128 research outputs found

    La filosofía como orientación en época de crisis: lecturas actuales de Ortega y Marías

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    14 p.Mediante algunos textos del filósofo español Ortega y Gasset y dada la necesidad de superar del todo la razón físico-matemática englobándola en la razón vital, de manera tal que se produzca una reviviscencia del saber filosófico riguroso, se intenta esclarecer el significado de toda crisis histórica. Su discípulo Julián Marías, que ha vivido todo el siglo XX continuando la espléndida tradición filosófica recibida, muestra cómo sería posible una recuperación de esta crisis.Introducción Las grandes crisis históricas “Algo ha cambiado en el mundo” o “el mundo ha cambiado” La razón pura ya no vale, es necesario completarla con la razón vital La superación del dilema ¿Hay orden en las crisis? ¿Cómo se sale de una crisis? Referencia

    Meditations, anticipations and extensions of the mediterranean travel diary, by J. Marías

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    Notas de un viaje a Oriente, el Diario del Crucero por el Mediterráneo que realizó el joven Julián Marías en 1933, durante sus años de estudio en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Madrid, que constituye la reedición en tiempos recientes de su primer texto publicado, ha merecido algunas reseñas académicas. Este artículo se propone analizar, primeramente, hasta qué punto el joven Marías había ya interiorizado a sus 19 años la técnica filosófica aprendida de su maestro Ortega y Gasset, reflejada en su manera de mirar la realidad y estructurarla metafísicamente, así como en su propio estilo, animado espléndidamente por la metáfora. Se mostrará asimismo cómo los temas principales de las Notas enlazan con los desarrollos posteriores. Hay un hilo de continuidad entre la manera de comprender la herencia helénica aquí y lo escrito en su obra Historia de la filosofía, así como lo hay entre su reflexión juvenil sobre la temporalidad con la de Antropología metafísica.Notes of a trip to the East, the Journal of the Cruise through the Mediterranean made by the young Julián Marías in 1933, during his years of study in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Central University of Madrid, which is the recent reissue of its first published text, has merited some academic reviews. This article aims to analyze, first, to what extent the young Marías had already internalized at age 19 the philosophical technique learned from his teacher Ortega y Gasset, reflected in his way of looking at reality and structuring it metaphysically, as well as in its own style, splendidly animated by metaphor. It will also show how the main themes of the Notes link to subsequent developments. There is a thread of continuity between the way of understanding the Hellenic heritage here and what is written in his work History of Philosophy, as there is between his youthful reflection on temporality and that of Metaphysical Anthropology.Antropologí

    El filósofo y las palabras. Julián Marías en la Real Academia Española

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    This article explains the contribution of Spanish Philosopher Julián Marías (1914-2005), Ortega and Gasset’s disciple, to the Real Academia Española, which has a long history since Foundation, 300 years ago. Marías was an outstanding intellectual in Spain and America and because of that, he was able to improve philosophical Spanish. Especially interesting is when we analyze his ownership to the Royal Academy, his Lecture for the admission act and his Answers for Antonio Colino, Miguel Delibes, Salvador de Madariaga, Manuel de Terán and José Luis Pinillos’ admissions and the homages that he paid to Ramón Menéndez Pidal and Gregorio Marañón.Este artículo pone de manifiesto la contribución del filósofo español Julián Marías (1914-2005), discípulo de Ortega y Gasset, a la Real Academia Española, la cual ha cumplido 300 años de historia en 2013. Con una trayectoria intelectual muy intensa en España y América, Marías ha enriquecido extraordinariamente el español filosófico. Especialmente interesantes al analizar su pertenencia y aportación a la RAE son los textos de su conferencia de ingreso y los de sus respuestas a la entrada en la misma de Antonio Colino, Miguel Delibes, Salvador de Madariaga, Manuel de Terán y José Luis Pinillos y los homenajes ofrecidos a Ramón Menéndez Pidal y Gregorio Marañón

    Las fresnedas trasmochadas del piedemonte del Sistema Central en Madrid (España): cambios y usos actuales

