317 research outputs found

    A new formulation of compartmental epidemic modelling for arbitrary distributions of incubation and removal times

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    The paradigm for compartment models in epidemiology assumes exponentially distributed incubation and removal times, which is not realistic in actual populations. Commonly used variations with multiple exponentially distributed variables are more flexible, yet do not allow for arbitrary distributions. We present a new formulation, focussing on the SEIR concept that allows to include general distributions of incubation and removal times. We compare the solution to two types of agent-based model simulations, a spatially homogeneous one where infection occurs by proximity, and a model on a scale-free network with varying clustering properties, where the infection between any two agents occurs via their link if it exists. We find good agreement in both cases. Furthermore a family of asymptotic solutions of the equations is found in terms of a logistic curve, which after a non-universal time shift, fits extremely well all the microdynamical simulations. The formulation allows for a simple numerical approach; software in Julia and Python is provided.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. v2 matches published version: improved presentation (including title, abstract and references), results and conclusions unchange

    A novel technique to achieve atomic macro-coherence as a tool to determine the nature of neutrinos

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    The photon spectrum in macro-coherent atomic deexcitation via radiative emission of neutrino pairs has been proposed as a sensitive probe of the neutrino mass spectrum, capable of competing with conventional neutrino experiments. In this paper, we revisit this intriguing possibility, presenting an alternative method for inducing large coherence in a target based on adiabatic techniques. More concretely, we propose the use of a modified version of coherent population return (CPR), namely two-photon CPR, that turns out to be extremely robust with respect to the experimental parameters and capable of inducing a coherence close to 100 % in the target.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) Projects FIS2014-53371-C4-3-R and FIS2014-53371-C4-1-R

    The Golden Channel at a Neutrino Factory revisited: improved sensitivities from a Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector

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    This paper describes the performance and sensitivity to neutrino mixing parameters of a Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) at a Neutrino Factory with a neutrino beam created from the decay of 10 GeV muons. Specifically, it is concerned with the ability of such a detector to detect muons of the opposite sign to those stored (wrong-sign muons) while suppressing contamination of the signal from the interactions of other neutrino species in the beam. A new more realistic simulation and analysis, which improves the efficiency of this detector at low energies, has been developed using the GENIE neutrino event generator and the GEANT4 simulation toolkit. Low energy neutrino events down to 1 GeV were selected, while reducing backgrounds to the 10410^{-4} level. Signal efficiency plateaus of ~60% for νμ\nu_\mu and ~70% for νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu events were achieved starting at ~5 GeV. Contamination from the νμντ\nu_\mu\rightarrow \nu_\tau oscillation channel was studied for the first time and was found to be at the level between 1% and 4%. Full response matrices are supplied for all the signal and background channels from 1 GeV to 10 GeV. The sensitivity of an experiment involving a MIND detector of 100 ktonnes at 2000 km from the Neutrino Factory is calculated for the case of sin22θ13101\sin^2 2\theta_{13}\sim 10^{-1}. For this value of θ13\theta_{13}, the accuracy in the measurement of the CP violating phase is estimated to be ΔδCP35\Delta \delta_{CP}\sim 3^\circ - 5^\circ, depending on the value of δCP\delta_{CP}, the CP coverage at 5σ5\sigma is 85% and the mass hierarchy would be determined with better than 5σ5\sigma level for all values of δCP\delta_{CP}

    Toroidal magnetized iron neutrino detector for a neutrino factory

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    A neutrino factory has unparalleled physics reach for the discovery and measurement of CP violation in the neutrino sector. A far detector for a neutrino factory must have good charge identification with excellent background rejection and a large mass. An elegant solution is to construct a magnetized iron neutrino detector (MIND) along the lines of MINOS, where iron plates provide a toroidal magnetic field and scintillator planes provide 3D space points. In this paper, the current status of a simulation of a toroidal MIND for a neutrino factory is discussed in light of the recent measurements of large θ13. The response and performance using the 10 GeV neutrino factory configuration are presented. It is shown that this setup has equivalent δCP reach to a MIND with a dipole field and is sensitive to the discovery of CP violation over 85% of the values of δCP

    Association Between Physical Fitness and Bone Strength and Structure in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children

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    Background: The positive association between physical fitness and bone structure has been widely investigated in children and adolescents, yet no studies have evaluated this influence in young children (ie, preschoolers). Hypothesis: Fit children will present improved bone variables when compared with unfit children, and no sex-based differences will emerge in the sample. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Level of Evidence: Level 3. Methods: Handgrip strength, standing long jump (SLJ), speed/agility, balance, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) were assessed using the Assessing FITness levels in PREschoolers (PREFIT) test battery in 92 children (50 boys; age range, 3-5 years). A peripheral quantitative computed tomography scan was performed at 38% of the length of the nondominant tibia. Cluster analysis from handgrip strength, SLJ, speed/agility, and CRF was developed to identify fitness groups. Bone variables were compared between sexes and between cluster groups. The association between individual physical fitness components and different bone variables was also tested. Results: Three cluster groups emerged: fit (high values on all included physical fitness variables), strong (high strength values and low speed/agility and CRF), and unfit (low strength, speed/agility, and CRF). The fit group presented higher values than the strong and unfit groups for total and cortical bone mineral content, cortical area, and polar strength strain index (all P < 0.05). The fit group also presented a higher cortical thickness when compared with the unfit group (P < 0.05). Handgrip, SLJ, and speed/agility predicted all bone variables except for total and cortical volumetric bone mineral density. No differences were found for bone variables between sexes. Conclusion: The results suggest that global fitness in preschoolers is a key determinant for bone structure and strength but not volumetric bone mineral density. Clinical Relevance: Physical fitness is a determinant for tibial bone mineral content, structure, and strength in very young children. Performing physical fitness tests could provide useful information related to bone health in preschoolers

