161 research outputs found

    Aphid-borne viruses infecting cultivated watermelon and squash in Spain: characterization of a variant of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV)

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    [SPA] Los virus transmitidos por pulgones son responsables de las principales enfermedades de cucurbitáceas. El continuo seguimiento de estos cultivos puede ayudar a prevenir la aparición y distribución de estos, facilitando el control de enfermedades. Durante tres temporadas (2018-2020) se examinó la presencia de virus transmitidos por pulgón en plantas de sandía y calabaza en tres zonas productoras de cucurbitáceas en España. El virus del amarilleo de las cucurbitáceas transmitido por pulgón (CABYV) fue mayoritario (29%) en ambos cultivos, seguido del virus del mosaico de la sandía (WMV) (23%). Se observaron unas plantas de sandía con síntomas más graves acompañados de aborto en los frutos revelando que CABYV era el agente causante de estos síntomas. Se construyeron dos clones de ADNc infecciosos (uno de sandía CABYV-LP63 y otro de melón CABYV-MEC12.1) para comparar y caracterizar esta nueva variante de CABYV. El estudio filogenético reveló que ambos aislados estaban dentro de la rama mediterránea. El aislado LP63 tiene dos eventos potenciales de recombinación en comparación con MEC12.1. Además, esta nueva variante causó síntomas más graves y presentó mayor acumulación en cinco especies de cucurbitáceas. Una nueva variante de CABYV causa síntomas de amarilleos más graves puede estar amenazando los cultivos de cucurbitáceas. [ENG] Aphid-borne viruses are responsible for major cucurbit diseases. Systematic monitoring can reveal the occurrence and distribution of these viruses, facilitating the control of diseases. During three seasons (2018-2020), the presence of aphid-borne viruses was controlled in watermelon and squash plants in three cucurbit-producing areas (Castilla La-Mancha, Alicante and Murcia) in Spain. Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV) was the most common virus found (29%) in the plants from both crops. Likewise, except for squash samples from Castilla La-Mancha and Alicante, watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) was also found (23%) with a relatively high frequency. In addition, we observed more exacerbation symptoms in watermelon plants that was often accompanied by a fruit abortion. CABYV was the causative agent of this new disease; two infectious cDNA clones (one from watermelon CABYV-LP63 and one from melon CABYV-MEC12.1) were constructed to compare and characterize this disease. The phylogenetic study revealed that both isolates were within the Mediterranean branch. Isolate LP63 shows two potential recombination events compared to MEC12.1. LP63 isolate caused more severe symptoms and showed higher RNA accumulation than MEC12.1 in five cucurbits plant species. These results suggest that a novel CABYV variant that causes severe yellowing symptoms, may be causing outbreaks in cucurbit crops.Ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades con beca de doctorado (PRE2018-083915). AGL2017-89550-R de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y fondos FEDER (UE)

    Inclusión de indicadores sociales en el análisis de requerimientos energéticos : El caso de la provincia de Salta

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    Pese a que desde hace casi veinte años, y como parte de la etapa de privatización del suministro eléctrico disperso, existen en el NOA programas de electrificación rural, el objetivo central de los mismos solo se cumplió parcialmente. En esta región habitan casi cinco millones de habitantes y representan más del diez por ciento de la población total del país. En la región, más del ochenta y cinco por ciento de la población posee redes convencionales de energía, pero el NBI promedio es de algo menos del 28%. Desde el programa PERMER y otros, se asignan recursos para instalar electricidad con paneles fotovoltaicos, y con mini redes de diferentes tipos, en un esfuerzo notable de gobiernos y empresas. Es de destacar, que no todos los sitios habitados podrán gozar del “beneficio”, dado que las solicitudes son numerosas. En otro orden de cosas, la radiación solar promedio en la región es muy adecuada para su aprovechamiento, por lo que con ella se puede paliar la situación pese a lo elevado de la inversión inicial. Se propone un mecanismo para poder seleccionar objetivamente las localidades que puede servir de herramienta para la toma de decisiones, en el marco de un programa de aplicación regional. Conviene aclarar que existen otros, igualmente valiosos.There are almost twenty years in the NOA rural electrification programs, as part of a process of privatization of companies. The central objective of these only partially fulfilled. This region is home to nearly five million people, representing more than ten percent of the total population. In the region, more than eighty-five percent of the population owns conventional 08.09 energy networks, but the average NBI is just under 28%. Since the program PERMER and others, resources are allocated to electrifies with photovoltaic panels, and mini networks of different types, in a remarkable effort of governments and businesses. It is noteworthy that not all inhabited sites may enjoy the "benefit", given that applications are numerous. In another vein, the average solar radiation in the region is very good for its use, so that it can alleviate the situation despite the high level of initial investment. A mechanism is proposed to objectively select locations that can serve as a tool for decision making in the context of a regional implementation program. It should be clear that there are other, equally valuable.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Imposition, resistance, and alternatives in the face of an interregional water crisis in Mexico: El Zapotillo project

