33 research outputs found

    Las soluciones inconclusas de las cubiertas de los templos medievales del Reino de Sevilla, España

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    Sometimes, when we visit a medieval temple and we observe the ribbed vaults that are developed on our heads, it costs certain effort to suppose that such a complex disposition only turns out to be an elaborated reinforcement stone roof, since on them there is willing a cover (usually wooden) that solves the contact with the external weather. Most of the existent bibliography, treats this way the topic. Therefore, when we are carried out predictions on the mechanical behaviour, the fundamental load is the dead load of the vault. However, there are places where the situation is different. The internal surface of the vaults takes place with similar geometries to those already known, but have more than enough its external surface a filler it is located on the one that a roof is built (sometimes passable). This inclusion has an enormous impact in the behaviour of the vault (mechanic, water, thermal changes, etc...). And on the other hand, when the covers are observed they are manifested as non-concluded. To contribute to conclude them and to preserve them in the time is the fundamental objective of this article.En ocasiones, cuando se visita un templo medieval y se observa el despliegue de formas de crucería que se desarrolla sobre nuestras cabezas, cuesta cierto esfuerzo suponer que una disposición tan compleja sólo resulte ser un elaborado falso techo de piedra, ya que sobre ellos hay dispuesta una cubierta (normalmente de madera) que resuelve el contacto con el ambiente exterior. La mayor parte de la bibliografía existente, trata el tema así. Por lo tanto, cuando se realizan predicciones sobre el comportamiento mecánico, la carga fundamental es el peso propio de la bóveda. Sin embargo, hay lugares en donde la situación es distinta. El intradós de las bóvedas se produce con geometrías similares a las ya conocidas, pero sobre su trasdós se localiza un relleno sobre el que se construye una azotea (a veces transitable). Esta inclusión tiene un impacto enorme en el comportamiento de la bóveda (mecánico, estanqueidad, cambios térmicos, etc...). Y, por otro lado, cuando se observan las cubiertas se manifiestan como inconclusas. Contribuir a concluirlas y preservarlas en el tiempo es el objetivo fundamental de este artículo

    Análisis del Ciclo de Vida implementado en plataformas BIM. Últimos avances

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    Los problemas ambientales procedentes del sector de la construcción requieren herramientas que ayuden a frenar el consumo de recursos y el impacto ambiental. El análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) está reconocido como uno de los métodos más válidos para el análisis ambiental, aunque su aplicación es compleja y es necesaria su estandarización para hacerlo operativo. Building Information Modeling (BIM) se define como un modelo 3D que integra información gráfica y datos sobre los materiales y elementos de un modelo. La integración de ACV en plataformas BIM supone una simplificación en el proceso de evaluación del impacto ambiental. Actualmente es escasa la bibliografía y el desarrollo de herramientas de simulación basadas en modelos BIM-ACV. En esta comunicación se analiza el estado actual de estudios que vinculan modelos BIM con ACV y las metodologías seguidas para realizar la vinculación y la obtención de resultados. Se pondrá de manifiesto la necesidad de estandarizar el ACV implementado en plataformas BIM para simplificar el proceso y obtener resultados de impacto ambiental en tiempo real desde la fase de diseño. Se mostrarán varios casos de estudio realizados en el Máster Universitario en Innovación en Arquitectura: Tecnología y Diseño de la Universidad de Sevilla

    Diagnóstico mediante técnicas de ultrasonidos del forjado de madera del refectorio del Convento de Santa Clara en Carmona (Sevilla)

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    Ultrasonic tests are an effective technique of getting adiagnosis of timber structures in historical buildings. Thistechnique is quite valuable to undertake a restoration job. Anew methodology of analysis and diagnosis of timber roofsthrough this non destructive technique is presented.The aim of this article is to get the state of damage and thebending strenght capacity of the timber roof of the Monasteryof Santa Clara in Carmona (Seville) dining´s room by usingthis technology.From the results obtained about the bending strenghtcapacity of the studied beams, it can be affirmed that thetimber roof is not able to support safely enough the new useproposed.Considering the historic and artistic importance of thistimber roof, we propose as a restoration methodology basedon hanging the roof through bolts from a reinforced concreteplatform built-in the perimeter walls. This solutionguarantees that the timber roof does not work, just adjustingthe distance between the bolts.Los métodos de ultrasonidos son una técnica eficaz para eldiagnóstico de elementos estructurales de madera enedificios antiguos. Esta técnica proporciona una gran ayudaa la hora de acometer una obra de rehabilitación. Sepresenta una metodología de análisis y diagnostico deforjados de madera mediante dicha técnica no destructiva.El objetivo de este artículo es obtener el grado de deterioro yla capacidad resistente de la madera del alfarje delrefectorio del Convento de Santa Clara en Carmona (Sevilla)utilizando la metodología propuesta.Por extrapolación de los resultados obtenidos sobre lacapacidad resistente de las vigas estudiadas se puedeconcluir que el conjunto del forjado no es capaz de soportarcon seguridad suficiente el nuevo uso propuesto.Teniendo en cuenta el valor histórico artístico del alfarje sepropone y aporta como solución de rehabilitación laconsistente en colgar el forjado existente mediante pernos deuna losa de hormigón armado empotrada en los murosperimetrales. Esta solución garantiza, ajustando la distanciaentre pernos, que el forjado prácticamente no trabaja

