1,083 research outputs found

    Ecological Quality of the Construction Investment Project

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    The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of assessing the quality of construction solutions for investment projects by analyzing their environmental performance, also formulated as ecological quality. The concept of the environmental performance of a construction project was defined as adapting the solutions applied throughout the whole life cycle to comply with the environment. The life cycle of the construction project begins articulating building needs, then the concept and feasibility study of the project appears at the beginning of the life cycle of the project. This is followed by the design of the building and executive processes. The next stages of the project life cycle are the implementations of logistic and construction processes, which end with putting the project into service. The operation phase ends with a project closure (usually demolition or deconstruction). An attempt was made to specify the criteria for assessing the ecological quality of construction investment projects in individual phases of their cycle. The investigations were based on available literature and practical experience of the authors of the study. It was also stressed that the perspective of the subject should be taken into account in the environmental assessment. This is due to the fact that the processes of shaping the object in the program, project and implementation phases are related to operational processes and the liquidation phase. It was emphasized that each of the stakeholders should perceive all stages of the construction project cycle

    L’exploitation d’outils d’observation et d’évaluation élaborés pour les discussions asynchrones dans l’enseignement de l’expression argumentative en langue étrangère. Use of observation and evaluation tools elaborated for online discussions in teaching and learning argumentative tasks.

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    The main problem of the paper is if tools elaborated to observe and evaluate online discussion tasks can be also applied in face-to-face context and b-learning scenarios. I will discuss the main features of those tools (Henri 1992; Gunawardena et al. 1997; Garrison et al. 2001; Newman et al. 1995; Wozniak et Silveira 2004) and focus specifically on those features which allow the negotiation of the aims and the course of the argumentative, thus inviting critical argumentation

    Patients with chronic lung diseases have the right to palliative care — recommendations of the Polish Respiratory Society

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    The past few months have seen several important events pointing out to the place and importance of chronic lung diseases in the world [...

    Uwagi o przebiegu XVI-wiecznych procesów normalizacyjnych na przykładzie oboczności albo // abo

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    The aim of the article is to demonstrate the rivalries stemming from the Old-Polish ­variant forms/ albo and abo in the 16th-century printed material from Cracow, having the strongest influence upon the forming literary Polish language. The article tries to answer the question how a certain linguistic custom was established, not being a norm yet. For comparison, the process has also been shown in the prints from the northern borderland of Poland and Great Poland, the regions which at that time did not have such a significant influence on the literary language as the prints from Cracow, but also produced more books than other regions. The listing of data from three regions makes it possible to show the differences in the formation of the norm between the centre of cultural life of the Republic of Poland (Cracow) and its peripheral regions – the eastern and the western

    The Reforms of Financing the System of Health Protection in Poland

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    W rezultacie reform przeprowadzonych w minionej dekadzie, w Polsce funkcjonuje mieszany model finansowania usług medycznych. Z jednej strony występuje model, w których środki finansowe pochodzą ze składek osób ubezpieczonych lub z budżetu państwa, z drugiej – również z budżetu państwa finansowana jest określona grupa świadczeń (świadczenia wysokospecjalistyczne). Od 1999 r. finansowanie systemu opieki zdrowotnej opiera się na kilku źródłach. Największym z nich są składki na ubezpieczenie zdrowotne gromadzone w Narodowym Funduszu Ochrony Zdrowia; następnie środki publiczne pochodzące z budżetu państwa i w dalszej kolejności z budżetów jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, kończąc na pozabudżetowych funduszach celowych oraz w najmniejszym zakresie – środki organizacji społecznych, m.in. fundacji działających w tym zakresie. Ponadto ważną rolę w finansowaniu ochrony zdrowia ze środków prywatnych stanowią zasoby gospodarstw domowych, specjalistyczne fundusze tworzone w zakładach pracy oraz organizacje charytatywne. Generalnie finansowanie jest kluczowym zagadnieniem reformy opieki zdrowotnej wobec pozostałych problemów.The University of Bialystok (Poland