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    En este dossier se analizan los complejos aspectos socio-políticos, económicos, hidrológicos, legales, entre otros, relacionados con la construcción del proyecto El Zapotillo, que incluye un trasvase del Río Verde entre los estados mexicanos de Jalisco y Guanajuato con consecuencias significativas paras las comunidades humanas y los ecosistemas. El Cuaderno de Trabajo presenta doce artículos escritos por especialistas en las diferentes dimensiones del proceso, e incluye el trabajo de estudiantes de doctorado, activistas, y miembros de las comunidades locales afecadas directamente por el proyecto. It is a dossier focused on the complex socio-political, economic, hydrological, legal and other aspects involving the construction of El Zapotillo project, which includes an inter-basin transfer of the Verde River between the Mexican states of Jalisco and Guanajuato with significant consequences for human communities and ecosystems. The Working Paper features twelve articles written by specialists in the different dimensions of the process, and includes the work of doctoral students, activists, and members of the local communities directly affected by the project.ITESO, A.C.Universidad de BernaEl Colegio de JaliscoUNAMUniversidad de GuanajuatoUniversidad de GuadalajaraCartocríticaIMDECCIDEComité Salvemos Temacapulín, Acasico y PalmarejoColectivo de Abogad@

    Efecto de la inoculación con hongos micorrízicos en el rendimiento de avena forrajera

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation with two species of mycorrhizal fungi on the yield of forage oats. Design / methodology / approach: The method of pelletization and seed coating was used; The sowing went to volley. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement (2x3x3) was used as factors: the two varieties, the HMA Glomus cubense and Glomus fasciculatum with a control and fertilization at 50% and 100% with a control with four repetitions. Results: The Chihuahua variety obtained a better yield, leaf stem ratio, leaf area index, number of leaves, leaf death, stem density and leaf death (2.50); in the other variables they were statistically equal. The Glomus cubense species was superior to Glomus fasciculatum in the yield variables (6.92 t DM ha-1) and in the death of leaves (4.68), but in the leaf area index (135.02), Glomus fasciculatum exceeded Glomus cubense. Limitations of the study / implications: yield in fodder production, producers apply high amounts of chemical fertilizers, whose excessive use negatively affects the soil resource. Findings / conclusions: The Chihuahua variety has better behavior and Glomus cubense exceeds Glomus fascicucatum in performanceObjetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de inoculación con dos especies de hongos micorrízicos en el rendimiento de avena forrajera. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se utilizó el método de peletización y recubrimiento de semilla; la siembra fue al voleo. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial (2x3x3) se consideró como factores: las dos variedades, los HMA Glomus cubense y Glomus fasciculatum con un testigo y la fertilización al 50% y al 100% con un testigo con cuatro repeticiones. Resultados: La variedad Chihuahua obtuvo un mejor rendimiento, relación hoja tallo, índice de área foliar, número de hojas, muerte de hojas, densidad de tallos y en la muerte de hojas (2.50); en las demás variables fueron estadísticamente iguales. La especie Glomus cubense fue superior al Glomus fasciculatum en las variables rendimiento (6.92 t MS ha-1) y en la muerte de hojas (4.68), pero en el índice de área foliar (135.02), Glomus fasciculatum superó a Glomus cubense. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: el rendimiento en la producción de forraje, los productores aplican cantidades elevadas de fertilizantes químicos, cuyo uso excesivo afecta negativamente el recurso suelo. Hallazgos/conclusiones: La variedad Chihuahua tiene mejor comportamiento y Glomus cubense en supera en rendimiento a Glomus fascicucatu

