84 research outputs found

    Referees´ visual behaviour during offside situations in football.

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    El estudio analiza el comportamiento visual de 8 árbitros de fútbol durante la percepción del fuera de juego en laboratorio. La tarea consiste en percibir una secuencia de 24 ensayos en una pantalla (5x3m), donde se proyectan situaciones reducidas de juego y que concluyen con una posible acción de fuera de juego. Los participantes deben percibir la secuencia con el ASL Eye Tracking SE5000, y pulsar un puntero laser hacia la pantalla en aquellos ensayos con fuera de juego. Las variables a manipular son la distancia y el ángulo con que se perciben las acciones de fuera de juego. Las variables dependientes son el número y tiempo (media) de fijaciones visuales y el porcentaje de acierto. Los resultados muestran que la distancia y ángulo influyen en el comportamiento visual de los árbitros. Además, son más eficaces detectando el fuera de juego con ángulos pequeños y en distancias cercanas y medias.The study examines the 8 football referees´ visual behavior during the perception of offside actions carried out in a laboratory setting. The task consists on perceiving a rally of 24 trials onto a large screen (5x3m) with reduced play situations and that could conclude with an offside action. Participants perceive the sequence with the ASL Eye Tracking SE5000 and press a laser pointer toward the screen in those trials with offside action. Variables to manipulate are the distance and angle in which the offside trials are perceived. The dependent variables are the number and time (average) of visual fixations and the success rate. The results show that the distance and angle changes the referees´ visual behavior. Moreover, they have higher success rate when they perceive trials with small angles, concretely with short and medium distance

    Gestió de l'energia captada per cel.les solars mitjançant interfícies commutades

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    La necessitat de distribuir sensors i sistemes d’adquisició de dades, per mesurar magnituds del medi on es troben, requereixen d’un sistema d’alimentació eficient que els hi permeti ser autònoms i estalviar costos de manteniment i reposició. Es proposa una interfície capaç d’alimentar un dispositiu Zigbee mitjançant un panell solar, amb l’objectiu de regular la tensió d’alimentació amb circuits de baix consum que a més a més permetin emmagatzemar energia en un supercondensador. Aquest té una capacitància elevada i un cicle de vida més llarg que les bateries convencionals. S’ha desenvolupat un convertidor commutat basat en el model buck step-down i el convertidor I-V girador, aprofitant el corrent d’un panell solar per regular la tensió de sortida. El sistema de control que controla la regulació de tensió i l’emmagatzematge de corrent es fa digitalment a través d’un microcontrolador 16F873. Les seves prestacions permeten posar a prova el sistema de control dissenyat. Dels resultats experimentals es conclou: 1) S’alimenta una càrrega Zigbee amb el marge de tensions requerit i de forma estable. Paral·lelament es carrega un supercondensador, emmagatzemant energia. 2) El regulador commutat entrega a la càrrega la major part de l’energia de la font amb una eficiència excel·lent. 3) La funció del microcontrolador és vital pel funcionament de la interfície, a més juga un paper fonamental per les futures ampliacions del sistema. Per resoldre el principal problema d’eficiència, es proposa treballar en configuracions d’emmagatzematge amb més capacitat i per tant més òptimes. D’altra banda, el consum significatiu del micropic escollit (aprox. 10%) planteja l’opció de fer servir un dispositiu comercial que treballi a menys potència

    Specific Jak3 Downregulation in Lymphocytes Impairs γc Cytokine Signal Transduction and Alleviates Antigen-driven Inflammation In Vivo

