332 research outputs found

    Managing a Strategic Business Relationship in an Emerging Market: Advertising Agency-Client Relationships in Turkey

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    AbstractThe advertising agency-client relationship is considered to be a key factor in the creation of successful, brand-building advertising. Despite a diverse and growing body of literature on the subject in developed countries, less is known about agency-client relationships in developing countries. This study aims to provide an overview of the issues prevailing in the advertising agency-client relationship in Turkey in order to offer some insights into improving this strategically critical relationship especially in the context of emerging markets

    Osmanlı Topraklarına Avrupa'dan Muhacir İskanı (1856-1859)

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    Utjecaj finih recikliranih vlakana na svojstva ručno izrađenog papira od nemljevene i mljevene celuloze

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    In this study, 5, 10, and 15 % secondary fines of recycled pulp were added to unbeaten and beaten (28 ºSR) samples of recycled pulp, Turkish Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) kraft pulp, and European aspen (Populus tremula L.) kraft pulp. The effects of the addition of fiber fines on hand sheets properties were evaluated. The addition of fiber fines to the unbeaten pulps improved the strength properties of hand sheets. The roughness of hand sheets was also decreased with the addition of fines. When fiber fines were added to the beaten pulps, the type of pulp strongly affected the paper strength properties. The strength properties of beaten pulps of Turkish Calabrian pine and European aspen were decreased with the addition of fiber fines, while the strength properties of beaten pulps of recycled pulp were increased. On the other hand, the air permeance of unbeaten and beaten samples was decreased with the addition of fiber fines. Consequently, the addition of fines to unbeaten and beaten pulps had a more pronounced effect on European aspen kraft pulp and recycled pulp than on Turkish Calabrian pine kraft pulp. Also, the strength of paper made of unbeaten recycled pulp with the addition of 15 % fines was higher than that of fines-free beaten recycled pulp.U radu je opisano istraživanje u kojemu je mljevenoj i nemljevenoj (28 °SR) recikliranoj celulozi, kraft celulozi od brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia Ten.) i kraf celulozi od jasike (Populus tremula L.) dodano 5, 10 i 15 % sekundarnih finih vlakana reciklirane celuloze. Utvrđeni su učinci dodavanja finih vlakana na svojstva ručno izrađenih papira. Dodatak vlakana nemljevenoj celulozi pridonio je povećanju čvrstoće i smanjenju hrapavosti ručno izrađenih papira. Pri dodavanju vlakana mljevenoj celulozi velik je utjecaj na čvrstoću papira imala vrsta celuloze. Čvrstoća mljevene celuloze od brucijskog bora i jasike dodatkom vlakana se smanjila, dok se čvrstoća mljevene reciklirane celuloze povećala. Usto, dodatkom vlakana smanjena je propusnost zraka mljevenih i nemljevenih uzoraka. Posljedično, učinak dodavanja vlakana mljevenoj i nemljevenoj celulozi bio je veći za kraft celulozu od jasike i recikliranu celulozu nego za kraft celulozu od brucijskog bora. Također, čvrstoća papira od mljevene reciklirane celuloze s dodatkom 15 % vlakana bila je veća od čvrstoće papira od mljevene celuloze bez dodatka vlakana

    Genotoxic effects of boric acid and borax in zebrafish, Danio rerio using alkaline comet assay

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    The present study is conducted to determine the potential mechanisms of Boron compounds, boric acid (BA) and borax (BX), on genotoxicity of zebrafish Danio rerio for 24, 48, 72 and 96-hours acute exposure (level:1, 4, 16, 64 mg/l BA and BX) in semi-static bioassay experiment. For that purpose, peripheral erythrocytes were drawn from caudal vein and Comet assay was applied to assess genotoxicity. Acute (96 hours) exposure and high concentrations of boric acid and borax increases % tail DNA and Olive tail moment. Genotoxicity was found for BA as concentration-dependent and BX as concentration and time dependent manner. In general, significant effects (P < 0,05) on both concentrations and exposure times were observed in experimental groups. DNA damage was highest at 96 h and 24 h for all BX and BA concentrations, respectively in peripheral blood of D. rerio. For the first time, our study demonstrates the effect of waterborne BA and BX exposure on genotoxicity at the molecular level, which may contribute to understanding the mechanism of boric acid and borax-induced genotoxicity in fish

    Kraft celuloza od borovine s dodatkom spojeva bora

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    In this study, effects of KBH4 (PB), NaBH4 (SB), Etibor-48 (E48), Etidot-67 (E67), and colemanite (Col) on kraft pulp and paper properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood were evaluated. The control and boron compound-added kraft pulps were obtained under constant cooking conditions. The boron compounds were used as digester additives in different ratios (2 % and 4 %). The addition of boron compounds to kraft cooking liquor resulted in increases screened and total yield of pulps. The highest screened yield (52.05 %) and total yield (55.09 %) were obtained from PB-4 pulp. The lowest reject ratio (0.61 %) and kappa number (34.60) were determined from PB-2 pulp. Furthermore, the highest tensile properties of handsheets were obtained from E67-4 pulp. Also, E48-4 pulp had the highest burst index and tear index values. E48, E67, and Col are cheaper than PB and SB. From these boron compounds, pulps with relatively low pulp yield but stronger can be obtained.U ovom je istraživanju proučavan utjecaj KBH4 (PB), NaBH4 (SB), Etibor-48 (E48), Etidot-67 (E67) i kolemanita (Col) na kraft celulozu i svojstva papira od borovine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Kontrolna i kraft celuloza s dodatkom spojeva bora dobivene su pri konstantnim uvjetima kuhanja. Spojevi bora upotrijebljeni su kao dodatci za poboljšanje digestije u različitim omjerima (2 i 4 %). Dodavanje spojeva bora tekućini za kuhanje rezultiralo je povećanjem prinosa nakon prosijavanja i ukupnog prinosa celuloze. Najveći prinos nakon prosijavanja (52,05 %) i najveći ukupni prinos (55,09 %) dobiveni su za celulozu PB-4. Najmanji omjer odbacivanja (0,61 %) i kappa broj (34,60) utvrđeni su za celulozu PB-2. Nadalje, najveća vlačna svojstva listova papira dobivena su za celulozu E67-4. Također, celuloza E48-4 imala je najveće vrijednosti indeksa probijanja i vlačnog indeksa. E48, E67 i kolemanit jeftiniji su od PB i SB. Od tih spojeva bora može se dobiti čvršća celuloza, ali s relativno malim prinosom celuloze

    Deep eutectic solvent pulping from sorghum stalks

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    Deep eutectic solvents are characterized as natural, green, biodegradable, non-flammable, non-volatile, non-toxic, odorless, colorless, easy to prepare, and easy to recycle after use. They present an opportunity to introduce new techniques for the pulping process. This study investigated the possibility of using a green deep eutectic solvents from sorghum stalks for pulp and paper production. Choline chloride/ethylene glycol was used in the preparation of eutectic mixtures in molar ratios of 4/10, 5/10, and 6/10. These eutectic mixtures were then applied as cooking liquor to sorghum stalks at two different cooking times (140 and 160 minutes). In addition, the traditional pulping methods of soda and kraft cookings were carried out using sorghum stalks and the pulps were compared with the deep eutectic solvents pulps. The results showed that the pulp production using deep eutectic solvents was accomplished successfully. Some properties of deep eutectic solvents pulps were comparable to those of the soda and kraft pulps. deep eutectic solvents can play an essential role in cleaner pulp production

    Evaluation of median mandibular flexure values in dentulous and edentulous subjects by using an intraoral digital scanner

