77 research outputs found

    Providing Education and Welfare Opportunities for Syrian Children Near Conflict Zone

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    The article aims to 1) focus on welfare opportunities near the conflict zone in Turkey. Providing a good life for children under every condition belongs to the responsibilities of both, national and international communities. The capability approach Theory seems to promote such responsibilities at best. However, the Turkish example does not show effects as satisfactory as the German example with Turkish migrant children, which is discussed in this article and illustrated with research findings provided by the author.The article aims to 1) focus on welfare opportunities near the conflict zone in Turkey. Providing a good life for children under every condition belongs to the responsibilities of both, national and international communities. The capability approach Theory seems to promote such responsibilities at best. However, the Turkish example does not show effects as satisfactory as the German example with Turkish migrant children, which is discussed in this article and illustrated with research findings provided by the author

    Education as an Aspiration for Girls of Turkish Muslim Origin in Germany

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    In order to find the inequalities in the life of socially vulnerable Turkish origin girls; the present research conceptualized how ethnicity and migration background deprive or enhance capabilities (opportunities) of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation girls with a Turkish origin living in Germany. Data for research were collected in consultation with colleagues working in the field of youth and education in the Federal State of North Rheine Westphalia. The participants were girls between the ages of 13 and 21 years residing in North Rhine Westphalia`s (NRW) socio-economically vulnerable areas


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    Malign plevral effüzyon, multiple myelomda progresyonla karekterize ve geç gelişenbir komplikasyondur. Tanıdan sonra ortalama yaşam süresi 4 aydır ve sistemikkemoterapilere oldukça dirençlidir. Biz bu makalede 49 yaşında tanıdan 4 ay sonramalign plevral effüzyon gelişen ve solunum yetmezliği nedeniyle kaybedilen birhastayı sunuyoruz.Malign pleural effusion is a late and rare complication of multiple myeloma revealingthe progression. The mean survival time is four months after the diagnosis with a poorresponse to systemic chemotherapy.In this paper we mentioned about a 49 year old multiple myeloma patient in her fourthmonth of the diagnosis with a formation of malign pleural effusion just after inductionchemotherapy and died because of respiratory failure

    AML transformation and myeloid sarcoma in central nervous system in CMML patient

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    Myeloid sarkom inmatür granülositlerden oluşan ve nadir görülen bir tümördür. Hematolojik malignitelere eşlik edebileceği gibi miyeloproliferatif hastalıkların başlangıç semptomu olarak izlenebilir. Biz bu yazıda bilinç bulanıklığı ve gözünde şişlik yakınması ile başvuran Kronik Miyelomonositer Lösemi hastasında eş zamanlı gelişen AML-M4 ile frontal lob ve orbitada gelişen granülositik sarkom birlikteliği olan hastayı sunuyoruz. AML tedavisi ile hastanın beyin parankimi ve gözündeki lezyonlar belirgin geriledi. . Myeloid sarcoma is an uncommon tumor composed of immature granulocytes. It is described along with hematologic malignancies or it occurs as a first sign of myeloproliferative disorders incidently. In this paper we emphasize a Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) patient with a swollen eye and unconsciousness presenting orbita and frontal lobe granulocytic sarcoma at the same time the AML-M4 transformation in bone marrow aspiration. By the treatment of AML the swollen eye and the lesion in the brain paranchim is regressed

    The German good life I want. Voices of Turkish origin girls

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    Güner PB. The German good life I want. Voices of Turkish origin girls. Rekonstruktive Sozialisationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS; 2019