29 research outputs found

    2D parallel thinning and shrinking based on sufficient conditions for topology preservation

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    Thinning and shrinking algorithms, respectively, are capable of extracting medial lines and topological kernels from digital binary objects in a topology preserving way. These topological algorithms are composed of reduction operations: object points that satisfy some topological and geometrical constraints are removed until stability is reached. In this work we present some new sufficient conditions for topology preserving parallel reductions and fiftyfour new 2D parallel thinning and shrinking algorithms that are based on our conditions. The proposed thinning algorithms use five characterizations of endpoints

    Affine matching of two sets of points in arbitrary dimensions

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    In many applications of computer vision, image processing, and remotely sensed data processing, an appropriate matching of two sets of points is required. Our approach assumes one-to-one correspondence between these sets and finds the optimal global affine transformation that matches them. The suggested method can be used in arbitrary dimensions. A sufficient existence condition for a unique transformation is given and proven

    The McCoy-Wu Model in the Mean-field Approximation

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    We consider a system with randomly layered ferromagnetic bonds (McCoy-Wu model) and study its critical properties in the frame of mean-field theory. In the low-temperature phase there is an average spontaneous magnetization in the system, which vanishes as a power law at the critical point with the critical exponents β3.6\beta \approx 3.6 and β14.1\beta_1 \approx 4.1 in the bulk and at the surface of the system, respectively. The singularity of the specific heat is characterized by an exponent α3.1\alpha \approx -3.1. The samples reduced critical temperature tc=TcavTct_c=T_c^{av}-T_c has a power law distribution P(tc)tcωP(t_c) \sim t_c^{\omega} and we show that the difference between the values of the critical exponents in the pure and in the random system is just ω3.1\omega \approx 3.1. Above the critical temperature the thermodynamic quantities behave analytically, thus the system does not exhibit Griffiths singularities.Comment: LaTeX file with iop macros, 13 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys.

    A funkcionális kognitív nyelvszemlélet érvényesítése (digitális) nyelvtanórán

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    Célunk annak kifejtése, hogy a funkcionális kognitív nyelvészet olyan szemléletmódot és ezzel általános keretet kínál, amelyben újragondolható és -tervezhető a közoktatás nyelv- (tan)koncepciója. Továbbá azt is bemutatjuk, hogy az anyanyelvi ismeretek témakörével és a szövegértés, -alkotás fejlesztésével összefüggő tananyagtartalmak is megújíthatók e keretben annak érdekében, hogy a diákok életérdekű – ideértve a hétköznapi társas interakció szükségletétől a kreativitás művészi szintű kibontakoztatásáig a nyelvalkotás minden gyakorlatát –, tárgytudományos szempontból konzisztens tartalmakkal találkozhassanak és dolgozhassanak, amikor a nyelvi jelenséggel foglalkoznak. Annak bemutatását is célul tűztük ki, hogy javaslatunk – a választott elméletből következően – valóban összhangba tud kerülni a modern pedagógiai célrendszerrel, módszertannal, vagyis a használatalapúság és a tanuló-központúság természetes velejárói a funkcionális kognitív nyelvszemlélet érvényesítésének a nyelvtantanításban, nem puszta szlogenek. A fentiek miatt az alkalmazási kör tág, a javasolt szemléletmód az államhatáron belüli többségi és a határon túli kisebbségi magyar anyanyelv-pedagógiában egyaránt érvényesíthető. Az utóbbi esetben természetesen szükség van a kisebbségi helyzethez való rugalmas hozzáigazításra, ezáltal megvalósítható egy olyan szerves módszertani építkezés, amely felválthatja a központilag előírt tanítási módszertant

    Optical Properties, Chemical Composition and the Toxicological Potential of Urban Particulate Matter

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    This paper discusses the diurnal variation and the interdependences between the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics of atmospheric carbonaceous particulate matter (CPM) and co-emitted gaseous components. Measurements were carried out at two different urban sites during a 2-month period. On-line measured parameters were optical absorption coefficients (OAC), total number concentration (TNC), mass concentration of CPM and the concentration of gaseous species (CO, NOx and BTEX). Off-line analyses were carried out on filters collected with 6-hour time resolution. The concentrations of elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), total carbon (TC), levoglucosan (LG) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were determined. The ecotoxicity of CPM was assessed by the Vibrio Fischeri marine bioluminescence inhibition bioassay (ISO 21338:2010). We found (r > 0.498) positive and wavelength dependent correlation between the CPM related parameters based on optical response (OAC, AAE) and thermal stability (TC, EC, OC, OC/TC). We also revealed weak (r = 0.309) or moderate (r = 0.448) correlation between the AAE and the ecotoxicity data indicating that carbonaceous fraction of the ambient particulate matter has ecotoxicological impact. Based on the determined correlations, we propose the applicability of the AAE determined by multi wavelength photoacoustic measurements as a possible candidate for first-screening the toxicological impact of optically active carbonaceous ambient particulate matter. The strengths and the limitations of this methodology are both discussed here

    2D parallel thinning and shrinking based on sufficient conditions for topology preservation

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    Thinning and shrinking algorithms, respectively, are capable of extracting medial lines and topological kernels from digital binary objects in a topology preserving way. These topological algorithms are composed of reduction operations: object points that satisfy some topological and geometrical constraints are removed until stability is reached. In this work we present some new sufficient conditions for topology preserving parallel reductions and fiftyfour new 2D parallel thinning and shrinking algorithms that are based on our conditions. The proposed thinning algorithms use five characterizations of endpoints