11,615 research outputs found

    Disinflation policy, trade liberalisation and price stickiness: a theoretical approach with applications to Mexico

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    A model of indexation to a flexible exchange rate is presented in Chapter 2. An exchange rate depreciation induces an increase in the domestic price level. The degree of indexation is a function of the last observed steady state inflation rate. We show that successive increases in the money growth rate generate each time smaller output expansions. On the other hand, price indexation to a flexible exchange rate reduces the output losses of disinflation. An open economy model with micro-foundations and monopolistic com­petition is presented in Chapter 3. We analise the real effects of an increase in money, of a devaluation and of the implementation of price controls. The existence of a nominal rigidity is emphasised. The results depend on the relative magnitude of the parameters of the model. A two-period model with investment and imperfect competition is pre­sented in Chapter 4. We assume that menu costs or price controls are only relevant in the first period. In this way, a permanent increase in money with a ‘rigid’ price level in period one generates a wealth effect that increases con­sumption demand in both periods. The reduction in the real cost of capital is the channel through which the effects of an increase in money in the presence of menu costs or of price controls persist. A two-period model to study Mexico’s trade deficit is presented in Chapter 5. Two alternative hypotheses are evaluated. The choice between an anticipated trade liberalisation or an expected devaluation depends on the assumption on real or nominal wage rigidity. A model to study Mexico’s exchange rate policy dilemma is presented in Chapter (i. There is a huge trade deficit but the exchange rate is the nominal anchor of the stabilisation programme. NAFTA represents capital account surpluses in the next years hut its ratification is uncertain. If the government devalues now, it gives up the possibility of completing the current stabilisa­tion programme in case NAFTA being ratified. Hut if the government does not devalue and NAFTA is rejected, higher inflation costs will be born. The government minimises the expected costs in terms of inflation to determine the optimal exchange rate policy.We find a sufficient condition that guarantees, if fulfilled, the optimality of waiting for NAFTA

    Coupled mantle dripping and lateral dragging controlling the lithosphere structure of the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains: A numerical experiment

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    Recent studies integrating gravity, geoid, surface heat flow, elevation and seismic data indicate a prominent lithospheric mantle thickening beneath the NW-Moroccan margin (LAB >200 km-depth) followed by thinning beneath the Atlas Domain (LAB about 80 km-depth). Such unusual configuration has been explained by the combination of mantle underthrusting due to oblique Africa-Eurasia convergence together with viscous dripping fed by asymmetric lateral mantle dragging, requiring a strong crust-mantle decoupling. In the present work we examine the physical conditions under which the proposed asymmetric mantle drip and drag mechanism can reproduce this lithospheric configuration. We also analyse the influence of varying the kinematic boundary conditions as well as the mantle viscosity and the initial lithosphere geometry. Results indicate that the proposed drip-drag mechanism is dynamically feasible and only requires a lateral variation of the lithospheric strength. The further evolution of the gravitational instability can become either in convective removal of the lithospheric mantle, mantle delamination, or subduction initiation. The model reproduces the main trends of the present-day lithospheric geometry across the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains, the characteristic time of the observed vertical movements, the amplitude and rates of uplift in the Atlas Mountains and offers an explanation to the Miocene to Pliocene volcanism. An abnormal constant tectonic subsidence rate in the margin is predicted. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La responsabilidad de los servidores públicos en un estado de derecho (The responsibility of the civil employees in a lawful state)

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    El Estado de Derecho se está perfeccionando en México con la redefinición de la responsabilidad de los funcionarios en los tres niveles de gobierno. Este ensayo intenta explicar los casos principales de esa responsabilidad para que la sociedad pueda reclamar a sus gobernantes una actuación verdaderamente profesional. The State of Right is being perfected in Mexico with the redefinition of the responsibility of the civil employees in the three levels of government. This test tries to explain the main cases of that responsibility so that the society can demand to its governors a truly professional performance

    La música como llave hacia la educación emocional

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    El presente proyecto fin de grado tiene como objetivo principal abordar la educación emocional utilizando como herramienta principal la música. Ésta forma parte de la vida cotidiana y además las emociones están presentes en ella, de este modo conseguiremos darle un punto de vista lúdico al aprendizaje consiguiendo que el alumnado se sienta atraído. Por otro lado para que los contenidos se desarrollen de la mejor manera, este proyecto irá destinado a educación infantil, ya que es hasta los 6 años cuando los niños conforman su desarrollo emocional. A su vez se plantea un proyecto de intervención en el cual se abordarán los contenidos y se podrán poner en práctica con una metodología participativa y activa, mediante actividades que relacionan los dos ámbitos a tratar, la música y las emociones.The main objective of this final project is to approach emotional education using music as the main tool. This is part of everyday life and emotions are also present in it, in this way we will give a playful point of view to learning by getting the students to feel attracted. On the other hand, so that the contents are developed in the best way, this project will be aimed at children's education, since it is up to 6 years when children shape their emotional development. At the same time an intervention project is proposed in which the contents will be addressed and they can be put into practice with a participative and active methodology, through activities that relate the two areas to be treated, music and emotions.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Pedagogí