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    Jak3, one of the four members comprising the Jak family of cytosolic tyrosine kinases, has emerged as a promising target for nontoxic immunotherapies. Although a number of Jak inhibitors has already demonstrated efficacy, they suffer from secondary effects apparently associated to their pan-Jak activity. However, whether selective Jak3 inhibition would afford therapeutic efficacy remains unclear. To address this question we have investigated the immunosuppressive potential of selective Jak3 intervention in lymphocytes using RNA interference (RNAi) technology in vitro and in vivo. Using synthetic small interference RNA (siRNA) sequences we achieved successful transfections into human and mouse primary T lymphocytes. We found that Jak3 knockdown was sufficient to impair not only interleukin-2 (IL-2) and T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated cell activation in vitro, but also antigen-triggereds welling, inflammatory cell infiltration, and proinflammatory cytokine raise in vivo. Furthermore, Jak1 (which mediates gamma c cytokine signaling in conjunction with Jak3) cosilencing did not provide higher potency to the aforementioned immunosuppressant effects. Our data provides direct evidences indicating that Jak3 protein plays an important role in gamma c cytokine and antigen-mediated T cell activation and modulates Th1-mediated inflammatory disorders, all in all highlighting its potential as a target in immunosuppressive therapies

    Technical analysis of karate expert during Kumite competition

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    Diversos estudios han analizado el karate para intentar aumentar el rendimiento de los deportistas implicados, mediante la evaluación del trabajo técnico, tanto en condiciones experimentales, como en situación real. El objetivo de este estudio fue el análisis del rendimiento de los karatecas en situación real de competición, identificando cuáles son las técnicas más eficaces. Se observaron 20 combates de karate de nivel nacional, de la categoría absoluta, donde fueron registradas todas las acciones técnicas realizadas. Los karatecas utilizaban más técnicas de puño que de patadas. La forma que tienen de realizar la mayoría de las técnicas, fue mediante el ataque, siendo la táctica con la que más se puntuaba. La técnica más utilizada en combate fue el gyaku tsuki, aunque la más efectiva fue el kizami tsuki derecho. La técnica de pierna más utilizada fue el mawasi geri. También se observó una falta de eficacia en las técnicas realizadas, ya que un gran porcentaje de técnicas no consiguieron puntuar. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a mejorar el entrenamiento para la competición de karate, sobre todo orientando dicho entrenamiento cada vez más a situaciones reales de competición.Several studies have analyzed Karate in order to increase the athlete’s performance through assessment of the karate skills in experimental and real situation. The aim of this study was the analysis of karate expert performance in real situation, trying to identify what skills are most effectively. 20 combats of national contest were observed in senior category. All technical and tactical actions were recorded and categorized. Punches skills were more used than kicks skills by karate experts, and the way of carry out techniques was through attack. The most effective strategy was the attack. The most used technique was gyaku tsuki, although most effective one was right kizami tsuki. Leg technique most used was mawasi geri. A lack of efficacy was observed in the competitors, a high number of attacks didn´t score. These findings can help to improve the training process in karate. Coaches must direct the training sessions to more realistic situations.peerReviewe

    Liver Glucokinase and Lipid Metabolism

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    Control of energy metabolism is crucial for optimal functioning of organs and tissues. Amongst all nutrients, glucose is the principal energy source for most cells and, therefore, minimum blood glucose levels must be guaranteed. Alterations in glycaemia can lead to hyperglycaemic states (producing protein glycosylation and toxicity in glucose-sensitive cells) or hypoglycaemic states (that can affect brain function), both harmful. Therefore, mechanisms must exist to keep glycaemia in a narrow physiological range (4-8 mM) independently of the nutritional state. To achieve control of blood glucose levels, our body has a complex, interorgan signaling system using nutrients (glucose, lipids, amino acids), hormones (insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, etc.) and the autonomic nervous system. In response to these signals, organs and tissues (mainly intestine, endocrine pancreas, liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, brain and adrenal glands) adapt their function to energetic requirements. The liver plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis by continuously adapting its metabolism to energetic needs. In the fed state, when blood glucose levels are high and there is insulin, liver takes-up part glucose to replenish glycogen stores. Besides, when glucose stores are full, the liver has the capacity to synthesize lipids de novo from glucose for-long term energy storage. Lipids are packaged in very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles and then transported to the adipose tissue. Conversely during starvation, when glycaemia falls and glucagon increases, the liver produces glucose to maintain circulating glucose levels by breaking down glycogen stores or by synthesizing glucose de novo through gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis, as an energy-consuming pathway, is linked to -oxidation of fatty acids (fuel supplier pathway)..

