1,729 research outputs found

    1-methylcyclopropeneand storage temperature effect in postharvest of mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.) var. Arrayana

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    La producción de mandarina dentro del grupo de los cítricos tiene un aporte significativo en Colombia. El uso del 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) inhibe la acción del etileno y es una práctica común para prolongar la vida poscosecha de productos perecederos. En frutos cítricos, especialmente en mandarina var. Arrayana, no se tiene caracterizado el efecto del 1-MCP en combinación con temperatura de almacenamiento. Por tanto, es importante establecer el efecto del 1-MCP y de la temperatura de almacenamiento sobre el comportamiento poscosecha del fruto de mandarina (Citrus reticulata L.) var. Arrayana cosechados en madurez comercial. Para este estudio se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar (DCA) con arreglo factorial 3 x 2: con temperaturas de almacenamiento de 6, 12 y 18°C (ambiente) como primer factor y la presencia o ausencia de 1-MCP (0,5 μL L-1 con 2 h de tratamiento) como segundo factor. Se midieron las variables sólidos solubles totales, tasa respiratoria, acidez total titulable, firmeza, clorofila total e índice de color cada 7 días durante 34 días de almacenamiento. A los 22 días de almacenamiento, independientemente de la aplicación de 1-MCP, el tratamiento a 12°C estimula cambios en la coloración de la epidermis, mayor degradación de clorofilas y mayor índice de color. A esta temperatura no se presenta daño por frío y no es importante la aplicación de 1-MCP. No obstante, a temperaturas menores (6°C) la conservación es mayor, el desverdizado es lento y se presenta menor índice de color, lo que conlleva a mayor tiempo de conservación. De acuerdo con los resultados, la temperatura de 12°C es adecuada para el desverdizado de mandarina var. Arrayana hasta los 22 días de almacenamiento, y 6°C es una temperatura alternativa para almacenamientos más prolongados, hasta de 34 días; manejos poscosecha no reportados anteriormente para esta variedad.Mandarin accounts for a significant part of citrus production in Colombia. The use of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) inhibits the action of ethylene and constitutes a common practice for extending the postharvest life of perishable products. In citrus fruits, especially tangerine var. Arrayana, the effect of 1-MCP in combination with storage temperature has not been characterized. It is therefore important to establish the effect of these two combined factors on the postharvest behavior of mandarin fruits (Citrus reticulata L.) var. Arrayana harvested at commercial maturity. A completely randomized design with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement was employed for the study: the first factor corresponded to storage temperatures of 6, 12 and 18°C (room temperature), while the second factor was the presence or absence of 1-MCP (0,5 μL L-1 for two hours). The fruits were kept in storage room for a period of 34 days, during which total soluble solids, respiratory rate, total titratable acidity, firmness, total chlorophyll and color index were assessed every 7 days. After 22 days of storage, and regardless of the application of 1-MCP, 12°C treatment stimulate fruit skin discoloration and increased chlorophyll degradation and color index. At this temperature, no frost damage occurred and the application of 1-MCP was not important. However, at temperatures below 6°C, lower degreening and color index values were observed, thus leading to longer shelf life times. According to the results, 12°C is a suitable temperatur for the degreening of tangerine var. Arrayana until 22 days of storage; and 6°C is an alternative temperature for longer storage times, up to 34 days. No postharvest management had been previously reported for this variety.Fil: Gómez, Carlos A.. Universidad Nacional de ColombiaFil: Herrera, Aníbal O.. Universidad Nacional de ColombiaFil: Flórez, Víctor J.. Universidad Nacional de Colombi

    Environmental transcriptome analysis reveals physiological differences between biofilm and planktonic modes of life of the iron oxidizing bacteria Leptospirillum spp. in their natural microbial community