    Fascitis necrotizante, cuando el tiempo vale oro

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    La Fascitis Necrotizante es una infección de partes blandas que puede provocar una rápida destrucción del tejido afectado con necrosis y sepsis grave, potencialmente mortal. Los factores predisponentes son diabetes, neoplasias, alcoholismo, enfermedad hepática y renal crónica, entre otras. Es una urgencia médica que requiere un tratamiento quirúrgico precoz, y terapia antibiótica endovenosa de amplio espectro con el fin de disminuir la tasa de mortalidad. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con antecedente de linfoma T hepático que presentó fascitis necrotizante en el miembro inferior izquierdo secundario a Bacillus Cereus

    Aglomeración acústica de partículas

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    PACS: 43.35, 43.25.-- Publicado en el Vol. XXXI, núm. 3-4, tercer y cuarto trimestre 2000 de la Revista de Acústica: Número especial dedicado al XXV Aniversario del Instituto de Acústica del C.S.I.C.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta una recopilación de las principales aportaciones llevadas a cabo en el campo de la aglomeración acústica de partículas desde 1972. A lo largo de este periodo de tiempo se ha consolidado esta línea de investigación. Se han estudiado y simulado numéricamente los mecanismos básicos del proceso de aglomeración. Paralelamente se han desarrollado y validado nuevos sistemas macrosónicos a escala de laboratorio y de planta piloto para la retención de partículas finas (0.1 - 2.5 μm) en efluentes industriales. Los principales logros científicos llevados a cabo en esta temática han dado lugar a más de setenta publicaciones internacionales.[EN] A summary of the most relevant R+D contributions since 1972 on the acoustic particle agglomeration is presented in this paper. Along this period the research topic has been well consolidated. The basic mechanisms involved in the agglomeration process have been studied and simulated numerically. In parallel, new macrosonic systems at laboratory and pilot plant scale have been developed and validated to reduce fine particle emissions (0.1 - 2.5 μm). The main scientific results obtained were published in more than seventy international papers.Peer reviewe

    Consecuencias del estrés calórico sobre la reproducción del ganado vacuno

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    Heat stress represents one of the major environmental factors that adversely affect the reproductive performance of cattle. In this paper the behavioral adjustments, physical mechanisms and physiological responses to heat loss are described; bos indicus adaptive advantages with respect to bos Taurus, pathophysiology of heat stress and heat stress effects in animal reproduction, both the male and the female.El estrés calórico representa unos de los principales factores del medio ambiente que repercuten negativamente en el desempeño reproductivo del ganado vacuno. En este trabajo se describen los ajustes conductuales, mecanismos físicos y respuestas fisiológicas para la pérdida calórica; ventajas adaptativas del bos indicus con respecto al bos Taurus, fisiopatología del estrés calórico y repercusiones del estrés calórico en la reproducción animal, tanto en el macho como en la hembra

    Dominant Negative Mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab Toxin Function as Anti-Toxins: Demonstration of the Role of Oligomerization in Toxicity

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    BACKGROUND:Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins, that are used worldwide in insect control, kill insects by a mechanism that depends on their ability to form oligomeric pores that insert into the insect-midgut cells. These toxins are being used worldwide in transgenic plants or spray to control insect pests in agriculture. However, a major concern has been the possible effects of these insecticidal proteins on non-target organisms mainly in ecosystems adjacent to agricultural fields. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We isolated and characterized 11 non-toxic mutants of Cry1Ab toxin affected in different steps of the mechanism of action namely binding to receptors, oligomerization and pore-formation. These mutant toxins were analyzed for their capacity to block wild type toxin activity, presenting a dominant negative phenotype. The dominant negative phenotype was analyzed at two levels, in vivo by toxicity bioassays against susceptible Manduca sexta larvae and in vitro by pore formation activity in black lipid bilayers. We demonstrate that some mutations located in helix alpha-4 completely block the wild type toxin activity at sub-stoichiometric level confirming a dominant negative phenotype, thereby functioning as potent antitoxins. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:This is the first reported case of a Cry toxin dominant inhibitor. These data demonstrate that oligomerization is a fundamental step in Cry toxin action and represent a potential mechanism to protect special ecosystems from the possible effect of Cry toxins on non-target organisms

