49 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Field of Social Media Research through Science Maps (2008-2017)

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    The objectives of this work were to discover the main points of interest in the field of research on Social Media, within the scientific area of Communication, and to analyse how it has evolved. A methodology based on the analysis of co-words and visualisation techniques was applied. The data was obtained from scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, during the periods 2008-2012 and 2013-2017. The resulting maps showed that, during the period 2008-2012, the main areas of interest were web 2.0 and the internet in terms of social networking sites. However, during the period 2013-2017, there was a strong upward trend in the impact of social networks and platforms, especially Twitter and Facebook, in many areas (such as social movements, public relations and publicity, distribution of content, crisis communication, participatory journalism, political communication, or the configuration of public identities through social platforms, with special emphasis on youth). Finally, new scientific challenges were found in automatic analysis of content and management of big data. In conclusion, it was possible to transform a complex, underlying, dynamic and multidimensional reality into visible representations that could help experts in the field to better understand the evolution of research on Social Media.Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron descubrir los principales focos de interés del campo de investigación de los Social Media, dentro del área científica de la Comunicación, y analizar la dinámica de su evolución. Se aplicó una metodología basada en el análisis de co-palabras y en técnicas de visualización. Los datos se obtuvieron de las publicaciones científicas indexadas en la base de datos Web of Science (WoS), durante los períodos temporales 2008-2012 y 2013-2017. Los mapas resultantes mostraron que durante el período 2008-2012 las principales áreas de interés fueron la web 2.0 y el uso de Internet en el ámbito de los medios de comunicación. Sin embargo, durante el período 2013-2017 se apreció una fuerte tendencia ascendente del impacto de las redes y las plataformas sociales, especialmente Twitter y Facebook, en numerosas áreas, tales como los movimientos sociales, las relaciones públicas y la publicidad, la difusión de contenidos, la comunicación de crisis, el periodismo participativo, la comunicación política o la configuración de las identidades públicas a través de las plataforma sociales, con especial incidencia en los adolescentes. Por último, los nuevos retos científicos se situaron en el análisis automático de contenidos y en la gestión de datos masivos, o big data. En conclusión, se consiguió transformar una realidad compleja, subyacente, dinámica y multidimensional en representaciones visibles que podrían ayudar a una mejor comprensión de la evolución del campo de investigación de los Social Media por parte de los expertos en la materia

    Implications of zoonotic and vector-borne parasites to free-roaming cats in central Spain

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    Cats are definitive hosts and reservoirs for several parasites, some of which are responsible for serious zoonotic diseases. We conducted a case-control study of data from a trap-neuter-return (TNR) programme (years 2014-2017) designed to examine the prevalence of zoonotic parasites in free-roaming cats living in urban areas of central Spain. In the animal population tested (n = 263), we detected a 29.2% prevalence of endoparasites, including high rates of cestodes (12.9%) and Toxocara cati (11.7%). While faecal samples showed no Toxoplasma gondii oocysts, the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection was 24.2%. Antibodies to Leishmania infantum were detected in 4.8% of the animals, though all skin and blood samples analyzed were PCR negative for this parasite. Ectoparasites (ticks and fleas) were found in 4.6% of the cat population, and 10.6% of the cats were detected with Otodectes cynotis. Finally, 6.3% and 7.9% cats tested positive for feline leukaemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, respectively. Our study provides useful information for animal-welfare and public-health, as the parasites detected can affect native wild animals through predation, competition and disease transmission. Our detection of zoonotic parasites such as L. infantum, T. gondii, T. cati, Giardia duodenalis and several ectoparasites prompts an urgent need for health control measures in stray cats.S

