1,447 research outputs found

    Representaciones sociales frente a la anticoncepción en un grupo de adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años de edad de la Institución Educativa Atanasio Girardot del municipio de Bello en el año 2015

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    El trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo principal: identificar las representaciones sociales que tienen frente a la anticoncepción un grupo de estudiantes de una Institución Pública del Municipio de Bello en el año 2015

    Representaciones sociales frente a la anticoncepción en un grupo de adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años de edad de la Institución Educativa Atanasio Girardot del municipio de Bello en el año 2015

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    El trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo principal: identificar las representaciones sociales que tienen frente a la anticoncepción un grupo de estudiantes de una Institución Pública del Municipio de Bello en el año 2015

    Education and innovation - vet students into technology companies

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    VET education is an effective and accessible way for students, to improve their employability and inclusion possibilities. It allows them to train technically in a short time to do a job and try to access the labor market. However, not even obtaining a qualification aimed at vocational training ensures access to the labor market or real possibilities of emancipation. The success of VET graduates in their first work experience joining technology companies requires the development of many skills that are common to all professional careers, but also specific skills that derive from the innovative nature of the work method and objectives of these companies. For this reason, within the framework of the Erasmus + Program, the project VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking is being developed with the aim of promoting employability and inclusion of VET students at risk of exclusion. The project focuses on the creation of virtual tools, collaborative work methodologies and virtual training materials that allow these young people to improve their critical thinking capacity and their technological and digital skills. The project's methodology is based on the combination of the creation of training materials and a network of mobility in high-tech centres, where students will carry out a first work experience. Regarding training materials, one of the main results of this project is PERSONALIZED DIGITAL COURSE FOR LABOR TRAINING IN A TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER. This course generates personalized learning based on the student's previous knowledge and the characteristics of the technological company in which they will carry out their internship. The course follows an innovative methodology based on microlearning, a learning characterized by the resolution of relatively small exercises (pills) that are focused on the development of technical and work skills and the reinforcement of critical thinking as a fundamental mechanism. The objective of this course is not so much to provide new knowledge as to develop skills that allow the students to face problems or tasks unknown to them until then: self-training skills, assess their own way of reasoning, set objectives, raise relevant questions, state hypothesis, search for information, intellectual integrity, oral and written communication, work in multidisciplinary teams. Along with this course, within the framework of this project, the result ON YOUR SIDE is being developed, a digital educational software available for mobile devices, which will accompany the student throughout the mobility process, providing useful information such as specific training resources focused on the company where they will carry out their mobility, linguistic resources, collaborative work tools, as well as social integration resources in the destination country, among others. From this App, students will be able to access the aforementioned course. In this paper we present how, through microlearning methodology and critical thinking, students can solve the content pills through their autonomy and self-discovery.This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064569 project, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE

    VET students into technology companies: a microlearning digital course to train critical thinking skills

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    This microlearning course is designed to support VET graduates or students, especially those with fewer opportunities, who join a technology company at the beginning of their professional career. It has been developed within the framework of the Erasmus + project “VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking”. This is an intiative co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme, with a personalized digital course format, to take into account both the previous training of the VET student or graduate and the type of company they will join. The course has in its sights to develop in the VET student the specific competences required by the technology company to address the problems typical of fields of leading technology innovation, as well as fitting in multidisciplinary teams. To do this, this course generates an innovative methodology in which the education itinerary is built based on previous knowledge of the student and the needs and work field of the technology company. Besides its contents strengthen critical thinking as an essential mechanism for work in both dynamic and technology sectors. For that purpose, the student is asked a series of questions in the form of problems that, in addition to being related to the study plans of VET studies, require for their solution the search for information, its analysis and many times the making of a decision or adopting a personal position on it. We aim with our training projects, within the Erasmus + program, to convince students that they are capable of going further and further in the development of their professional skills being the technology sector an acceptable option for them, making their work increasingly valuable for their inclusion, for their own personal development, for that of the company in which they work and for society. But for this certain skills are required, and one of the most important is learning to learn autonomously and to accurately analyse the information received and the decisions that are made from it. It is generally true that the problems that one encounters in professional practice are not going to be the ones that you were taught in your VET studies. Vocational training has to head for equipping students with the necessary tools to face the new problems that they will face in their job and to grow professionally every day. We intend to show how valuable critical thinking skills are in analysing our way of thinking and making decisions. In this paper we present examples of the exercises included in the course, how their approach and the processes that have led to a solution relate with the standards of critical thinking and the different levels of help that are offered to the student for their solution. The course is accessible from a digital educational software “ON YOUR SIDE: VIRTUAL ASSISTANT FOR EUROPEAN MOBILITIES IN TECHNOLOGICAL CENTERS” developed in the framework of this Erasmus+ project in order to develop cooperative work between students with fewer opportunities doing their internships in technology companies and their inclusion in new job posts. We will also present this software in a very summarized way in this article.This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064569 project, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE

    Evaluation of the use of glyphosate and legumes in valen-cia orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), in the north of Vera-cruz: case study.

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    ABSTRACT Evaluation of the use of glyphosate and legumes in valencia orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), in the north of Veracruz: case study. The objective of the case study was to contribute to the knowledge of herbicides (mainly glyphosate) and legumes by valencia orange producers in northern Veracruz. The study was carried out in the year 2021, with producers from three municipalities located in the North of Veracruz: Papantla, Alamo Temapache and Ixhuatlan de Madero. A total of 55 interviews were carried out. The interview that was conducted was structured around three sections: personal information of the interviewee, information about herbicides and information about legumes. The characteristics found in this work indicate that the majority of producers continue to use herbicides, 80% do not know the term glyphosate even though it turns out to be the main active ingredient of several of the herbicides that they apply and despite knowing that these turn out to be very dangerous due to for various reasons, they continue to use them without any protective equipment, due to how easy, fast and cheap their application turns out to be, but regardless of everything, the producers are in the greatest disposition to know and cultivate leguminous plants in their plots to observe their characteristics, benefits and advantages in weed control. Keywords: glyphosate, legumes, presidential decree, valencia orange, weeds.Evaluation of the use of glyphosate and legumes in valencia orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), in the north of Veracruz: case study. The objective of the case study was to contribute to the knowledge of herbicides (mainly glyphosate) and legumes of valencia orange producers in northern Veracruz. The study was carried out in the year 2021, with producers from three municipalities located in the north of Veracruz: Papantla, Álamo Temapache and Ixhuatlan de Madero. A total of 55 interviews were carried out. The interview that was conducted was structured around three sections: personal information of the interview respondent, information about herbicides, and information about legumes. The characteristics found in this study indicate that the majority of producers continue to use herbicides, 80% do not know the term glyphosate even though it turns out to be the main active ingredient of several of the herbicides that they apply and despite knowing that these can be very dangerous due to various reasons, they continue to use them without any protective equipment, due to how easy, fast and cheap their application is. However, regardless of everything, the producers are in the best disposition to know and cultivate leguminous plants in their plots to observe their characteristics, benefits and advantages in weed control.