    Towards a life cycle sustainability assessment method for the quantification and reduction of impacts of buildings life cycle

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    The construction and building sectorsare one of the highestconsumersof resourcesand energy. Literature evidences the potentialities of the design phase towardsthe improvement of environmental, economic and social performance of buildings. Thus, the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) approach is recognized as suitable method. It isbased on the “triple bottom line”principle, to calculate environmental, economic, social impacts produced by buildings during itslife cycle. The present paper aims to present a methodological framework based on anLCSA, used during design stages of buildings and integrated into a building’s design technology such as Building Information Modeling (BIM). A conceptual approach to conduct the data integration and a possible workflow to integrate the LCSA into BIMis proposed. The value of the present approach is the possibility to conductquantitative environmental, economic and social assessment of buildings to guide designers to measure and predict the building’s performanc

    Polarimetric imaging for the detection of synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2: A proof of concept

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    Objective: To conduct a proof-of-concept study of the detection of two synthetic models of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) using polarimetric imaging. Approach: Two SARS-CoV-2 models were prepared as engineered lentiviruses pseudotyped with the G protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus, and with the characteristic Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Samples were prepared in two biofluids (saline solution and artificial saliva), in four concentrations, and deposited as 5-µL droplets on a supporting plate. The angles of maximal degree of linear polarization (DLP) of light diffusely scattered from dry residues were determined using Mueller polarimetry from87 samples at 405 nm and 514 nm. A polarimetric camera was used for imaging several samples under 380–420 nm illumination at angles similar to those of maximal DLP. Per-pixel image analysis included quantification and combination of polarization feature descriptors in 475 samples. Main results: The angles (from sample surface) of maximal DLP were 3° for 405 nm and 6° for 514 nm. Similar viral particles that differed only in the characteristic spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2, their corresponding negative controls, fluids, and the sample holder were discerned at 10-degree and 15-degree configurations. Significance: Polarimetric imaging in the visible spectrum may help improve fast, non-contact detection and identification of viral particles, and/or other microbes such as tuberculosis, in multiple dry fluid samples simultaneously, particularly when combined with other imaging modalities. Further analysis including realistic concentrations of real SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in relevant human fluids is required. Polarimetric imaging under visible light may contribute to a fast, cost-effective screening of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens when combined with other imaging modalities.12 página

    Hyperspectral image processing for the identification and quantification of lentiviral particles in fluid samples

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    Optical spectroscopic techniques have been commonly used to detect the presence of biofilm-forming pathogens (bacteria and fungi) in the agro-food industry. Recently, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed that it is also possible to detect the presence of viruses in animal and vegetal tissues. Here we report a platform based on visible and NIR (VNIR) hyperspectral imaging for non-contact, reagent free detection and quantification of laboratory-engineered viral particles in fluid samples (liquid droplets and dry residue) using both partial least square-discriminant analysis and artificial feed-forward neural networks. The detection was successfully achieved in preparations of phosphate buffered solution and artificial saliva, with an equivalent pixel volume of 4 nL and lowest concentration of 800 TU.mu L-1. This method constitutes an innovative approach that could be potentially used at point of care for rapid mass screening of viral infectious diseases and monitoring of the SARS-CoV- 2 pandemic.This research was funded by grants number COV20-00080 and COV20-00173 of the 2020 Emergency Call for Research Projects about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease of the Institute of Health 'Carlos III', Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by grant number EQC2019-006240-P of the 2019 Call for Acquisition of Scientific Equipment, FEDER Program, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work has been supported by the European Commission through the JRC HUMAINT project. ABR was supported by grant number RTI2018-094465-J funded by the Spanish National Agency of Research. The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the members of the EOD-CBRN Group of the Spanish National Police, whose identities cannot be disclosed, and who are represented here by JMNG. Authors thank continuous support from their institutions