3,046 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Infection among Nursing Students in Spain: The Risk Perception, Perceived Risk Factors, Coping Style, Preventive Knowledge of the Disease and Sense of Coherence as Psychological Predictor Variables: A Cross Sectional Survey

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    The exploration of patterns of health beliefs about COVID-19 among nursing students may be beneficial to identify behaviors, attitudes and knowledge about contagion risk. We sought to analyze the variables of risk perception, perceived risk factors, coping style, sense of coherence and knowledge of preventive measures as possible predictors of having suffered from COVID-19. Participants were nursing students from 13 universities in Spain. Sociodemographic and health variables were collected. To test the independent variables, the Perception Risk Coping Knowledge (PRCK-COVID-19) scale was created and validated because there was no specific survey for young people adapted to the pandemic situation of COVID-19. It was validated with adequate psychometric properties. A total of 1562 students (87.5% female, mean age 21.5 +/- 5.7 years) responded. The high perception of the risk of contagion, the high level of knowledge and a coping style focused on the situation were notable. Significant differences by gender were found in the coping styles, problem-focused, avoidance and knowledge scales, with women scoring higher in all categories. The multiple regression analysis was significant (F = 3.68; p < 0.001). The predictor variables were the coping styles subscale search for support and the intrinsic and extrinsic perceived risk factors. Our model predicts that nursing students with a social support-based coping style are at a higher risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, based on their own health belief model

    Characterization of the accessible genome in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Human malaria is a devastating disease and a major cause of poverty in resource-limited countries. To develop and adapt within hosts Plasmodium falciparum undergoes drastic switches in gene expression. To identify regulatory regions in the parasite genome, we performed genome-wide profiling of chromatin accessibility in two culture-adapted isogenic subclones at four developmental stages during the intraerythrocytic cycle by using the Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (ATAC-seq). Tn5 transposase hypersensitivity sites (THSSs) localize preferentially at transcriptional start sites (TSSs). Chromatin accessibility by ATAC-seq is predictive of active transcription and of the levels of histone marks H3K9ac and H3K4me3. Our assay allows the identification of novel regulatory regions including TSS and enhancer-like elements. We show that the dynamics in the accessible chromatin profile matches temporal transcription during development. Motif analysis of stage-specific ATAC-seq sites predicts the in vivo binding sites and function of multiple ApiAP2 transcription factors. At last, the alternative expression states of some clonally variant genes (CVGs), including eba, phist, var and clag genes, associate with a differential ATAC-seq signal at their promoters. Altogether, this study identifies genome-wide regulatory regions likely to play an essential function in the developmental transitions and in CVG expression in P. falciparum

    Effects of the Ketogenic Diet on Muscle Hypertrophy in Resistance-Trained Men and Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Reviews focused on the ketogenic diet (KD) based on the increase in fat-free mass (FFM) have been carried out with pathological populations or, failing that, without population differentiation. The aim of this review and meta-analysis was to verify whether a ketogenic diet without programmed energy restriction generates increases in fat-free mass (FFM) in resistance-trained participants. We evaluated the effect of the ketogenic diet, in conjunction with resistance training, on fat-free mass in trained participants. Boolean algorithms from various databases (PubMed, Scopus. and Web of Science) were used, and a total of five studies were located that related to both ketogenic diets and resistance-trained participants. In all, 111 athletes or resistance-trained participants (87 male and 24 female) were evaluated in the studies analyzed. We found no significant differences between groups in the FFM variables, and more research is needed to perform studies with similar ketogenic diets and control diet interventions. Ketogenic diets, taking into account the possible side effects, can be an alternative for increasing muscle mass as long as energy surplus is generated; however, their application for eight weeks or more without interruption does not seem to be the best option due to the satiety and lack of adherence generated.University of Malaga (Campus of International Excellence Andalucia Tech

