87 research outputs found

    Hjemmefrontens likvidasjoner i litteraturen og i avisene

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    Hjemmefrontens likvidasjoner under okkupasjonen av Norge ble ikke gjenstand for forskning fÞr pÄ 1990-tallet, grunnen til dette var blant annet at krigsveteranene med Hauge i spissen ikke Þnsket noen forskning pÄ det, og ikke minst at flere relevante arkiver har vÊrt sperret. Antallet likvidasjoner som Hjemmefronten utfÞrte er ikke skremmende hÞye, sammenlignet med andre tysk okkuperte land. Det foreligger en uenighet blant flere forfattere og historikere om antallet likvidasjoner. Det har vÊrt en klar holdningsendring til Hjemmefrontens likvidasjoner. 90-tallet er i denne sammenheng et vendepunkt for fremstillingen av Hjemmefrontens likvidasjoner. BÞkene til Ulateig og Moland er i denne oppgaven svÊrt sentrale

    Gap acceptance for left turns from the major road at unsignalized intersections

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    This paper attempts to identify factors that may influence the gap acceptance behavior of drivers who turn left from the major road at unsignalized intersections. Drivers’ accepted and rejected gaps as well as their age and gender were collected at six unsignalized intersections with both two and four lanes on the major road, with and without the presence of a Left-Turn Lane (LTL), and with both high and low Speed Limits (SLs). Whether or not a driver accepts a given gap was considered as a binary decision and correlated logit models were used to estimate the probability of accepting a gap. Models with different factors were tested and the best model was selected by the quasi-likelihood information criterion. The gap duration, the number of rejected gaps, the mean and total time interval of the rejected gaps and the gender of the driver were all significant in explaining the variation of the gap acceptance probability, whereas the number of lanes of the major road, the presence of LTL, the SL and the driver’s age category were not. Gap acceptance probability functions were determined based on the best model, including both the factors of the number of rejected gaps and the mean time interval of the rejected gaps. As the values of these two factors increase, the probability of accepting a given gap rises up. The developed model can be further applied in practice to improve the analysis of traffic operations and capacity at unsignalized intersections. First published online: 10 Jul 201

    Head-on crashes on two-way interurban roads: a public health concern in road safety

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    AbstractObjectiveTo describe the magnitude and characteristics of crashes and drivers involved in head-on crashes on two-way interurban roads in Spain between 2007 and 2012, and to identify the factors associated with the likelihood of head-on crashes on these roads compared with other types of crash.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted using the National Crash Register. The dependent variables were head-on crashes with injury (yes/no) and drivers involved in head-on crashes (yes/no). Factors associated with head-on crashes and with being a driver involved in a head-on crash versus other types of crash were studied using a multivariate robust Poisson regression model to estimate proportion ratios (PR) and confidence intervals (95% CI).ResultsThere were 9,192 head-on crashes on two-way Spanish interurban roads. A total of 15,412 men and 3,862 women drivers were involved. Compared with other types of crash, head-on collisions were more likely on roads 7 m or more wide, on road sections with curves, narrowings or drop changes, on wet or snowy surfaces, and in twilight conditions. Transgressions committed by drivers involved in head-on crashes were driving in the opposite direction and incorrectly overtaking another vehicle. Factors associated with a lower probability of head-on crashes were the existence of medians (PR=0.57; 95%CI: 0.48-0.68) and a paved shoulder of less than 1.5 meters (PR=0.81; 95%CI: 0.77-0.86) or from 1.5 to 2.45 meters (PR=0.90; 95%CI: 0.84-0.96).ConclusionsThis study allowed the characterization of crashes and drivers involved in head-on crashes on two-way interurban roads. The lower probability observed on roads with median strips point to these measures as an effective way to reduce these collision

    Fortsatta försök med rumble strips och gupp

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    "The Contrails Streaked Cleanly in the High Sky" An Ecocritical Reading of Don DeLillo's White Noise and Underworld

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    This thesis will examine the articulation, significance, and changing notion of the environment in two novels by the American author Don DeLillo: White Noise (1985) and Underworld (1997). This thesis will read DeLillo's White Noise and Underworld from an ecocritical point of view in order to explore how his texts problematize postmodernity's relation to what is natural" and constructed," how damages and dangers to our environment are perceived in this context, and how a pliant use of the term landscape" can open up a literary text for these questions

    The conversion of the upbringing concept from plan to action : A study of the Physical Education teachers upbringing role in the Swedish elementary school

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    Aim The aim of this essay is to investigate some local curriculum’s interpretation of the upbringing assignment that is expressed in Lpo 94, together with how the physical education teachers in these schools interpret and give expression to this assignment in their teaching. The questions are: ‱ How does the local curriculum interpret the upbringing assignment of the PE teachers? ‱ How does the PE teacher interpret the concept upbringing? ‱ How does the PE teacher work with the upbringing role in their daily teaching? ‱ How does the different experiences regarding to uppbringing and the schools development affect their or the PE teschers’ daily teaching? ‱ Is there any difference in the subject teacher’s upbringing role compared to the PE teacher’s? Method This study is qualitative and based on four deep individual interviews of teachers, two at the age between 25 and 35, and two at the age of 45 or older. In addition, four local curriculum’s have been investigated with consideration to upbringing. The result has been recorded and handled confidential. Due to the low number of interviewes, no general conclusions can be made from this study. Result and conclutsion The local curriculum’s have a clear value foundation, but they don’t define the upbringing concept. It’s optional for each teacher to give an individual expression to this concept. The absence of satisfactory self confidence and education lead to insecurity in the teaching staff. Individual methods and ideas control the educational upbringing in school. According to the older teachers, the development of the curriculum hasn’t changed their way of teaching, but they also mention that is up to each teacher to make the change. The interviewed physical education teachers do not experience the upbringing concept negatively, instead they think of it as a natural element in the daily teaching. The teacher’s individual concentration on the upbringing concept depends on the group of pupils, individual experience and the curriculum. An experience is that pupils with a problematic home environment, also seem to have different difficulties in the school environment.Syfte Uppsatsen har syftat till att, undersöka nĂ„gra lokala kursplaners tolkning av fostransuppdraget som uttrycks i Lpo 94 samt hur idrottslĂ€rarna pĂ„ dessa skolor sjĂ€lva tolkar och implementerar detta i sin undervisning. VĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar har varit: ‱ Vad uttrycker den lokala arbetsplanen om lĂ€rarens fostransroll? ‱ Hur tolkar idrottslĂ€raren begreppet fostran? ‱ Hur implementerar idrottslĂ€raren fostransbegreppet i sin undervisning? ‱ Hur har idrottslĂ€rarnas personliga erfarenheter med avseende pĂ„ fostran och skolans utveckling pĂ„verkat deras undervisning? ‱ Skiljer idrottslĂ€rarens fostransroll frĂ„n fostransrollen för lĂ€rare i teoretiska Ă€mnen? Metod Studien Ă€r av kvalitativ karaktĂ€r och baseras pĂ„ fyra individuella djupintervjuer av lĂ€rare. Av dessa Ă€r tvĂ„ stycken i Ă„ldrarna 25-35 Ă„r och tvĂ„ 45 Ă„r eller Ă€ldre. Dessutom har fyra lokala arbetsplaner undersökts med avseende pĂ„ fostran. Resultaten har sammanstĂ€llts och behandlats konfidentiellt. Eftersom det Ă€r sĂ„ fĂ„ respondenter kan inga generella slutsatser dras av studien. Resultat och slutsats De lokala arbetsplanerna har en tydlig vĂ€rdegrund men definierar inte begreppet fostran. Detta lĂ€mnas öppet för tolkning och implementering av varje enskild idrottslĂ€rare. Avsaknad av tillfredsstĂ€llande kompetens och utbildning leder till en osĂ€kerhet i kollegiet, dĂ€r individuella metoder och uppfattningar styr fostran i undervisningen. LĂ€roplanernas utveckling av begreppet har, enligt de Ă€ldre respondenterna, inte orsakat nĂ„gra större förĂ€ndringar i deras undervisning, men man pĂ„talar dock att det Ă€r beroende av individens villighet att förĂ€ndra sitt sĂ€tt. De intervjuade idrottslĂ€rarna tolkar inte begreppet som nĂ„got negativt, utan anser att det Ă€r nĂ„got som hela tiden faller sig naturligt i den dagliga undervisningen. Hur inriktad man Ă€r pĂ„ att fostra beror mycket pĂ„ vilken grupp man har, ens habitus och skolplanen. NĂ€r en elev har problematiska familjeförhĂ„llanden upplevs den Ă€ven ha svĂ„righeter i skolan pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Vissa upplever skillnader i statusen mellan idrott och de mer teoretiska Ă€mnena vilket inverkar pĂ„ fostransrolle
