826 research outputs found

    The peruvian criminal and penitentiary system: Political-criminal reflections

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    En este artículo se reflexiona sobre el contenido del Derecho penal peruano a la luz de la realidad política del país tras el régimen de Alberto Fujimori; se describe la situación de su sistema penitenciario y se señalan los problemas más críticos en esta materia. Se plantea la necesidad de abordar la reforma del marco normativo y del sistema penitenciario, a partir de una serie de propuestas que contemplen el principio de proporcionalidad y la resocialización.This article considera the nature of Peruvian Criminal Law given the political realities of the country in the aftermath of the regime of Alberto Fujimori; it describes the situation of the penal system highlighting the most critica] problems of the country in this area. It poses the need to undertake reform of the normative framework and of the penal system, starting from a series of proposals which incorporate principies of proportionality and of resocialization

    What works (and what does not) to incorporate ethics as a cross curricular competence?

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    In 2013, an ambitious plan was implemented at Universitat Politècnica de València aiming at ensuring that all graduates achieved a set of 13 transversal competences which would make them excellent graduates not only from a technical point of view, but also beyond. One of these competences in which we want to train and assess our students is "ethical, environmental and professional responsibility". This paper presents the study carried out to check whether this objective is achieved or not for graduates from six different degrees taught at UPV. To this end, we analysed activities developed within each Bachelor degree curriculum, studying the suitability of each activity to the level of knowledge required in each course. We also analysed the perception of students and lecturers in charge of incorporating this transversal content within their subjects. In view of the results obtained, "good practices" are proposed, indicating the activities carried out which have succeeded in increasing the students' training and knowledge related to this topic. Activities, which, despite being carried out for a certain purpose, do not manage to work on and assess this cross curricular competence, are discussed

    Collective motion of Active Brownian Particles with polar alignment

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    We present a comprehensive computational study of the collective behavior emerging from the competition between self-propulsion, excluded volume interactions and velocity-alignment in a two-dimensionnal model of active particles. We consider an extension of the Active Brownian Particles model where the self-propulsion direction of the particles aligns with the one of their neighbors. We analyze the onset of collective motion (flocking) in a low-density regime (10% surface area) and show that it is mainly controlled by the strength of velocity-alignment interactions: the competition between self-propulsion and crowding effects plays a minor role in the emergence of flocking. However, above the flocking threshold, the system presents a richer pattern formation scenario than analogous models without alignment interactions (Active Brownian Particles) or excluded volume effects (Vicsek-like models). Depending on the parameter regime, the structure of the system is characterized by either a broad distribution of finite-sized polar clusters or the presence of an amorphous, highly fluctuating, large-scale traveling structure which can take a lane-like or band-like form (and usually a hybrid structure which is halfway in between both). We establish a phase diagram that summarizes collective behavior of polar Active Brownian Particles and propose a generic mechanism to describe the complexity of the large-scale structures observed in systems of repulsive self-propelled particles.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Revisiting the student outcome "ethical, environmental and professional responsibility" within the Civil Engineering Bachelor Degree

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    [EN] In 2013, an institutional project was launched at Universitat Politècnica de València to ensure that all graduates, in addition to acquiring the specific technological skills of their degrees, would also acquire a series of essential soft skills for developing their profession in an excellent way. At present, there are already graduates who have completed the degree with the integration of generic outcomes; therefore, it is time to review the success that the project has achieved. One of these generic outcomes is "Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility". In this work, we develop a diagnosis of the current state of this competence in the civil engineering BSc degree programme, and we analyse the level of acquisition of the competence by students. For this purpose, the subjects in which this generic competence is worked on and evaluated will be analysed, studying how lecturers introduce it within different activities to collect evidences of the competence level of acquisition. We also studied whether the results obtained respond to the expected learning goals. The diagnosis will be completed by collecting opinions from last year students, as well as by interviewing lecturers responsible for these subjects. The final objective of the project will be to estimate at what extent the students have acquired this competence upon graduation and to propose improvement measures if necessary.Gimenez-Carbo, E.; Gómez-Martín, ME.; Andrés-Doménech, I. (2020). Revisiting the student outcome "ethical, environmental and professional responsibility" within the Civil Engineering Bachelor Degree. SEFI. 802-809. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/177483S80280

    Material polímero en polvo modificado por plasma para uso como agente compatibilizante en mezclas y composites poliméricos

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    Material polímero en polvo modificado por plasma para uso como agente compatibilizante en mezclas y composites poliméricos. La presente invención se basa en un nuevo tipo de agente compatibilizante basado en el uso de un polímero compatible con uno de los componentes de la mezcla o composite y al que se introducen funcionalidades superficiales compatibles con los otros componentes de la mezcla o composite, mediante tratamiento con plasma frío de baja presión. Este tipo de agente compatibilizante se puede utilizar en la fabricación de piezas de plástico mediante técnicas de procesado a partir del fundido.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B1 Patente con informe sobre el estado de la ténic

    Mapping the potential distribution of frozen ground in Tucarroya (Monte Perdido Massif, the Pyrenees)