    A cost-effective algae-based biosensor for water quality analysis: Development and testing in collaboration with peasant communities

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    New anthropic potentially harmful compounds are released into the environment everyday. In this context, broad range bioassays have emerged providing economically viable and widely applicable alternatives due to their ability to detect the cumulative toxicity of mixtures of both known and unknown chemicals in a sample, thus allowing direct information about water quality. Here we present a low-cost, wide-range algae-based biosensor that is easy to assemble and operate by untrained users and provides direct readings. It was developed as a request of a peasant social movement organization to assess the toxicity of drinking water in rural communities affected by pesticide spraying. Two fresh water algae strains, Scenedesmus acutus and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, were immobilized in alginate beads and tested as bioindicators. After incubation with different pollutants for five days, naked eye analysis by several observers proved to be a successful method to survey algae’s growth and establish the detection limits. Best detection limits were 10 ppm for technical-grade acid glyphosate, 15 ppm for glyphosate-based formulation, 50 ppb for atrazine formulation, 7.5 ppm for copper and 250 ppb for chromium. Absorbance measurements upon algae resuspension validated these results. The developed device was successfully tested in participatory workshops conducted at rural communities. Children, adults and elders with no scientific training were able to build the sensor and interpret the results, thus evaluating the quality of rain and well water used in their communities.Universidad Nacional de Santiago del EsteroConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    The sound of a Martian dust devil

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    Dust devils (convective vortices loaded with dust) are common at the surface of Mars, particularly at Jezero crater, the landing site of the Perseverance rover. They are indicators of atmospheric turbulence and are an important lifting mechanism for the Martian dust cycle. Improving our understanding of dust lifting and atmospheric transport is key for accurate simulation of the dust cycle and for the prediction of dust storms, in addition to being important for future space exploration as grain impacts are implicated in the degradation of hardware on the surface of Mars. Here we describe the sound of a Martian dust devil as recorded by the SuperCam instrument on the Perseverance rover. The dust devil encounter was also simultaneously imaged by the Perseverance rover's Navigation Camera and observed by several sensors in the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer instrument. Combining these unique multi-sensorial data with modelling, we show that the dust devil was around 25m large, at least 118m tall, and passed directly over the rover travelling at approximately 5ms-1. Acoustic signals of grain impacts recorded during the vortex encounter provide quantitative information about the number density of particles in the vortex. The sound of a Martian dust devil was inaccessible until SuperCam microphone recordings. This chance dust devil encounter demonstrates the potential of acoustic data for resolving the rapid wind structure of the Martian atmosphere and for directly quantifying wind-blown grain fluxes on Mars.We are most grateful for the support of the Mars 2020 project team, including hardware and operation teams. This project was supported in the US by the NASA Mars Exploration Program, and in France by CNES. It is based on observations with SuperCam embarked on Perseverance (Mars2020). The research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, is under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). The JPL co-author (M.T.) acknowledges funding from NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate and the Science Mission Directorate. A. V-R is supported by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) Project No. MDM-2017-0737 Unidad de Excelencia “María de Maeztu”- Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC), and by the Comunidad de Madrid Project S2018/NMT-4291 (TEC2SPACE-CM). R.H. and A.S-L. were supported by Grant PID2019-109467GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT1742-22. A.M. was supported by Grant PRE2020-092562 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”. R.L. acknowledges InSight PSP Grant 80NSSC18K1626 as well as the Mars 2020 project. B.C. is supported by the Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, grant 20210960PRD3. JA.RM., M.M, J.T and J.G-E were supported by MCIN/AEI’s Grant RTI2018-098728-B-C31