329 research outputs found

    Los impactos del turismo en España: diferencias entre destinos de sol y playa y destinos de interior

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    This article aims to evaluate the perception of the Spanish residents about the economic, sociocultural and environmental impacts that tourism generate in Spain. In particular, the article analyse the resident percepcion of the impacts in 151 spanish destinations making distinctions between coastal destinations and hinterland destinations. To this end we have made a one way ANOVA based on 1027 surveys. This analysis of the data shows that those resident who live in coastal areas perceive more strongly the negatives effects of tourism than those who live in hinterlands.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo la evaluación de los impactos económicos, socioculturales y medioambientales ocasionados por el turismo en España. En concreto, el artículo mide la percepción que de ellos tienen los residentes de 151 municipios turísticos valorando las posibles diferencias entre las percepciones de los residentes de destinos de sol y playa y de interior. Para ello, se han realizado 1027 encuestas analizadas a través de la prueba paramétrica para la comparación de medias (ANOVA). Este análisis ha permitido determinar, entre otras cuestiones, que los residentes de los destinos de sol y playa perciben los impactos del turismo de forma más negativa que los de los destinos de interior

    Estimates of the likelihood of threats are related to intolerance of uncertainty and learning

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    In the present experiment, we assessed the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings of threats both in the presence of conditioned stimuli (CS) that signalled the delivery of an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), and after making an avoidance response. Participants learned the relationship between several pictures serving as CSs and an aversive sound serving as the US, and learned to avoid the US through a procedure including alternating pavlovian and negative reinforcement training phases. Expectancy ratings were measured on every training trial. Our results only showed a significant association between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings made after avoidance responses. This association was found only when the avoidance response was made in the presence of CSs signalling that the aversive sound was avoidable. The increase in intolerance of uncertainty was related to lower expectancy ratings in good learners, and to higher expectancy ratings in bad learners. These results are tentatively explained by invoking a view of intolerance of uncertainty as an exaggerated reaction to uncertainty aimed at learning to avoid threats.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia y Competitividad. Proyecto Nacional I+D+i. PSI2014-56061

    Conservando el pasado para preservar el futuro: Un modelo de gestión posible

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    The present paper aims to transmit the experience gained in planing, developing and concreting the plan to preserve bibliographic material. It emphasizes the manage of ressources and the utilization of the institutional opportunities present, for the development of such a program

    Tourism planning, promotion and environmental sustainability: the case of Spain

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    In terms of tourist destination’s sustainable development, planning plays a key role, and an important part is the tourist promotion. In the case of Spain, the boom of tourism in the 50s meant a high level of income and popularity but also serious damage in the environment when tourist sustainability didn’t receive attention yet. For the tourist development of a destination to be sustainable, the establishment of appropriate strategic plans is needed. Thus, thanks to the study of a real case, this paper allows the analysis of the influence of tourist promotion in the evolution of a tourist destination towards the sustainability. The method used has been double: firstly, Spanish government’s official documentation has been reviewed in order to confirm the evolution of Spanish tourist planning in relation to sustainability; secondly, tourist promotion images and campaigns has been analyzed to verify the evolution of the conveyed image and its influence in the sustainable development of Spanish tourism. This analysis confirms that tourist promotion has played a main role in the development and growth of Spain as a tourist destination, proving that its adaptation to market’s needs and sustainability was fundamental. Therefore, it is verified that tourist promotion –within a general planning strategy– means a key aspect for an appropriate development of a tourist destination.En el mercado turístico actual, la alta competencia existente entre los destinos lleva a sus responsables a invertir dinero, tiempo y esfuerzo en tratar de transmitir una buena imagen, para lo cual se desarrollan importantes estrategias de promoción. En el caso objeto de estudio del presente trabajo, España, la promoción turística del país llevada a cabo a nivel internacional desde el gobierno central ha jugado un papel importante en el desarrollo y crecimiento de España como destino turístico, que desde hace años ocupa puestos líder en rankings internacionales. El boom turístico de los años 50 supuso para España un alto nivel de ingresos y popularidad, pero también serios perjuicios en el entorno cuando todavía no se prestaba atención a la sostenibilidad de la actividad turística. Poco a poco, las estrategias promocionales en España se fueron adaptando a las necesidades del mercado y a la importancia de que el turismo fuera sostenible. Para que el desarrollo turístico de un destino sea sostenible es necesaria la implantación de planes estratégicos adecuados, y este trabajo permite, gracias al estudio de un caso real, analizar la influencia de la promoción turística en la evolución de un destino turístico hacia la sostenibilidad