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extreme acidic environments are characterized by their high metal content and lack of nutrients (oligotrophy). Macroscopic biofilms and filaments usually grow on the water-air interface or under the stream attached to solid substrates (streamers). In the Río Tinto (Spain), brown filaments develop under the water stream where the Gram-negative iron-oxidizing bacteria <it>Leptospirillum </it>spp. (<it>L. ferrooxidans </it>and <it>L. ferriphilum</it>) and <it>Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans </it>are abundant. These microorganisms play a critical role in bioleaching processes for industrial (biominery) and environmental applications (acid mine drainage, bioremediation). The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological differences between the free living (planktonic) and the sessile (biofilm associated) lifestyles of <it>Leptospirillum </it>spp. as part of its natural extremely acidophilic community.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total RNA extracted from environmental samples was used to determine the composition of the metabolically active members of the microbial community and then to compare the biofilm and planktonic environmental transcriptomes by hybridizing to a genomic microarray of <it>L. ferrooxidans</it>. Genes up-regulated in the filamentous biofilm are involved in cellular functions related to biofilm formation and maintenance, such as: motility and quorum sensing (<it>mqsR, cheAY, fliA, motAB</it>), synthesis of cell wall structures (<it>lnt, murA, murB</it>), specific proteases (<it>clpX/clpP</it>), stress response chaperons (<it>clpB, clpC, grpE-dnaKJ, groESL</it>), etc. Additionally, genes involved in mixed acid fermentation (<it>poxB</it>, <it>ackA</it>) were up-regulated in the biofilm. This result, together with the presence of small organic acids like acetate and formate (1.36 mM and 0.06 mM respectively) in the acidic (pH 1.8) water stream, suggests that either <it>L. ferrooxidans </it>or other member of the microbial community are producing acetate in the acidophilic biofilm under microaerophilic conditions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that the acidophilic filaments are dynamic structures in which different mechanisms for biofilm formation/dispersion are operating. Specific transcriptomic fingerprints can be inferred for both planktonic and sessile cells, having the former a more active TCA cycle, while the mixed acid fermentation process dominate in the latter. The excretion of acetate may play a relevant ecological role as a source of electron donor for heterotrophic Fe<sup>3+ </sup>reducers like some Alphaproteobacteria, <it>Acidobacterium </it>spp. and <it>Sulfobacillus </it>spp., also present in the biofilm. Additionally, acetate may have a negative effect on bioleaching by inhibiting the growth of chemolithotrophic bacteria.</p

    Inequality in mortality in pre-industrial Southern Europe during an epidemic episode : socio-economic determinants (eighteenth - nineteenth centuries Spain)

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    The objective of this study is to gain more comprehensive knowledge about social inequality in mortality in pre-industrial periods. With this aim, we have reconstructed the life courses of the inhabitants of the town of Vera in south-east Spain for the period 1797-1812 in order to estimate the influence of socio-economic status on ordinary and extraordinary mortality, given that, during this period, the town suffered from several epidemic outbreaks of yellow fever. As a result of these outbreaks, around a quarter of the town's population died. The results obtained indicate social inequality in mortality at least from the end of the eighteenth century. Although the differences are higher in mortality caused by non-infectious diseases or ill-defined causes, the coefficients also show a certain social gradient in mortality derived from infectious diseases. However, with respect to this latter type of mortality, the place of residence - seems to have a greater influence on the chances of survival than socio-economic status

    Austenite grain abnormal growth in the microalloyed steel SSIVlnSiVSS and determination of driving and pinning forces

