2,329 research outputs found

    Some Issues on Ontology Integration

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    The word integration has been used with different meanings in the ontology field. This article aims at clarifying the meaning of the word “integration” and presenting some of the relevant work done in integration. We identify three meanings of ontology “integration”: when building a new ontology reusing (by assembling, extending, specializing or adapting) other ontologies already available; when building an ontology by merging several ontologies into a single one that unifies all of them; when building an application using one or more ontologies. We discuss the different meanings of “integration”, identify the main characteristics of the three different processes and proposethree words to distinguish among those meanings:integration, merge and use

    How to Find Suitable Ontologies Using an Ontology-based WWW Broker

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    Knowledge reuse by means of outologies now faces three important problems: (1) there are no standardized identifying features that characterize ontologies from the user point of view; (2) there are no web sites using the same logical organization, presenting relevant information about ontologies; and (3) the search for appropriate ontologies is hard, time-consuming and usually fruitless. To solve the above problems, we present: (1) a living set of features that allow us to characterize ontologies from the user point of view and have the same logical organization; (2) a living domain ontology about ontologies (called ReferenceOntology) that gathers, describes and has links to existing ontologies; and (3) (ONTO)2Agent, the ontology-based www broker about ontologies that uses the Reference Ontology as a source of its knowledge and retrieves descriptions of ontologies that satisfy a given set of constraints. (ONTO)~Agent is available at http://delicias.dia.fi.upm.es/REFERENCE ONTOLOGY

    Modeling a complex production line using virtual cells

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    This chapter presents modeling and simulation of a complex multistage multiproduct production line with four closed loop networks configuration, which also act as a virtual cell. This allows for a greater understanding of the functions within the production line through the simplification of the production flow with the addition of buffers between the cells. Virtual cells are crucial in this instance due to the dynamic configuration, which could help production system designers in optimizing the complex configuration of production

    Radio wave attenuation measurement system based on RSSI for precision agriculture: application to tomato greenhouses

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    Precision agriculture and smart farming are concepts that are acquiring an important boom due to their relationship with the Internet of Things (IoT), especially in the search for new mechanisms and procedures that allow for sustainable and efficient agriculture to meet future demand from an increasing population. Both concepts require the deployment of sensor networks that monitor agricultural variables for the integration of spatial and temporal agricultural data. This paper presents a system that has been developed to measure the attenuation of radio waves in the 2.4 GHz free band (ISM- Industrial, Scientific and Medical) when propagating inside a tomato greenhouse based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), and a procedure for using the system to measure RSSI at different distances and heights. The system is based on Zolertia Re-Mote nodes with the Contiki operating system and a Raspberry Pi to record the data obtained. The receiver node records the RSSI at different locations in the greenhouse with the transmitter node and at different heights. In addition, a study of the radio wave attenuation was measured in a tomato greenhouse, and we publish the corresponding obtained dataset in order to share with the research community

    Juegos Arcade online sobre mapas reales

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    Este proyecto implementa juegos arcade, que se desarrollan sobre mapas reales. Están hechos para poder jugar de forma online, a través de internet. La información geográfica necesaria es obtenida de la página de la fundación OpenStreetMap. Es una fundación para crear mapas libre y editables, que cuenta con la colaboración desinteresada de los usuarios de la red. Tenemos dos opciones para elegir el lugar donde se expondrá el juego. Las opciones son: bien jugar sobre unos mapas descargados previamente al realizar la aplicación por los desarroladores, o bien de forma online elegir el lugar sobre el cual queremos jugar. Para esto último nos apoyamos en aplicaciones ofertadas por esta Comunidad como puede ser el namefinder. Nuestra aplicación ha sido desarrollada bajo el lenguaje de programación Java de la empresa Sun Microsystems. Se ha usado como entorno de programación Netbeans, de la misma empresa citada con anterioridad. El proyecto se divide en dos, siguiendo la arquitectura cliente-servidor. El servidor se encarga de toda la computación y el cliente es una página web para poder jugar sobre ella. Para llevar a cabo el cliente se ha usado un applet de Java, que no es más que un programa incrustado en un documento HTML. La conexión entre las dos partes del proyecto citadas se ha realizado a través de sockets. Se ha seguido un protocolo creado por nosotros para que las comunicaciones sean correctas. Los juegos arcades disponibles en la aplicación son: el comecocos, el pilla pilla, la serpiente y el pincha globos. [ABSTRACT] This project implements arcade games, which are developed on real maps. They are made for playing online, over network. The geographic information required is got from OpenStreetMap foundation´s web page. This foundation creates free geographic data, with the unselfish collaboration of network users. We have two options for choosing the place where we will play. The options are either to play on maps downloaded by the developers previously or to choose the place when you are using this application. For the latter we use applications offered by OpenStreetMap, for example namefinder. Our application has been developed under the Java programming language of Sun Microsystems. The programming environment used has been Netbeans, of the same company previously mentioned. This project is divided into two parts, carrying on the client-server architecture. The server does all computation meanwhile and the client is a web page for playing on it. A Java applet has been used for implementing the client, which is a program incrusted in a HTML document. The connection between the two parts of the project is made using sockets. The application use a protocol defined by us for correct communications. The arcade games available in the application are: pacman, the running-running, the snake and click-balloons

