114 research outputs found
Indirect test of M-S circuits using multiple specification band guarding
Testing analog and mixed-signal circuits is a costly task due to the required test time targets and high end technical resources. Indirect testing methods partially address these issues providing an efficient solution using easy to measure CUT information that correlates with circuit performances. In this work, a multiple specification band guarding technique is proposed as a method to achieve a test target of misclassified circuits. The acceptance/rejection test regions are encoded using octrees in the measurement space, where the band guarding factors precisely tune the test decision boundary according to the required test yield targets. The generated octree data structure serves to cluster the forthcoming circuits in the production testing phase by solely relying on indirect measurements. The combined use of octree based encoding and multiple specification band guarding makes the testing procedure fast, efficient and highly tunable. The proposed band guarding methodology has been applied to test a band-pass Butterworth filter under parametric variations. Promising simulation results are reported showing remarkable improvements when the multiple specification band guarding criterion is used.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Sistemes combinacionals : Introducció a les funcions lògiques i a la minimització d’expressions
En aquest quadern es tractarà l’àlgebra que s’empra en el disseny de sistemes digitalsatemporals. Un sistema atemporal és aquell en què la seva resposta no depèn deltemps i que en conseqüència reacciona de manera instantània i única als impulsosrebuts a l’entrada.2017/201
Experimental study of visual corona under aeronautic pressure conditions using low-cost imaging sensors
Visual corona tests have been broadly applied for identifying the critical corona points of diverse high-voltage devices, although other approaches based on partial discharge or radio interference voltage measurements are also widely applied to detect corona activity. Nevertheless, these two techniques must be applied in screened laboratories, which are scarce and expensive, require sophisticated instrumentation, and typically do not allow location of the discharge points. This paper describes the detection of the visual corona and location of the critical corona points of a sphere-plane gap configurations under different pressure conditions ranging from 100 to 20 kPa, covering the pressures typically found in aeronautic environments. The corona detection is made with a low-cost CMOS imaging sensor from both the visible and ultraviolet (UV) spectrum, which allows detection of the discharge points and their locations, thus significantly reducing the complexity and costs of the instrumentation required while preserving the sensitivity and accuracy of the measurements. The approach proposed in this paper can be applied in aerospace applications to prevent the arc tracking phenomenon, which can lead to catastrophic consequences since there is not a clear protection solution, due to the low levels of leakage current involved in the pre-arc phenomenon.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Design, Fabrication and Veri cation of a Mixed-Signal XY Zone Monitoring Circuit and its Application to a Phase Lock Loop Circuit
El presente proyecto de final de carrera se centra en el diseño, análisis e implementación
en silicio de una metodología de test/diagnosis basada en la comparación de firmas digitales
generadas a partir de curvas de Lissajous. Se muestra su aplicación para testar la etapa
de filtro de un circuito de bucle de enganche de fase (phase lock loop, PLL), así como los
resultados experimentales de su implementación en tecnología CMOS de 65 nm.
La obtención de las firmas digitales se consigue mediante el uso de un circuito monitor,
el cual, a partir de la composición de dos señales periódicas del circuito a analizar, genera,
para cada punto de la curva de Lissajous, un valor digital. La utilización de varios monitores
con gurados de la manera adecuada permite una completa teselación del plano en diferentes
zonas y por tanto, la generación de distintos códigos digitales (firma) a medida que la curva
de Lissajous evoluciona en el tiempo.
El test del circuito y/o diagnosis del posible defecto se realiza mediante la comparación
de la signatura golden o sin defecto y la signatura generada por el circuito testado. Para
la comparación de firmas se emplea el concepto de distancia de Hamming entre códigos a
modo de métrica de discrepancia. A partir de los valores precalculados de la métrica para
cada posible valor del defecto se consigue realizar la diagnosis de este para el parámetro en
El trabajo se enmarca en el diseño de circuitos integrados de muy alta escala de integración usando una tecnología CMOS de actualidad (65 nm). Es por ello que se requieren
técnicas de diseño analógico específicas, como lo son las estrategias centroidales para la elaboración de layouts o el correcto modelado de transistores nanométricos. Para esto último
se hace uso del modelo Berkeley, el cual, debidamente ajustado a la tecnología empleada,
proporciona aproximaciones muy aceptables y con relativa facilidad de uso. Con el objetivo de verificar la metodología de test/diagnosis propuesta, se hace uso
de una aplicación Matlab que permite simular el comportamiento del circuito a testar
en diferentes situaciones. Es posible excitar el circuito con distintas entradas, cambiar los
parámetros de este, introducir defectos, o emplear distintos conjuntos de curvas para teselar el
plano. La aplicación resulta fundamental para efectuar el proceso de diagnosis pues relaciona
la cantidad de defecto con los valores de discrepancia obtenidos con la métrica definida.
Finalmente, se presentan los resultados experimentales obtenidos con el chip fabricado.
Se constata el correcto comportamiento de este y la validez de la metodología de test/diagnosis propuesta
Arc tracking control in insulation systems for aeronautic applications: challenges, opportunities, and research needs
Next generation aircrafts will use more electrical power to reduce weight, fuel consumption, system complexity and greenhouse gas emissions. However, new failure modes and challenges arise related to the required voltage increase and consequent rise of electrical stress on wiring insulation materials, thus increasing the risk of electrical arc appearance. This work performs a critical and comprehensive review concerning arc tracking effects in wiring insulation systems, underlying mechanisms, role of materials and possible mitigation strategies, with a special focus on aircraft applications. To this end an evaluation of the scientific and technological state of the art is carried out from the analysis of theses, research articles, technical reports, international standards and white papers. This review paper also reports the limitations of existing insulation materials, standard test methods and mitigation approaches, while identifying the research needs to comply with the future demands of the aircraft industryPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Test of dual axis accelerometers based on specifications compliance
Postprint (published version
Quality metrics for mixed-signal indirect testing
Postprint (published version
SRAM stability metric under transient noise
ventional way to analyze the robustness of an
SRAM bit cell is to quantify its immunity to static noise. The static immunity to disturbances like process and mi smatch variations, bulk noises, supply rings variations, temperature changes is well characterized by means of the Static Noise
Margin (SNM) defined as the maximum applicable series voltage at the inputs which causes no change in the data retention nodes.
However, a significant number of disturbance sources present a transient behavior which is ignored by the static analysis but has
to be taken in consideration for a complete characterization of the cell’s behavior. In this paper, a metric to evaluate the cell
robustness in the presence of transient voltage noise is proposed based on determining the energy of the noise signal
which is able to flip the cell’s state. The Dynamic Noise Margin(DNM) metric is defined as the minimum energy of the voltage noise signal able to flip the cell.Postprint (published version
Sensor comparison for corona discharge detection under low pressure conditions
©2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Low pressure environments, situate insulation systems in a challenging position since partial discharges (PDs), corona and arc tracking are more likely to develop. Therefore, specific solutions are required to detect such harmful phenomena before major failure occurrence. This paper deals with three low-cost and small-size sensing methods, i.e., a single loop antenna, a visible-UV imaging sensor and the measurement of the leakage current to detect corona in the early stage, thus anticipating the appearance of severer effects such as arc tracking or disruptive breakdown. The three studied methods can be applied for an on-line monitoring of corona activity under low pressure environments, thus being compatible with predictive maintenance approaches. This on-line monitoring can be used to develop improved electrical protection devices able to detect such effects in an initial stage, thus improving current solutions which are unable to do so. All three studied sensors give consistent linear responses within the studied pressure range, i.e., 10-100 kPa, with almost no drift. The sensitivity of the visible-UV imaging sensor is slightly lower than that of the others, but it has the advantage of directly locating the discharge points. Results presented in this paper can be very useful for the more electrical aircraft (MEA), which is forcing electrical distribution systems to operate at higher voltage levels. Due to the little experience and scarcity of published data, the experimental results presented in this paper can be valuable for a better understanding of the combined action of high voltage and low pressure environments.This work was supported in part by the Generalitat de Catalunya under Project 2017 SGR 967 & in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project RTC-2017-6297-3. J.-R. Riba is with the Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
An Efficient behavioral description frontend tool for mixed-mode SPICE simulation
Postprint (published version
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