686 research outputs found


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    In this study, it is specified \emph{the sequence space} l(F(r,s),p)l\left( F\left( r,s\right),p\right) , (where p=(pk)p=\left( p_{k}\right) is any bounded sequence of positive real numbers) and researched some algebraic and topological features of this space. Further, α,\alpha -, β,\beta -, γ\gamma - duals and its Schauder Basis are given. The classes of \emph{matrix transformations} from the space l(F(r,s),p)l\left( F\left( r,s\right) ,p\right) to the spaces l,c,l_{\infty },c, and % c_{0} are qualified. Additionally, acquiring qualifications of some other \emph{matrix transformations} from the space l(F(r,s),p)l\left( F\left( r,s\right) ,p\right) to the \emph{Euler, Riesz, difference}, etc., \emph{sequence spaces} is the other result of the paper

    Biochemical Properties and Urease, α-amylase Inhibitory Effects of Ocimum basilicum L. (Reyhan)

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    With the understanding of the role of antioxidants in preventing degenerative and age-related diseases caused by oxidative stress, and taking into account the multitude of pharmacological applications such as antidiabetic, antifungal, cardioprotection, immunostimulant, interest in plants rich in this respect has increased. Ocimum basilicum L. (purple) is a one-year, fragrant spice herb with its own aroma. In this study, chemical characterization of Ocimum basilicum L. plant was performed and inhibition effects on urease and a-amylase were investigated. Total phenolic content of Ocimum basilicum L. leafs ethanolic and water extracts were 320.08±2.03, 388.15±1.05 mg GAE/100g; total flavonoids were 282.57±1.12, 307.75±0.89 mg QE/100g; antioxidant capacity of samples were 0.46±0.01 and 0.52±0.02  mM Fe+2/mg extract, 0.46±0.01; IC50 values of urease were 18.77±0.22, 20.19±0.15  % and IC50 values of α-amylase were 0.47±0.01, 0.42±0.01 µg/mL, respectively. It is determined that ethanolic extract of leaves is rich in linalool, linolenin, phytol and α-humulene. The datas show that the leaves of the plant may be effective on two important diseases such as Diabetus mellitus and H. pylori

    Language, Economic Development and Economic Globalization: The Case of OECD Countries

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    Although the relation between economic development and economic globalization has been examined in the literature, the relation between linguistic diversity, economic development and economic globalization index has not been discussed much in the literature. With this aspect of the study, it is aimed to contribute to the literature. In this study, the relationship between linguistic diversity, economic globalization and economic development for 20 OECD founding countries between 1995 and 2018 was determined by Pesaran (2008) cross-section dependency test, Durbin-Hausman (2008) panel cointegration test and Emirmahmutoğlu and Köse (2011) panel causality tests. According to the panel causality test results of Emirmahmutoğlu and Köse (2011), it was found that there is a bidirectional causality relationship between linguistic diversity and economic development in OECD countries, a bidirectional causality relationship between economic development and economic globalization, and a unidirectional causality relationship from linguistic diversity to economic globalization. Keywords: Language diversity, economic development, economic globalization, panel causality test. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/71-07 Publication date:August 31st 2020

    The Effects of Argumentation Based Science Learning (ABSL) Approach on Students’ Science Achievements

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    The study aims to determine the effect of using argumentation-based science learning approach (ABSL) on science achievement of the 6th grade students in teaching three different units of science lesson including biology, chemistry and physics. The study was conducted with 55 sixth grade students from three different classes. In this study, quasi-experimental research design, one of the experimental research designs was preferred. The classes were assigned randomly as two experimental groups and one control group. While ABSL approach supported by brochure production and report writing was used in the experimental groups, the current curriculum was used in the control group. Science achievement test was applied as pretest and posttest. Mixed Between- Within Subjects ANOVA was used in the analysis of the data. According to the posttest results obtained from the study; it was found out that in biology unit, the experimental group supporting ABSL with brochure was more successful than the control group, there was no difference between the group supporting ABSL with report and the control group; in chemistry unit, there was no difference between the groups and in physics unit the experimental groups were more successful than the control group. The results showed that ABSL approach supported by brochure increased 6th grade students’ academic achievement in biology unit, and ABSL approach supported by both brochure and report increased their academic achievement in physics unit

    Oral Reading Skills and Comprehension Test-II (SOBAT®-II): Assessment of reading fluency and comprehension of Turkish students with specific learning disabilities

