25 research outputs found

    Time-resolved optical shadowgraphy of solid hydrogen jets as a testbed to benchmark particle-in-cell simulations

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    Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations are a superior tool to model kinetics-dominated plasmas in relativistic and ultrarelativistic laser-solid interactions (dimensionless vectorpotential a0>1a_0 > 1). The transition from relativistic to subrelativistic laser intensities (a0â‰Č1a_0 \lesssim 1), where correlated and collisional plasma physics become relevant, is reaching the limits of available modeling capabilities. This calls for theoretical and experimental benchmarks and the establishment of standardized testbeds. In this work, we develop such a suitable testbed to experimentally benchmark PIC simulations using a laser-irradiated micron-sized cryogenic hydrogen-jet target. Time-resolved optical shadowgraphy of the expanding plasma density, complemented by hydrodynamics and ray-tracing simulations, is used to determine the bulk-electron temperature evolution after laser irradiation. As a showcase, a study of isochoric heating of solid hydrogen induced by laser pulses with a dimensionless vectorpotential of a0≈1a_0 \approx 1 is presented. The comparison of the bulk-electron temperature of the experiment with systematic scans of PIC simulations demostrates that, due to an interplay of vacuum heating and resonance heating of electrons, the initial surface-density gradient of the target is decisive to reach quantitative agreement at \SI{1}{\ps} after the interaction. The showcase demostrates the readiness of the testbed for controlled parameter scans at all laser intensities of a0â‰Č1a_0 \lesssim 1

    Efficient laser-driven proton acceleration from cylindrical and planar cryogenic hydrogen jets.

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    We report on recent experimental results deploying a continuous cryogenic hydrogen jet as a debris-free, renewable laser-driven source of pure proton beams generated at the 150 TW ultrashort pulse laser Draco. Efficient proton acceleration reaching cut-off energies of up to 20 MeV with particle numbers exceeding 109 particles per MeV per steradian is demonstrated, showing for the first time that the acceleration performance is comparable to solid foil targets with thicknesses in the micrometer range. Two different target geometries are presented and their proton beam deliverance characterized: cylindrical (∅ 5 Όm) and planar (20 Όm × 2 Όm). In both cases typical Target Normal Sheath Acceleration emission patterns with exponential proton energy spectra are detected. Significantly higher proton numbers in laser-forward direction are observed when deploying the planar jet as compared to the cylindrical jet case. This is confirmed by two-dimensional Particle-in-Cell (2D3V PIC) simulations, which demonstrate that the planar jet proves favorable as its geometry leads to more optimized acceleration conditions

    Ultra-fast yttrium hydride chemistry at high pressures via non-equilibrium states induced by x-ray free electron laser

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    Controlling the formation and stoichiometric content of desired phases of materials has become a central interest for the study of a variety of fields, notably high temperature superconductivity under extreme pressures. The further possibility of accessing metastable states by initiating reactions by x-ray triggered mechanisms over ultra-short timescales is enabled with the development of x-ray free electron lasers (XFEL). Utilizing the exceptionally high brilliance x-ray pulses from the EuXFEL, we report the synthesis of a previously unobserved yttrium hydride under high pressure, along with non-stoichiometric changes in hydrogen content as probed at a repetition rate of 4.5\,MHz using time-resolved x-ray diffraction. Exploiting non-equilibrium pathways we synthesize and characterize a hydride with yttrium cations in an \textit{A}15 structure type at 125\,GPa, predicted using crystal structure searches, with a hydrogen content between 4.0--5.75 hydrogens per cation, that is enthalpically metastable on the convex hull. We demonstrate a tailored approach to changing hydrogen content using changes in x-ray fluence that is not accessible using conventional synthesis methods, and reveals a new paradigm in metastable chemical physics

    Nanoscale subsurface dynamics of solids upon high-intensity laser irradiation observed by femtosecond grazing-incidence x-ray scattering

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    Observing ultrafast laser-induced structural changes in nanoscale systems is essential for understanding the dynamics of intense light-matter interactions. For laser intensities on the order of 1014 W/cm210^{14} \, \rm W/cm^2, highly-collisional plasmas are generated at and below the surface. Subsequent transport processes such as heat conduction, electron-ion thermalization, surface ablation and resolidification occur at picosecond and nanosecond time scales. Imaging methods, e.g. using x-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL), were hitherto unable to measure the depth-resolved subsurface dynamics of laser-solid interactions with appropriate temporal and spatial resolution. Here we demonstrate picosecond grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) from laser-produced plasmas using XFEL pulses. Using multi-layer (ML) samples, both the surface ablation and subsurface density dynamics are measured with nanometer depth resolution. Our experimental data challenges the state-of-the-art modeling of matter under extreme conditions and opens new perspectives for laser material processing and high-energy-density science.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. This is the version of the article before peer review, as submitted by authors. There is a Supplementary Information file in the Ancillary files director

    Scenarios for refurbishment of a hydropower plant equipped with Francis turbines

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    The energy market imposes new requirements in hydraulic turbines operation. Usually, the old hydraulic turbines are not designed to meet these new requirements. Therefore, the refurbished solutions for hydraulic turbines are expected to be robust and flexible in operation in order to regulate the grid. A methodology is developed for a hydropower plant equipped with Francis turbines. Firstly, the solution available in the hydropower plant is examined. Secondly, two new solutions are designed for the hydraulic passage available in situ. Next, several scenarios from peak load operation to wide range operation are investigated in order to asses the performance of each technical solution. Consequently, the performances are compared proving the best solution for hydropower plant refurbishment

    Scenarios for refurbishment of a hydropower plant equipped with Francis turbines

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    The energy market imposes new requirements in hydraulic turbines operation. Usually, the old hydraulic turbines are not designed to meet these new requirements. Therefore, the refurbished solutions for hydraulic turbines are expected to be robust and flexible in operation in order to regulate the grid. A methodology is developed for a hydropower plant equipped with Francis turbines. Firstly, the solution available in the hydropower plant is examined. Secondly, two new solutions are designed for the hydraulic passage available in situ. Next, several scenarios from peak load operation to wide range operation are investigated in order to asses the performance of each technical solution. Consequently, the performances are compared proving the best solution for hydropower plant refurbishment

    Publisher Correction: Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration by attosecond-controlled forward rescattering in silver clusters

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    The original PDF version of this Article contained an error in Equation 1. The original HTML version of this Article contained errors in Equation 2 and Equation 4. These errors have now been corrected in both the PDF and the HTML versions of the Article