    Lipid peroxidation: Production, metabolism, and signaling mechanisms of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal

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    Lipid peroxidation can be described generally as a process under which oxidants such as free radicals attack lipids containing carbon-carbon double bond(s), especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Over the last four decades, an extensive body of literature regarding lipid peroxidation has shown its important role in cell biology and human health. Since the early 1970s, the total published research articles on the topic of lipid peroxidation was 98 (1970–1974) and has been increasing at almost 135-fold, by up to 13165 in last 4 years (2010–2013). New discoveries about the involvement in cellular physiology and pathology, as well as the control of lipid peroxidation, continue to emerge every day. Given the enormity of this field, this review focuses on biochemical concepts of lipid peroxidation, production, metabolism, and signaling mechanisms of two main omega-6 fatty acids lipid peroxidation products: malondialdehyde (MDA) and, in particular, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), summarizing not only its physiological and protective function as signaling molecule stimulating gene expression and cell survival, but also its cytotoxic role inhibiting gene expression and promoting cell death. Finally, overviews of in vivo mammalian model systems used to study the lipid peroxidation process, and common pathological processes linked to MDA and 4-HNE are show

    Estudio de la viabilidad técnica, económica, social y ambiental del proyecto de exportación de cinturones en cuero

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    99 páginasIndustrias Joseph Pelle, es una empresa del sector marroquinero con más de 30 años de experiencia en el mercado colombiano, se dedica a la fabricación especializada de cinturones en cuero. El portafolio está compuesto por 5 categorías: Seasons, Leather in Love, Outdoor, Travelers y Own Brands, cada una resuelve necesidades distintas para clientes y consumidores exigentes a la hora de elegir una prenda de vestir. Los propietarios están convencidos que con el portafolio de productos son contundentes en el mercado colombiano y que pueden expandirse a mercados internacionales como Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, aprovechando para los tratados de libre comercio (TLCs) vigentes, y el foco que tiene el gobierno colombiano con el sector marroquinero en que seamos referentes internacionales, con marcas posicionadas y empresas con un nivel tecnológico y ambiental de clase mundial, como se menciona en el programa de transformación productiva realizado por la Universidad del Rosario; Acicam; Fedecuero; Coelho, en el año 2013.Industrias Joseph Pelle, is a company in the leather sector with more than 30 years of experience in the Colombian market dedicated to the specialized manufacture of leather belts. The products are in 5 categories: Seasons, Leather in Love, Outdoor, Travelers and Own Brands, each one solving different needs for demanding customers ad consumers when choosing a garment. The owners are convinced that the products are strong in the Colombian market and they can expand to international markets such as the United States and the United Kingdom, taking advantage of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and the Government's focus with the leather's section in which we are international references, with positioned brands and companies with a world-class technological and environmental level, as mentioned in the Productive Transformation Program carried out by the Universidad del Rosario, Acicam, Fedecuero, Coelho, from the year 2013.Especialista en GerenciaEspecializació