    Probabilistic meta-analysis of risk from the exposure to Hg in artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

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    Colombia is one of the largest per capita mercury polluters in the world as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining activities. The severity of this problem in terms of potential health effects was evaluated by means of a probabilistic risk assessment carried out in the twelve departments (or provinces) in Colombia with the largest gold production. The two exposure pathways included in the risk assessment were inhalation of elemental Hg vapors and ingestion of fish contaminated with methyl mercury. Exposure parameters for the adult population (especially rates of fish consumption) were obtained from nation-wide surveys and concentrations of Hg in air and of methyl-mercury in fish were gathered from previous scientific studies. Fish consumption varied between departments and ranged from 0 to 0.3 kg d?1. Average concentrations of total mercury in fish (70 data) ranged from 0.026 to 3.3 lg g?1. A total of 550 individual measurements of Hg in workshop air (ranging from menor queDL to 1 mg m?3) and 261 measurements of Hg in outdoor air (ranging from menor queDL to 0.652 mg m?3) were used to generate the probability distributions used as concentration terms in the calculation of risk. All but two of the distributions of Hazard Quotients (HQ) associated with ingestion of Hg-contaminated fish for the twelve regions evaluated presented median values higher than the threshold value of 1 and the 95th percentiles ranged from 4 to 90. In the case of exposure to Hg vapors, minimum values of HQ for the general population exceeded 1 in all the towns included in this study, and the HQs for miner-smelters burning the amalgam is two orders of magnitude higher, reaching values of 200 for the 95th percentile. Even acknowledging the conservative assumptions included in the risk assessment and the uncertainties associated with it, its results clearly reveal the exorbitant levels of risk endured not only by miner-smelters but also by the general population of artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

    Effect of Wakame and Carob Pod Snacks on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Snacks combining different functional ingredients could represent a useful therapeutic strategy against NAFLD. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of two snack formulations based on carob and wakame flour in the treatment for NAFLD in rats. For this purpose, metabolic syndrome was induced in 50 adult rats by a high-fat high-fructose diet over eight weeks. After this period, rats were fed either normal calorie diets supplemented or not with snack A (1/50 wakame/carob pod) and snack B (1/5 wakame/carob pod) for four additional weeks. After sacrifice, liver composition and serum parameters were analyzed. Different pathways of triacylglycerol metabolism in liver were studied including fatty acid oxidation, fatty acid synthesis, triglyceride assembly and release, fatty acid uptake and glucose uptake. Oxidative stress was also measured. Snack treatment, and mainly B snack, reduced liver triacylglycerol levels by increasing fat oxidation. Moreover, this snack reduced oxidative stress. Therefore, this snack formulation could represent an interesting tool useful for fatty liver treatment.This study has been supported by the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology of Spain (INIA: RTA2014-0037-C02), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) and Basque Government (IT-572-13)

    La domesticación del fuego durante el Pleistoceno inferior y medio: estado de la cuestión

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    El uso controlado del fuego constituye uno de los avances tecnológicos de mayor importancia en el proceso de evolución humana. La constatación de este importantísimo rasgo del proceso evolutivo y adaptativo humano supone un asunto complejo y controvertido, puesto que no siempre es posible establecer la relación existente entre la presencia del fuego y su control antrópico. A pesar de ello, en el registro arqueológico africano y europeo contamos con un importante conjunto de evidencias de combustión que sirven para constatar la progresiva familiarización de los grupos paleolíticos con este recurso a lo largo del Pleistoceno inferior y medio. A través del presente trabajo se pretende realizar un compendio y discusión de los principales yacimientos con evidencias de fuego, así como también entrar en el debate de lo que se entiende por uso y control del mismo

    La domesticación del fuego durante el Pleistoceno inferior y medio: estado de la cuestión

