112 research outputs found

    Organic matter of fossil origin in the amberine speleothems from El Soplao Cave (Cantabria, Northern Spain)

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    Unusual amberine-coloured speleothems were recently found in El Soplao Cave (Cantabria, Spain). Chromophore elements such as Fe, Mn, Cd, Co or Ti were not present in significant quantities. Rather, our data show that their colour comes from leachates of fossilized organic material hosted in the carbonaceous Urgonian facies of the host rock. These leachates are related to the Cretaceous amber deposit that has been recently discovered in the vicinity of El Soplao Cave. The presence of humic and fulvic acids of fossil origin were confirmed by IR and Raman spectroscopic analysis of the carbonaceous strata and the speleothems. In addition, the mineralogy of the amberine speleothems was studied. Alternating bands made of calcite and aragonite reveal that periods of humidity and aridity occurred within the cave during the speleothem genesis

    Precise and accurate isotope fractionation factors (α17O, α18O and αD) for water and CaSO4·2H2O (gypsum)

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    Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) is a hydrated mineral containing crystallization water, also known as gypsum hydration water (GHW). We determined isotope fractionation factors (α17O, α18O and αD) between GHW and free water of the mother solution in the temperature range from 3 °C to 55 °C at different salinities and precipitation rates. The hydrogen isotope fractionation factor (αDgypsum-water) increases by 0.0001 units per °C between 3 °C and 55 °C and salinities <150 g/L of NaCl. The αDgypsum-water is 0.9812 ± 0.0007 at 20 °C, which is in good agreement with previous estimates of 0.981 ± 0.001 at the same temperature. The α18Ogypsum-water slightly decreases with temperature by 0.00001 per °C, which is not significant over much of the temperature range considered for paleoclimate applications. Between 3 °C and 55 °C, α18Ogypsum-water averages 1.0035 ± 0.0002. This value is more precise than that reported previously (e.g. 1.0041 ± 0.0004 at 25 °C) and lower than the commonly accepted value of 1.004. We found that NaCl concentrations below 150 g/L do not significantly affect α18Ogypsum-water, but αDgypsum-water increases linearly with NaCl concentrations even at relatively low salinities, suggesting a salt correction is necessary for gypsum formed from brines. Unlike oxygen isotopes, the αDgypsum-water is affected by kinetic effects that increase with gypsum precipitation rate. As expected, the relationship of the fractionation factors for 17O and 18O follows the theoretical mass-dependent fractionation on Earth (θ = 0.529 ± 0.001). We provide specific examples of the importance of using the revised fractionation factors when calculating the isotopic composition of the fluids

    In situ Raman characterization of minerals and degradation processes in a variety of cultural and geological heritage sites

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    Wetest the capabilities of in situ Raman spectroscopy for non-destructive analysis of degradation processes in invaluable masterpieces, as well as for the characterization of minerals and prehistoric rock-art in caves. To this end, we have studied the mechanism of decay suffered by the 15th-century limestone sculptures that decorate the retro-choir of Burgos Cathedral (N Spain). In situ Raman probe detected hydrated sulfate and nitrateminerals on the sculptures, which are responsible for the decay of the original limestone. In addition, in situ Raman analyses were performed on unique speleothems in El Soplao Cave (Cantabria, N Spain) and in the Gruta de las Maravillas (Aracena, SWSpain). Unusual cavemineralswere detected in El Soplao Cave, such as hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O), as well as ferromanganese oxides in the black biogenic speleothems recently discovered in this cavern. In the Gruta de las Maravillas, gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) was identified for the first time, as part of the oldest cave materials, so providing additional evidence of hypogenic mechanisms that occurred in this cave during earlier stages of its formation. Finally, we present preliminary analyses of several cave paintings in the renowned “Polychrome Hall” of Altamira Cave (Cantabria, N. Spain). Hematite (Fe2O3) is the most abundant mineral phase, which provides the characteristic ochre-reddish color to the Altamira bison and deer paintings. Thus, portable Raman spectroscopy is demonstrated to be an analytical technique compatible with preserving our cultural and natural heritage, since the analysis does not require physical contact between the Raman head and the analyzed items

    Coupled Mg/Ca and clumped isotope analyses of foraminifera provide consistent water temperatures

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    The reliable determination of past seawater temperature is fundamental to paleoclimate studies. We test the robustness of two paleotemperature proxies by combining Mg/Ca and clumped isotopes (Δ47) on the same specimens of core top planktonic foraminifera. The strength of this approach is that Mg/Ca and Δ47 are measured on the same specimens of foraminifera, thereby providing two independent estimates of temperature. This replication constitutes a rigorous test of individual methods with the advantage that the same approach can be applied to fossil specimens. Aliquots for Mg/Ca and clumped analyses are treated in the same manner following a modified cleaning procedure of foraminifera for trace element and isotopic analyses. We analysed eight species of planktonic foraminifera from coretop samples over a wide range of temperatures from 2 to 29°C. We provide a new clumped isotope temperature calibrations using subaqueous cave carbonates, which is consistent with recent studies. Tandem Mg/Ca–Δ47 results follow an exponential curve as predicted by temperature calibration equations. Observed deviations from the predicted Mg/Ca-Δ47 relationship are attributed to the effects of Fe-Mn oxide coatings, contamination, or dissolution of foraminiferal tests. This coupled approach provides a high degree of confidence in temperature estimates when Mg/Ca and Δ47 yield concordant results, and can be used to infer the past δ18O of seawater (δ18Osw) for paleoclimate studies

    Insights into speleothems from lava tubes of the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador): mineralogy and biogenecity

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    Different types of hard and soft speleothems (stalactites, stalagmites, columns, crusts, flowstones, micro-gours and botryoidal coralloids) have been observed throughout lava tubes in the Galapagos archipelago, Ecuador. Three lava tubes were studied in this work: Gallardo and Royal Palm volcanic caves (Santa Cruz Island) and Sucre Cave (Isabela Island). The studied speleothems were mainly formed by opal, calcite and clay minerals, including plagioclase and pyroxenes from the basaltic host rock. Rarely, iron oxides, gypsum were found in some speleothems, which were interpreted as alteration products of the primary volcanic materials. Field emission scanning electron microscopy revealed abundant filamentous 17th International Vulcanspeleology Symposium 2 bacteria, and reticulated filaments similar to those recently observed in others lava tubes around the world. These filaments are associated with EPS and mineral deposits rich in Si, Ca or Fe. The identified minerals and the evidence of biosignatures suggest a biological contribution to speleothem development within Gallardo, Royal Palm and Sucre lava tubes

    Magnetic Mesoporous Silica Nanorods Loaded with Ceria and Functionalized with Fluorophores for Multimodal Imaging

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    Multifunctional magnetic nanocomposites based on mesoporous silica have a wide range of potential applications in catalysis, biomedicine, or sensing. Such particles combine responsiveness to external magnetic fields with other functionalities endowed by the agents loaded inside the pores or conjugated to the particle surface. Different applications might benefit from specific particle morphologies. In the case of biomedical applications, mesoporous silica nanospheres have been extensively studied while nanorods, with a more challenging preparation, have attracted much less attention despite the positive impact on the therapeutic performance shown by seminal studies. Here, we report on a sol-gel synthesis of mesoporous rodlike silica particles of two distinct lengths (1.4 and 0.9 μm) and aspect ratios (4.7 and 2.2) using Pluronic P123 as a structure-directing template and rendering ∼1 g of rods per batch. Iron oxide nanoparticles have been synthesized within the pores yielding maghemite (γ-FeO) nanocrystals of elongated shape (∼7 nm × 5 nm) with a [110] preferential orientation along the rod axis and a superparamagnetic character. The performance of the rods as T-weighted MRI contrast agents has also been confirmed. In a subsequent step, the mesoporous silica rods were loaded with a cerium compound and their surface was functionalized with fluorophores (fluorescamine and Cyanine5) emitting at λ = 525 and 730 nm, respectively, thus highlighting the possibility of multiple imaging modalities. The biocompatibility of the rods was evaluated in vitro in a zebrafish (Danio rerio) liver cell line (ZFL), with results showing that neither long nor short rods with magnetic particles caused cytotoxicity in ZFL cells for concentrations up to 50 μg/ml. We advocate that such nanocomposites can find applications in medical imaging and therapy, where the influence of shape on performance can be also assesse

    Physical weathering of carbonate host-rock by precipitation of soluble salts in caves: A case study in El Orón-Arco Cave (Region of Murcia, SE Spain)