    Liver GlucokinaseA456V Induces Potent Hypoglycemia without Dyslipidemia through a Paradoxical Induction of the Catalytic Subunit of Glucose-6-Phosphatase

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    Recent reports point out the importance of the complex GK-GKRP in controlling glucose and lipid homeostasis. Several GK mutations affect GKRP binding, resulting in permanent activation of the enzyme. We hypothesize that hepatic overexpression of a mutated form of GK, GKA456V, described in a patient with persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI) and could provide a model to study the consequences of GK-GKRP deregulation in vivo. GKA456V was overexpressed in the liver of streptozotocin diabetic mice. Metabolite profiling in serum and liver extracts, together with changes in key components of glucose and lipid homeostasis, were analyzed and compared to GK wild-type transfected livers. Cell compartmentalization of the mutant but not the wild-type GK was clearly affected in vivo, demonstrating impaired GKRP regulation. GKA456V overexpression markedly reduced blood glucose in the absence of dyslipidemia, in contrast to wild-type GK-overexpressing mice. Evidence in glucose utilization did not correlate with increased glycogen nor lactate levels in the liver. PEPCK mRNA was not affected, whereas the mRNA for the catalytic subunit of glucose-6-phosphatase was upregulated ~4 folds in the liver of GKA456V-treated animals, suggesting that glucose cycling was stimulated. Our results provide new insights into the complex GK regulatory network and validate liver-specific GK activation as a strategy for diabetes therapy

    Akkermansia muciniphila inversely correlates with the onset of inflammation, altered adipose tissue metabolism and metabolic disorders during obesity in mice

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    Recent evidence indicates that the gut microbiota plays a key role in the pathophysiology of obesity. Indeed, diet-induced obesity (DIO) has been associated to substantial changes in gut microbiota composition in rodent models. In the context of obesity, enhanced adiposity is accompanied by low-grade inflammation of this tissue but the exact link with gut microbial community remains unknown. In this report, we studied the consequences of high-fat diet (HFD) administration on metabolic parameters and gut microbiota composition over different periods of time. We found that Akkermansia muciniphila abundance was strongly and negatively affected by age and HFD feeding and to a lower extend Bilophila wadsworthia was the only taxa following an opposite trend. Different approaches, including multifactorial analysis, showed that these changes in Akkermansia muciniphila were robustly correlated with the expression of lipid metabolism and inflammation markers in adipose tissue, as well as several circulating parameters (i.e., glucose, insulin, triglycerides, leptin) from DIO mice. Thus, our data shows the existence of a link between gut Akkermansia muciniphila abundance and adipose tissue homeostasis on the onset of obesity, thus reinforcing the beneficial role of this bacterium on metabolism

    Hypothalamic miRNAs: emerging roles in energy balance control

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    The hypothalamus is a crucial central nervous system area controlling appetite, body weight and metabolism. It consists in multiple neuronal types that sense, integrate and generate appropriate responses to hormonal and nutritional signals partly by fine-tuning the expression of specific batteries of genes. However, the mechanisms regulating these neuronal gene programmes in physiology and pathophysiology are not completely understood. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulators of gene expression that recently emerged as pivotal modulators of systemic metabolism. In this article we will review current evidence indicating that miRNAs in hypothalamic neurons are also implicated in appetite and whole-body energy balance control

