525 research outputs found

    Silica nanoparticles induce NLRP3 inflammasome activation in human primary immune cells

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    RESUMEN: In recent years, the potential use of silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) among different biomedical fields has grown. A deep understanding of the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles (NPs) and their regulation of specific biological responses is crucial for the successful application of NPs. Exposure to NP physicochemical properties (size, shape, porosity, etc.) could result in deleterious effects on cellular functions, including a pro-inflammatory response mediated via activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential in vitro immunomodulatory effect of 12-nm and 200-nm SiNPs on the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and NLRP3 inflammasome components in human primary neutrophils and PBMCs. This study demonstrates that regardless of the size of the nanoparticles, SiNPs induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in a dose-dependent manner. Induced IL-1β production after exposure to SiNPs suggests the involvement of NLRP3 inflammasome components participation in this process. In conclusion, SiNPs induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, our data suggest that the production and release of IL-1β possibly occurs through the formation of the NLRP3 inflammasome

    Documentación e implementación de un sistema de seguridad industrial y salud ocupacional: una necesidad en las empresas colombianas

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    En este artículo se describen el procedimiento aplicado para documentar la Norma Técnica Colombiana OHSAS 18001 en una empresa dedicada a prestar servicios de empaque y manufactura en operaciones logísticas bajo techo, con el objetivo de ofrecer lineamientos a empresas, a personas interesadas en buscar información práctica acerca de la implementación de la norma, a estudiantes que requieran complementar con un punto de vista práctico dentro de sus asignaturas y a empresarios que deseen implementar la norma en sus propias empresas. En el artículo se analizan tres fases del desarrollo de aplicación para buscar la certificación: diagnostico, requisitos generales y documentación de la información

    Genetic variants in the PPARD-PPARGC1A-NRF-TFAM mitochondriogenesis pathway are neither associated with muscle characteristics nor physical performance in elderly

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    We studied the influence of genetic polymorphisms involved in the PPARD-PPARGC1A-NRF-TFAM mitochondriogenesis pathway (rs6949152, rs12594956, rs2267668, rs8192678, and rs1937) on muscle phenotypes (thigh muscles’ cross-sectional, maximal handgrip-strength and 30-second chair stand-test) and Barthel index in Caucasian (Spanish) community-dwelling old people (n=75, 21 men, 54 women; 71–94 years). We found no significant genetic associations with the studied phenotypes. Multiple, com- plex gene-environment and gene-gene interactions which are yet to be determined are likely to play a more determinant role

    Effect of sperm concentration and storage temperature on goat spermatozoa during liquid storage

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    The use of cooled semen is relatively common in goats. There are a number of advantages of cooled semen doses, including easier handling of artificial insemination (AI) doses, transport, more AI doses per ejaculate, and higher fertility rates in comparison with frozen AI doses. However, cooled semen has a short shelf life. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of temperature and sperm concentration on the in vitro sperm quality during liquid storage for 48 h, including sperm motility and kinetics, response to oxidation, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and DNA fragmentation in goats. Three experiments were performed. In the first, the effects of liquid preservation of semen at different temperatures (5 °C or 17 °C), durations (0, 24 and 48 h) and sperm concentrations (250 × 106 sperm/mL (1:2 dilution rate), 166.7 × 106 sperm/mL (1:3 dilution rate) or 50 × 106 sperm/mL (1:10 dilution rate)) on sperm motility and kinetics were studied. In the second experiment, the effect of temperature, sperm washing and concentration on sperm motility and DNA fragmentation was studied. Finally, the effect of sperm concentration and duration of storage at 5 °C on sperm motility, response to oxidative stress and MMP was examined. We found that refrigerated liquid storage of goat sperm impaired sperm quality, such as motility, MMP and response to oxidation, as storage time increased; however, sperm DNA fragmentation index was not significantly affected. Liquid storage at 5 °C preserved higher total motility than at 17 °C. Moreover, we observed that the reduction of sperm concentration below 500 × 106 sperm/mL did not seem to improve the quality of spermatozoa conserved in milk-based extender in the conditions teste