    El desarrollo del microcrédito en Colombia

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    Prólogo Presentarles este libro me hace muy feliz porque resalta el papel de las entidades microfinancieras en la inclusión financiera de la población más vulnerable y su impacto en el desarrollo económico del país. A través de un análisis riguroso, amigos y colegas del Banco de la República, el Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario (Finagro), la Universidad Libre de Ámsterdam y la Asociación Colombiana de Instituciones Microfinancieras (Asomicrofinanzas) nos muestran la evolución del mercado de microcrédito en las últimas dos décadas, las principales determinantes de la morosidad en este segmento y el impacto de este tipo de préstamos. Este libro es una lectura obligada para los interesados en el rol de las entidades microfinancieras en el proceso de inclusión financiera en Colombia y en su contribución al desarrollo económico del país. Es también de interés para las entidades microfinancieras, quienes trabajan día a día por la población más vulnerable del país a través de un portafolio de servicios diversificado y de protocolos de atención adaptados al tipo de cliente. Es igualmente importante para los hacedores de política pública, quienes pueden contar con la industria microfinanciera para la implementación de políticas enfocadas en los más vulnerables. A lo largo del libro encontrarán evidencia de los esfuerzos que han venido haciendo las instituciones microfinancieras en la construcción de un país más desarrollado e inclusivo, lo cual ha sido posible gracias a la apertura de los entes reguladores y al apoyo de entidades nacionales e internacionales de desarrollo. En especial, quiero agradecer al Banco de la República y su equipo técnico por el apoyo brindado para la elaboración de investigaciones de este tipo que le dan solidez a la industria microfinanciera. En el primer capítulo encontrarán una caracterización del mercado de microcrédito en Colombia entre 2010 y 2020, destacando las particularidades de este tipo de préstamos en términos de monto, destino, plazo y destino. De igual manera, se resalta los avances en cobertura de las entidades microfinancieras y los sectores económicos más representativos. Asimismo, se destacan las principales características de los clientes de microcrédito y su evolución en el periodo de análisis. En el segundo capítulo se analiza la dinámica del microcrédito desagregando entre las entidades que son vigiladas por Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC) y las que no. De igual manera, se presentan los resultados de un modelo de los determinantes de morosidad de la cartera de microcrédito en Colombia, con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento de la industria sobre los factores de mayor riesgo para su cartera. El tercer capítulo presenta un resumen de la literatura reciente sobre las mediciones de impacto del microcrédito y se exponen los resultados de un análisis sobre la incidencia de la pobreza y vulnerabilidad entre los clientes de microcrédito en Colombia. Complementando lo anterior se expone un modelo que muestra el impacto del microcrédito en el PIB per cápita por municipio y el bienestar de la población. El cuarto capítulo, por su parte, describe cómo se ha transformado la oferta de las entidades microfinancieras en diferentes zonas geográficas y examina las reacciones de los proveedores de crédito que operan en los mercados locales frente a la entrada-salida de nuevos competidores. Asimismo, estudia las características de los mercados locales que pueden influenciar las decisiones de las entidades financieras respecto a su red de oficinas. Finalmente, el capítulo quinto presenta una reseña de las quince entidades pertenecientes a Asomicrofinanzas que compartieron sus microdatos para la realización de este trabajo. A lo largo del libro también encontrarán cinco recuadros que complementan los análisis descritos. Los temas abordados incluyen el estado de los micronegocios en Colombia, el uso de métodos alternativos de scoring, los indicadores sociales para la industria microfinanciera, la oferta de microseguros por parte de entidades del sector y su rol en la inclusión financiera de migrantes. María Clara Hoyos Jaramillo Presidente Ejecutiva AsomicrofinanzasPrólogo Presentarles este libro me hace muy feliz porque resalta el papel de las entidades microfinancieras en la inclusión financiera de la población más vulnerable y su impacto en el desarrollo económico del país. A través de un análisis riguroso, amigos y colegas del Banco de la República, el Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario (Finagro), la Universidad Libre de Ámsterdam y la Asociación Colombiana de Instituciones Microfinancieras (Asomicrofinanzas) nos muestran la evolución del mercado de microcrédito en las últimas dos décadas, las principales determinantes de la morosidad en este segmento y el impacto de este tipo de préstamos. Este libro es una lectura obligada para los interesados en el rol de las entidades microfinancieras en el proceso de inclusión financiera en Colombia y en su contribución al desarrollo económico del país. Es también de interés para las entidades microfinancieras, quienes trabajan día a día por la población más vulnerable del país a través de un portafolio de servicios diversificado y de protocolos de atención adaptados al tipo de cliente. Es igualmente importante para los hacedores de política pública, quienes pueden contar con la industria microfinanciera para la implementación de políticas enfocadas en los más vulnerables. A lo largo del libro encontrarán evidencia de los esfuerzos que han venido haciendo las instituciones microfinancieras en la construcción de un país más desarrollado e inclusivo, lo cual ha sido posible gracias a la apertura de los entes reguladores y al apoyo de entidades nacionales e internacionales de desarrollo. En especial, quiero agradecer al Banco de la República y su equipo técnico por el apoyo brindado para la elaboración de investigaciones de este tipo que le dan solidez a la industria microfinanciera. En el primer capítulo encontrarán una caracterización del mercado de microcrédito en Colombia entre 2010 y 2020, destacando las particularidades de este tipo de préstamos en términos de monto, destino, plazo y destino. De igual manera, se resalta los avances en cobertura de las entidades microfinancieras y los sectores económicos más representativos. Asimismo, se destacan las principales características de los clientes de microcrédito y su evolución en el periodo de análisis. En el segundo capítulo se analiza la dinámica del microcrédito desagregando entre las entidades que son vigiladas por Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC) y las que no. De igual manera, se presentan los resultados de un modelo de los determinantes de morosidad de la cartera de microcrédito en Colombia, con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento de la industria sobre los factores de mayor riesgo para su cartera. El tercer capítulo presenta un resumen de la literatura reciente sobre las mediciones de impacto del microcrédito y se exponen los resultados de un análisis sobre la incidencia de la pobreza y vulnerabilidad entre los clientes de microcrédito en Colombia. Complementando lo anterior se expone un modelo que muestra el impacto del microcrédito en el PIB per cápita por municipio y el bienestar de la población. El cuarto capítulo, por su parte, describe cómo se ha transformado la oferta de las entidades microfinancieras en diferentes zonas geográficas y examina las reacciones de los proveedores de crédito que operan en los mercados locales frente a la entrada-salida de nuevos competidores. Asimismo, estudia las características de los mercados locales que pueden influenciar las decisiones de las entidades financieras respecto a su red de oficinas. Finalmente, el capítulo quinto presenta una reseña de las quince entidades pertenecientes a Asomicrofinanzas que compartieron sus microdatos para la realización de este trabajo. A lo largo del libro también encontrarán cinco recuadros que complementan los análisis descritos. Los temas abordados incluyen el estado de los micronegocios en Colombia, el uso de métodos alternativos de scoring, los indicadores sociales para la industria microfinanciera, la oferta de microseguros por parte de entidades del sector y su rol en la inclusión financiera de migrantes

    Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: An Integrative Analysis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) constitutes the most prominent form of dementia among elderly individuals worldwide. Disease modeling using murine transgenic mice was first initiated thanks to the discovery of heritable mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilins (PS) genes. However, due to the repeated failure of translational applications from animal models to human patients, along with the recent advances in genetic susceptibility and our current understanding on disease biology, these models have evolved over time in an attempt to better reproduce the complexity of this devastating disease and improve their applicability. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview about the major pathological elements of human AD (plaques, tauopathy, synaptic damage, neuronal death, neuroinflammation and glial dysfunction), discussing the knowledge that available mouse models have provided about the mechanisms underlying human disease. Moreover, we highlight the pros and cons of current models, and the revolution offered by the concomitant use of transgenic mice and omics technologies that may lead to a more rapid improvement of the present modeling batterThis research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (ISCiii) of Spain, cofinanced by FEDER funds from European Union, through grants PI21/00915 (to AG) and PI21/00914 (to JV); by JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA CONSEJERÍA DE ECONOMÍA Y CONOCIMIENTO through grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (to AG), UMA20-FEDERJA-104 (to IMG), P18-RT-2233 (to AG) and US-1262734 (to JV) co-financed by Programa Operativo FEDER 2014–2020 and CONSEJERIA DE SALUD grant PI-0276-2018 (to JAGL); by SPANISH MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION grant PID2019-108911RA-100 (to DBV), BEATRIZ GALINDO PROGRAM BAGAL18/00052 (to DBV), Alzheimer Association AARG-22-928219 (to DBV), grant PID2019-107090RA-100 (to IMG) and RAMON Y CAJAL PROGRAM RYC-2017-21879 (to IMG); and by MALAGA UNIVERSITY grant B1-2019_07 (to ESM), grant B1-2020_04 (to JAGL), grant B1-2019_06 (to IMG) and NASARD grant 27565 2018 (to IMG). M.M.-O. held a predoctoral contract from Malaga University, J.J.F.-V. held a postdoctoral contract from Malaga University, and E.S.-M. a postdoctoral contract (DOC_00251) from Junta de Andalucia. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga