3,095 research outputs found

    Brakes and barriers of Corporate Volunteering

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    The objective of this research is to study which are the determinants for the participation of employees in Corporate Volunteer actions -hereafter CV- that can become barriers and brakes, and which ones can mean negative consequences for the company. Ignorance of managers for these programs, about which are those brakes and its relevance, may be behind the low participation fees that companies have in their Corporate Volunteering Programs.For this purpose, we conducted a qualitative empirical study to define a model, based on the motivations and determinants of employee participation in corporate volunteer programs. The methodology that we use in order to advance the understanding of this field is common in the dynamics of so-called Discussion Groups or Focus Group (FG). We believe that this methodological approach fits well with the research question and objectives that guide us in this work, since it will allow the reconstruction of real social situations and to capture the interaction between different discourses.We trust the fact the model proposed really allows advance in knowledge of Corporate Volunteer field, as literature suggested, and we offer a conceptual framework to managers in order to develop CV programs that allows mitigating potential risks and increasing employee participation effectively

    The relationship between the three models of emotional intelligence and psychopathy: a systematic review

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    Psychopaths are usually characterized as having numerous troubles with social and emotional facets in their daily. In addition, these individuals generate a series of harmful situations to society, such as violence and crime. Due to this, it is very important to find those variables that can reduce these behaviors. In this regard, Emotional Intelligence (EI) or the ability to perceive, use, understand and regulate emotions is a potentially useful variable. EI has been categorized according to three main approaches: performance-based ability, self-report ability and self-report mixed models. Several studies have analyzed the relationship between EI and psychopathy, however inconsistent results have been found. These inconsistencies may be due to the EI model employed to measure it. The objective of our study is to systematically review the previous literature about the relationship between the three models of EI and psychopathy, both in the clinical and total population.Scopus and Medline were searched for finding relevant articles. 29 eligible studies were identified. The results were divided according to the EI model and the population used.The results for both the total and clinical population differ according to the measure of EI employed. Specifically, through performance-based ability models, the majority of studies find a negative relationship between EI and psychopathy, and when EI is measured using self-reports, the results are inconsistent. In conclusion, the results suggest that higher EI abilities measured through performance-based ability models - but not through self-reports - are related to lower psychopathy deficits. Limitations and clinical implications are discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Propuesta de un sistema para la gestión de riesgos en proyectos de construcción en la empresa SADE Compagnie Generale de Travaux D' Hydraulique sucursal Costa Rica basado en la norma INTE/ISO 31000:2018 Gestión del Riesgo - Directrices, y las buenas prácticas del Capítulo 11 del PMBOK

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Seguridad Laboral e Higiene Ambiental) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Seguridad Laboral e Higiene Ambiental, 2021SADE CGTH es una empresa francesa que posee más de 100 años de experiencia en la industria de la construcción, especialmente en la instalación de tuberías. En Costa Rica está presente desde 2018, posee una fuerza laboral de 190 colaboradores, y actualmente desarrolla dos proyectos de infraestructura sanitaria para Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AyA). En el tiempo de ejecución de obras en Costa Rica, la empresa ha enfrentado situaciones no deseadas que han impactado sobre el tiempo y costo del proyecto, calidad, salud y seguridad, entre otros. El objetivo general del proyecto fue desarrollar una propuesta de sistema de gestión de riesgos basado en la norma INTE/ISO 31000:2018 Gestión del riesgo – Directrices, y las buenas prácticas del PMBOK Capítulo 11, el cual le permita a la organización identificar, analizar, valorar y tratar los riesgos. Primero se identificó el nivel de cumplimiento de la norma, y luego se analizó la situación actual para la implementación del sistema. Se obtuvo porcentajes de cumplimiento de los requisitos de la norma entre 0% y 22%; y a su vez se pudo determinar que existe conocimiento básico y disposición para gestionar riesgos, pero que no ha sido posible estandarizar mecanismos y procesos relacionados a la gestión del riesgo; lo cual constituye la principal conclusión. Se planteó una propuesta de sistema de gestión de riesgos en proyectos con los componentes recomendados por la norma INTE/ISO 31000:2018 Gestión del riesgo – Directrices y el capítulo 11 de la guía PMBOK del Project Managment Institute.SADE CGTH is a French company with more than 100 years of experience in the construction industry, especially in the installation of pipes. It has been present in Costa Rica since 2018, has a workforce of 190 employees, and is currently developing two sanitary infrastructure projects for Acueductos y Alcantarillados (AyA). In this time in Costa Rica, the company has faced unwanted situations that have impacted on the time and cost of the project, quality, health and safety, among others. The general objective of the research was to develop a proposal for a risk management system based on the standard INTE/ISO 31000: 2018 Risk Management - Guidelines, and the good practices of PMBOK Chapter 11, which allows the organization identify, analyze, assess and treat the risks. First, the level of compliance with the standard was identified, and then was analyzed the current situation for the implementation of the system. Percentages of compliance with the requirements of the standard were obtained between 0% and 22%; and it was determined that there is basic knowledge and willingness to manage risks, but that it has not been possible to standardize mechanisms and processes related to risk management; which is constituted as the main conclusion. A project risk management system was proposed with the components of the INTE / ISO 31000: 2018 Risk Management - Guidelines standard and Chapter 11 of the PMBOK guide of the Project Management Institute

    Bayesian joint spatio-temporal analysis of multiple diseases

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    In this paper we propose a Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal model for the joint analysis of multiple diseases which includes specific and shared spatial and temporal effects. Dependence on shared terms is controlled by disease-specific weights so that their posterior distribution can be used to identify diseases with similar spatial and temporal patterns. The model proposed here has been used to study three different causes of death (oral cavity, esophagus and stomach cancer) in Spain at the province level. Shared and specific spatial and temporal effects have been estimated and mapped in order to study similarities and differences among these causes. Furthermore, estimates using Markov chain Monte Carlo and the integrated nested Laplace approximation are compared.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of emotional intelligence on performance in an emotionally Laden Cognitive Task: an ERP Study.

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    A higher level of emotional intelligence (EI), understood as a greater ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions, is associated with an increase in performance on emotionally laden cognitive tasks. The main objective of this research was to study the neural basis underlying the execution of an emotional cognitive control task (GoNogo) as a function of ability EI. Forty-four participants were divided into two groups depending on EI level (High EI vs. Low EI). The participants’ task consisted of an emotional face GoNogo task, in which happy, fear and neutral facial expressions were the go and no go stimulus. Results showed a larger N170 and smaller N2 amplitude for the low EI group than for the high EI one. Greater levels of cognitive control were associated to participants with high EI. Our findings show the importance of studying emotion and cognition interaction to explain our behavior and performance. This work was partially supported by the project Innovation and Development Agency of Andalusia, Spain (SEJ-07325) to Pablo Fernández-Berrocal. Alberto Megías is supported by a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish MINECO (FJCI-2015-25600).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Education review on educational leadership and emotional intelligence

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    The purpose of this systematic review is to explore the literature on emotional intelligence related to school leadership using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The authors searched the electronic databases of Eric education, PsycINFO, Scopus and Psychology Database to find relevant articles. They used search criteria to identify a total of 110 references. Using rigorous selection methods, 35 articles were systematically reviewed. The results revealed that emotional intelligence is key for effective leadership and that the most used skills/competences are self-awareness, self-management, and empathy. Additionally, the literature makes it clear that the extent to which the leader builds trusting relationships contributes greatly to the development of teacher satisfaction and performance. These findings can help to inform the design of successful pre-service programmes for aspiring leaders and in-service programmes for school principals. Limitations and future lines of research are discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Spatiotemporal patterns on the appearance of the first trapeze industries in the Late Mesolithic of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The spread of trapeze industries (the creation of trapeze-shaped flint tips) during Late Mesolithic is one of the most disruptive phenomena of technological change documented in the European Prehistory. Understanding the chronological patterns of this process requires (i) a critical evaluation of stratigraphic relationship between trapeze assemblages and radiocarbon samples, and (ii) considering different levels of chronological uncertainty according to the inbuilt age of the samples and the calibration process. In this paper, we critically evaluate and analyze the radiocarbon record of the first trapeze industries in the Iberian Peninsula. A dataset of 181 radiocarbon dates from 67 sites dated to 8800–8200 cal BP was collected and evaluated following a strict data quality control protocol, from which 135 dates of 53 sites were retained and classified according to a reliability index. Then, three different phase Bayesian chronological models were created to estimate the duration of the first spread of trapezes across Iberia, considering different levels of chrono-stratigraphic resolution. We find that trapeze industries appeared in the eastern half of Iberia, over an area of 330,000 km2 between 8505–8390 and 8425–8338 cal BP, spanning 0–85 yr (95.4% CI). When the oldest evidence of trapezes from Portugal are considered, the probability distribution expands (8943–8457 and 8686–7688 cal BP), due to the chronological uncertainty of human samples with marine diet and regional ΔR values applied. For the eastern half of Iberia, the current evidence indicates a very rapid spread of trapeze industries initiated in the Central-Western Pyrenees, suggesting cultural diffusion within Mesolithic social networks as the main driving mechanism.This work was funded by the European Research Council (ref. ERC-CoG 2015) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 683018) to J.F.L.d.P. This coauthor was also supported by grant no. 2018/040 from the CIDEGENT Excellence programme of Generalitat Valenciana