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    The dissolution of carbonate host-rock by freshwater in phreatic or vadose conditions is the most common mechanism for the formation of caves; however, circulation of saline solutions through carbonate materials and precipitation of soluble salts may also play an important role. We studied the stable isotope composition (δ18O and δ34S of sulfate, δ18O and δD of structurally-bound gypsum hydration water and 87Sr/86Sr) and salinity of fluid inclusions in gypsum speleothems found in El Orón-Arco Cave (Cartagena, SE Spain). We suggest that physical weathering of carbonate host-rock was driven by precipitation of soluble sea-salts (mostly gypsum and halite), and this process controlled the recent geomorphological evolution of the cave. The Triassic carbonate host-rock shows clear evidence for salt weathering, including gypsum/halite infillings in cracks of the bedrock, mechanical spalling of the carbonate, and detachment of rock fragments that lead to the formation cave voids and in-situ accumulations of piles of unsorted rubble. Sulfur and oxygen isotopes of gypsum sulfate (3.0‰ < δ18O < 11.6‰ and 16.7‰ < δ34S < 20.7‰) are generally lower than modern seawater sulfate and suggest contributions from a 34S-depleted source (i.e. oxidation of pyrite). The δ18O and δD of gypsum hydration water are relatively low compared to expected values for the evaporation of pure seawater to gypsum saturation, suggesting that gypsum precipitation involved a secondary calcium-sulfate source or recycling of gypsum from previous stages, along with mixing of seawater and meteoric water seepage to the cave. The 87Sr/86Sr in gypsum shows intermediate values between modern seawater and Triassic carbonate values because of interaction between the solution and the bedrock. The salinities of the speleothem-forming solutions are relatively high (13.2 ± 3.2 wt% eq. NaCl) compared to gypsum formed from evaporated brackish solutions (i.e. ~4–8 wt% eq. NaCl) and indicate dissolution of earlier evaporites before secondary gypsum precipitation. This cave-forming mechanism, which is related to saline water circulation and precipitation of evaporitic minerals, may be common in other coastal caves

    Colored microbial coatings in show caves from the galapagos islands (Ecuador): first microbiological approach

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    The Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) have a unique ecosystem on Earth due to their outstanding biodiversity and geological features. This also extends to their subterranean heritage, such as volcanic caves, with plenty of secondary mineral deposits, including coralloid-type speleothems and moonmilk deposits. In this study, the bacterial communities associated with speleothems from two lava tubes of Santa Cruz Island were investigated. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was carried out for the morphological characterization and detection of microbial features associated with moonmilk and coralloid speleothems from Bellavista and Royal Palm Caves. Microbial cells, especially filamentous bacteria in close association with extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), were abundant in both types of speleothems. Furthermore, reticulated filaments and Actinobacteria-like cells were observed by FESEM. The analysis of 16S rDNA revealed the presence of different bacterial phylotypes, many of them associated with the carbon, nitrogen, iron and sulfur cycles, and some others with pollutants. This study gives insights into subsurface microbial diversity of the Galapagos Islands and further shows the interest of the conservation of these subterranean geoheritage sites used as show caves.Ministerio del Ambiente de Ecuador (Parque Nacional Galápagos)-PC-65-14Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (MINECO) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional de la Unión Europea (FEDER)-CGL2016-75590-PPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)-UID/Multi/04449/2019 HERCULES/U

    Using stable isotopes (δ 17 O, δ 18 O and δD) of gypsum hydration water to ascertain the role of water condensation in the formation of subaerial gypsum speleothems

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    We analyzed the stable isotopes (δ17O, δ18O and δD) of gypsum hydration water (GHW) in a variety of speleothems, as well as condensation and infiltration waters in five caves of the semiarid gypsum karst of Sorbas basin (Almeria, SE Spain). Microclimate parameters (air temperature, relative humidity and effective condensation rate) were also monitored over an annual cycle. We found that the mother solution from which the majority of gypsum speleothems grow is composed of a mixture of condensation (~ 60%) and infiltration water (~ 40%) that undergoes evaporation. Although evaporation of infiltration water alone was thought to be responsible for secondary gypsum precipitation in vadose caves, our results suggest that condensation can be a major source of water for the formation of gypsum speleothems. The modelled d-excess and Δ17O trajectories of water during the evaporative process confirm that the majority of speleothems precipitate from a mixture of condensation and infiltration water under relative humidity of 75–85%, similar to that measured in the cave atmosphere during winter. These findings have important implications for future studies of gypsum speleothems as paleoenvironmental archives