1,304 research outputs found

    Consorcio Asociativo Público Privado: Córdoba TVD

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    El Consorcio Asociativo Público Privado Córdoba TVD, conformado por las empresas Invel Latinoamericana, GlobalThink, Lammovil y Neosur y las Universidades Católica de Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Universidad Blas Pascal, presentó un proyecto para el desarrollo de una plataforma de TV Digital al FONARSEC, el que fue aprobado y obtuvo la financiación de subsidios otorgado por la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Additions to the catalogue of the Gasteromycetes from Mexico, with especial emphases on the genera Blumenavia and Tulostoma.

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    [EN] Blumenavia toribiotalpaensis is considered as a synonym of B. rhacodes. On the other hand, Tulostoma dumeticola, T. lloydii and T. lusitanicum are three new records for Mexico.[ES] Blumenavia toribiotalpaensis es sinónima de B. rhacodes. Por otro lado, se citan por primera vez en México Tulostoma dumeticola, T. lloydii y T. lusitanicum.Peer reviewe

    Estimación de la resistencia a compresión simple del jabre estabilizado "in situ" con cemento como material en la formación de explanadas de carreteras

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    Granite rock has powerful alterations at several meters of depth. The clayed sand resulting is commonly known as jabre. This "in situ" mixture of cement-stabilized soil requires a laboratory formula. Even when the test section is correctly verified, the mechanical properties of the homogeneous mixture of jabre exhibit high degrees of dispersion. The laboratory work undertaken included particle-size analysis and screening, definition of liquid and plastic limits, compressive strength, dry density and moisture content over stabilized samples, modified Proctor, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and the determination of the workability of the hydraulically bound mixtures. The stress resistance curve was analyzed by means of a multilinear model of unconfined compressive strength (UCS). Since practical engineering only requires UCS for 7 days, in order to gain greater knowledge of the material, other UCS transformations were used at other curing times such as 7, 14 and 28 days.La roca granítica presenta habitualmente un horizonte de alteración con varios metros de potencia. La arena arcillosa resultante como producto de alteración se denomina comúnmente jabre. Aunque la fórmula de trabajo de la estabilización de jabre con cemento se verifique correctamente en tramos de prueba, la estabilización "in situ" del jabre con cemento presenta habitualmente elevadas dispersiones. Entre los ensayos de laboratorio efectuados se encuentran los ensayos de análisis granulométrico, límites de Atterberg, resistencia a compresión simple (RCS), la densidad y humedad sobre probetas de suelo estabilizado, Proctor modificado, índice CBR (California Bearing Ratio) y el plazo de trabajabilidad de la mezcla con cemento. La curva de endurecimiento del suelo estabilizado fue ajustada mediante un modelo multilineal. Aunque tradicionalmente se especifique la RCS a 7 días, buscando definir un mejor comportamiento del material, los autores calcularon otros modelos de jabre estabilizado para roturas a 7, 14 y 28 días

    Estimación de la resistencia a compresión simple del jabre estabilizado “in situ” con cemento como material en la formación de explanadas de carreteras

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    Granite rock has powerful alterations at several meters of depth. The clayed sand resulting is commonly known as jabre. This “in situ” mixture of cement-stabilized soil requires a laboratory formula. Even when the test section is correctly verified, the mechanical properties of the homogeneous mixture of jabre exhibit high degrees of dispersion. The laboratory work undertaken included particle-size analysis and screening, defini­tion of liquid and plastic limits, compressive strength, dry density and moisture content over stabilized samples, modified Proctor, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and the determination of the workability of the hydrauli­cally bound mixtures. The stress resistance curve was analyzed by means of a multilinear model of unconfined compressive strength (UCS). Since practical engineering only requires UCS for 7 days, in order to gain greater knowledge of the material, other UCS transformations were used at other curing times such as 7, 14 and 28 days.La roca granítica presenta habitualmente un horizonte de alteración con varios metros de potencia. La arena arcillosa resultante como producto de alteración se deno­mina comúnmente jabre. Aunque la fórmula de trabajo de la estabilización de jabre con cemento se verifique correctamente en tramos de prueba, la estabilización “in situ” del jabre con cemento presenta habitualmente elevadas dispersiones. Entre los ensayos de laboratorio efectuados se encuentran los ensayos de análisis granulo­métrico, límites de Atterberg, resistencia a compresión simple (RCS), la densidad y humedad sobre probetas de suelo estabilizado, Proctor modificado, índice CBR (California Bearing Ratio) y el plazo de trabajabilidad de la mezcla con cemento. La curva de endurecimiento del suelo estabilizado fue ajustada mediante un modelo multi­lineal. Aunque tradicionalmente se especifique la RCS a 7 días, buscando definir un mejor comportamiento del material, los autores calcularon otros modelos de jabre estabilizado para roturas a 7, 14 y 28 días

    Microarrays de DNA en el cáncer oral

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    Uno de los principales objetivos en la investigación sobre el cáncer en la actualidad es el estudio de marcadores que puedan predecir el pronóstico o la respuesta al tratamiento de forma individual. El número de genes implicados en los distintos pasos de la carcinogénesis oral aumenta a medida que se investiga sobre el tema. Los microarrays de DNA permiten el análisis simultáneo de la expresión de cientos de genes de un tejido en un solo experimento. El formato paralelo del ensayo permite el estudio de diferencias en la expresión genética entre células normales y enfermas, puesto que la actividad de cada gen en el microarray puede ser comparada en dos poblaciones celulares distintas. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una breve revisión de los estudios realizados por diversos autores que han intentado identificar genes relacionados con el cáncer oral, así como clasificarlo en subgrupos según los patrones de expresión genética; lo que permitirá una precoz detección, mejor diagnóstico y pronóstico del cáncer oral.One of the principal aims of modern cancer research is to identify markers allowing individual prediction of prognosis or response to treatment. In this connection, the number of genes thought to be involved in the different stages of different types of oral cancer increases apace. DNA microarrays allow simultaneous evaluation of the expression of hundreds of genes in a single assay. The parallel format of microassay slides is designed to allow rapid comparison of gene expression between two samples, for example tumor cells and healthy cells. This article reviews studies that have aimed to identify genes related to oral cancer, and to classify these genes into groups that are commonly co-expressed. These studies suggest that DNA microarrays are set to become routine tools in the detection, diagnosis, characterization and treatment of oral cancers

