886 research outputs found

    Three Hopf algebras from number theory, physics & topology, and their common background II: general categorical formulation

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    We consider three a priori totally different setups for Hopf algebras from number theory, mathematical physics and algebraic topology. These are the Hopf algebra of Goncharov for multiple zeta values, that of Connes-Kreimer for renormalization, and a Hopf algebra constructed by Baues to study double loop spaces. We show that these examples can be successively unified by considering simplicial objects, co-operads with multiplication and Feynman categories at the ultimate level. These considerations open the door to new constructions and reinterpretations of known constructions in a large common framework which is presented step-by-step with examples throughout. In this second part of two papers, we give the general categorical formulation

    Lose weight and fat mass with self-loads in women

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los beneficios de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas sobre la composición corporal en mujeres de entre 20 y 25 años. Todas realizaron un programa de ejercicio físico durante 4 semanas (60 min, 5 días/semana) que incluyó ejercicio de fuerza, aeróbico y flexibilidad. Antes y al finalizar el programa de ejercicio (4 semanas) se evaluó la composición corporal (pliegues cutáneos y peso). Se observó una reducción de peso (54,8±2,4 vs 52,4±2,3 kg), acompañado de una disminución de la masa grasa en todas las medidas, siendo las más relevantes la del muslo (24±3,5 vs 21 ± 3,0 mm) y abdomen (23±2,5 vs 20,5 ± 2,0 mm). Por lo tanto se puede estimar que el programa de ejercicio físico de cuatro semanas con auto-cargas parece ser efectivo en la reducción de masa grasa en las extremidades inferiores y abdomen en mujeres de 20 a 25 años

    The influence of fly ash as substitute of cement in the durability of concrete

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    Limitation of transport capacity through the concrete is one of the key points in the improvement of the material’s durability. The use of fly ash as an admixture to concrete is widely extended; a general consensus has been established due to the pore size reduction produced by the ashes. Nevertheless, the importance of the micro-structural and composition changes in mechanical and durable properties is not well defined. In the present study the use of fly ash has been considered as substitute of cement in the design limits. The concrete mechanical properties and its porous structure were evaluated. The tests included porosimetry and water permeability tests. In order to characterize the hydration products and its evolution with time TG and DTA analysis were performed. This work studies the fly ash concrete hydration process, their influence in the porous distribution, and the mechanical and durable properties of the material

    Texture Evolution of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet at High Strain Rates

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    In the current contribution the mechanical behaviour at high strain rates of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet is studied. Uniaxial deformation properties were studied by means of tensile split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) at different temperatures. The influence of the strain rate and temperature on the deformation mechanisms was investigated by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and neutron diffraction. It is shown that twinning plays an important role on high strain rate deformation of this alloy, even at elevated temperatures. Significant evidence of prismatic slip as a deformation mechanism is observed, also at warm temperatures, leading to the alignment of directions with the tensile axis and to a spread of the intensities of the basal pole figure towards the in-plane direction perpendicular to the tensile axis. The rate of decrease of the CRSS of non-basal systems is observed to be slower than at quasi-static rates. Secondary twinning and pyramidal slip were also outlined for some conditions. At warm temperatures, in contrast to quasi-static range, a generalized dynamic recrystallization is not observed. Moreover, the activation of rotational recrystallization mechanisms is reporte

    Twinning and grain subdivision during dynamic deformation of a Mg AZ31 sheet alloy at room temperature

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    The microstructural evolution of an AZ31 rolled sheet during dynamic deformation at strain rates of ∼103 s−1 has been investigated by electron backscatter diffraction, X-ray and neutron diffraction. The influence of orientation on the predominant deformation mechanisms and on the recovery processes taking place during deformation has been systematically examined. The results have been compared with those corresponding to the same alloy tested quasi-statically under equivalent conditions. It has been found that strain rate enhances the activation of extension twinning dramatically, while contraction and secondary twinning are not significantly influenced. The polarity of extension twinning is even reversed in some grains under selected testing conditions. Significant grain subdivision by the formation of geometrically necessary boundaries (GNBs) takes place during both quasi-static and dynamic deformation of this AZ31 alloy. It is remarkable that GNBs of high misorientations form even at the highest strain rates. The phenomenon of recovery has been found to be orientation dependen

