde yer alan sarıçam meşcereleri (Pinus sylvestris L.) için sıklığa bağlı yöresel hasılat tablosu düzenlenmiştir. Bu amaçla değişik yaş, bonitet endeksi ve sıklık derecelerine sahip Sarıçam meşçerelerinden 358 deneme alanı alınmıştır. Bu deneme alanlarından sağlanan veriler kullanılarak; meşcere yaşı, bonitet endeksi ve sıklık derecesinin fonksiyonu olarak, meşcere hacmi, ağaç sayısı, göğüs yüzeyi, orta çap ve orta boy gibi asli (kalan) meşcere özelliklerini tahmin eden regresyon denklemleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu regresyon denklemleri arasında en yüksek ilişkiyi; meşcere hacmi (R2=0.910), daha sonra sırasıyla meşcere göğüs yüzeyi (R2=0.791), ağaç sayısı (R2=0.694), orta çap (R2=0.601) ve orta boy (R2=0.531) vermiştir. Sarıçam’ın kalan ve ayrılan meşcereye ait özelliklerinin meşcere yaşı, bonitet endeksi ve sıklık derecesi arasındaki ilişkiler, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve büyüme yasaları ile uyumludur. Anahtar kelimeler: Sıklığa bağlı yöresel hasılat tablosu, Sarıçam, Sıklı

    Five-Years Tigecycline Experience an Analysis of Real-Life Data

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    Aim: Tigecycline has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections, skin and soft tissue infections and community-acquired pneumonia. In our study, we examined the efficacy of tigecycline in clinical practice and reported real life data from our hospital over a period of five years. Methods: The study was conducted between 2008 and 2013 on patients who received tigecycline for longer than 48 hours in Ankara Training and Research Hospital. Clinical success was defined as clinical recovery and microbiological cure in patients who used tigecycline. Any reason for discontinuation of tigecycline treatment was considered a clinical failure. Results: In our hospital, 320 patients were administered tigecycline between 2008 and 2013. Tigecycline was mainly used for pneumonia and skin and soft tissue infections. Tigecycline was used as monotherapy in 174 patients (54.1%). The most frequently isolated agent in tigecycline-treated patients was Acinetobacter baumannii (43.4%) followed by Enterococcus (6.9%). A change in treatment was not considered necessary in 243 (75.9%) patients who received tigecycline, while it was changed in 77 patients (24.1%). Conclusion: In conclusion, the use of tigecycline can be an effective treatment choice, either as monotherapy or as a combination antibiotic therapy

    The Effects of Afyonkarahisar’s Recreational Areas and Activities on Tourism Demand and Accomodation Length

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    Destinasyonlar bugün turizm sektörü içinde rekabetin yaşandığı tarafların başında gelmektedir. Tatil anlayışının değişmesi sektörel gelişim ve rekabetin getirilerinden olmuştur. Yapılan bu çalışma da amaç Afyonkarahisar’ın rekreasyon alanları ve faaliyetlerinin turizm talebine ve konaklama süresine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Termal kaynakların temel tercih nedeni olması nedeniyle termal özellikli hizmet veren işletme dışı rekreasyon alanları incelenmiştir. İle gelen yerli turistler araştırma evrenini oluşturmaktadır. Anket aracılığıyla toplanan verilerin analizinde frekans-yüzde dağılımları, frekanslara bağlı olarak önem puanı hesaplaması ve bağımsız örneklemler için ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre turistlerin Afyonkarahisar’ı tercih nedenleri arasında rekreasyon alanlarını görmek ve faaliyetlere katılma neredeyse yoktur. Katılanların ise konaklama süresine etkisi büyük oranda yoktur. Rekreasyon kaynakları hakkında ziyaretçilerin bilgi düzeyleri ve bu alanlara katılanların tercihleri ile değerlendirmeleri ile katılmayanların nedenleri demografik özelliklere göre test edilmiştir. Kimi özelliklerinde istatistikî açıdan anlamlı farklılıklar görülmüştür.Nowadays, destinations are considered at the beginning of the competition in the tourism sector. The mentality of the holiday has changed by the reason of competition and development of sector. The main purpose of this study is to investigate Afyonkarahisar’s recreational areas and activities’ effects on tourism demand and length of accommodation. Thermal resources were excluded from recreational areas and activities because the thermal sources are the basic preference for the city. Outside recreational areas were investigated. Research population is consisted of the tourists who stay at least overnight. Questionnaire was used as a method of data collection. To analyze data Frequency-Percentage analysis, Calculation importance score of the rated questions by frequencies and Chi-Square for independent samples test was used. According to the findings, among the reasons why the tourists visit Afyon does virtually not include the options such as seeing recreational areas and participating in activities. Participation in the activities does largely not affect the length of accommodation. The information level of the visitors on recreation areas and activities, their reason to take part in these activities, participants' satisfaction and their evaluations along with the reason why they do not participate in these activities were tested according to demographic characteristics. It was seen in some characteristics that there were statistically significant differences

    Diyabetik maküla ödeminin gözün biyometrik ölçümlerine etkisi

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    Tez (Tıpta Uzmanlık) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi88061