    Occupational injuries in workers of a Spanish bank

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    BACKGROUND: In 2017, 69 108 work-related traffic injuries with medical leave were documented, constituting 12% of all occupational injuries (OI) in Spain. AIMS: The aim of this study was to describe OI within a Spanish bank company during 2017. METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using the company's mandatory OI records, presenting data in both absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies. The chi-square test was employed for comparisons. RESULTS: Among the company's 10 399 employees, 176 OI cases were recorded. Most were minor musculoskeletal incidents, with one severe myocardial infarction and one mild anxiety episode. Lower limb injuries were the most prevalent. Injuries of the trunk (P < 0.001), neck (P < 0.05), and upper limbs (P < 0.001) were linked to workplace factors. Approximately 62% of OI occurred outside the workplace and resulted in more extended medical leave (P < 0.01). Traffic-related injuries accounted for 39% of OI cases and caused 49% of days lost due to OI (P < 0.001).Female gender (P < 0.001) and age over 40 years (P < 0.05) were significantly associated with OI. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, musculoskeletal injuries were the most common, with a single cardiovascular event being the most severe. OI occurring outside the workplace was more frequent and led to longer medical leaves. Notably, traffic-related injuries were especially significant, exceeding official statistics 4-fold

    Dinámicas socioecológicas y ecoturismo comunitario: Un análisis comparativo en el eje fluvial Guayabero-Guaviare

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    The effects of the ecotourism in the relationships between inhabitants and their environment are complex and multidimensional. To explore these effects, two community ecotourism initiatives in the Guaviare Province were comparatively analyzed. This territory has been historically affected by the armed conflict and today is given priority as a scenery for the peace construction. The analysis herein articulates approaches both from the political ecology and the socio-ecological systems and considers how important it is to understand the power relations emerging in community ecotourism contexts that, in turn, help to measure how this kind of tourism impacts the socio-ecological dynamics and the strategies by the peasant families who try to diversify their economies to made them sustainable. © 2018, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. All rights reserved

    Presentación de una experiencia exitosa de apropiación de la investigación en el programa de ingeniería física de la UTP

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    El programa de Ingeniería física de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira ha estructurado una metodología alrededor de la elaboración de los proyectos de grado por parte de sus estudiantes que permite que estos se sientan identificados con las líneas de investigación que maneja el programa y con los grupos de investigación que las dirigen. Este trabajo se empieza a realizar desde los primeros semestres con base en la presentación de los grupos de investigación que apoyan el programa y de sus líneas de investigación; además con base en el trabajo que se desarrolla en los semilleros de investigación del programa en el que participan activamente los grupos de investigación. Mediante este trabajo previo, buena parte de los estudiantes del programa al llegar al curso de trabajo de grado I, ya se encuentran completamente identificados con el área de investigación en que desearían trabajar su tesis y un buen porcentaje de ellos ya tienen temas concretos de investigación gracias a su vinculación temprana a los grupos de investigación que apoyan de manera directa el programa. Se quiere presentar en este trabajo esta experiencia concreta desarrollada de una manera metodológica junto con los resultados obtenidos

    Synthesis, structure, and photophysical properties of platinum(II) (N, C, N) pincer complexes derived from purine nucleobases

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    The synthesis of a series of Pt{κ3-N,C,N′-[L]}X (X = Cl, RC≡C) pincer complexes derived from purine and purine nucleosides is reported. In these complexes, the 6-phenylpurine skeleton provides the N,C-cyclometalated fragment, whereas an amine, imine, or pyridine substituent of the phenyl ring supplies the additional N′-coordination point to the pincer complex. The purine N,C-fragment has two coordination positions with the metal (N1 and N7), but the formation of the platinum complexes is totally regioselective. Coordination through the N7 position leads to the thermodynamically favored [6.5]-Pt{κ3-N7,C,N′-[L]}X complexes. However, the coordination through the N1 position is preferred by the amino derivatives, leading to the isomeric kinetic [5.5]-Pt{κ3-N1,C,N′-[L]}X complexes. Extension of the reported methodology to complexes having both pincer and acetylide ligands derived from nucleosides allows the preparation of novel heteroleptic bis-nucleoside compounds that could be regarded as organometallic models of Pt-induced interstrand cross-link. Complexes having amine or pyridine arms are green phosphorescence emitters upon photoexcitation at low concentrations in CH2Cl2 solution and in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) films. They undergo self-quenching at high concentrations due to molecular aggregation. The presence of intermolecular π–π stacking and weak Pt···Pt interactions was also observed in the solid state by X-ray diffraction analysis