21 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of pulsed radio frequency in seed quality improvement of vegetable plant species

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    The biggest problem, in ecological vegetable seed production, is low germination mostly caused by high seed infection with fungi and a shortage of effective biological agents eliminating pathogens. Therefore, pro-ecological methods of seed quality enhancement are being searched, increasing the profitability of seed production by improving the seed sowing value. The aim of the work was to evaluate the effectiveness of pulsed radio frequency (PRF) on seed quality of selected vegetable cultivars. The obtained results from conducted research in laboratory, greenhouse and field conditions indicate a protective effect of PRF treatment by reduction of beetroot, lettuce and garden dill seed-borne fungi, and the improvement of their health status and seed germination. Pre-sowing application of PRF resulted in 60-80% reduction of seed infestation with fungi, depending on the plant species. This treatment improved the dynamics of seed germination, plant emergence, growth, and increased chlorophyll content and gas exchange in leaves. The most beneficial results were obtained in beetroot, in which the problem of seed production is associated with high seed infestation with mycoflora and the presence of germination inhibitors in the seed coat. The results indicate the high efficiency of the applied PRF and its usefulness in ecological and integrated seed production.Plant science

    Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Solaris and Regent Grapevine Plants Treated with Bioproducts

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    The aim of this study was to identify the spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of Solaris and Regent grapevine plants grafted onto SO4 rootstock and treated with bioproducts. The bioproducts Ausuma, Bioilsa, manure and BF Ekomix were tested and applied on their own, or combined with standard mineral fertilisation (NPK). The applied bioproducts contributed to an increase in the number of species of mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere soil of the grapevines. The most frequently occurring AMF species was Claroideoglomus claroideum. Biopreparation BF Ekomix was a promisingagent for increasing the number of AMF spores in the rhizosphere of Regent grapevines. In the rhizosphere of Solaris, a positive influence on the number of spores occurred after the application of Bioilsa

    A randomized phase III study of carfilzomib vs low-dose corticosteroids with optional cyclophosphamide in relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (FOCUS)

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    This randomized, phase III, open-label, multicenter study compared carfilzomib monotherapy against low-dose corticosteroids and optional cyclophosphamide in relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM). Relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma patients were randomized (1:1) to receive carfilzomib (10-min intravenous infusion; 20 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 2 of cycle 1; 27 mg/m(2) thereafter) or a control regimen of low-dose corticosteroids (84 mg of dexamethasone or equivalent corticosteroid) with optional cyclophosphamide (1400 mg) for 28-day cycles. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS). Three-hundred and fifteen patients were randomized to carfilzomib (n=157) or control (n=158). Both groups had a median of five prior regimens. In the control group, 95% of patients received cyclophosphamide. Median OS was 10.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 8.4-14.4) vs 10.0 months (95% CI 7.7-12.0) with carfilzomib vs control (hazard ratio=0.975; 95% CI 0.760-1.249; P=0.4172). Progression-free survival was similar between groups; overall response rate was higher with carfilzomib (19.1 vs 11.4%). The most common grade ⩾3 adverse events were anemia (25.5 vs 30.7%), thrombocytopenia (24.2 vs 22.2%) and neutropenia (7.6 vs 12.4%) with carfilzomib vs control. Median OS for single-agent carfilzomib was similar to that for an active doublet control regimen in heavily pretreated RRMM patients

    Biological and physical methods of seed production and processing

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    Plon i jakość nasion są ważnymi parametrami decydującymi o efektywności produkcji rolniczej. Zależą one od cech genetycznych, i warunków środowiskowych, w tym: wody, temperatury, nawożenia, naświetlenia, a także od umiejscowienia nasion na roślinie, które ma wpływ na okres ich dojrzewania i zbioru. Zwiększenie wielkości i jakości plonu nasion można uzyskać stosując niechemiczne metody agrotechniczne, stymulowanie lub hamowanie wzrostu sąsiadujących roślin wykorzystując zjawisko allelopatii, biologiczne traktowanie rozwijających się roślin i nasion, poprawę kwitnienia i zapylania kwiatów, przedsiewne uszlachetnianie nasion, zwiększenie odporności siewek na chłód i choroby oraz spowolnienie starzenia się materiału siewnego. Wyodrębnione metody mają charakter ekologiczny i sprzyjają środowisku.Yield and quality of seeds decide about the effectiveness of plant production. They are dependent not only on the genera but also on environmental conditions, such as water, temperature, nutrition, light, as well as localisation of seeds on plants, which influence on the time of seed maturation and their harvest. Increase of yield and quality of seeds can be achieved by use of agro technical methods, regulation of plant development basing on the allelopathy between organisms, physiological and biological treatments of developed plants and seeds, improving flowering and pollination, pre-sowing seed processing and conditioning, increasing resistance to chilling, improving the health status of seeds and decreasing their ageing. The used methods are ecological and friendly for environment

    The effect of lead free cap on the doses of ionizing radiation to the head of interventional cardiologists working in haemodynamic room

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    Objectives The study aim was to analyse the influence of the lead free cap on doses received by interventional cardiologists. The impact of lead free cap on doses to the head were evaluated in number of studies. As different methods used to assess the attenuation properties of protective cap can lead to ambiguous results, a detailed study was performed. Material and Methods The effectiveness of a lead free cap in reducing the doses to the skin was assessed in clinic by performing measurements with thermoluminescent dosimeters attached inside and outside the cap first during individual coronary angiography (CA) or CA/percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (CA/PTCA) procedures and then cumulated during few procedures of the same type. In order to investigate the effect of the cap on reducing the doses to the brain additional measurements were performed with a male Alderson Rando and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) phantoms representing the physician and the patient, respectively for different projections. The brain dose per procedure, annual and cumulated during entire working practice were estimated for both cases working with and without the cap. Results The dose reduction factor (RF) for the skin (the quotient of doses outside and inside the cap) vary from 1.1 up to 4.0 in clinical conditions; on average 2.3-fold reduction is observed in the most exposed left temple. The RFs determined for the part of the head covered by the cap range from 1.4 to 1.8 while for the brain from 1.0 to 1.1 depending on the projection. The estimated annual brain dose for interventional cardiologist performing yearly 550 CA/PTCA procedures without any protective shields is 7.2 mGy and it is reduced with the lead free cap by an average factor of 1.1. Conclusions The study results proved the considerable effectiveness of lead free cap to protect the skin but very limited to protect the brain