    Transmedia Storytelling: explorando su uso en la educación

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    Les narratives transmèdia han transformatla manera en què s’imparteix la docència. Ésen aquest context on estudiants i professorspoden expressar les seves experiències i lesseves opinions utilitzant diverses eines decreació de continguts que comparteixen enun mateix entorn, majoritàriament, online.Actualment, es poden trobar estudis quedonen suport als beneficis de l’storytellingen l’educació. L’objectiu d’aquest article ésrespondre a la pregunta: com d’eficaç ésl’ús de la narració transmèdia en l’educació?Pretenem verificar la seva efectivitat enels processos d’ensenyament, per això s’harealitzat una revisió bibliogràfica sota elsegüent objectiu específic: identificar coms’està implementant en l’educació.Transmedia narratives have transformed the manner in which teaching is carried out. In this context, students and teachers can express their experiences and opinions using various content creation tools shared on a most online environment. Currently, studies ara available that support the advantages of storytelling in education. Tha aim of this article is to answer the question: How effective is the use of transmedia narration in education? We intend to verify its efficiency in teaching processes. For this, we have completed a bibliography review, with the specific objective of identifyng how this is being implemented in education.Las narrativas transmedia han transformado la forma en que se imparte la docencia. En este contexto los estudiantes y profesores pueden expresar sus experiencias y sus opiniones utilizando diversas herramientas de creación de contenido compartidas en un entorno mayoritariamente online. Actualmente, se pueden encontrar estudios que apoyan los beneficios del storytelling en la educación. El objetivo de este artículo es responder a la pregunta: ¿cuán eficaz es el uso de la narración transmedia en la educación? Pretendemos verificar su efectividad en los procesos de enseñanza. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica, con el objetivo específico de identificar cómo se está implementando en la educación

    Game jams as valuable tools for the development of 21st-century skills

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    The concept of 21st-century skills refers to the knowledge, skills, and emotions that are critical to successfully navigating today’s world. Game jams can act as spaces to develop these skills and thus boost cooperative learning, problem-based learning, or co-creation. Additionally, game jams offer opportunities to improve collaboration and creativity skills, among others. This paper summarizes three years of activities designing and studying game jams to develop 21st-century skills, focused on Mexican students aged 12–16 years old. Data were compiled through direct observation, open-ended questionnaires, and interviews and were subject to thematic analysis in order to construct new knowledge on a previously underexplored topic. The results suggest that game jams are valuable tools to develop 21st-century skills, and, although the outcomes of skill evaluation may vary and may be difficult to verify, the participants reported increased skills, such as creativity or collaboration. Finally, this paper provides recommendations based on the research and practice conducted by the authors on how to use game jams to develop 21st-century skills and different ways to organize game jams, along with the resources neededPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Filosofía y poesía en Hölderlin

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    No puede entenderse la poesía de Hölderlin sin el diálogo que éste establece con la tradición filosófica, en especial con autores como Platón, Spinoza, Kant, Schiller o Fichte. Sin embargo, para el poeta alemán la filosofía acaba mostrando sus insuficiencias frente a la poesía: mientras que la intuición intelectual es inalcanzable por vía racional y filosófica, ésta puede alcanzarse a través de lo estético. Con todo, la propia evolución de la obra del poeta alemán le lleva a éste a cuestionar la posibilidad de que la poesía pueda ser una respuesta definitiva a las escisiones que separan al yo de la naturaleza, de los otros y de sí mismo. En este contexto, cobra una gran importancia el tema del alejamiento de los dioses, que no sólo supone probablemente una versión débil de la muerte de Dios, entre la nostalgia y la espera, sino asimismo una advertencia contra todo intento de encarnar el puesto vacante de la divinidad

    Functions and Characteristics of Music in Sound Fiction in the Case of RNE and Podium Podcast