    Buoyancy of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus eggs obtained from captive broodstock spontaneous spawning events

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    One way to alleviate the pressure on the wild fishery of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) and aid in its conservation could be its domestication and the development of a self-sustained industry to rear the larvae and produce fingerlings in captive conditions for further grow-out. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) is carrying out several research projects on this target for the last 12 years. No one has yet measured the vertical distribution and the in situ buoyancy of bluefin tuna eggs in any of its spawning areas in the world (Mac Kenzie and Mariani, 2012). In the present study the density of bluefin tuna eggs has been measured, comparing it with those of other fish species, particularly Atlantic bonito. We have estimated the speed by which BFT eggs rise to the surface to get a better idea of the potential loss of spawned eggs dragged by the currents out of the cage

    Transmitter and receiver equalizers optimization for PCI Express Gen6.0 based on PAM4

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    The continuously increasing bandwidth demand from new applications has led to the development of the new PCIe Gen6, reaching data rates of 64 GT/s and adopting PAM4 modulation scheme. While PAM4 solves the bandwidth constraint in high-speed interconnects, it brings new challenges for the physical channel analysis. Equalization (EQ) plays an important role even with PAM4 signaling. PCIe specification defines requirements to perform EQ at the transmitter (Tx) and at the receiver (Rx). During the EQ process, one combination of Tx/Rx EQ coefficients must be selected to meet the performance requirements of the system. Testing all possible coefficient combinations is prohibitive. Current industrial practice consists of finding a subset of combinations at post-silicon validation using maps of EQ coefficients. Finding this subset of coefficients is timeconsuming,along with all the new challenges imposed by PAM4. In this paper, we propose an optimization approach for PCIe Gen6 link EQ. Our proposal is based on a suitable objective function formulated over the channel operating margin (COM), which is a new figure of merit (FOM) adopted by standards of communications for signaling speeds beyond 25 Gbps.ITESO, A.C

    Intelligent Waste Separator

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    Nowadays, trash has become a problem in the society and the ecosystem due to the way people get rid of it. Most of garbage is buried or burnt or even kept in places to which it does not belong. Big volumes of garbage thrown away and the methods used to store it cause air, water, and soil pollution. Fortunately, people can count on other methods to reduce the quantity of produced litter. An answer is recycling by re-using the materials. Currently, the traditional way to separate waste is to use different containers for each kind of waste separating trash manually, which does not always work. The aim of this paper is to present an Intelligent Waste Separator (IWS) which can replace the traditional way of dealing with waste; the proposed device receives the incoming waste and places it automatically in different containers by using a multimedia embedded processor, image processing, and machine learning in order to select and separate waste.ITESO, A.C

    Root extracts of Saussurea costus as prospective detoxifying food additive against sodium nitrite toxicity in male rats

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe goal of this study was to investigate the effects of three different extracts of Saussurea costus roots (ethanol, methanol, and water) as a food additive in alleviating the harmful effect of sodium nitrite in rat meals. Thirty-five adult male rats were divided into five groups as follows: control, sodium nitrite (NaNO2; 75 mg/kg BW, single oral dose), S. costus 70% ethanol, 70% methanol, and aqueous extracts (300 mg/kg BW), respectively for four weeks followed by a single dose of NaNO2 24h before decapitation. Results showed that the 70% ethanol extract of S. costus has a higher concentration of total phenolic content, total flavonoids, and antioxidant effect than the 70% methanol and water extracts. Rats pretreated with S. costus extracts reduced the harmful effects induced by NaNO2 and improved the hematological parameters, liver, and kidney function biomarkers as well as lipid profile as compared to the NaNO2 group. Furthermore, S. costus improved the histopathological alterations in the liver and kidney induced by NaNO2 and improved meat sensory evaluation. Conclusively, the 70% ethanol extract of S. costus roots is the most effective extract as an antioxidant against the toxicity of sodium nitrite in male rats and might be used safely as a natural additive in the food industry

    Growing monitoring in sea cages: TS measurements issues

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    Hydroacoustic monitoring of fish growing in sea cages needs of an accurate relationship between fish size and target strength (TS) for every species of commercial interest. We discuss the conditions for TS measurement in near range conditions in sea cages for the case of the dorsal and ventral aspects of gilthead sea bream and bluefin tuna. Gilthead sea bream dorsal and ventral TS distributions, obtained with a split beam echosounder, are unimodal and the same results are derived for single beam data analysis when specific processing threshold criteria are applied. The expected linear relationship between the average TS and the logarithm of fish length is only found for the ventral case, being more accurate the uncompensated TS single beam analysis, probably due to near range errors. Bluefin tuna dorsal measurements performed in a fattening farm from February to July did not show a significant variation of TS distributions, and we propose a synchronized system of echosounder and video recordings, in order to relate target strength and orientation and size of specific tuna in the acoustic beam. Preliminary results indicate that only ventral TS values correlate properly with tuna size