    Pérdida de peso y masa grasa con auto-cargas en mujeres

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    The objective of this study is to analyse the benefits of a physical exercise programme with self-loads on body composition in women aged between 20 and 25 years old. All of them underwent a physical exercise program for 4 weeks (60 min, 5 days per week) that included strength, aerobic exercise and flexibility. The body composition (skinfolds and weight) was evaluated before and at the end of the exercise programme, which lasted for four weeks. A weight reduction (54,8 ± 2,4 Vs. 52,4 ± 2,3 kg) was observed, accompanied by a decrease in the fat mass in all measurements, the most relevant being in the thigh area (24 ± 3,5 kg) Vs 21 ± 3,0 mm) and the abdomen (23 ± 2,5 Vs 20,5 ± 2,0 mm). Therefore, it can be affirmed that the four-week programme of physical exercise with self-loads seems to be effective in reducing fat mass in the lower limbs and abdomen in women aged between 20 to 25 years old.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los beneficios de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas sobre la composición corporal en mujeres de entre 20 y 25 años. Todas realizaron un programa de ejercicio físico durante 4 semanas (60 min, 5 días/semana) que incluyó ejercicio de fuerza, aeróbico y flexibilidad. Antes y al finalizar el programa de ejercicio (4 semanas) se evaluó la composición corporal (pliegues cutáneos y peso).Se observó una reducción de peso (54,8±2,4 vs 52,4±2,3 kg),acompañado de una disminución de la masa grasa en todas las medidas, siendo las más relevantes la del muslo (24±3,5 vs 21 ± 3,0 mm) y abdomen (23±2,5 vs 20,5 ± 2,0 mm). Por lo tanto se puede estimar que el programa de ejercicio físico de cuatro semanas con auto-cargas parece ser efectivo en la reducción de masa grasa en las extremidades inferiores y abdomen en mujeres de 20 a 25 años

    La influencia de las cenizas volantes como sustituto parcial del cemento Pórtland en la durabilidad del hormigón: propiedades físicas, difusión del ión cloruro y del dióxido de carbono

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    La durabilidad del hormigón, está influenciada por la capacidad de transporte de los fluidos en su red porosa. El uso de cenizas volantes en hormigón está extendido por el ahorro económico que supone y los cambios micro-estructurales motivados por la adición. Existe consenso en que las cenizas reducen el tamaño de poro. Aunque, los cambios de composición y micro-estructurales en la durabilidad del material no están completamente claros. En el XXIV Encuentro se presentó un estudio sobre cómo afectaban las cenizas a la permeabilidad y a la estructura porosa. Este trabajo complementa el anterior, extendiendo el estudio a los resultados de los ensayos de carbonatación y difusión de cloruros. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que las cenizas no modifican del mismo modo la carbonatación y la difusión de cloruros. La difusión de cloruros se ve más afectada por los cambios de la estructura porosa. Los iones carbonato interaccionan químicamente con la matriz por lo que su avance se ve afectado por los cambios en composición generados por la reacción puzolánica

    GTI-space : the space of generalized topological indices

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    A new extension of the generalized topological indices (GTI) approach is carried out torepresent 'simple' and 'composite' topological indices (TIs) in an unified way. Thisapproach defines a GTI-space from which both simple and composite TIs represent particular subspaces. Accordingly, simple TIs such as Wiener, Balaban, Zagreb, Harary and Randićconnectivity indices are expressed by means of the same GTI representation introduced for composite TIs such as hyper-Wiener, molecular topological index (MTI), Gutman index andreverse MTI. Using GTI-space approach we easily identify mathematical relations between some composite and simple indices, such as the relationship between hyper-Wiener and Wiener index and the relation between MTI and first Zagreb index. The relation of the GTI space with the sub-structural cluster expansion of property/activity is also analysed and some routes for the applications of this approach to QSPR/QSAR are also given

    “Propuesta de actualización y estudio sobre las asignaturas ética forense y judicial, práctica forense y ética profesional un aporte a la justicia restaurativa y la Re humanización Centro Regional Universitario de San Miguelito”

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    Objetivos Generales: Valorar la Importancia de las Asignaturas Ética Forense y Judicial y Práctica Forense y Ética Profesional, como elemento para definir los conocimientos,procedimientos y actitudes, del perfil del estudiante que cursa la Carrera de técnico(a) en funcionario(a) de Instrucción Sumarial y Licenciatura en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, primera etapa en la Carrera para aplicar el derecho en el Sistema Penal Acusatorio. Objetivos Específicos: Identificar la Importancia del conocimiento y desarrollo de sólidos principios Éticos para una correcta administración de la justicia, por los egresados de la Carrera en Técnico(a) en Funcionario(a) de Instrucción Sumarial y Licenciatura en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, que ofrece el Centro Regional Universitario de San Miguelito. Determinar si los estudiantes de la Carrera para Funcionario en Instrucción Sumarial y Licenciatura en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, que asisten a los cursos objeto de nvestigación, que oferta el Centro Regional Universitario de San Miguelito, han desarrollado las habilidades y destrezas necesarias para un eficiente desempeño profesional en Sistema Penal Acusatorio