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    Se pretende analizar y comparar la evolución de los aprovechamientos de diferentes fresnedas trasmochadas de Fraxinus angustifolia en el piedemonte de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, España). En este sector de la Península Ibérica el espacio forestal ha sufrido intensas transformaciones que han modificado la superficie de la masa arbolada. En ocasiones las variaciones no han afectado a la extensión superficial arbolada sino a su funcionalidad productiva. Este es el caso de las especies ubicadas en los sectores más productivos de fosas y depresiones del centro peninsular. Los fresnos han sido y siguen siendo formaciones silvopratenses productivas que, en el caso de Madrid, constituyen uno de los paisajes de mayor interés cultural y natural de la Península, pese a que la presión urbanística, el productivismo intensivo y la desaparición de la ganadería tradicional y de los canales de trasmisión de la cultura silvoganadera, hayan generado una disminución progresiva de las prácticas productivas tradicionales. En este trabajo realizamos una aproximación a la evolución histórica de la funcionalidad de las fresnedas mediante fuentes históricas que nos remontan a Ordenanzas de siglos pretéritos y enlazan, en un intento de comparación, con las fuentes digitales disponibles desde mediados del siglo XX. El objetivo final estriba en reconocer el interés que implica el mantenimiento de las fresnedas como un paisaje tradicional productivoThe aim of this work is to analyze and compare the evolution of the different harvested fresnedas of Fraxinus angustifolia in the piedmont of the Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, Spain). In this sector of the Iberian Peninsula the forest space has undergone intense transformations that have modified the surface of the wooded mass. Sometimes the variations have not affected the surface extension of the tree but its productive functionality. This is the case of species located in the most productive areas of pits and depressions of the peninsular center. The ash trees have been and continue to be productive silvopratensian formations that, in the case of Madrid, constitute one of the landscapes of greater cultural and natural interest of the Peninsula, despite the fact that urban pressure, intensive productivism and the disappearance of traditional livestock And of the transmission channels of silvoganadera culture, have generated a progressive decrease of the traditional productive practices. In this work we make an approximation to the historical evolution of the functionality of the fresnedas through historical sources that go back to Ordinances of previous centuries and link, in an attempt of comparison, with the digital sources available since the middle of the 20th century. The ultimate goal is to recognize the interest in maintaining fresnedas as a traditional productive landscap

    Precisión diagnóstica del pico cepstral de mayor prominencia en el cepstrum suavizado (CPPS) en la detección de la disfonía en español

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    The smoothed cepstral peak prominence (CPPS) is an acoustic measure that can be calculated in both sustained vowels and continuous speech. The goal of this work is to find out the diagnostic accuracy of CPPS in the detection of dysphonia in Spanish. In this study 136 subjects with dysphonia and 47 healthy subjects participated. For each subject a sustained vowel and the reading of three phonetically balanced sentences were recorded. The CPPS was calculated with Praat using its default configuration (configuration 1), and also with the one used in the calculation of the Acoustic Voice Quality Index (configuration 2). Five experts perceptively assessed the voice of the subjects in the sample by means of the GRABS scale. The CPPS has a great power of discrimination between the normal and the pathological voice, whether it is calculated from the sustained vowel /a/ (AROC[config. 1] = 0.863 and AROC[config. 2] = 0.841) or whether it is calculated from the sentences (AROC[config. 1] = 0.884 and AROC[config. 2] = 0.866). The results confirm that CPPS is a valid acoustic measurement to detect dysphonia in the Spanish language.Los parámetros derivados de la métrica cepstral son cada vez más utilizados en la evaluación acústica de la voz, ya sea como medidas únicas o como parte de índices multivariados. El pico cepstral de mayor prominencia en el cepstrum suavizado (CPPS) ha demostrado en multitud de estudios ser la única medida acústica con la suficiente validez concurrente en la evaluación de la severidad de las alteraciones de la voz tanto en muestras de vocal sostenida como en muestras de habla continua. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la precisión diagnóstica del CPPS en la detección de la disfonía en español. Se utilizó la configuración que viene por defecto en Praat y la usada en el cálculo del Acoustic Voice Quality Index. Los resultados confirman que el CPPS es una medida acústica válida para detectar la disfonía en español tanto con vocal sostenida como con frases

