1,709 research outputs found

    Rediseño de estación didáctica para control de caudal y nivel

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    La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, dentro del programa de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, cuenta con una estación didáctica para control de caudal y nivel, que fue diseñada por egresados del programa de Ingeniería Mecatrónica. Esta estación brinda un entorno físico de aprendizaje; permitiendo afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos durante los temas vistos en el transcurso de diversas asignaturas teórico/practicas. La estación cuenta con sensores y actuadores de muy buena calidad facilitando un control adecuado de nuestras variables. Estos sensores funcionan como los ojos de los estudiantes y los actuadores como los músculos que generan la acción. Los estudiantes se encargan de poner su conocimiento a prueba al garantizar que haya una buena comunicación entre sensores y actuadores con el fin de realizar un control óptimo de la variable. El correcto funcionamiento de estos sistemas didácticos es de vital importancia para la buena fundamentación y preparación de ingenieros mecatrónicos en los ámbitos de instrumentación, visualización y control de procesos industriales por lo que se hace necesario que tengan altos índices de confiabilidad en las magnitudes entregadas

    Independent and joined association between socioeconomic indicators and pediatric obesity in Spain: the PASOS Study

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    [Abstract]: Introduction: Childhood obesity is a public health problem worldwide. An important determinant of child and adolescent obesity is socioeconomic status (SES). However, the magnitude of the impact of different SES indicators on pediatric obesity on the Spanish population scale is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the association between three SES indicators and obesity in a nationwide, representative sample of Spanish children and adolescents. A total of 2791 boys and girls aged 8 to 16 years old were included. Their weight, height, and waist circumference were measured. SES was assessed using two parent/legal guardian self-reported indicators (educational level -University/non- University- and labor market status -Employed/Unemployed-). As a third SES indicator, the annual mean income per person was obtained from the census section where the participating schools were located (_12.731 /<12.731 ). The prevalence of obesity, severe obesity, and abdominal obesity was 11.5%, 1.4%, and 22.3%, respectively. Logistic regression models showed an inverse association of both education and labor market status with obesity, severe obesity, and abdominal obesity (all p < 0.001). Income was also inversely associated with obesity (p < 0.01) and abdominal obesity (p < 0.001). Finally, the highest composite SES category (University/Employed/_12.731 n = 517) showed a robust and inverse association with obesity (OR = 0.28; 95% CI: 0.16–0.48), severe obesity (OR = 0.20; 95% CI: 0.05–0.81), and abdominal obesity (OR = 0.36; 95% CI: 0.23–0.54) in comparison with the lowest composite SES category (Less than University/Unemployed/<12.731 ; n = 164). No significant interaction between composite SES categories and age and gender was found. SES is strongly associated with pediatric obesity in Spain.The PASOS study was funded by Fundación PROBITAS (2019) and the Gasol Foundation (2019-2020). Additional funds were received from the Barça Foundation (2019-2020), Banco Santander (2019), IFA (2019-2020), Vienna (2019), and the Fundación Deporte Joven (2019) (no references are applicable). J.A.T., M.G.-G. and C.B. are funding by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038, which are co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund

    Reconocimiento de especies de anuros por sus cantos, en archivos de audio, mediante técnicas de procesamiento digital de señales

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    El reconocimiento automático de vocalizaciones animales es considerado como una valiosa herramienta para una gran variedad de investigaciones biológicas y aplicaciones de monitoreo ambiental. Se propone un sistema automático que puede reconocer las vocalizaciones de cuatro especies de anuros, mediante sus cantos capturados en campo y convertidos en archivos de audio digital. La primera etapa la componen las salidas de campo para la consecución de los cantos. Para el desarrollo del sistema de reconocimiento, primero se realiza una etapa de preproceso, que aplica un filtro sobre los datos arrojados por el espectrograma, después de la cual se extraen las características que serán las entradas de dos clasificadores, Bayesiano y red neuronal Back-propagation, este último, entrenado con una técnica de optimización numérica de tipo quasi-newton. Los resultados muestran el futuro promisorio del despliegue de una serie de sistemas de monitoreo ambiental basados en el análisis no intrusivo de las vocalizaciones animales

    Primeiro eu, depois os meus e de últimos os outros? Confiança e ação coletiva: desafios e políticas públicas.

