1,891 research outputs found

    Breve y sencilla explicacion de la oracion gramatica, util y acomodada para los niños, que concurren a estas escuelas publicas

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2010-201

    A mobile insulator system to detect and disrupt cis-regulatory landscapes in vertebrates

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    et al.In multicellular organisms, cis-regulation controls gene expression in space and time. Despite the essential implication of cisregulation in the development and evolution of organisms and in human diseases, our knowledge about regulatory sequences largely derives from analyzing their activity individually and outside their genomic context. Indeed, the contribution of these sequences to the expression of their target genes in their genomic context is still largely unknown. Here we present a novel genetic screen designed to visualize and interrupt gene regulatory landscapes in vertebrates. In this screen, based on the random insertion of an engineered Tol2 transposon carrying a strong insulator separating two fluorescent reporter genes, we isolated hundreds of zebrafish lines containing insertions that disrupt the cis-regulation of tissue-specific expressed genes. We therefore provide a new easy-to-handle tool that will help to disrupt and chart the regulatory activity spread through the vast noncoding regions of the vertebrate genome.This study was supported by the Spanish and Andalusian Governments (JLGS grant numbers BFU2010-14839, CSD2007-00008, Proyecto de Excelencia CVI-3488, and JJC grant number BFU2011-22928), an EFSD/Lilly grant, and a Universidad Pablo de Olavide grant (JB grant number PPI0906). A.A. is an FPI fellow and J.B. is a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellow (JCI-2009-04014) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. J.B. was also an FCT postdoctoral fellow (SFRH/BPD/38829/2007; POPH/FSE). M.L. is a Junta de Andalucia fellow.Peer Reviewe

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (24)

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    Sumario : Máseres en el espacio.-- Venus Express.-- El complejo cinturón de asteroides.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS : Rotación diferencial y oscilaciones estelares.-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES .-- HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA: El astrónomo de vista prodigiosa.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES : Ondas gravitatorias.-- ACTIVIDADES IAA.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda FCT-08-0130 del Programa Nacional de Fomento de la Cultura Científica y Tecnológica 2008.N

    Multiple Rings in the Transitional Disk of GM Aurigae Revealed by VLA and ALMA

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    Our understanding of protoplanetary disks is rapidly departing from the classical view of a smooth, axisymmetric disk. This is in part thanks to the high angular resolution that (sub)millimeter observations can provide. Here, we present the combined results of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) (0.9 mm) and Very Large Array (VLA) (7 mm) dust continuum observations toward the protoplanetary disk around the solar analog GM Aur. Both images clearly resolve the ∼35 au inner cavity. The ALMA observations also reveal a fainter disk that extends up to ∼250 au. We model our observations using two approaches: an analytical fit to the observed deprojected visibilities, and a physical disk model that fits the spectral energy distribution as well as the VLA and ALMA observations. Despite not being evident in the deconvolved images, the VLA and ALMA visibilities can only be fitted with two bright rings of radii ∼40 and ∼80 au. Our physical model indicates that this morphology is the result of an accumulation or trapping of large dust grains, probably due to the presence of two pressure bumps in the disk. Even though alternative mechanisms cannot be discarded, the multiple rings suggest that forming planets may have cleared at least two gaps in the disk. Finally, our analysis suggests that the inner cavity might display different sizes at 0.9 and 7 mm. This discrepancy could be caused by the presence of free-free emission close to the star at 7 mm, or by a more compact accumulation of the large dust grains at the edge of the cavity.© 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.E.M., C.C.E., and A.R. acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation under CAREER grant Number AST-1455042 and the Sloan Foundation. G.A., M.O., and J.F.G. are supported by the MINECO (Spain) AYA2014-57369-C3 and AYA2017-84390-C2 grants (co-funded by FEDER)

    Measurements of CP-conserving trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV (V ≡ γ,Z) in e+e− collisions at LEP2