    Teaching values through literature

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    Treball Final del Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP419. Curs acadèmic 2013-2014The Master’s Degree Final Project I present here is encompassed within the category 4: Actions through Cross-curricular topics and it consists of Teaching Values Through Literature. The content of this work is a proposal of two action plans to be implemented through the English subject and designed for students in the 4th course of secondary education. This project is the result of my analysis about the way cross-curricular topics are tackled in the English classroom nowadays. During my working experience with the Practicum I could check that teachers deal with these topics very limitedly and English textbooks address them in an inadequate and insufficient way. Moreover, I could observe that most of the students were interested and enjoyed activities and tasks when they included a more active and participative learning. This way, I decided to create what I called action plans, each one focused on a particular cross-curricular topic and including activities following a task-based approach. I also chose to do it through literature, since I considered it is already an advantage in the field of value learning as literature exemplifies the essential dignity and worth of individual human beings Therefore, this is a proposal that could be understood as a way to improve the teaching-learning process and motivate students to obtain from them a more favorable attitude towards the English subject and literature, always having in mind the importance of transmitting values. The action plans are activities adapted to get closer to a more active and constructive methodology, in which I expect students would have a greater participation. Nevertheless, I have to point out that I have not had the opportunity to implement it in the classroom and see the results. Accordingly, the main objectives we try to achieve with this proposal of final project are the following: - To offer classroom resources to deal with cross-curricular topics in the 4th year of secondary education that can be adapted to other educational contexts. - To encourage the education across the curriculum. Learning a foreign language transcends the framework of the linguistic learning and contributes to the formation of the student from an integral perspective. - To teach values in the English classroom. With this project, I want to transmit values required for the self-fulfillment and the integration in the society: honesty, goodness, simplicity and tolerance. And priority values: respect for people, environment and things, responsibility and solidarity. - To promote tolerance and acceptation, increase interest towards different social and cultural realities and facilitate communication. Through interaction, students learn how to participate, express their own ideas and listen to others. They develop the skill to construct dialogs, negotiate meanings, make decisions while valuing contributions from their classmates and reach agreements

    The construction of the galdosian character of Fortunata from a female reception view

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    From hermeneutics and reception theory and feminist studies, this article focuses on the reading of galdosian Fortunata character from a gendered and generic perspective. Beyond neutrality and objectivity of the receiver in the literary sciences that defended the past immanentists theories, prevails the reader`s participation in the process of co-creation of the aesthetic object according to individual, cultural, social and historical receiving circumstances.Partiendo de la teoría hermenéutica de la recepción y los estudios feministas, el presente artículo se centra en la lectura del personaje galdosiano de Fortunata desde una perspectiva sexuada y genérica. Más allá de la neutralidad y objetividad del sujeto receptor en las ciencias literarias que defendían las teorías inmanentistas pasadas, prevalece la participación del lector en el proceso de co-creación del objeto estético de acuerdo con las circunstancias individuales, culturales, sociales e históricas receptoras

    La esposa dominante en tres cuentos de Clarín: un arquetipo de mujer que amenaza la paz masculina

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    Este artículo estudia el arquetipo de la esposa dominante en tres protagonistas clarinianas: doña Ninfa Los bañistas (cuadros al fresco)—, doña Paz —Novela realista— y doña Quirotecas —Los sábados de doña Quirotecas (cuadros de la anarquía de las letras) . Además de dominar en el hogar, Clarín retrata en ellas a la mujer de gran fortaleza física y, en algún caso, a la fémina trabajadora y erudita despreocupada de la maternidad. El objeto es analizar cómo, a través de este estereotipo, se perfila a la «nueva Eva»: la fémina que, en la segunda mitad del XIX, fue reivindicando paulatinamente su propia identidad al rebelarse contra el discurso de la domesticidad (ideal del ángel del hogar), constituyendo, así, una amenaza para el hombre y, en último extremo, para el «correcto» funcionamiento social.This article examines the archetype of the dominant wife in three Clarín´s heroines: doña Ninfa Los bañistas (cuadros al fresco)—, doña Paz —Novela realista— and doña Quirotecas —Los sábados de doña Quirotecas (cuadros de la anarquía de las letras) . Clarín portrays not only the dominant woman at home, but also the physically strong female and the hardworking and erudite woman, who doesn´t worry about being mother. Our purpose is to study how Clarín represents the «new Eve» through this stereotype: female who was claiming her own identity in the second half of the nineteenth century by rebelling against the speech of domesticity (ideal of ángel del hogar). So she became a threat to man and the «right» social functioning, ultimately