    Superbeam Studies at CERN

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    A conventional low energy neutrino beam of great intensity could be produced by the Super Proton Linac at CERN as a first stage of a Neutrino Factory. Water Cerenkov and liquid scintillator detectors are studied as possible candidates for a neutrino oscillation experiment which could improve ourcurrent knowledge of the atmospheric parameters deltam2atm , delta23 and measure or severely constrain 13. It is also shown that a very large water detector could eventually observe leptonic CP violation

    The electronics of the energy plane of the NEXT-White detector

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    [EN] This paper describes the electronics of NEXT-White (NEW) detector PMT plane, a high pressure xenon TPC with electroluminescent amplification (HPXe-EL) currently operating at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC) in Huesca, Spain. In NEXT-White the energy of the event is measured by a plane of photomultipliers (PMTs) located behind a transparent cathode. The PMTs are Hamamatsu R11410-10 chosen due to their low radioactivity. The electronics have been designed and implemented to fulfill strict requirements: an overall energy resolution below 1% and a radiopurity budget of 20 mBq unit(-1) in the chain of Bi-214. All the components and materials have been carefully screened to assure a low radioactivity level and at the same time meet the required front-end electronics specifications. In order to reduce low frequency noise effects and enhance detector safety a grounded cathode connection has been used for the PMTs. This implies an AC-coupled readout and baseline variations in the PMT signals. A detailed description of the electronics and a novel approach based on a digital baseline restoration to obtain a linear response and handle AC coupling effects is presented. The final PMT channel design has been characterized with linearity better than 0.4% and noise below 0.4mV.We acknowledge support from the following agencies and institutions: the European Research Council (ERC), Spain under the Advanced Grant 339787-NEXT; the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain under grants FIS2014-53371-C04, the Severo Ochoa Program, Spain SEV-2014-0398 and the Maria de Maetzu Program, Spain MDM-2016-0692; the GVA of Spain under grants PROMETEO/2016/120 and SEJI/2017/011; the Portuguese FCT and FEDER, Spain through the program COMPETE, projects PTDC/FIS-NUC/2525/2014 and UID/FIS/04559/2013; the U.S. Department of Energy under contracts number DE-AC02-07CH11359 (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), DE-FG02-13ER42020 (Texas A&M) and de-sc0017721 (University of Texas at Arlington); and the University of Texas at Arlington. We acknowledge partial support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Spain under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreements No. 690575 and 674896. We also warmly acknowledge the Laboratorio Nazionale di Gran Sasso (LNGS) and the Dark Side collaboration for their help with TPB coating of various parts of the NEXT-White TPC. Finally, we are grateful to the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc for hosting and supporting the NEXT experiment.Álvarez-Puerta, V.; Herrero Bosch, V.; Esteve Bosch, R.; Laing, A.; Rodriguez-Samaniego, J.; Querol-Segura, M.; Monrabal, F.... (2019). The electronics of the energy plane of the NEXT-White detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 917:68-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2018.11.126S687691

    Kalman filter tracking and vertexing in a silicon detector for neutrino physics

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    This article describes the application of Kalman filter techniques for the tracking and vertexing of particles inside the NOMAD-STAR detector a silicon vertex detector installed in NOMAD, one of the neutrino oscillation experiments at the CERN-SPS. The use of the Kalman filter simplifies computationally the tracking and vertex procedure for NOMAD-STAR. The alignment of NOMAD-STAR is shown as an example of the application of the Kalman filter for tracking purposes. The accuracy of the method is such that one obtains alignment residuals between 9 and 12~μ\mum. Furthermore, a preliminary measure of the impact parameter (with an RMS 36 μ\sim 36~\mum) illustrates the vertexing capabilities of this technique

    Discovery potential of xenon-based neutrinoless double beta decay experiments in light of small angular scale CMB observations

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) has probed an expanded angular range of the CMB temperature power spectrum. Their recent analysis of the latest cosmological data prefers nonzero neutrino masses, mnu = 0.32+-0.11 eV. This result, if confirmed by the upcoming Planck data, has deep implications on the discovery of the nature of neutrinos. In particular, the values of the effective neutrino mass involved in neutrinoless double beta decay (bb0nu) are severely constrained for both the direct and inverse hierarchy, making a discovery much more likely. In this paper, we focus in xenon-based bb0nu experiments, on the double grounds of their good performance and the suitability of the technology to large-mass scaling. We show that the current generation, with effective masses in the range of 100 kg and conceivable exposures in the range of 500 kg year, could already have a sizable opportunity to observe bb0nu events, and their combined discovery potential is quite large. The next generation, with an exposure in the range of 10 ton year, would have a much more enhanced sensitivity, in particular due to the very low specific background that all the xenon technologies (liquid xenon, high-pressure xenon and xenon dissolved in liquid scintillator) can achieve. In addition, a high-pressure xenon gas TPC also features superb energy resolution. We show that such detector can fully explore the range of allowed effective Majorana masses, thus making a discovery very likely