    Mantos inducidos por microbialitas en sedimentos siliciclásticos plio-cuaternarios? del NO de Iberia

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    Microbial mats are organo-sedimentary deposits formed by bacteria that trap or synthesize certain chemical elements. This type of activity gives rise to the formation of lamellar and/or columnar bioconstructions (stromatolites) and/or concentric structures (oncolites and thrombolites). The study of microbial mats used to be restricted mainly to marine and coastal environments related to the formation of ancient carbonate sediments (Palaeozoic/Proterozoic), and/or extreme conditions in hypersaline environments. However, in recent years, the presence of these forms has been identified in continental siliciclastic rocks and sediments with a temporal distribution that reaches into modern times. In this study, several levels of ferruginous crusts associated with microbial activity are found, interspersed in a Cenozoic deposit located in the province of Zamora. This deposit consists of concentric, laminated iron structures filled with silt, interspersed throughout a clayey-silt layer of variegated colors which shows signs of bioturbation and desiccation due to fluid escape. These findings allow the inference of the sedimentary and climatic conditions responsible for the growth and preservation of microbial mats in the siliciclastic sediments of the north-western edge of the Duero BasinLos mantos microbiales constituyen depósitos organosedimentarios formados por bacterias que atrapan o sintetizan determinados elementos químicos. Este tipo de actividad da lugar a la formación de estructuras laminares y/o columnares (estromatolitos) y/o concéntricas (oncolitos y trombolitos). Su estudio, por tanto, quedaba reducido principalmente a ambientes marinos y litorales relacionados con la formación de sedimentos carbonatados de edad muy antigua (Paleozoico/ Proterozoico), y/o condiciones extremas en ambientes hipersalinos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, se ha identificado la presencia de estas formas en rocas y sedimentos de afinidad continental y carácter siliciclástico, que se extienden temporalmente hasta la actualidad. En este estudio, se presenta el hallazgo de varios niveles de costras ferruginosas asociadas a la actividad microbiana, intercalados en un depósito cenozoico de la provincia de Zamora. Se trata de una serie de niveles caracterizados por la presencia de capas ferruginosas laminadas y concéntricas, constituidas por limos que aparecen en el techo y muro de un nivel arcilloso-limoso de colores abigarrados y signos de bioturbación y desecación por escape de fluidos. Este singular hallazgo permite establecer las condiciones sedimentarias y climáticas responsables del crecimiento y conservación de mantos microbianos en sedimentos siliciclásticos del borde noroccidental de la cuenca del Duer

    Emotional intelligence and hot and cool working memory capacity

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    Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage our emotions and the emotions of others. EI, measured through performance-based ability models, seems to favour performance on hot tasks. The aim of the present study is to analyse the relationship between EI, measured through its three main models, and performance on a hot (emotional) and cool (non-emotional) working memory task. 203 undergraduate students of psychology took part in the experiment. They completed an EI test for each of its three main models (performance-based ability model, self-report ability model and self-report mixed model) and a hot and cool working memory task. We found a better performance for higher EI participants, measured through the performance-based ability model instrument (but not with self-report instruments), in the hot working memory task. This result was obtained for the managing branch of the EI instrument. Similar evidence was not found when using the cool working memory task. Our study takes a step forward in the conceptualization of the EI construct within the domain of cognitive processes. They show that, at least when using hot stimuli, the managing branch of the performance-based ability model of EI is a better determinant measure for the working memory capacity than the self-report models.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Are psychopaths emotionally intelligent?

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    Psychopathy is a serious personality disorder, characterized by proneness to low anxiety, egocentricity, failure to form close emotional bonds, superficial charm and dishonesty, that has very negative consequences for society as aggression, delinquency and even crime. Therefore, its control and treatment are of great importance. Psychopathy has been related to important emotional deficits as such as a lack of impulse, low empathy and deficits in moral expressions. These findings have led to a growing interest in exploring if psychopathic traits are associated with emotional intelligence (EI) or to the ability to perceive, use, understand, and regulate emotions in one’s self and others. However, the literature exploring this association has revealed conflicting results. The aim of the present study was to provide a reliable estimate of the relationship between psychopathy traits and EI (measured as performance-based ability) through meta-analysis. A quantitative and systematic review of the literature using Scopus, Medline, Pubmed, and PsicINFO and for both Spanish and English studies that included measures of EI and psychopathy, showed a total of 13 studies meeting inclusion criteria with a combined sample of 2401 participants. The meta-analysis revealed a significant negative relationship between both constructs, showing that higher psychopathic trait scores are related to lower EI levels. We propose several future research lines to clarify possible gaps and ambiguities in the current literature and a set of interesting clinical implications for the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of psychopathy by including EI factors in traditional models of psychopathy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech