2,096 research outputs found

    Perfil de los pacientes con trastorno adaptativo que acuden a las farmacias comunitarias españolas

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    Objetivo: El objetivo principal era conocer los perfiles de los sujetos que cumplían los criterios diagnósticos de trastorno adaptativo en la consulta habitual de las farmacias comunitarias españolas.Material y métodos: Estudio transversal de ámbito nacional sobre una muestra de 1.512 sujetos. Se evaluaron las características del perfil socio-demográfico y clínico, así como del estado de ánimo y de salud, recogidos mediante entrevista con el farmacéutico. El estado de ánimo se valoró mediante una escala de expresiones faciales con gradación del 1 (risa) al 7 (llanto). El estado de salud se valoró mediante preguntas sobre movilidad, cuidado personal, dolor y malestar, sueño y energía, ánimo, habilidades interpersonales y cognición. La duración total de la fase experimental fue de 7 meses. Se utilizó básicamente estadística descriptiva.Resultados: La población de sujetos estudiados que cumplían criterios diagnósticos de trastorno adaptativo tenía una edad media de 43,1±14,8 años, siendo un 63,0 % mujeres. El 61,8 % de los sujetos consultó por estado de ánimo deprimido con un tiempo de evolución de la mayor parte del día en el 60,8 % de ellos y durante más de 2 semanas en el 79,0 % de ellos. El 37,1 % de los sujetos valoró su estado de ánimo como triste (gradación 5-7). El 38,1 % de sujetos presentaba estado de ánimo deprimido y ansiedad. El 12,0 % de los sujetos presentaba síntomas depresivos subclínicos. Se observó relación significativa (p<0,001) entre problemas emocionales y salud física.Conclusión: Los síntomas más frecuentes de los pacientes que refieren sintomatología de trastorno adaptivo en este estudio son consulta frecuente en la farmacia comunitaria, lo que podría sugerir que los farmacéuticos comunitarios podrían ayudar con su intervención farmacéutica en la detección precoz y abordaje de esta patología

    ToCo: An ontology for representing hybrid telecommunication networks

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    The TOUCAN project proposed an ontology for telecommunication networks with hybrid technologies – the TOUCAN Ontology (ToCo), available at http://purl.org/toco/, as well as a knowledge design pattern Device-Interface-Link (DIL) pattern. The core classes and relationships forming the ontology are discussed in detail. The ToCo ontology can describe the physical infrastructure, quality of channel, services and users in heterogeneous telecommunication networks which span multiple technology domains. The DIL pattern is observed and summarised when modelling networks with various technology domains. Examples and use cases of ToCo are presented for demonstration

    Evaluation of waste as a comparative criterion for building materials

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    In this paper, it analyzes and compares the use of three different materials (Reinforced Concrete -R. C.-, Steel and Wood) usable for the building, and construction processes that this entails. The analysis aimed to investigate which of the three materials is the most appropriate from the perspective of sustainability in order to propose alternatives that minimize the impact they have on the environment. Today, concrete is the material most commonly used in construction, and therefore must be environmental objective for reflection, that after analyzed, we can propose other typologies or alternative materials. The analysis included projects single-family housing for each of the materials and building systems proposed, these cases involved comparable properties within their specific environments (rules and context Spanish) and process variables normalization that validate the analysis. The work was developed using the software tool for managing, scheduling and forecasting of construction waste Net Waste Tool (NWT) Waste & Resources Action Programmer, in which, it proceeded entering data, characteristics, volumes, consumption and emissions of each entry or supplies described in the study variables, and in this way, determine and quantify the pollutants vectors generated by these. The analysis of the results obtained have been able to argue a selection of materials for building sustainable new approach to waste generation, understanding that at the end of a life cycle, process or matter that pollutes less is bestPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estado y prioridades de conservación de los anfibios del departamento del Quindío, Colombia