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    PURPOSE. Mandibular flexure is a crucial phenomenon that may affect the success of rigid bilateral mandibular prosthetic treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of median mandibular flexure (MMF) that occurs during mouth opening from anterior to posterior mandible in seven different regions, in different age and gender groups of both dentulous and edentulous subjects, using an intraoral digital scanner. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In this study, the mandibular arch of 56 dentulous and 35 edentulous individuals were scanned with an intraoral scanner at both the minimum mouth opening (MnMO) and the maximum mouth opening (MxMO). MMF values were calculated by subtracting the distance value at the MxMO from the distance between the reference points at the MnMO at seven different mandibular regions of dentulous and edentulous subjects. In addition, the left and right side MMF values were measured. All data were analyzed statistically (alpha = .05). RESULTS. MMF value increased linearly from anterior to posterior mandible in both dentulous and edentulous individuals. The differences in MMF values were not statistically significant according to side (left/right), age, or gender (P > .05). No significant differences were found between the mean MMF values of the same region in both dentulous and edentulous individuals (P > .05). CONCLUSION. MMF was seen in different regions of the mandibles of both edentulous and dentulous individuals measured at the MxMO. Mandibular flexure should be considered for the success and prognosis of the long-span and rigid prostheses

    Usporedba svojstava natronske, kraft i DES celuloze od drva europske crne topole

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    Kraft pulping as the dominant pulping method contributes to several environmental problems. To overcome these problems, environmentally friendly pulping methods have been investigated. In the last years, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been identified as up-and-coming reagents in the lignocellulosic material processing and they are characterized as environmentally friendly. This study investigated the use of DES in pulp production from European black poplar chips. The DES mixture was prepared from choline chloride (ChCl) and ethylene glycol (EG). In addition, traditional soda and kraft pulping methods were carried out with poplar chips for comparison with the DES pulps. It was found that pulp production from poplar chips using DES was comparable to the soda and kraft pulps in terms of pulp yield, pulp viscosity, and opacity. The DES pulps easily reached target pulp freeness levels. However, the strength properties and brightness of the DES pulps were lower than those of the soda and kraft pulps. The strength properties of DES pulps can be improved with paper strength enhancers such as starch and micro or nanofibrillated cellulose. Also, the utilization of DES in pulp production may have an important role in cleaner production and it represents a greener alternative to traditional pulp production methods.Celuloza se najčešće proizvodi kraft postupkom koji je povezan s nekoliko ekoloških problema. Kako bi se ti problemi prevladali, istražene su ekološki prihvatljive metode proizvodnje celuloze. Posljednjih su godina duboka eutektička otapala (DES) prepoznata kao ekološki prihvatljivi reagensi za preradu lignoceluloznih materijala u budućnosti. U ovom je radu istraživana uporaba DES-a u proizvodnji celuloze od sječke drva europske crne topole. DES smjesa pripremljena je od kolin-klorida (ChCl) i etilen-glikola (EG). Osim toga, tradicionalnim je natronskim i kraft postupkom proizvedena celuloza od sječke drva topole radi usporedbe s celulozom proizvedenom s dodatkom DES smjese. Utvrđeno je da je celuloza proizvedena od sječke drva topole uz upotrebu DES-a u smislu prinosa, viskoznosti i neprozirnosti usporediva s celulozom dobivenom natronskim i kraft postupkom. Celuloza proizvedena uz dodatak DES-a lako je dosegnula ciljani stupanj slobode celuloze. Međutim, svojstva čvrstoće i svjetlina celuloze proizvedene uz dodatak DES-a bili su lošiji od tih svojstava natronske i kraft celuloze. Svojstva čvrstoće DES celuloze mogu se poboljšati pojačivačima čvrstoće papira kao što su škrob i mikrofibrilirana ili nanofibrilirana celuloza. Osim toga, upotreba DES-a u proizvodnji celuloze može imati važan doprinos čišćoj proizvodnji i čini zeleniju alternativu tradicionalnim metodama proizvodnje celuloze

    Three foundation stones of Turkish Jewish identity: Belonging, citizenship and asabiyyah