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    Trust and collective action, as attributes of community, explain basic and harmonious social relationships. However, exploiting vulnerabilities that some individuals and groups run in terms of obtaining profits, not only unbalances social harmony because they build interest and fear relationships, but they make necessary the State intervention in public policy matters. This brief defends the role of trust and collective action as basic attributes for sociability construction and puts over the table some of the main challenges that such attributes face on a daily basis. Therefore, in a first stage it explains the trust concept and, then, in the second and third stage, it declares two big enemies that are configured in terms of trap and criminal loyalties, respectively. Finally, in the last paragraph it stresses in the advantages of trust and collective action in terms of social capital and in the necessary role of public policies that, instead of destroying such capital in its design and implementation, they take advantage for social welfare.La confianza y la acción colectiva, como atributos de comunidad, explican relaciones sociales básicas y armoniosas. No obstante, la explotación de vulnerabilidades que algunos individuos y grupos ejecutan en función de la obtención de ganancias, no sólo desequilibran la armonía social porque construyen relaciones de interés y miedo, sino que hacen necesaria la intervención del Estado en materia de políticas públicas. Este artículo defiende el papel de la confianza y la acción colectiva como atributos básicos para la construcción de sociabilidad y pone sobre la mesa algunos de los principales retos a los que cotidianamente se enfrentan tales atributos. Para ello se explica el concepto de confianza y, luego, se abordan dos grandes enemigos que se configuran en materia de trampa y lealtades criminales. Al final, se insiste en las bondades de la confianza y la acción colectiva como formas de capital social&nbsp; &nbsp;en el necesario papel de las políticas públicas que, en vez de destruir tal capital en su diseño y aplicación, lo aprovechen para el bienestar social.La confiance et l’action collective, comme attributs de la communauté, expliquent les relations sociales communes et harmonieuses. Toutefois, l’exploitation des vulnérabilités que certains individus et groupes exécutent en fonction de l’obtention des bénéfices, créent un déséquilibre non seulement eu égard de l’harmonie sociale parce qu’ils construisent des relations d’intérêt et de crainte, mais aussi parce qu’elles rendent nécessaire l’intervention de l’État en matière de politiques publiques. Cet article défend le rôle de la confiance et l’action collective comme des attributs de base pour la construction de la sociabilité et apporte au débat certains défis principaux auxquels doivent faire face ces attributs. Ainsi, l’article explique dans un premier temps la notion de confiance et, par la suite, vise deux grands ennemis participant aux pièges et complicités criminelles. Enfin, la dernière section insiste sur les vertus de la confiance et de l’action collective comme des formes de capital social, ainsi que sur le rôle nécessaire des politiques publiques ayant pour but de mettre en avant le bien-être social.A confiança e a ação coletiva, como atributos de comunidade, explicam relações sociais básicas e harmoniosas. Porém, a exploração de vulnerabilidades que alguns indivíduos e grupos executam em função da obtenção de ganhos, não só desequilibra a harmonia social porque constrói relações de interesse e medo, mas também faze necessária a intervenção do Estado em matéria de políticas públicas. Este artigo defende o papel da confiança e a ação coletiva como atributos básicos para a construção de sociabilidade e apresenta alguns dos principais desafios aos que diariamente se enfrentam esses atributos. Assim, inicialmente se explica o conceito de confiança e, depois, num segundo e terceiro momento, declaram-se dois grandes inimigos que se configuram em matéria de armadilha e lealdades criminais, respectivamente. Finalmente, na última parte se insiste nas vantagens da confiança e a ação coletiva como formas de capital social e no necessário papel de políticas públicas que, em vez de destruir tal capital em seu projeto e aplicação, o aproveitem para o bem- estar social

    Implementación de tecnología robótica (RPA) en procesos logísticos. Caso de estudio : organización de servicios petroleros

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    En busca de mejores oportunidades asociadas con el consumo de recursos humanos y económicos, los elementos asociados con el tiempo no productivo se han evidenciado como un factor influyente en los gastos operativos para llevar a cabo tareas que pueden ser repetitivas y que presentan un alto margen de error. En estas tareas, se pueden identificar oportunidades para aprovechar el talento humano centrado en la toma de decisiones y una mayor relación con el cliente. A lo largo de este documento, se identificaron aquellas actividades susceptibles de automatización en los procesos logísticos, buscando el éxito en la implementación de una plataforma de automatización para estos procesos. Se encontró un subproceso adecuado en la empresa seleccionada a través de cuatro fases: caracterización de les procesos en la empresa con un diagrama SIPOC, selección del proceso para automatizar utilizando plantillas de medición, viabilidad de la automatización y control del diseño expuesto. Donde la programación de un Bot sirvió de base para el análisis de factibilidad e implementación de tecnología y medición del impacto esperado. Los resultados relevantes se obtuvieron como beneficio en el retorno de la inversión, ahorro en tiempo y beneficio en errores.In search of finding better opportunities associated with the consumption of human and economic resources, elements associated with non-productive time have been evidenced as an influential factor in operational expenditure for carrying out tasks that can be repetitive and that present a high margin of error. In these tasks. opportunities can be identified to take advantage of human talent focused on decision-making and greater relationship with the Client. Throughout this document. those activities susceptible to automation in logistics processes were identified. seeking success in the implementation of an automation platform for these processes. A suitable subprocess was found in the selected company through four phases: characterization of the processes in the company with a S/POC diagram. selection oi the process to automate using measurement templates, feasibility of the automation and control of the exposed design. Where the programming of a Bot, served as a basis for the analysis of feasibility and implementation of technology and measurement of the expected impact. Relevant results were obtained as a benefit in return on investment, savings in time and benefit in errors.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Functional Neurogenomics: A New Approach to Study Cognitive Disability in Down Syndrome Brain

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    Functional neurogenomics is the interface between neurosciences knowledge and Omics sciences data. It characterizes, identifies, and analyzes expression of genes involved in the function of several structures of brain and cognition. Its major goal is to understand the main pathways of brain function, plasticity, and the etiopathogenesis of brain diseases. We have done an integrate analysis of global brain gene expression linked to cognitive disability in Down syndrome. It is a new approach to better understand the control of complex brain networks of gene expression involved in this syndrome. The objective of the chapter is to present computationally simulate data of global expression of 108 genes associated with cognitive disability and neuroplasticity from DNA microarray experiments of postmortem brain from normal controls and patients with Down syndrome. Some genes that were studied are involved in metabolic process and also promote hippocampal plasticity; interventions reawaken the neural plasticity may permit improved cognition. One of the striking findings was that some of the causes of dysregulation appear to result in the brain being trapped in an immature state of synaptic development. Understanding the functional neurogenomics of Down syndrome brain, emerge a new scenario to partially overcome cognitive disability through new prospective genomic therapies

    Performing simulated basic life support without seeing: blind vs. blindfolded people

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    Previous pilot experience has shown the ability of visually impaired and blind people (BP) to learn basic life support (BLS), but no studies have compared their abilities with blindfolded people (BFP) after participating in the same instructor-led, real-time feedback training. Twenty-nine BP and 30 BFP participated in this quasi-experimental trial. Training consisted of a 1 h theoretical and practical training session with an additional 30 min afterwards, led by nurses with prior experience in BLS training of various collectives. Quantitative quality of chest compressions (CC), AED use and BLS sequence were evaluated by means of a simulation scenario. BP’s median time to start CC was less than 35 s. Global and specific components of CC quality were similar between groups, except for compression rate (BFP: 123.4 + 15.2 vs. BP: 110.8 + 15.3 CC/min; p = 0.002). Mean compression depth was below the recommended target in both groups, and optimal CC depth was achieved by 27.6% of blind and 23.3% of blindfolded people (p = 0.288). Time to discharge was significantly longer in BFP than BP (86.0 + 24.9 vs. 66.0 + 27.0 s; p = 0.004). Thus, after an adapted and short training program, blind people were revealed to have abilities comparable to those of blindfolded people in learning and performing the BLS sequence and CCS