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    The data taken by DELPHI at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 209 GeV are used to place limits on the CP-conserving trilinear gauge boson couplings ΔgZ1 , λ γ and Δκ γ associated to W + W − and single W production at LEP2. Using data from the jj ℓ ν, jjjj, jjX and ℓ X final states, where j, ℓ and X represent a jet, a lepton and missing four-momentum, respectively, the following limits are set on the couplings when one parameter is allowed to vary and the others are set to their Standard Model values of zero: ΔgZ1=−0.025+0.033−0.030,\vskip6ptλγ=0.002+0.035−0.035and\vskip6ptΔκγ=0.024+0.077−0.081. Results are also presented when two or three parameters are allowed to vary. All observations are consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model and supersede the previous results on these gauge coupling parameters published by DELPHI

    Search for single top quark production via contact interactions at LEP2

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    Single top quark production via four-fermion contact interactions associated to flavour-changing neutral currents was searched for in data taken by the DELPHI detector at LEP2. The data were accumulated at centre-ofmass energies ranging from 189 to 209 GeV, with an integrated luminosity of 598.1 pb?1. No evidence for a signal was found. Limits on the energy scale ?, were set for scalar-, vector- and tensor-like coupling scenarios.We are greatly indebted to our technical collaborators, to the members of the CERN-SL Division for the excellent performance of the LEP collider, and to the funding agencies for their support in building and operating the DELPHI detector. We acknowledge in particular the support of Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, GZ 616.364/2-III/2a/98, FNRS–FWO, Flanders Institute to encourage scientific and technological research in the industry (IWT) and Belgian Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural affairs (OSTC), Belgium, FINEP, CNPq, CAPES, FUJB and FAPERJ, Brazil, Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, project LC527, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, project AV0Z10100502, Commission of the European Communities (DG XII), Direction des Sciences de la Matiere, CEA, France, ` Bundesministerium fur Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Tech- ¨ nologie, Germany, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece, National Science Foundation (NWO) and Foundation for Research on Matter (FOM), The Netherlands, Norwegian Research Council, State Committee for Scientific Research, Poland, SPUB-M/CERN/PO3/ DZ296/2000, SPUB-M/CERN/PO3/DZ297/2000, 2P03B 104 19 and 2P03B 69 23(2002-2004), FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal, Vedecka grantova agentura MS SR, Slovakia, Nr. 95/5195/134, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, CICYT, Spain, AEN99-0950 and AEN99-0761, The Swedish Research Council, The Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK, Department of Energy, USA, DE-FG02-01ER41155, EEC RTN contract HPRN-CT-00292-2002

    A study of the b-quark fragmentation function with the DELPHI detector at LEP I and an averaged distribution obtained at the Z Pole

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    The nature of b-quark jet hadronisation has been investigated using data taken at the Z peak by the DELPHI detector at LEP. Two complementary methods are used to reconstruct the energy of weakly decaying b-hadrons, Eweak B . The average value of xweak B = Eweak B /Ebeam is measured to be 0.699 ± 0.011. The resulting xweak B distribution is then analysed in the framework of two choices for the perturbative contribution (parton shower and Next to Leading Log QCD calculation) in order to extract measurements of the non-perturbative contribution to be used in studies of bhadron production in other experimental environments than LEP. In the parton shower framework, data favour the Lund model ansatz and corresponding values of its parameters have been determined within PYTHIA 6.156 from DELPHI data: a = 1.84+0.23 ?0.21 and b = 0.642+0.073 ?0.063 GeV?2, with a correlation factor ? = 92.2%. Combining the data on the b-quark fragmentation distributions with those obtained at the Z peak by ALEPH, OPAL and SLD, the average value of xweak B is found to be 0.7092 ± 0.0025 and the non-perturbative fragmentation component is extracted. Using the combined distribution, a better determination of the Lund parameters is also obtained: a = 1.48+0.11 ?0.10 and b = 0.509+0.024 ?0.023 GeV?2, with a correlation factor ? = 92.6%