    Riesgo cardiovascular presente en estudiantes de una universidad de México

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    Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la primera causa de muerte en el mundo, dichas enfermedades se pueden prevenir mediante el control de los factores de riesgo, donde destacan la obesidad, hipertensión, tabaquismo, sedentarismo y antecedentes familiares. Objetivo: Identificar el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuente en los estudiantes universitarios. Material y métodos: Estudio comparativo, observacional, prospectivo y transversal; se realizó en 8 facultades de la Universidad Veracruzana Región Veracruz, divididas en dos grupos, el primero del área de Ciencias de la Salud y el Segundo de áreas mixtas; de cada facultad se estudiaron 43 alumnos, dando una muestra total de 344; se registraron los siguientes datos: antecedentes familiares, tabaquismo, actividad física y se obtuvieron valores como peso, talla, presión arterial y glucemia capilar. Resultados: En el grupo 1 se encontró que el 50,6% de los estudiantes presentaban sobrepeso, 10,5% obesidad, 22,1% hipertensión arterial, 1,2% hiperglucemia, 19,2% fumadores, 70,9% sedentarios y en cuanto a los antecedentes familiares de diabetes, hipertensión arterial y obesidad poseen valores similares (22-23%). En cuanto al grupo 2, se obtuvieron 29,7% estudiantes con sobrepeso, 9,3% obesidad, 11,6% hipertensión arterial, 4,7% hiperglucemia, 15,7% fumadores, 41,3% sedentarios, en cuanto a los antecedentes familiares destacaba la diabetes con 58,1% como principal. Conclusiones: El sedentarismo es el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuente en los estudiantes, el segundo factor de riesgo más frecuente es el sobrepeso los antecedentes heredofamiliares de diabetes y obesidad se ubican en tercer lugar, el menos frecuente en ambos grupos fue la hiperglucemia

    Splicing Machinery is Dysregulated in Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors and is Associated with Aggressiveness Features

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    Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) constitute approximately 15% of all brain tumors, and most have a sporadic origin. Recent studies suggest that altered alternative splicing and, consequently, appearance of aberrant splicing variants, is a common feature of most tumor pathologies. Moreover, spliceosome is considered an attractive therapeutic target in tumor pathologies, and the inhibition of SF3B1 (e.g., using pladienolide-B) has been shown to exert antitumor effects. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the expression levels of selected splicing-machinery components in 261 PitNETs (somatotropinomas/non-functioning PitNETS/corticotropinomas/prolactinomas) and evaluated the direct effects of pladienolide-B in cell proliferation/viability/hormone secretion in human PitNETs cell cultures and pituitary cell lines (AtT-20/GH3). Results revealed a severe dysregulation of splicing-machinery components in all the PitNET subtypes compared to normal pituitaries and a unique fingerprint of splicing-machinery components that accurately discriminate between normal and tumor tissue in each PitNET subtype. Moreover, expression of specific components was associated with key clinical parameters. Interestingly, certain components were commonly dysregulated throughout all PitNET subtypes. Finally, pladienolide-B reduced cell proliferation/viability/hormone secretion in PitNET cell cultures and cell lines. Altogether, our data demonstrate a drastic dysregulation of the splicing-machinery in PitNETs that might be associated to their tumorigenesis, paving the way to explore the use of specific splicing-machinery components as novel diagnostic/prognostic and therapeutic targets in PitNETs

    Altered striatal endocannabinoid signaling in a transgenic mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type-3

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type-3 (SCA-3) is the most prevalent autosomal dominant inherited ataxia. We recently found that the endocannabinoid system is altered in the post-mortem cerebellum of SCA-3 patients, and similar results were also found in the cerebellar and brainstem nuclei of a SCA-3 transgenic mouse model. Given that the neuropathology of SCA-3 is not restricted to these two brain regions but rather, it is also evident in other structures (e.g., the basal ganglia), we studied the possible changes to endocannabinoid signaling in the striatum of these transgenic mice. SCA-3 mutant mice suffer defects in motor coordination, balance and they have an abnormal gait, reflecting a cerebellar/brainstem neuropathology. However, they also show dystonia-like behavior (limb clasping) that may be related to the malfunction/deterioration of specific neurons in the striatum. Indeed, we found a loss of striatal projecting neurons in SCA-3 mutant mice, accompanied by a reduction in glial glutamate transporters that could potentially aggravate excitotoxic damage. In terms of endocannabinoid signaling, no changes in CB2 receptors were evident, yet an important reduction in CB1 receptors was detected by qPCR and immunostaining. The reduction in CB1 receptors was presumed to occur in striatal afferent and efferent neurons, also potentially aggravating excitotoxicity. We also measured the endocannabinoid lipids in the striatum and despite a marked increase in the FAAH enzyme in this area, no overall changes in these lipids were found. Collectively, these studies confirm that the striatal endocannabinoid system is altered in SCA-3 mutant mice, adding to the equivalent changes found in other strongly affected CNS structures in this type of ataxia (i.e.: the cerebellum and brainstem). These data open the way to search for drugs that might correct these changes.Funding: This study has been supported: (i) by MICINN (SAF2009-11847 and SAF2015-68580-C2-1-R), CIBERNED (CB06/05/0089) and “Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual”, to JFR; (ii) by the Research and Education Component of the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment at the Medical College of Wisconsin, to CJH; and (iii) by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016818 (PTDC/NEU-NMC/3648/2014) and co-financed by the Portuguese North Regional Operational Program (ON.2 – O Novo Norte) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), to PM. Carmen Rodríguez-Cueto was a predoctoral fellow supported by FPI Program-Ministry of Science. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical features and outcomes of Streptococcus anginosus group infective Endocarditis: a multicenter matched cohort study