    Actividades deportivas como estrategia de enseñanza de las matemáticas

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    Enlace de evidencias: https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ogomezpi_unadvirtual_edu_co/EdwAyKSIojJHmSYFaX6qkqMBMKp55UEMQmO4MrQ3NZaZIg?e=MxEbjDResumen El propósito del documento es investigar la percepción de los estudiantes de séptimo grado sobre la vinculación entre las matemáticas y la práctica deportiva y formular estrategias para mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje de las matemáticas a través de la práctica deportiva. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura sobre la relación entre las matemáticas y el deporte y se lleva a cabo un estudio cualitativo para obtener datos sobre la percepción de los estudiantes y profesores sobre el tema. La metodología de la investigación es cualitativa y se utilizó el método de campo para llevar a la práctica la propuesta definida, así las cosas, se realizó un análisis del comportamiento de los estudiantes de séptimo grado del colegio integrado del Carare para evaluar la efectividad de la actividad en los estudiantes, por tal razón, los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los estudiantes perciben una relación positiva entre las matemáticas y la práctica deportiva y creen que la práctica deportiva hace que el proceso de aprendizaje sea ameno y divertido, siendo una forma efectiva de mejorar el rendimiento en matemáticas y concluyendo bajo evidencias, que las estrategias para mejorar la vinculación entre las matemáticas y la práctica deportiva en el proceso de aprendizaje son sumamente efectivas, ya que, estas estrategias incluyen la inclusión de ejemplos de aplicaciones matemáticas en la práctica deportiva, la integración del análisis de datos deportivos en la enseñanza de las matemáticas y la colaboración entre profesores de matemáticas y educación física para desarrollar planes de enseñanza integrados.Abstract The purpose of the document is to investigate the perception of seventh grade students about the link between mathematics and sports practice and formulate strategies to improve the learning process of mathematics through sports practice. A review of the literature on the relationship between mathematics and sport is carried out and a qualitative study is carried out to obtain data on the perception of students and teachers on the subject. The research methodology is qualitative and the field method was used to put into practice the defined proposal, thus, an analysis of the behavior of the seventh grade students of the integrated school of Carare was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity in students, for this reason, the results show that the majority of students perceive a positive relationship between mathematics and sports practice and believe that sports practice makes the learning process enjoyable and fun, being an effective way to improve performance in mathematics and concluding based on evidence that strategies to improve the link between mathematics and sports practice in the learning process are highly effective, since these strategies include the inclusion of examples of mathematical applications in practice. sports, the integration of sports data analysis in the teaching of mathematics, and the collaboration between mathematics and physical education teachers to develop integrated teaching plans

    Análisis de una estructura de gestión del conocimiento para el fortalecimiento de la competitividad de una organización prestadora de servicios

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    La monografía busca analizar una estructura de gestión del conocimiento adecuada para una organización cuyo objeto social es la prestación de servicios, centrándose en las metodologías de gestión del conocimiento que se hacen visibles como una herramienta diferenciadora que genera valor estratégico, para el fomento y fortalecimiento de su competitividad. Para ello, se implementa un enfoque de estudio exploratorio bajo el método inductivo que hace énfasis en la experiencia humana y que incluye la búsqueda y revisión de masas documentales de información, donde se identifican aplicaciones prácticas de la gestión del conocimiento, junto con la aplicación de una entrevista semiestructurada, en actores claves de la organización prestadora de servicios, que permite validar y proponer una estructura de GC acorde a este tipo de organización. Como resultado de la revisión de 26 fuentes primarias y la aplicación de 10 entrevistas semiestructuradas a los actores claves de la organización, dado su conocimiento en la conceptualización de la gestión del conocimiento se detalla la validación de la hipótesis planteada en la investigación mediante la identificación de una estructura de GC que permite potencializar su fácil aplicación e implementación, la cual se consolida y se ajusta especialmente a través de los postulados pragmáticos de los Doctores Galvis-Lista (2015) y Castañeda (2020), y complementada con el análisis documental.The monograph seeks to analyze an adequate knowledge management structure for an organization whose corporate purpose is the provision of services, focusing on knowledge management methodologies that become visible as a differentiating tool that generates strategic value, for the promotion and strengthening of its competitiveness. For this purpose, an exploratory study approach is implemented under the inductive method that emphasizes human experience and includes the search and review of documentary masses of information, where practical applications of knowledge management are identified, together with the application of a semi-structured interview with key actors of the service provider organization, which allows validating and proposing a KM structure according to this type of organization. As a result of the review of 26 primary sources and the application of 10 semi-structured interviews with key actors of the organization, given their knowledge in the conceptualization of knowledge management, the validation of the hypothesis raised in the research is detailed through the identification of a KM structure that allows to potentiate its easy application and implementation, which is consolidated and adjusted especially through the pragmatic postulates of Doctors Galvis-Lista (2015) and Castañeda (2020), and complemented with the documentary analysis

    Innovaciones de la Ley 20.004 que modifica Ley de Quiebras Nº 18.175

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    Al dictarse la Ley N° 18.175, de 1982, y no habiéndose secadotodavía la tinta con que se redactó su texto, se reclamó a todasvoces que el legislador había privatízado la institución de laquiebra, lo que para algunos representaba la adecuación de laquiebra a las políticas económicas que imperaban en la épocay, por lo mismo, guardaba armonía con el significado de considerarlacomo un mecanismo de redistribución de un capitalmal explotado, al que había que reincorporarlo saneado a lamarcha económica nuevamente, para no sustraer recursos deltráfico de la riqueza