    Hedgerows and enclosures in rural areas: Traditional vs. modern land use in mediterranean mountains

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    The present paper highlights the importance of hedgerows and enclosures in the mountains of Central Spain. Now, these landscapes have suffered profound variations in terms of agroforestry practices, especially in the Mediterranean mountains where the characteristic multifunctional has largely been lost. The article analyzes land uses changes, dynamics, and their morphological features between the first half of the 20th Century (1956) and the second decade of the present time (2019). The paper was divided into three sections. First, the identification of land uses using orthophotograph and aerial photograph; after that the info was checked with fieldwork. Eleven categories were identified according to the dominant use and land use changes and size of land parcels were taken into consideration. Second, the configuration and the information collected through the type and intensity of change in land uses made it possible to recognise and quantify their distribution and trend between these two dates. Also, the kernel density algorithm available in the Arcgis 10.5 software was used to obtain density and changes in land parcels. Finally, an overview is given of the main role that this agroforestry plays due to the social, ecological, and economic benefits that they provide for allowing sustainable development.This research was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019- 105711RB-C61 /AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Project: “Multifunctional and territorialized agri-food systems in Spain. Conceptuation and governance. Case studies in Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha (SAMUTER MadClM)

    Retinoid receptor-specific agonists regulate bovine in vitro early embryonic development, differentiation and expression of genes related to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis

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    A major goal in reproductive biotechnology is the identification of pathways that regulate early embryonic development and the allocation of cells to the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE). Retinoids regulate the development and differentiation of the bovine blastocyst in vitro, although the involvement of the retinoid X receptors (RXRs) remains to be clarified. This paper compares the effect of a synthetic RXR agonist (LG100268; LG) with that of the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) agonist all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on blastulation. In vitro-produced morulae were treated for 48 h with LG (0.1 μM, 1 μM and 10 μM), ATRA 0.7 μM, or no additives. Treatment with ATRA did not increase the rate of development; however, the LG 0.1 μM treatment increased both the blastocyst development and hatching rate. Cell numbers increased in the ICM with LG 10 μM, while a dose-dependent reduction was observed in the TE in the presence of LG. Gene expression levels of p53 and p66 did not vary with LG but increased with ATRA. Both LG and ATRA activated bax, a pro-apoptotic gene and H2A.Z, a cell cycle-related gene. The above effects suggest the existence of active p53-dependent and -independent apoptotic pathways for ATRA and LG, respectively, in the bovine embryo. The expression of p53 and H2A.Z showed a strong, positive correlation (r = 0.93; p < 0.0001) in all experimental groups; both proteins are linked through the cell cycle. Agonists of RXR could be used to control blastocyst development and differentiation

    Fluorescein labelled cationic carbosilane dendritic systems for biological studies

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    Cationic carbosilane dendrimers and dendrons labelled with one fluorescein unit have been synthesized. For dendrimers (generations 1–3), a random procedure was followed by successive addition of two types of thiol compounds to vinyl terminated derivatives, first one with –NH3Cl and second one with –NMe2HCl functions, subsequent reaction with FITC and finally quaternization with MeI. For dendrons, the use of compounds with a –NH2 group at the focal point and –NMe2 functions at the periphery allowed us to obtain the corresponding fluoresceinated cationic derivatives. The toxicity of these dendritic molecules was studied by MTT and their interaction with siRNA Nef by electrophoresis. Finally, second generation dendrimer and their dendriplexes with siRNA Nef were chosen as a model to analyse their in vivo biodistribution in a BALB/c mouse model. The highest levels for dendriplexes were found in spleen and liver, followed in lymph nodes, while lower levels were found in kidneys. This distribution is in accordance with long circulation times.Ministerio de Economía y EmpresaComunidad de MadridMinisterio de Educación y Cienci