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    The objective of this article is to know the importance of music whitin sound fiction on RTVE and Podium Podcast. With a mixed methodological approach, qualitative in terms of observation and interpretation of data and quantitative in terms of data collection, analysis, statistics and comparisons. The musical part is evaluated according to its internal function, external function, sound planes, musical, psychoacoustic and emotional resources. Our field of study focuses on two cases in particular with some characteristics that make them special, such as Guerra 3 (Podium Podcast) and In Cold Blood, Truman Capote from RNE, a live production proposal where the sound is released on site. The expected result of the study emphasizes the added value that music represents in sound fiction, as well as reviewing the temporal and introductory ellipses. The conclusions obtained confirm music as an added value. A decadence of diegetic music is observed due to the absence of image as well as the importance of the use of silence./nEl objetivo de este artículo es conocer la importancia de la música dentro de la ficción sonora en RTVE y Podium Podcast. Con un enfoque metodológico mixto, cualitativo en cuanto a la observación e interpretación de datos y cuantitativo en cuanto a recolección de datos, análisis, estadísticas y comparativas. Se evalúa la parte musical según su función interna, función externa, planos sonoros, recursos musicales, psicoacústicos y emocionales. Nuestro campo de estudio se centra en dos casos en particular con algunas características que los hacen especiales, como Guerra 3 (Podium Podcast) y A sangre fría, Truman Capote de RNE, propuesta de realización en directo donde el sonido es lanzado in situ. El resultado del estudio acentúa el valor añadido que representa la música en la ficción sonora, así como reseñar las elipsis temporales y de carácter introductorio. Las conclusiones obtenidas confirman la música como valor añadido. Se observa una decadencia de música diegética dada por la ausencia de imagen, así como la importancia del uso del silencio

    Aplicación móvil para entrenamiento cognitivo con gafas de Realidad Aumentada y Neurofeedback

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil basada en técnicas de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada para la prevención, monitorización y tratamiento del deterioro cognitivo a partir de la información obtenida de un sistema de Neurofeedback. Primero, se estudiarán las causas y consecuencias del deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL), su tratamiento a través del entrenamiento cognitivo basado en datos obtenidos de tecnología electroencefalográfica (EEG), así como los beneficios de enmarcarlo en técnicas de Realidad Virtual y Aumentada. Posteriormente, se compararán las distintas tecnologías existentes de Realidad Virtual, Realidad Aumentada y Neurofeedback, con la finalidad de elegir las más adecuadas para satisfacer los requisitos y objetivos de este proyecto. Tras este estudio, se procederá a la descripción del desarrollo de la aplicación que combinará las tecnologías elegidas y aplicará las técnicas estudiadas.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Específicas de Telecomunicació

    Vortex formation for a non-local interaction model with Newtonian repulsion and superlinear mobility

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    We consider density solutions for gradient flow equations of the form ut=(γ(u)N(u))u_t = \nabla \cdot ( \gamma(u) \nabla \mathrm N(u)), where N\mathrm N is the Newtonian repulsive potential in the whole space Rd\mathbb R^d with the nonlinear convex mobility γ(u)=uα\gamma(u)=u^\alpha, and α>1\alpha>1. We show that solutions corresponding to compactly supported initial data remain compactly supported for all times leading to moving free boundaries as in the linear mobility case γ(u)=u\gamma(u)=u. For linear mobility it was shown that there is a special solution in the form of a disk vortex of constant intensity in space u=c1t1u=c_1t^{-1} supported in a ball that spreads in time like c2t1/dc_2t^{1/d}, thus showing a discontinuous leading front or shock. Our present results are in sharp contrast with the case of concave mobilities of the form γ(u)=uα\gamma(u)=u^\alpha, with 0<α<10<\alpha<1 studied in [9]. There, we developed a well-posedness theory of viscosity solutions that are positive everywhere and moreover display a fat tail at infinity. Here, we also develop a well-posedness theory of viscosity solutions that in the radial case leads to a very detail analysis allowing us to show a waiting time phenomena. This is a typical behavior for nonlinear degenerate diffusion equations such as the porous medium equation. We will also construct explicit self-similar solutions exhibiting similar vortex-like behaviour characterizing the long time asymptotics of general radial solutions under certain assumptions. Convergent numerical schemes based on the viscosity solution theory are proposed analysing their rate of convergence. We complement our analytical results with numerical simulations ilustrating the proven results and showcasing some open problems