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    Efforts to diagnose students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) have increased in recent years in Turkey. However, the limited number of assessment tools used to identify students with SLD is one of the most important concerns in this area, since 8 out of 10 students with SLD have difficulty in reading, which affects other academic areas. Considering reading performance scores from standardised reading tests may help eliminate difficulties in SLD assessment. Reading problems are often observed with or without SLD, especially in primary and middle school age groups. However, standardised reading tests are usually not used in screening and diagnosis of these children, and in planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the effectiveness of reading intervention programmes in Turkey. The purpose of the study reported on here was to provide findings of a project that was carried out to develop a standardised reading test, SOBAT®-II, for the assessment of reading and reading comprehension skills development of children with SLD between 7 and 14 years of age. A total of 1,133 test administrations were performed within the scope of this study. As a result of this study, the Oral Reading Skills and Comprehension Test (SOBAT®), of which the preliminary study was conducted between 2002 and 2012, was expanded to include children between the ages of 7 and 14, and the parallel form of the test, A and B, was formed. In future studies,expanding the number and diversity of the sample by including students from different provinces, and adding motivation resources to increase voluntary participation may be beneficial for standardisation of the test. Keywords: comprehension; fluency; reading; SOBAT®-II; special education; specific learning disabilities; test developmen

    Current Trends In Professional Development: A Quick Guide For English Language Educators

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    The study aims to highlight the importance of high-quality Teacher Professional Development (TPD), which is essential for upgrading and updating English Language Educators’ qualifications for the current flow of innovations in the field of teaching profession. Since educational backgrounds of teachers may change and preservice trainings may be inadequate, individual, collegial, or organizational-based TPD is needed for a longterm professional competence. Expanding the knowledge and developing skills and attitude about various aspects in language teaching by using an effective way of TPD is the key issue drawn attention to in This study. Engaging in high-quality TPD while practicing teaching leads educators to willingly expand their career range and take on new responsibilities and job roles such as teacher educators, coordinators, supervisors and administrators to specialize in the field. The aim of this study is to serve as an educational guide of current trends in TPD for foreign language educators, which can be utilized to fabricate a program that should feed individuals both internally and externally


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    Over the past decades, the importance given to Teacher Professional Development (TPD) activities and opportunities have been undoubtedly increasing day by day all around the world. As every living thing in the world is evolving, a language itself, a living phenomenon, is assuredly evolving which means that educators face new challenges they have to come up with new solutions for and adapt. The study aims to investigate the English language teachers’ perceptions with regards to teacher professional development and its related options. For that purpose, in the study, the sequential method was adopted. The participants were composed of 20 full-time instructors (16 female, 4 male) working in a foundation university in Turkey as English instructors. The data were collected using via both a questionnaire developed by Eksi (2010) and a follow-up interview. For follow-up interview, the respondents were gathered of 5 full-time instructors determined by simple random sampling method. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25 and the data from the follow-up interview were coded and were analyzed by carrying out inductive content analysis. Keywords: Teacher professional development; self-directed learning; personalized professional development; self-assessmen

    Developing the scale on discipline expectations of students: A validity and reliability study

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    The study aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure the expectations of students from the discipline program implemented in their schools. The study was conducted with students studying in seven different high schools in fall semester of 2019-2020 school year. As a result of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), a 5-point Likert scale with 3 dimensions and 22 items was established. It was revealed that the fit index values for the final form of the scale are χ2 = 360.92, df = 206, P = 0.00, RMSEA = 0.062, GFI = 0.86, AGFI = 0.82, CFI = 0.93, RMR = 0.063; NNFI = 0.92. Cronbach Alpha reliability test was used to test the reliability of the ultimate scale and test retest reliability value was used to measure the stability of the test. Reliability value for the whole test was determined as .823, for the factor of Effective Teaching Discipline Expectation as 717, for the factor of Behavioral Discipline Expectation as 596, and for the factor of Social Discipline Expectation as .636. Test retest reliability of the test was determined as .763. Upon the evaluation of the analyses made, it was concluded that scale on discipline expectations of students is a valid and reliable scale to measure the discipline expectations of the students studying in secondary education institutions in Turkey

    Uyku apnesi teşhisine yeni bir bakış açısı: PSSA-g-PANI tabanlı SAW sensörü kullanarak izopren tespiti

