598 research outputs found

    Identification and assessment of the need to improve the operation of production systems in the metal sector enterprises

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    In this paper an attempt was made to identify the areas of metal products manufacturing processes that require improvement. Determination of such areas may become a source of a lot of valuable information for the enterprise, enabling the development of its improvement directions. The results of survey allowed also to define a model of implementation importance for tasks contributing to the metal sector enterprises improvement

    Utjecaj promjena temperature plinova izgaranja tijekom strujanja oko horizontalnog cilindra na lokalni Nusseltov broj

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    The article the influence of changes of combustion gas temperature during flow around of horizontal cylinder on local Nu number was presented. In order to test an influence of effect waste gas temperature cycle of experimental investigations were conducted. Experimental tests were carried out on a properly designed measuring cylinder furnished with a number of thermocouples embedded along the cylinder perimeter. The cylinder was made from stainless steel of known thermal conductivity, and was cooled on the outer side through a water cooling system. The cylinder was placed horizontally in a heating chamber equipped with an axially positioned gas burner fired with natural gas. Gas and air feeds were regulated with control valves, based on combustion gas analyzer data.U članku se prezentira utjecaj promjena temperature plinova izgaranja tijekom strujanja oko horizontalnog cilindra na lokalni Nusseltov broj. U svrhu ispitivanja utjecaja temperature otpadnih plinova izvedena je serija eksperimenata. Eksperimenti su izvršeni na propisno izvedenom mjernom cilindru na kojeg su po opsegu postavljeni termoparovi. Cilindar je načinjen od nehrđajućeg čelika poznate toplinske provodnosti i s vanjske strane hlađen pomoću rashladnog sustava s vodom. Cilindar je smješten horizontalno u komoru za zagrijavanje opremeljnu s aksijalno postavljenim plinskim plamenikom na prirodni plin. Dovod plina i zraka regulira se pomoću kontrolnih ventila, temeljen na podacima iz analizatora dimnih plinova

    Effects of dietary cellobiose on the intestinal microbiota and excretion of nitrogen metabolites in healthy adult dogs

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    In order to evaluate the potential prebiotic effects of cellobiose, 10 healthy adult research beagle dogs received a complete diet containing 0, 0.5 and 1 g cellobiose/kg bodyweight (BW)/day. At the end of each feeding period, faeces, urine and blood of the dogs were collected. The results demonstrated a significant increase of faecal lactate concentrations, indicating a bacterial fermentation of cellobiose in the canine intestine. Along with this, a dose-dependent linear increase of the relative abundance of Lactobacillaceae in the faeces of the dogs was observed (p = 0.014). In addition, a dose-dependent increase (p < 0.05) of Alloprevotella, Bacteroides and Prevotella, and a linear decrease for unidentified Lachnospiraceae (p = 0.011) was observed when cellobiose was added to the diet, although the relative abundance of these genera was low (<1%) among all groups. The faecal pH was not affected by dietary cellobiose. Cellobiose seemed to modulate the excretion of nitrogen metabolites, as lower concentrations of phenol (p = 0.034) and 4-ethylphenol (p = 0.002) in the plasma of the dogs were measured during the supplementation periods. Urinary phenols and indoles, however, were not affected by the dietary supplementation of cellobiose. In conclusion, cellobiose seems to be fermented by the intestinal microbiota of dogs. Although no effect on the faecal pH was detected, the observed increase of microbial lactate production might lower the pH in the large intestine and consecutively modulate the intestinal absorption of nitrogen metabolites. Also, the observed changes of some bacterial genera might have been mediated by increased intestinal lactate concentrations or a higher relative abundance of lactobacilli. Whether these results could be considered as a prebiotic effect and used as a dietetic strategy in diseased animals to improve gut function or hepatic and renal nitrogen metabolism should be evaluated in future studies

    Simple platelet markers: Mean platelet volume and congestive heart failure coexistent with periodontal disease. Pilot studies

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    Background: Conducted pilot study concerning mean platelet volume (MPV) parameter among patients suffering from congestive heart failure and periodontal disease. Methods: Examination of dynamic changes of platelet and periodontal markers in group of 50 patients before and an average of 6 months subsequent to professional periodontal treatment. Results: Both platelet and periodontal parameters decreased after periodontal treatment, what is more, the decrease of MPV value due to periodontal disease/mm improvement was shown to be statistically significant (p = 0.05). Conclusions: Improvement of periodontal status may influence decrease of MPV value and increase of congestive heart failure treatment efficacy and effect patient comfort. It is a new, not frequently used pattern of chronic disease treatment optimalization

    Exact and explicit probability densities for one-sided Levy stable distributions

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    We study functions g_{\alpha}(x) which are one-sided, heavy-tailed Levy stable probability distributions of index \alpha, 0< \alpha <1, of fundamental importance in random systems, for anomalous diffusion and fractional kinetics. We furnish exact and explicit expression for g_{\alpha}(x), 0 \leq x < \infty, satisfying \int_{0}^{\infty} exp(-p x) g_{\alpha}(x) dx = exp(-p^{\alpha}), p>0, for all \alpha = l/k < 1, with k and l positive integers. We reproduce all the known results given by k\leq 4 and present many new exact solutions for k > 4, all expressed in terms of known functions. This will allow a 'fine-tuning' of \alpha in order to adapt g_{\alpha}(x) to a given experimental situation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures and 1 tabl

    On the origin of the anomalous behaviour of 2+ excitation energies in the neutron-rich Cd isotopes

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    Recent experimental results obtained using β\beta decay and isomer spectroscopy indicate an unusual behaviour of the energies of the first excited 2+^{+} states in neutron-rich Cd isotopes approaching the N=82 shell closure. To explain the unexpected trend, changes of the nuclear structure far-off stability have been suggested, namely a quenching of the N=82 shell gap already in 130^{130}Cd, only two proton holes away from doubly magic 132^{132}Sn. We study the behaviour of the 2+^+ energies in the Cd isotopes from N=50 to N=82, i.e. across the entire span of a major neutron shell using modern beyond mean field techniques and the Gogny force. We demonstrate that the observed low 2+^+ excitation energy in 128^{128}Cd close to the N=82 shell closure is a consequence of the doubly magic character of this nucleus for oblate deformation favoring thereby prolate configurations rather than spherical ones.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be publised in Phys. Lett.

    Levy stable distributions via associated integral transform

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    We present a method of generation of exact and explicit forms of one-sided, heavy-tailed Levy stable probability distributions g_{\alpha}(x), 0 \leq x < \infty, 0 < \alpha < 1. We demonstrate that the knowledge of one such a distribution g_{\alpha}(x) suffices to obtain exactly g_{\alpha^{p}}(x), p=2, 3,... Similarly, from known g_{\alpha}(x) and g_{\beta}(x), 0 < \alpha, \beta < 1, we obtain g_{\alpha \beta}(x). The method is based on the construction of the integral operator, called Levy transform, which implements the above operations. For \alpha rational, \alpha = l/k with l < k, we reproduce in this manner many of the recently obtained exact results for g_{l/k}(x). This approach can be also recast as an application of the Efros theorem for generalized Laplace convolutions. It relies solely on efficient definite integration.Comment: 12 pages, typos removed, references adde