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    stat i prioritats de conservació dels amfibis del departament del Quindío, Colòmbia En aquest article presentem una avaluació de l’estat i les prioritats de conservació dels amfibis al Quindío amb l’objectiu de proposar accions per conservar-los. Vam generar una llista d’espècies d’amfibis del departament, vam modelar la distribució potencial de les espècies amenaçades amb l’algoritme de màxima entropia de MaxEnt i en vam avaluar la representativitat en el Sistema Departamental d’Àrees Protegides del Quindío (SIDAPQ). A més a més, vam prioritzar les àrees per a la conservació dels amfibis amb l’algoritme ILV4 adjacency de ConsNet. Vam registrar 45 espècies d’amfibis, el 24,4% de les quals es troben incloses en alguna categoria d’amenaça de la Llista Vermella de la UICN. Els amfibis amenaçats van presentar una distribució i uns registres superiors al 50% dins del SIDAPQ. Les àrees prioritzades per assolir objectius de representativitat del 10, 20 i 30% de la distribució dels amfibis estan totalment fragmentades i només tenen el 30% de la distribució prioritzada al SIDAPQ. Davant d’aquest escenari, proposem una estratègia de conservació de caràcter paisatgístic que inclogui els agroecosistemes, tractant de mantenir-ne l’heterogeneïtat i eliminant-ne o disminuint-ne els factors d’amenaça.Conservation status and priorities of amphibians from the Quindío Department, Colombia We reviewed the conservation status and priorities for amphibians from the Quindío region of Colombia, with the purpose of proposing conservation actions. We modeled the potential distribution of threatened species using the maximum entropy algorithm in MaxEnt and evaluated representability in the Departmental System of Protected Areas for Quindío (Spanish acronym: SIDAPQ). We prioritized areas for amphibian conservation using the algorithm ILV4 adjacency in ConsNet. We recorded 45 species, 24.4% of which are included in threatened categories on the IUCN Red List. Over 50% of the distribution and records of the threatened amphibians occurred inside the SIDAPQ. Prioritized areas to achieve representation goals of 10, 20 and 30% of amphibian distribution are highly fragmented and have only approximately 30% of prioritized distribution in the SIDAPQ. Considering this scenario we propose a conservation strategy on the landscape level that includes agroecosystems, maintaining their heterogeneity and eliminating or mitigating threat factors.En este artículo presentamos una evaluación del estado y prioridades de conservación de los anfibios en el Quindío con el objetivo de proponer acciones para su conservación. Generamos una lista de especies de anfibios del departamento, modelamos la distribución potencial de las especies amenazadas con el algoritmo de máxima entropía de MaxEnt y evaluamos su representatividad en el Sistema Departamental de Áreas Protegidas del Quindío (SIDAPQ). Además, priorizamos las áreas para la conservación de los anfibios con el algoritmo ILV4 adjacency de ConsNet. Registramos 45 especies de anfibios, el 24,4% de las cuales se encuentran incluidas en alguna categoría de amenaza de la Lista Roja de la UICN. Los anfibios amenazados presentaron una distribución y unos registros superiores al 50% dentro del SIDAPQ. Las áreas priorizadas para alcanzar los objetivos de representatividad del 10, 20 y 30% de la distribución de los anfibios están altamente fragmentadas y sólo tienen el 30% de la distribución priorizada en el SIDAPQ. Ante este escenario, proponemos una estrategia de conservación de carácter paisajístico que incluya los agroecosistemas, tratando de mantener su heterogeneidad y eliminando o mitigando los factores de amenaza

    Spatiotemporal evolution of U and Th isotopes in a mine effluent highly polluted by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)

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    The spatiotemporal evolution of both U and Th isotopes in a mine effluent highly polluted by acid mine drainage (AMD) was evaluated. The acidic tributary, which born from the outflows of an abandoned sulfide mine, flows into the Odiel River. AMD comprises an important source of natural radionuclides, presenting concentrations of 238U and 232Th, two and four orders of magnitude higher, respectively, than the background values of surface continental waters. These natural radionuclides behave conservatively along the mine effluent (pH < 2.5) throughout the hydrological year. Under AMD conditions uranium is in the hexavalent state U(VI) and the main dissolved species are uranyl sulfate complexes. The polluted tributary has a significant impact on the Odiel River acidifying its waters during the low flow season and increasing up to one order of magnitude the activity concentrations of U and Th isotopes. U presented a conservative behavior in the Odiel River during the low flow season (pH ≈ 3), however it is removed from the liquid phase in the wet season (pH ≈ 6), probably due its coprecipitation/adsorption onto Al-phases. Th shows a high sensitivity to small increases of pH, and it is strongly coprecipitated/adsorbed with or onto Fe-oxyhydroxydizes in the river.This research was funded by the University of Huelva and the Operative FEDER Program-Andalucía 2014–2020 (UHU-1255876, UHU-202020); The European Regional Development Fund through the Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on (research grant PID2020–116461RBC21 and 116461RA-C22), and the Andalusian government (I+D+i- JAPAIDI-Retos project PY20_00096). Jos´e Luis Guerrero thank the Spanish Ministry of Universities for the Margarita Salas research grant. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Spatial distribution and temporal trends of the levels of trace metals on the Andalusian coast using the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 as bioindicator

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    This paper presents results on spatial distribution and temporal trends for heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) in 3-4 cm specimens of the wild mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 from the Andalusian coast, collected from 1991-2003. Temporal trends were determined applying the Mann-Kendall test (one-sided) to the median concentration values obtained for each year and locality. The most striking results were the high percentage of non-significant trends (84.61 %), and the predominance of significant downward trends (15.38 %), as opposed to upward trends (0 %). The concentrations of Hg, Cu and Pb tended to diminish from 1991, being mercury the metal that best reflects this tendency. The metal levels are within the range obtained in other studies carried out elsewhere in the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of the Iberian Peninsula and France.Este trabajo presenta la distribución espacial y tendencias temporales de las concentraciones de mercurio, cadmio, plomo, cobre y cinc en mejillones silvestres Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 (talla 3-4 cm) de la costa de Andalucía, durante el periodo 1991-2003. Las tendencias temporales se obtuvieron aplicando el test de una cola de Mann-Kendall a las medianas de las concentraciones obtenidas en cada localidad y año. Los resultados más destacables son el alto porcentaje de tendencias temporales no significativas (84,61 %) y el predominio de las disminuciones significativas (15,38 %) frente a los aumentos (0 %). Las concentraciones de Hg, Cu y Pb tienden a disminuir, siendo el mercurio el que mejor refleja esta tendencia. Los niveles de metales se encuentran dentro de los rangos obtenidos en otros estudios desarrollados en zonas del Mediterráneo y del litoral atlántico de la península Ibérica y Francia.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Expression of the chemokines MCP-1/CCL2 and RANTES/CCL5 is differentially regulated by infiltrating inflammatory cells

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    Expression of the chemokines MCP-1/CCL2 and RANTES/CCL5 is differentially regulated by infiltrating inflammatory cells.BackgroundChemokines are involved in the regulation of the cellular renal infiltrate in glomerulonephritis; however, it is unclear to which degree resident glomerular cells or infiltrating leukocytes contribute to the formation of chemokines in glomerular inflammatory lesions. We therefore examined whether monocytes/macrophages play a role in the expression of the C-C chemokines MCP-1/CCL2 and RANTES/CCL5 in renal tissue in a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced model of inflammation, where previously we have shown increased glomerular RANTES expression and glomerular infiltration of ED-1-positive cells.MethodsInflammatory lesions were induced by an intraperitoneal injection of LPS. The infiltration of monocytes into the glomerulus was reduced by two experimental approaches. First, rats were depleted of monocytes by the use of specific monocyte-antisera or by cytotoxic drugs. Second, the infiltration of monocytes into the kidney was reduced by using intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) knockout mice.ResultsBoth experimental approaches demonstrated a significant reduction in the number of infiltrating monocytes/macrophages after lipopolysaccharide injection. This reduction in the infiltration of inflammatory cells was associated with significantly reduced RANTES/CCL5 mRNA expression. However, MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA expression was not inhibited after the LPS injection by monocyte/macrophage depletion. Also, the increase in nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) binding activity after the LPS injection was not reduced in pretreated animals. The experiments therefore demonstrate that infiltrating monocytes/macrophages contribute to increased RANTES/CCL5 mRNA expression in inflammatory renal lesions, whereas MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA expression and NF-κB activation were not reduced by monocyte/macrophage depletion.ConclusionMCP-1/CCL2 released from renal tissue upon stimulation plays a major role in the regulation of monocyte/macrophage infiltration, which contributes significantly to increased renal RANTES/CCL5 expression. This cross-talk between resident renal cells and monocytes/macrophages is therefore likely to boost the number of infiltrating inflammatory cells

    Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia–Canadá. Ventajas y desafíos en materia de inversiones

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    This paper describes and analyzes the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Colombia, as well as its precedents in in- vestment issues. The research methodology used for this paper includes content analysis and documentary research about the FTA and their respective rounds of negotiation. The results shown that Colombia has attractive sectors for Canadian capital invest- ment such the mining sector, real state and financial services. Meanwhile, for Colombia the agreement will allow a more com- petitive country for the international market and will increase the confidence for overseas.Este documento desarrolla un análisis descriptivo del Tratado de Libre Comercio suscrito entre Canadá y Colombia, y sus antece- dentes en materia de inversiones. Para ello se utiliza la metodolo- gía de investigación documental y análisis de contenidos del TLC y sus respectivas rondas de negociación. Los resultados muestran que Colombia tiene sectores atractivos para la inversión de capital canadiense, como es el caso de los sectores minero, inmobiliario y de servicios financieros. Por su parte, este acuerdo le permitirá a Colombia ser más competitivo en el mercado internacional y mejorar la confianza inversionista a nivel mundial