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    11 páginas, 14 figuras, 3 tablas.[ES] Se fabricaron varias coladas del acero 38MnSiVS5 con diferentes contenidos de titanio y aluminio, y se determinó el tamaño del grano austenítico a temperaturas comprendidas entre 900 y 1.200 °C. Se cuantificaron las fracciones de volumen de crecimiento normal y anormal, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que el crecimiento anormal del grano austenítico ocurre independientemente de los contenidos de titanio y aluminio, debido, fundamentalmente, a la disolución parcial de los precipitados TiN. Aquellos aceros con porcentajes altos de aluminio mostraron un peor comportamiento debido a que la formación de un segundo tipo de precipitados, concretamente AIN, y su pronta disolución entre 1.000 y 1.100 °C, ocasiona un descenso drástico en las fuerzas de anclaje locales, lo que produce un crecimiento anormal más pronunciado de los granos afectados. Paralelamente, se realizó un estudio de los precipitados por Microscopía de Transmisión y de Barrido (MTB), que permitió calcular las fuerzas de anclaje de acuerdo con las expresiones de Zener y Gladman y establecer una comparación con las fuerzas impulsoras de crecimiento de grano. Dicha comparación permite explicar las diferencias encontradas entre las distintas coladas.[EN] Several castings of 38MnSiVS5 steel have been manufactured with different titanium and aluminium contents and the austenitic grain size has been determined at temperatures between 900 and 1200 °C. The volume fraction of normal and abnormal grain growth have been quantified. The results show that abnormal growth of the austenitic grain occurs irrespective of the titanium and aluminium contents, due fundamentally to the partial dissolution of TiN precipitates. The steels with high aluminium contents have presented worse behaviour due to the formation of a second type of precipitates, namely AIN, which quickly dissolve between 1000 and 1100 °C, causing a drastic decline in the local pinning forces which gives rise to more pronounced abnormal growth of the affected grains. In parallel, a study of the precipitates has been carried out by transmission and scanning microscopy, allowing the calculation of pinning forces according to Zener and Gladman expressions and the establishment of a comparison with driving forces. This comparison makes it possible to explain the differences encountered between the different castings.Los autores desean expresar su agradecimiento al Programa Europeo CECA por la financiación de los trabajos realizados en el marco del proyecto ECSC 7210 - KA/936.Peer reviewe

    Comparativa del uso de HLLs en FPGA, GPU y Multicore para la aceleración de una aplicación de red IP

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    Afrontar la creación de aplicaciones a partir de lenguajes de alto nivel (High Level Lenguajes - HLLs) tiene la incuestionable ventaja de reducir el tiempo de desarrollo. Con ello, es viable una evaluación anticipada del prototipo para conocer cuanto antes si se alcanza el rendimiento especificado como objetivo. En este trabajo se han utilizando tres tecnologías de aceleración: multicore, coprocesador gráfico y coprocesador reconfigurable, que aprovechan el procesamiento paralelo, y se ha realizado una discusión crítica de su experiencia de uso a través de abstracciones de alto nivel. Las soluciones basadas en el uso de coprocesadores no sólo han aportado un nivel de rendimiento superior a la aplicación que se deseaba acelerar, sino que con vista al sistema final en producción, estas alternativas son especialmente interesantes por dejar libres los cores de procesamiento para la realización de las operaciones de envío/recepción en la red de comunicaciones

    The influence of urban wastes on the interstitial water chemistry in coastal marine sediments of Cadiz Bay

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    The authors determined, with visual profiles, the concentration of nutrients (i.e. ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and silica), inorganic carbon and sulphate in the interstitial water of Cadiz Bay, as well as organic carbon in sediment, using samples from three stations on Sancti Petri sound. These three stations suffer from different contamination levels due to untreated urban wastewater. Our results show a degradation of the organic matter, principally in the first 30 cm of sediment. These concentration changes are important in the superficial water layer, indicating the efficiency of aerobic oxidation, the organic matter's principal mineralisation mechanism. Two stations, those nearest to the waste point, had the highest organic carbon concentrations in their sediment, as well as the highest vertical gradients of nutrient concentrations in their interstitial water. Sulphate reduction is the principal mechanism involved in the oxidation of organic matter. On the other hand, at the other station studied, with lower organic carbon levels, the gradients were smoother.Se han caracterizado los perfiles verticales en el agua intersticial de las concentraciones de nutrientes (amonio, nitrato, fosfato y silicato), carbono inorgánico y sulfato, así como de carbono orgánico en el sedimento en tres estaciones del caño de Sancti Petri, sujetas a distinto grado de contaminación por vertidos urbanos sin depurar. Analizando globalmente las variaciones con la profundidad de las concentraciones de las distintas especies estudiadas, se puede afirmar que existe una degradación continuada de la materia orgánica, al menos, en los primeros 30 cm del sedimento. Esta hipótesis se encuentra reforzada por la propia disminución de la concentración de carbono orgánico en el sedimento con la profundidad. Estos cambios de concentración son especialmente acusados en la lámina de agua más superficial, poniendo de manifiesto la eficiencia de la oxidación aeróbica como mecanismo de mineralización de la materia orgánica. Las dos estaciones más próximas al vertido, que poseen concentraciones de carbono orgánico más elevadas en el sedimento, presentan también mayores gradientes verticales de concentración de nutrientes en el agua intersticial, y la sulfatorreducción adquiere una mayor importancia relativa como vía de oxidación de la materia orgánica. Por el contrario, en la estación situada en el extremo sur del caño, menos afectada por los aportes de materia orgánica, se observan gradientes más suaves.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Teleoperación de Instrumentos Quirúrgicos Articulados