    Accurate OH Maser Positions. II. the Galactic Center Region

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    We present high spatial resolution observations of ground-state OH masers achieved using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). These observations were conducted toward 171 pointing centers where OH maser candidates were identified previously in the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl toward the Galactic center region between Galactic longitudes of 355 and 5 and Galactic latitudes of -2° and +2°. We detect maser emission toward 162 target fields and suggest that six out of nine nondetections are due to intrinsic variability. Due to the superior spatial resolution of the follow-up ATCA observations, we have identified 356 OH maser sites in the 162 target fields with maser detections. Almost half (161 of 356) of these maser sites have been detected for the first time in these observations. After comparing the positions of these 356 maser sites to the literature, we find that 269 (76%) sites are associated with evolved stars (two of which are PNe), 31 (9%) are associated with star formation, and four are associated with supernova remnants; we were unable to determine the origin of the remaining 52 (15%) sites. Unlike the pilot region, the infrared colors of evolved star sites with symmetric maser profiles in the 1612 MHz transition do not show obvious differences compared with those of evolved star sites with asymmetric maser profiles. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.The Australia Telescope Compact Array is part of the Australia Telescope, which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO. This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service and the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. This work is based in part on observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This publication also makes use of data products from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is a joint project of the University of California Institute of Technology, funded by NASA. H-HQ is partially supported by the Special Funding for Advanced Users, budgeted and administrated by the Center for Astronomical Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAMS-CAS), and CAS >Light of West China> Program. JFG is partially supported by MINECO (Spain) grants AYA2014-57369-C3-3 and AYA2017-84390-C2-1-R (cofunded by FEDER). This work was supported in part by the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant Nos. 11590780 and 11590784) and the CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program (Technological excellence, Y650YC1201)

    Detection and characterization of hailstorms over France using DPR data onboard the GPM Core Observatory

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    [EN]Hailstorms cause heavy losses, especially when their hailstones reach a large size. One of the European regions most affected by these severe atmospheric events is southern France, where a valuable and extensive hailpad network has been operational for more than three decades. These direct observations are extremely useful because they allow for the definitive verification of hailfall at the ground. Space-based sensors have seen increasing importance in hail monitoring. Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) is an international mission designed to advance precipitation measurements from multispectral sensors. The GPM core satellite carries a powerful and unprecedented Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) for studying 3D precipitation characteristics. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the DPR sensor ability to identify hailstorms. We identified eight hailstorms over France where DPR data were coincident with ground-based observations from a hailpad network during 2014–2021. In addition, variables provided by the DPR sensor indicative of hail presence were studied and five detection algorithms were tested. This research serves as background for future work and the development of prediction algorithms based on empirical relationships with GPM data.SIMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    A qPCR expression assay of IFI44L gene differentiates viral from bacterial infections in febrile children

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    The diagnosis of bacterial infections in hospital settings is currently performed using bacterial culture from sterile site, but they are lengthy and limited. Transcriptomic biomarkers are becoming promising tools for diagnosis with potential applicability in clinical settings. We evaluated a RT-qPCR assay for a 2-transcript host expression signature (FAM89A and IFI44L genes) inferred from microarray data that allow to differentiate between viral and bacterial infection in febrile children. This assay was able to discriminate viral from bacterial infections (P-value = 1.04 × 10-4; AUC = 92.2%; sensitivity = 90.9%; specificity = 85.7%) and showed very high reproducibility regardless of the reference gene(s) used to normalize the data. Unexpectedly, the monogenic IFI44L expression signature yielded better results than those obtained from the 2-transcript test (P-value = 3.59 × 10-5; AUC = 94.1%; sensitivity = 90.9%; specificity = 92.8%). We validated this IFI44L signature in previously published microarray and whole-transcriptome data from patients affected by different types of viral and bacterial infections, confirming that this gene alone differentiates between both groups, thus saving time, effort, and costs. Herein, we demonstrate that host expression microarray data can be successfully translated into a fast, highly accurate and relatively inexpensive in vitro assay that could be implemented in the clinical routine.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIXunta de Galicia. Consellería de SanidadeFondo de Investigación SanitariaI+D+I y Fondos FEDE