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    El uso controlado del fuego constituye uno de los avances tecnológicos de mayor importancia en el proceso de evolución humana. La constatación de este importantísimo rasgo del proceso evolutivo y adaptativo humano supone un asunto complejo y controvertido, puesto que no siempre es posible establecer la relación existente entre la presencia del fuego y su control antrópico. A pesar de ello, en el registro arqueológico africano y europeo contamos con un importante conjunto de evidencias de combustión que sirven para constatar la progresiva familiarización de los grupos paleolíticos con este recurso a lo largo del Pleistoceno inferior y medio. A través del presente trabajo se pretende realizar un compendio y discusión de los principales yacimientos con evidencias de fuego, así como también entrar en el debate de lo que se entiende por uso y control del mismo

    Influence of Hyrax screw position on dental movement and cortical bone : a study of finite elements

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    Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) has effects on the dental and periodontal structures of the parts involved, which vary according to the design and position of the expansion screw. The purpose of the study was to determine the optimal three-dimensional position of the Hyrax screw to obtain precise control of the dental movement and effect on the bone cortex using the finite element method (FEM). RME was performed from the patient whom two Cone-Beam computerized tomography scans (CBCT) were obtained: T1 before expansion, and T2 three months after stabilization of RME. The FEM model was designed with T1 and of Hyrax photographs. FEM was obtained by comparing the simulation, T2, and clinical results. Three sagittal screw positions (anterior-middle-posterior) and vertical (upper-medium-low) were evaluated. A coronal- buccal displacement of premolars and first molars was found which decreased in the occlusal-apical direction, presenting different types of dental movement in the screw positions; besides, a tendency of translational movement in the posterior-high location was observed. In the posterior-high position a higher concentration of efforts and homogeneous deformations in the periodontal ligament and vestibular cortex of the cervical area of first molars, first and second premolars were observed, with variations according to the screw position and the distribution of stresses. The ideal location of the expansion screw for controlling dental movement and periodontal side effects was the high-posterior position

    Planificación turística, promoción y sostenibilidad ambiental: el caso de España

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    In terms of tourist destination’s sustainable development, planning plays a key role, and an important part is the tourist promotion. In the case of Spain, the boom of tourism in the 50s meant a high level of income and popularity but also serious damage in the environment when tourist sustainability didn’t receive attention yet. For the tourist development of a destination to be sustainable, the establishment of appropriate strategic plans is needed. Thus, thanks to the study of a real case, this paper allows the analysis of the influence of tourist promotion in the evolution of a tourist destination towards the sustainability. The method used has been double: firstly, Spanish government’s official documentation has been reviewed in order to confirm the evolution of Spanish tourist planning in relation to sustainability; secondly, tourist promotion images and campaigns has been analyzed to verify the evolution of the conveyed image and its influence in the sustainable development of Spanish tourism. This analysis confirms that tourist promotion has played a main role in the development and growth of Spain as a tourist destination, proving that its adaptation to market’s needs and sustainability was fundamental. Therefore, it is verified that tourist promotion –within a general planning strategy– means a key aspect for an appropriate development of a tourist destination.En el mercado turístico actual, la alta competencia existente entre los destinos lleva a sus responsables a invertir dinero, tiempo y esfuerzo en tratar de transmitir una buena imagen, para lo cual se desarrollan importantes estrategias de promoción. En el caso objeto de estudio del presente trabajo, España, la promoción turística del país llevada a cabo a nivel internacional desde el gobierno central ha jugado un papel importante en el desarrollo y crecimiento de España como destino turístico, que desde hace años ocupa puestos líder en rankings internacionales. El boom turístico de los años 50 supuso para España un alto nivel de ingresos y popularidad, pero también serios perjuicios en el entorno cuando todavía no se prestaba atención a la sostenibilidad de la actividad turística. Poco a poco, las estrategias promocionales en España se fueron adaptando a las necesidades del mercado y a la importancia de que el turismo fuera sostenible. Para que el desarrollo turístico de un destino sea sostenible es necesaria la implantación de planes estratégicos adecuados, y este trabajo permite, gracias al estudio de un caso real, analizar la influencia de la promoción turística en la evolución de un destino turístico hacia la sostenibilidad
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