    The impact of IT tools for the creation and implementation of marketing strategy

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    The purpose of this article is to analyse the impact of key IT tools for the implementation of marketing strategies and logistics. This analysis is to identify the level of effectiveness of the strategy in companies in the context of the opportunities created by Business Intelligence systems used in various areas of business intelligence and decision support. Today, they are already treated as business standards conditioning the effective management of an enterprise. Information began to play a special role and efficient way of obtaining it -expanding resource data collected by the company. This gave rise to the development of marketing information systems that support decision-making at every level of the marketing operation of businesses and the implementation of their strategy. Thus, by using Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management system it improves the quality of decisions and the effectiveness of the integration of multiple processes presented in the form of dashboards and scorecards. It should therefore be considered in the context of the BPM model, which purpose is to obtain synthetic information presented in the form of a recommendation of the decision-making associated with the implemented strategy. The confirmation of the thesis of supporting marketing strategies through IT tools will be presented as a case study of a particular companyCelem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza wpływu kluczowych narzędzi IT na realizację strategii marketingowo-logistycznej. Ta analiza ma wskazać poziom skuteczności realizacji strategii w firmach w kontekście możliwości jakie stwarzają systemy klasy Business Intelligence, stosowane w różnorodnych obszarach analityki biznesowej i wspomagania decyzji. Współcześnie są już one traktowane jako standardy biznesowe warunkujące skuteczne zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem. Szczególną rolę zaczęła odgrywać informacja i efektywny sposób jej pozyskania z ciągle powiększającego się zasobu danych gromadzonych przez firmy. Dało to podstawę do rozwoju systemów informacji marketingowej, które wspierają podejmowanie decyzji marketingowych na każdym szczeblu funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa i realizacji jego strategii. Dzięki więc zastosowaniu Business Intelligence oraz systemu Business Performance Management zwiększa się jakość decyzji oraz efektywność integracji wielu procesów prezentowanych w formie kokpitów menedżerskich i kart wyników. Warto więc uznać w kontekście modelu BPM, iż jego celem jest uzyskanie syntetycznych informacji przedstawionych w formie rekomendacji decyzyjnych powiązanych z realizowaną strategią. Potwierdzeniem prawdziwości tezy o wspomaganiu strategii marketingowych przez narzędzia IT, będzie przedstawione studium przypadku konkretnej firm

    Społeczno-ekonomiczne predyktory poglądów kobiet i mężczyzn dotyczących kulturowych ról płci w Polsce

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    Fertility decline in developed countries over recent five decades and persisting low fertility in the remarkable number of countries are increasingly attributed to changing gender roles, particularly to incompatibilities between institutional adjustments of individual- and family- oriented institutions as well as within the family and changing perceptions on social roles of women and men. These arguments are voiced also when debating on low fertility in Poland. The article focuses on perceptions of gender roles and their diversity across population groups which differ by socio-demographic attributes. Additionally, possible influences of parental home on opinions about gender roles are accounted for. The data coming from the Generations and Gender Survey, carried out in Poland in 2010/2011, made it possible to define two synthetic variables which described attitudes towards gender equality in the social sphere and in the private sphere (a responsibility for a child). Descriptive results confirmed findings of other studies: the gender attitudes are more diversified among women than men, especially as regards gender equality in the social sphere, women show more egalitarian attitudes than men, and within an age increase a social approval for gender equality declines. The generalized linear mixed models of two synthetic gender variables were used to identify predictors of gender attitudes across two birth cohorts of women and men – those born either in the years 1950–1969 or in the years 1970–1989. Among individual characteristics education, religiosity and place of residence were found out – as expected – the main predictors of gender attitudes. Contrary to expectations, labour market status, marital status and a number of children did not always play a significant role for distinguished cohorts of men and women. Economic activity showed its impact on women’s gender attitudes only. There are also some signs that in the 1970–1989 cohorts younger people are less in favour of gender equality than those over 30 years of age. Parental home attributes (place of residence at age 15, mother’ education and mother’s economic acitivity, number of siblings, and religiosity) were displayed as relevant predictors of gender attitudes for both birth cohorts of men and women

    Kulturowe role płci i dzietność w Polsce i Norwegii

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    Changing gender roles are increasingly considered as a driving factor of both fertility decline in European countries and its recovery in some of these countries. The fertility decline is attributed to the first stage of the gender revolution when increasing women’s labour force participation is accompanied by some progress in gender equality in the public sphere while in the family life a gender asymmetry remains. During the second stage of the gender revolution the progress towards new roles of men and women in the private sphere takes place – they both are considered as economic providers and careers and share work and family responsibilities (e.g. McDonald 2000b, Goldscheider, Bernhardt, Lappegård 2015, Esping-Andersen, Billari 2015). The article compares on-going changes in gender roles in Poland and Norway, two countries which are at different stages of this process, and their interplay with fertility (mean number of children and intensions about the second and third child). Attitudes towards gender equality are studied by taking into account views on this issue on one side and sharing care and housework on the other. Data come from the first round of the Generations and Gender Survey. The study has been performed for respondents aged 20–44, living together with a partner and children under 14 years of age. The descriptive analyses showed that Poles are not only less advanced in gender role changes in two gender dimensions studied: their views on gender roles are more traditional than Norwegian ones, women’s share in family duties is higher contrary to men who contribute less to family responsibilities than women and men in Norway. There is also a higher variation of views and practices among Poles. In Poland and Norway, egalitarian men participate more in family duties than those who declare traditional views, while egalitarian women are less burdened by home work and care. However, in Norway there is remarkably more egalitarian women with low and medium share of domestic duties in parallel to more numerous egalitarian men who take a great share of family responsibilities. More egalitarian respondents have fewer children than the traditional ones in both countries. However, the mean number of children among this group of respondents in Norway is higher than in Poland. Moreover, women in both countries are less inclined to declare intensions to have a second or third child when they participate more in care and domestic duties. This relationship has been found for men in Norway as well

    Diversification processes of rural economies from the perspective of smart village concept

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