    Referees visual behaviour during offside situations in football

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    El estudio analiza el comportamiento visual de 8 árbitros de fútbol durante la percepción del fuera de juego en laboratorio. La tarea consiste en percibir una secuencia de 24 ensayos en una pantalla (5x3m), donde se proyectan situaciones reducidas de juego y que concluyen con una posible acción de fuera de juego. Los participantes deben percibir la secuencia con el ASL Eye Tracking SE5000, y pulsar un puntero laser hacia la pantalla en aquellos ensayos con fuera de juego. Las variables a manipular son la distancia y el ángulo con que se perciben las acciones de fuera de juego. Las variables dependientes son el número y tiempo (media) de fijaciones visuales y el porcentaje de acierto. Los resultados muestran que la distancia y ángulo influyen en el comportamiento visual de los árbitros. Además, son más eficaces detectando el fuera de juego con ángulos pequeños y en distancias cercanas y medias.The study examines the 8 football referees´ visual behavior during the perception of offside actions carried out in a laboratory setting. The task consists on perceiving a rally of 24 trials onto a large screen (5x3m) with reduced play situations and that could conclude with an offside action. Participants perceive the sequence with the ASL Eye Tracking SE5000 and press a laser pointer toward the screen in those trials with offside action. Variables to manipulate are the distance and angle in which the offside trials are perceived. The dependent variables are the number and time (average) of visual fixations and the success rate. The results show that the distance and angle changes the referees´ visual behavior. Moreover, they have higher success rate when they perceive trials with small angles, concretely with short and medium distances.peerReviewe

    Hypothalamic pregnenolone mediates recognition memory in the context of metabolic disorders

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    Obesity and type 2 diabetes are associated with cognitive dysfunction. Because the hypothalamus is implicated in energy balance control and memory disorders, we hypothesized that specific neurons in this brain region are at the interface of metabolism and cognition. Acute obesogenic diet administration in mice impaired recognition memory due to defective production of the neurosteroid precursor pregnenolone in the hypothalamus. Genetic interference with pregnenolone synthesis by Star deletion in hypothalamic POMC, but not AgRP neurons, deteriorated recognition memory independently of metabolic disturbances. Our data suggest that pregnenolone’s effects on cognitive function were mediated via an autocrine mechanism on POMC neurons, influencing hippocampal long-term potentiation. The relevance of central pregnenolone on cognition was also confirmed in metabolically unhealthy patients with obesity. Our data reveal an unsuspected role for POMC neuron-derived neurosteroids in cognition. These results provide the basis for a framework to investigate new facets of POMC neuron biology with implications for cognitive disorders.This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (no.176206; NCCR Synapsy grant no.185897) to C.S.; the European Research Council (ERC) advanced grant SYNEME to J.C.B.; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)—Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (PI17/00296), RETICs Oftared (RD16/0008/0014), and Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR737) to X.G.; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (BFU2017-83317-P) to D.S.; Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Maria de Maeztu (MDM-2017-0729) to Institut de Neurociencies, Universitat de Barcelona; ISCIII-FEDER (PI14/01126, PI17/01019), the National Institutes of Health (NIA grants 1R01AG056850-01A1, R21AG056974, and R01AG061566), Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20141210), and Generalitat de Catalunya (SLT006/17/00119) to J.F.; ISCIII-FEDER (PI17/00279 and PI20/0042), Fundació La Marató de TV3 (201614.31), and Generalitat de Catalunya (SLT008/18/00127) to A.J.; Plan Nacional de I+D funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and FEDER (PID2019-111669RB-I00 and PID2020-115055RB-I00), CIBEREHD, the center grant P50AA011999 Southern California Research Center for ALPD and Cirrhosis funded by NIAAA/NIH, Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR-2017-1112), the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) ACTION CA17112, FUNDACIÓN BBVA (“ER stress-mitochondrial cholesterol axis in obesity-associated insulin resistance and comorbidities”), and Red Nacional 2018-102799-T de Enfermedades Metabólicas y Cáncer and Fundació La Marató de TV3 (201916/31) to J.C.F.-C.; and ERC consolidator grant MITOSENSING (725004), ISCIII-FEDER (PI16/00963), “la Caixa” Foundation (ID100010434) under agreement LCF/PR/HR19/52160016, and CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya to M.C. D.A. is supported by ISCIII (INT19/00016) and Generalitat de Catalunya PERIS program (SLT006/17/125), A.P. is supported by Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (“Ajut Josep Font”), A.O. is supported by a Miguel Servet contract (CP19/00083) from ISCIII-FEDER, and R.H.-T. is supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action fellowship (H2020-MSCA-IF) and NEUROPREG (891247). S.R. is a recipient of Juan de la Cierva Formación (FJCI-2016-28911) and Incorporación (IJC2018-037341-I) programs from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work was carried out in part at Esther Koplowitz Centre.Peer reviewe