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    [EN] Background. Although Streptococcus anginosus group (SAG) endocarditis is considered a severe disease associated with abscess formation and embolic events, there is limited evidence to support this assumption. Methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from consecutive patients with definite SAG endocarditis in 28 centers in Spain and Italy. A comparison between cases due to SAG endocarditis and viridans group streptococci (VGS) or Streptococcus gallolyticus group (SGG) was performed in a 1:2 matched analysis. Results. Of 5336 consecutive cases of definite endocarditis, 72 (1.4%) were due to SAG and matched with 144 cases due to VGS/ SGG. SAG endocarditis was community acquired in 64 (88.9%) cases and affected aortic native valve in 29 (40.3%). When comparing SAG and VGS/SGG endocarditis, no significant differences were found in septic shock (8.3% vs 3.5%, P = .116); valve disorder, including perforation (22.2% vs 18.1%, P = .584), pseudoaneurysm (16.7% vs 8.3%, P = .108), or prosthesis dehiscence (1.4% vs 6.3%, P = .170); paravalvular complications, including abscess (25% vs 18.8%, P = .264) and intracardiac fistula (5.6% vs 3.5%, P = .485); heart failure (34.7% vs 38.9%, P = .655); or embolic events (41.7% vs 32.6%, P = .248). Indications for surgery (70.8% vs 70.8%; P = 1) and mortality (13.9% vs 16.7%; P = .741) were similar between groups. Conclusions. SAG endocarditis is an infrequent but serious condition that presents a prognosis similar to that of VGS/SGG.This work was supported by Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013‐2016 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016/0005), co‐financed by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe,” Operative Program Intelligent Growth 2014–2020. We thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. J. M. M. received a personal 80:20 research grant from Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain, during 2017–2021

    Prognostic factors in left-sided endocarditis: results from the andalusian multicenter cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite medical advances, mortality in infective endocarditis (IE) is still very high. Previous studies on prognosis in IE have observed conflicting results. The aim of this study was to identify predictors of in-hospital mortality in a large multicenter cohort of left-sided IE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational multicenter study was conducted from January 1984 to December 2006 in seven hospitals in Andalusia, Spain. Seven hundred and five left-side IE patients were included. The main outcome measure was in-hospital mortality. Several prognostic factors were analysed by univariate tests and then by multilogistic regression model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall mortality was 29.5% (25.5% from 1984 to 1995 and 31.9% from 1996 to 2006; Odds Ratio 1.25; 95% Confidence Interval: 0.97-1.60; p = 0.07). In univariate analysis, age, comorbidity, especially chronic liver disease, prosthetic valve, virulent microorganism such as <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>, <it>Streptococcus agalactiae </it>and fungi, and complications (septic shock, severe heart failure, renal insufficiency, neurologic manifestations and perivalvular extension) were related with higher mortality. Independent factors for mortality in multivariate analysis were: Charlson comorbidity score (OR: 1.2; 95% CI: 1.1-1.3), prosthetic endocarditis (OR: 1.9; CI: 1.2-3.1), <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>aetiology (OR: 2.1; CI: 1.3-3.5), severe heart failure (OR: 5.4; CI: 3.3-8.8), neurologic manifestations (OR: 1.9; CI: 1.2-2.9), septic shock (OR: 4.2; CI: 2.3-7.7), perivalvular extension (OR: 2.4; CI: 1.3-4.5) and acute renal failure (OR: 1.69; CI: 1.0-2.6). Conversely, <it>Streptococcus viridans </it>group etiology (OR: 0.4; CI: 0.2-0.7) and surgical treatment (OR: 0.5; CI: 0.3-0.8) were protective factors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Several characteristics of left-sided endocarditis enable selection of a patient group at higher risk of mortality. This group may benefit from more specialised attention in referral centers and should help to identify those patients who might benefit from more aggressive diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures.</p

    Redox activities and ROS, NO and phenylpropanoids production by axenically cultured intact olive seedling roots after interaction with a mycorrhizal or a pathogenic fungus

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    Las raíces de las plántulas de olivo, en cultivo axénico, fueron colocadas alternativamente en contacto con Rhizophagus irregulares (micorrícicos) o con hongos Verticillim dahliae (patógenos). También se incluyeron tratamientos MeJA. Las raíces intactas (generación de anión superóxido, superóxido dismutasa y actividades de peroxidasa) se midieron en las actividades in vivo del apoplasto. Todos nuestros resultados mostraron que las actividades redox apoplásticas de raíces de las plántulas intactas en contacto con el hongo micorriza compatible fueron claramente atenuados en comparación con el hongo patógeno o tratado con MeJA, incluso en las primeras etapas usadas en el tratamiento. Los fenoles totales, flavonoides y glucósidos fenilpropanoides, también fueron cuantificados. Las raíces en contacto con el hongo micorriza no mejoraron la biosíntesis de compuestos fenólicos con respecto a los controles, mientras que los de contacto con el patógeno mejoraron de forma significativa la biosíntesis de todas las fracciones fenólicas medidas. Las especies reactivas del oxígeno y la acumulación de óxido nítrico en las raíces fueron examinadas por microscopía de fluorescencia. Todos ellas presentaron una acumulación mucho mayor en las raíces en contacto con el patógeno que con el hongo micorriza. En total, estos resultados indican que las raíces de las plántulas intactas de olivo, claramente diferenciadas entre micorrizas y hongos patógenos, atenuan las reacciones de defensa contra la primera para facilitar su creación, mientras que induce una reacción de defensa fuerte y sostenida contra el segundo. Ambas especies reactivas de oxígeno y nitrógeno parecían estar involucrados en estas respuestas desde los primeros momentos de contacto. Sin embargo, se necesitan más investigaciones para aclarar la diafonía propuesta entre ellos y sus respectivas funciones en estas respuestas ya que las imágenes de fluorescencia de las raíces revelaron que las especies reactivas del oxígeno se acumulan principalmente en el apoplasto (congruente con las actividades redox medidas en este compartimento), mientras el óxido nítrico se almacena principalmente en el citosol.Roots of intact olive seedlings, axenically cultured, were alternatively placed in contact with Rhizophagus irregularis (mycorrhizal) or Verticillim dahliae (pathogenic) fungi. MeJA treatments were also included. In vivo redox activities in the apoplast of the intact roots (anion superoxide generation, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities) were measured. All our results showed that apoplastic redox activities of intact seedling roots in contact with the compatible mycorrhizal fungus were clearly attenuated in comparison with the pathogenic fungus or treated with MeJA, even at the early stages of treatment used. Total phenolics, flavonoids and phenylpropanoid glycosides were also quantified. Roots in contact with the mycorrhizal fungus did not enhance the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds with respect to controls, while those in contact with the pathogenic one significantly enhanced the biosynthesis of all phenolic fractions measured. Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxid accumulation in roots were examined by fluorescence microscopy. All of them presented much higher accumulation in roots in contact with the pathogenic than with the mycorrhizal fungus. Altogether these results indicate that intact olive seedling roots clearly differentiated between mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi, attenuating defense reactions against the first to facilitate its establishment, while inducing a strong and sustained defense reaction against the second. Both reactive oxygen and nitrogen species seemed to be involved in these responses from the first moments of contact. However, further investigations are required to clarify the proposed crosstalk between them and their respective roles in these responses since fluorescence images of roots revealed that reactive oxygen species were mainly accumulated in the apoplast (congruently with the measured redox activities in this compartment) while nitric oxid was mainly stored in the cytosol.-- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto CGL2009-12406 -- Junta de Extremadura. Proyecto PRI09A023peerReviewe

    Baseline immunophenotypic profile of bone marrow leukemia cells in acute myeloid leukemia with nucleophosmin-1 gene mutation: a EuroFlow study

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    Molecular techniques are the gold standard method for the diagnosis of AML with mutated nucleophosmin gene (NPM1mut). However, their worldwide availability is limited and they provide limited insight into disease heterogeneity. Hence, surrogate markers of NPM1mut are used for fast diagnostic screening of the disease [1], including, among others, immunohistochemical detection of cytoplasmic NPM1 (NPM1c) [2], cup-like nuclear morphology [3], normal karyotype, and/or recurrent flow cytometry profiles -e.g., CD34 negativity, and/or a phenotype resembling acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)- [4]. Nevertheless, some of these methods are also not widely available, they show limited sensitivity (e.g., low or absent NPM1c expression, particularly among monoblastic/monocytic AML-NPM1mut) [5], frequently lack standardized procedures [1], and they might also bring limited information about disease heterogeneity.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project PI21/01115 and co-funded by the European Union and the grant of CIBERONC of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Madrid, Spain, and FONDOS FEDER (no. CB16/12/00400); MR was supported by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, grant number NU20J-07-00028.Peer reviewe