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    Cellular metabolic changes triggered by Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) are detected invasively by detecting isoprene as a biomarker of OSAS in the breath. When falling asleep, isoprene level begins to increase above 3 ppm. Therefore, monitoring isoprene levels in exhaled breath under normal conditions may provide a non-invasive method to detect, monitor, and control sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. In this study, PSSA-g-PANI based SAW gas sensors were prepared and tested against isoprene gas. Sensor measurements reveal that PSSA-g-PANI based SAW type sensor detected (1-150) ppm isoprene gas with high sensitivity and thus PSSA-g-PANI based SAW type sensor may enable monitor and control of sleep apnea.Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu (OSAS) tarafından tetiklenen hücresel metabolik değişiklikler, nefeste OSAS'ın biyobelirteci olarak izopren saptanarak invazif olarak tespit edilir. Uykuya dalındığında izopren seviyesi 3 ppm'nin üzerine çıkmaya başlar. Bu nedenle, normal koşullar altında solunan nefeste izopren seviyelerinin izlenmesi, uyku apnesi gibi uyku bozukluklarını tespit etmek, izlemek ve kontrol etmek için invazif olmayan bir yöntem sağlayabilir. Bu çalışmada, PSSA-g-PANI tabanlı SAW gaz sensörleri hazırlanmış ve izopren gaza karşı test edilmiştir. Sensör ölçümleri, PSSA-g-PANI tabanlı SAW tipi sensörün yüksek hassasiyetle (1-150) ppm izopren gazı algıladığını ve dolayısıyla PSSA-g-PANI tabanlı SAW tipi sensörün uyku apnesinin izlenmesini ve kontrolünü sağlayabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır

    İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Öz Düzenleme Becerilerine İlişkin Algıları ile Öz Düzenlemeyi Destekleyen ve Engelleyen Faktörler

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    Primary school is a significant period for the children to learn self-regulatory behaviours. This study aims to help enhance primary school fourth grade curricula to support students’ self-regulation skills. The study employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design to collect quantitative data from 1753 students and 86 teachers in 46 primary schools via descriptive and relational surveys, and causal-comparative methods, and qualitative data from 60 stakeholders of primary school curricula (students, family members and teachers) via semi-structured interviews. In conclusion there is no statistically significant relationship between students’ perceptions of their self-regulation skills and instructors’ perceptions of their level of encouraging self-regulation. Self-reflection and seeking help by the student, sustaining self-regulation strategies, serving as a model for children and adoption of a democratic attitude by families, self-regulatory behaviours of peers, cooperation between school and family, and inclusion of self-regulation as an aim in the curriculum are all supporting factors for self-regulation. A student’s expectation of direct instruction, family’s low socioeconomic and cultural levels, teacher’s lack of self-regulation education, spoon-feeding or over interfering the students by teachers, exam-oriented approach for education, and intensive curriculum material are all hindering factors.İlkokul, çocukların öz düzenleme davranışlarını öğrenmeleri için önemli bir dönemdir. Bu çalışma, ilkokul dördüncü sınıf öğretim programlarının öğrencilerin öz düzenleme becerilerini desteklemesi açısından geliştirilmesine katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ardışık açıklayıcı desende yürütülen çalışmanın nicel verileri 46 ilkokulda 1753 öğrenci ile 86 sınıf öğretmeninden betimsel ve ilişkisel tarama ile nedensel karşılaştırma yöntemleriyle; nitel verileri ise ilkokul programlarının 60 paydaşı (öğrenciler, aile üyeleri ve öğretmenler) ile yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla toplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, öğrencilerin öz düzenleme becerilerine ilişkin algıları ile öğretmenlerin öz düzenlemeyi teşvik etme düzeylerine ilişkin algıları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamaktadır. Öğrencinin öz-yansıtma ve yardım arama özellikleri; ailenin çocuklara öz düzenleme stratejilerini yaşatması, model olması ve demokratik tutum sergilemesi; akranların öz düzenleyici davranışları, okul-aile iş birliği ve öğretim programında öz düzenlemenin amaçlanması, öz düzenlemeyi destekleyici etmenlerdir. Öz düzenlemeyi engelleyici etmenler ise öğrencinin doğrudan öğretim beklentisi; ailenin sosyoekonomik ve kültürel düzeyinin düşük olması; öğretmenin öz düzenleme konusunda yeterince eğitimli olmaması, öğrencileri hazıra alıştırması ya da onlara fazla müdahale etmesi; eğitime sınav odaklı yaklaşım ve program materyallerinin yoğun olmasıdır