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    En este trabajo se describe la plataforma CISOBOT, desarrollada por la Universidad de Málaga para intervenciones de cirugía mínimamente invasiva, así como su ampliación a través del diseño mecatrónico de un instrumento motorizado que permite mover el extremo de este. El objetivo de esta plataforma es el estudio de nuevos algoritmos de control que permitan la teleoperación bilateral y el empleo de guiado hápticoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Gut microbiota, diet, and obesity-related disorders - The good, the bad, and the future challenges

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    Diet has been shown to be a major factor in modulating the structure of the mammalian gut microbiota by providing specific nutrient sources and inducing environmental changes (pH, bile acids) in the gut ecosystem. Long-term dietary patterns and short-term interventions have been shown to induce changes in gut microbiota structure and function, with several studies revealing metabolic changes likely resulting from the host microbiota cross-talk, which ultimately could influence host physiology. However, a more precise identification of the specific dietary patterns and food constituents that effectively modulate the gut microbiota and bring a predictable benefit to the host metabolic phenotype is needed to establish microbiome-based dietary recommendations. Here, we briefly review the existing data regarding gut microbiota changes induced by different macronutrients and the resulting metabolites produced via their respective fermentation, including their potential effects on obesity and associated metabolic disorders. We also discuss major limitations of current dietary intervention studies as well as future needs of applying cutting-edge “omic” techniques and of progressing in functional microbiota gene discovery to establish robust causal relationships between the dietary microbiota induced changes and metabolic health or disease.This works is supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program under the grant agreement no 613979 (MyNewGut) and grant AGL2014-52101-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain). The FPU scholarship of V. Cerrudo from MECD (Spain) is fully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Automatic Personality Assessment through Movement Analysis

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    Obtaining accurate and objective assessments of an individual’s personality is vital in many areas including education, medicine, sports and management. Currently, most personality assessments are conducted using scales and questionnaires. Unfortunately, it has been observed that both scales and questionnaires present various drawbacks. Their limitations include the lack of veracity in the answers, limitations in the number of times they can be administered, or cultural biases. To solve these problems, several articles have been published in recent years proposing the use of movements that participants make during their evaluation as personality predictors. In this work, a multiple linear regression model was developed to assess the examinee’s personality based on their movements. Movements were captured with the low-cost Microsoft Kinect camera, which facilitates its acceptance and implementation. To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, a pilot study was conducted aimed at assessing the personality traits defined by the Big-Five Personality Model. It was observed that the traits that best fit the model are Extroversion and Conscientiousness. In addition, several patterns that characterize the five personality traits were identified. These results show that it is feasible to assess an individual’s personality through his or her movements and open up pathways for several research.This research was partially funded by the Spanish National Project, grant number RTI2018- 101857-B-I00. Additionally, by Instituto Salud Carlos III, grant number DTS21/00091. It has been also partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-114911GB-I00