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    Osmanlı Devleti’nin devlet ve toplum yapısından kaynaklanan sosyokültürel mirası devralan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, tarih sahnesinde mecburi ve ani bir kesikle, ulus devlet hüviyetinde teşekkül etmiştir. Söz konusu sosyokültürel miras özellikle vatandaşlık, kimlik ve haklar konularında, gerek gündelik yaşamda gerekse de idari alanda tezahür eden sorunlara sebep olmuştur. Yaşadıkları sosyokültürel deneyim Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin dini cemaatlerinden birisi olan Yahudi toplumunu özgün kılmıştır. Anadolu coğrafyasındaki varlığı İsa peygamberden önceye dayanan Yahudi grupları, Bizans sonrası Osmanlı himayesine girmişlerdir. On beşinci yüzyılın sonlarında İspanya’da ve Portekiz’de kurulan engizisyon mahkemelerince sürgün edilen Yahudiler, Osmanlı Devleti’ne sığınmışlardır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kurulana kadar geçen süreçte artan Yahudi nüfusu, kimi itici sebepler ve İsrail Devleti’nin kurulması sonucunda Türkiye’nin verdiği dış göç ile azalmıştır. Bu çalışma, Türk Yahudi toplumunun kimlik inşası sürecinde kurulan aidiyet ve vatandaşlık bağı ile asabiyet ilişkisine odaklanacaktır. Bu odağın merkezinde aidiyet bağı olarak toprak ve tarih, vatandaşlık bağı olarak vergi ve askerlik ile birlikte asabiyet ilişkisi olarak da sığınılacak bir liman olarak güçlü İsrail devletinin varlığı yer almaktadır.In the early 20th century, the Republic of Turkey has emerged as a nation state from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire from which it had derived its state and sociocultural structure. In fact, the sociocultural heritage has led to a great number of serious issues, especially in terms of citizenship, identity and rights, administration, and, even in daily life in the newly-founded republic. With their distinct sociocultural experience, the Jewish community, one of the many religious communities in Turkey, has distinguished itself from the other communities. Although the Jewish community had been under the protection of the Ottoman Empire for centuries, their existence in Anatolia roots back to earlier centuries, even millennials. Additionally, in the late 15th century, the Jews that are exiled from the Iberian Peninsula by inquisitions took refuge in the Ottoman Empire. With the occurrence of some disturbing events in the country and the establishment of the Jewish state, Israel, their population has significantly decreased due to emigrations over the years. In this study, the main pillars of the construction of the identity of Turkish Jewish community in terms of “belonging”, “citizenship” and “asabiyet”. Not only does the study analyze the presence of Israel State as a “safe shelter”, but it also discusses the notion of land and history, and the laws regarding taxation and conscription with regarding to belonging and citizenship respectively

    İşitme Cihazı Kullananlarda NAL-NL1, NAL-NL2 ve DSL Kazanç Formülleri Kullanılarak Konuşmayı Ayırt Etme Farklılıklarının İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada işitme cihazı kullanıcılarında NAL-NL1, NAL-NL2 ve DSL kazanç formülleri uygulanarak konuşmayı ayırt etme skorlarındaki farklılıklarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya, 49 – 79 yaş aralığında 41 kadın ve 59 erkek olmak üzere toplam 100 işitme kaybı yaşayan hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hiç bir manipülasyon yapmadan serbest alanda her hastaya NAL-NL1, NAL-NL2 ve DSL v.5 fitting programıyla fonetik liste okunarak diskriminasyon skorları değerlendirildi. DSL v.5 kazanç formülüne göre elde edilen konuşmayı ayırt etme skorunun NAL-NL1 ve NAL-NL 2’ye göre daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Katılımcıların cinsiyetine göre NAL-NL 1, NAL-NL 2 ve DSL kazanç formüllerine göre konuşmayı ayırt etme skorlarında anlamlı farklılık olmadığı görüldü. İşitme cihazı kullananların yaşları arttıkça NAL-NL 1, NAL-NL 2 ve DSL kazanç formülleri sonrasında elde edilen konuşmayı ayırt etme düzeylerinin anlamlı şekilde azaldığı saptandı. DSL v.5 kazanç formülü kullanılarak elde edilen konuşmayı ayırt etme skorunun istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı şekilde NAL-NL1 kazanç formülü kullanılarak elde edilen konuşmayı ayırt etme skorundan daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. DSL v.5 kazanç formülünün konuşmayı ayırt etme düzeyinde NAL-NL 2 kazanç formülüne kıyasla daha etkili olduğu görülmüştür