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    Producción CientíficaEste trabajo describe la metodología utilizada para cartografiar los suelos potencialmente helados en el valle de Tucarroya, en el Parque Nacional de Ordesa. Para cartografiar las formas asociadas a la presencia de hielo se combinó trabajo de campo, datos térmicos procedentes de sensores automáticos de temperatura del suelo y mediciones de la base del manto de nieve (BTS), así como variables predictivas obtenidas de un Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE). La cartografía diferencia cuatro ambientes, suelo no congelado con actividad de la helada, suelos helados estacionales, permafrost posible y permafrost probable. El mapa revela una extensión del permafrost muy limitada, con escasez de formas asociadas. Solo se ha detectado por encima de los 2700 m de altitud en ambientes topográficos favorables, pendientessuaves y protegidos de la radiación solar. Los suelos helados estacionales son los ambientes más comunes y se desarrollan por encima de los 2500 m s.n.m., mientras los suelos no congelados,pero con heladas solo están presentes entre los 2570 y los 2750 m de altitud en laderas que reciben elevada radiación solarMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (projects CGL2015-68144-R / CGL2017-82216-R)Geoparque de Sobrarbe (project R- ADM15/57

    Clinical and Theoretical Considerations of Psychoanalysts and Cognitive Behavioral Therapists Regarding Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Argentina. A Qualitative Study of the Research-Practice Gap

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    This paper presents two qualitative studies exploring the gap between research and practice, as related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder, by comparing the differing theoretical and clinical considerations of psychoanalysts and cognitive behavioral therapists from Buenos Aires. METHODS: In the first study, a group of ten expert Psychoanalysts and five expert Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists were asked to explicitly present their theoretical conceptualization of this disorder, based on the diagnostic criteria of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In the second study, twenty psychotherapists (ten from each theoretical orientation) were asked to listen to an audio recording of a fictional patient meeting GAD's diagnostic criteria, and to present their clinical impression about the case. Through qualitative analysis, categories were created and rated upon their frequency for both studies. RESULTS/DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Results showed similarities and differences in participants' theoretical and clinical conceptualizations and suggested that therapist orientations may pose differing implications and obstacles to breach the psychotherapy research-practice gap.Este artigo apresenta dois estudos qualitativos que exploram a lacuna entre investigaçao e prática, como se relaciona com ao Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada, comparando as diferentes consideraçoes teóricas e clínicas da psicanalistas e terapeutas cognitiva-comportamentais de Buenos Aires. MÉTODOS: No primeiro estudo, foram convidados um grupo de dez psicanalistas especializados e cinco terapeutas cognitivacomportamentais especializados para apresentar explicitamente a sua conceituaçao teórica desta desordem, com base nos critérios de diagnóstico da quinta ediçao do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais. No segundo estudo, vinte psicoterapeutas (dez de cada orientaçao teórica) foram convidados a ouvir uma gravaçao de áudio de um paciente fictício preenche os critérios diagnósticos de TAG e para apresentar sua impressao clínica sobre o caso. Através da análise qualitativa, as categorias foram criadas e avaliado após a sua frequência para ambos os estudos. RESULTADOS/DISCUSSAO/CONCLUSOES: Os resultados mostraram semelhanças e diferenças em conceituaçoes teóricas e clínicas dos participantes e sugerem que as orientaçoes do terapeuta podem representar diferentes implicaçoes e obstáculos para superar a lacuna entre pesquisa e prática da psicoterapia.Fil: Etchebarne, Ignacio. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Juan, Santiago. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Roussos, Andres Jorge. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentin

    Technical, constructive and economical feasibility to turn off-grid an existing building

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    [EN] Existing educational buildings built with old normatives suffer a lack of technology, eventhough they are the frame of reference for our future society’s architects(/builders). These buildings, usually promoted by the public sector, don’t have significant economic investment, even if they are going to affect our children’s world perception. The object construction of this study is a building from1978. It has an educational use located at the Pamplona campus of the Universidad de Navarra. The building is part of the Living Lab of the Campus, where technologies, solutions and strategies can be proved It is a protected building by the “Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites, and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement” (Do. Co,Mo.Mo.), so all actions that can affect its aesthetic aspects need to be justified because of the value of the building.The methodology presented concerns the development of a replicable technical, constructive, and economical feasibility model to reach an off-grid disconnection of an existing building. The steps followed for this study are classified in seven main steps. This proposal aims to define a replicable solution that is going to be applied to other buildings of campus Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona.Even that the first solution is going to be limited by the aesthetic aspect, the final objective is to develop a Plug & Play solution following the methodology, answering the energetical deficiency and complexity of existing constructions.Cátedra Universidad de Navarra Fundación Saltoki for the economical afford of this work.Dorregaray-Oyaregui, S.; Martín-Gómez, C.; Hernando Gil, I.; Aguado, M. (2023). Technical, constructive and economical feasibility to turn off-grid an existing building. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 522-532. https://doi.org/10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.1527352253

    Graphic study and geovisualization of the old windmills of La Mancha (Spain)

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    In Spain, one can find geographical diversity and unique sites of great significance and cultural heritage. Many of the nation’s treasured places, however, have deteriorated or have even disappeared. What is left, then, should be studied and documented both graphically and infographically. It is important to preserve and document Spain’s unique locations, especially those related to vernacular heritage, to transhumance and visual impact assessment in many national infrastructures projects. Windmills are important examples of agro-industrial heritage and are sometimes found in the beds of streams and rivers but can also be found high in the hills. Their presence is constant throughout the Iberian Peninsula. These mills are no longer in use due to technological advances and the emergence of new grinding systems. The aim of this study was to present a specific methodology for the documentation of windmills, to create a graphical representation using computer graphics, as well as to disseminate knowledge of this agro-industrial heritage. This research has integrated graphic materials, including freehand sketches, photographs, digital orthophotos, computer graphics and multimedia in the creation of a specific methodology based on cutting-edge technology such as a digital photogrammetric workstation (DPW), global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), computer-aided design (CAD) and computer animation