252 research outputs found

    An event in the iberoamerican cooperation for the conservation and utilization of the zoogenetic resources

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    Between 1st and 4th of December, 2003; an event was celebrated in the city of Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil) congregating more than 200 researchers of 16 countries, to present results and discuss the last advances in the Iberoamerican Zoogenetics Resources Conservation and Utilization Area, taking into account contents over Genetics, Assisted reproduction, Rural development and Ethnology. In the present editorial a slight introduction is developed to locate the reader in the objectives, the contents and the development of the event, standing out the rule developed by the organizers, the supporters and the contributors.Del uno al cuatro de diciembre de 2003 se celebró en la ciudad de Recife (Pernambuco, Brasil) un evento que congregó a más de 200 investigadores de 16 países, para presentar resultados y discutir los últimos avances en el área de la conservación y utilización de los Recursos Zoogenéticos de Iberoamérica, tratándose contenidos sobre Genética, Reproducción asistida, Desarrollo rural, y Etnología principalmente. En la presente editorial se realiza una somera introducción para ubicar al lector en los objetivos, los contenidos y el desarrollo del evento, resaltando el papel desarrollado por los organizadores, patrocinadores y participantes

    Cork oak woodland land-cover types classification: a comparison between UAV sensed imagery and field survey

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    This work assesses the use of aerial imagery for the vegetation cover characterization in cork oak woodlands. The study was conducted in a cork oak woodland in central Portugal during the summer of 2017. Two supervised classification methods, pixel-based and object-based image analysis (OBIA), were tested using a high spatial resolution image mosaic. Images were captured by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a red, green, blue (RGB) camera. Four different vegetation covers were distinguished: cork oak, shrubs, grass and other (bare soil and tree shadow). Results have been compared with field data obtained by the point-intercept (PI) method. Data comparison reveals the reliability of aerial imagery classification methods in cork oak woodlands. Results show that cork oak was accurately classified at a level of 82.7% with pixel-based method and 79.5% with OBIA . 96.7% of shrubs were identified by OBIA, whereas there was an overestimation of 21.7% with pixel approach. Grass presents an overestimation of 22.7% with OBIA and 12.0% with pixel-based method. Limitations rise from using only spectral information in the visible range. Thus, further research with the use of additional bands (vegetation indices or height information) could result in better land-cover type classification.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    BR Muscae: un sistema temprano de componentes similares en contacto marginal

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    A detailed analysis by means of the Wilson and Devinney method of the UBV photometry of BR Muscae is shown. Different values are investigated of the mass-ratio q between 0.4 and 1.5. Finally, it is established that the best solutions correspond to values of q close to unity. A degree of contact of about 11% is found. According to the period-spectral type relation, BR Muscae appears to be little evolved. Its relation with the remaining massive contact binaries is shortly discussed.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    On the lower metallicity limit of the galactic globular cluster system

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    In order to provide optical data for a better definition of the lower metallicity limit of the galactic globular cluster system, an observational program has been initiated which consists in studying the chemical composition of extremely metal-poor globular clusters. In the present study, results obtained from DDO and Washington photometry of red giants in M30 (NGC 7099) and M68 (NGC 4590) are presented. The abundances estimated ([M/H]ₘ₃₀ ≤ -2.4 and [M/H]ₘ₈₈ ≃ -2.6) place thee objects as the most metal poor among the globular clusters known in our Galaxy. These results suggest that the lower metallicity limit of the galactic globular cluster system can easily exceed the traditionally accepted limit. Interesting consequences related with the formation of the globular clusters in our Galaxy are analysed and discussed.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Nephrops discards, size composition, recruitment and directed effort of the Spanish fleets in Porcupine Bank (FU 16)

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    Spanish fleets have been fishing Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in Porcupine Bank for more than 45 years. Despite a huge Spanish effort descent in the area during this period, nowadays Spain is after Ireland the second country in Nephrops landings from this functional unit (12%). Nephrops discards in the Spanish fleets were traditionally considered negligible, but a revision about the issue is necessary. On the other hand, there are problems since 2005 to carry out length sampling from the fishery on the ports, since retained catch is now frozen on board. This lack of information can be addressed by length information collected by the observers on board. Concerning effort, Spain has been providing in the last decades effort data of the hake directed fleet (that collects almost all Nephrops catch) for the successive ICES working groups related to FU 16 Nephrops. New effort information more accurate and directed to Nephrops is needed. Taking into account this demands, discards rates and estimations, catch length information and Nephrops directed effort are presented on this document

    Immediate effects of a telerehabilitation program based on aerobic exercise in women with fibromyalgia

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    Background: We analyzed the immediate effects of a Telerehabilitation Program (TP) based on aerobic exercise in women with fibromyalgia (FM) syndrome during the lockdown declared in Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A single-blind randomized controlled trial was designed. Thirty-four women with FM were randomized into two groups: TP group and Control group. The intervention lasted 15 weeks, with 2 sessions per week. The TP based on aerobic exercise was guided by video and the intensity of each session was monitored using the Borg scale. Pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale), mechanical pain sensitivity (algometer), number of tender points, FM impact (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), pain catastrophizing (Pain Catastrophizing Scale), physiological distress (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), upper (Arm Curl Test) and lower-limb physical function (6-min Walk Test) were measured at baseline and after the intervention. Results: The TP group improved pain intensity (p = 0.022), mechanical pain sensitivity (p 0.05). Conclusion: A TP based on aerobic exercise achieved improvements on pain intensity, mechanical pain sensitivity, and psychological distress compared to a Control group during the lockdown declared in Spain due to COVID-19 pandemic

    Enlazando Oportunidades: Redes laborales para los jóvenes de Abasto.

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    Desde hace varios años, venimos desarrollado un trabajo sostenido de intervenciones en Orientación Vocacional dentro de la localidad de Abasto (La Plata) y en particular en la Escuela Media N° 38, única institución de educación media de la localidad. Una de las preocupaciones que detectamos en nuestros encuentros con las familias, organizaciones, y referentes institucionales de la comunidad, es la escasa incidencia de jóvenes de Abasto empleados en las distintas empresas industriales, comerciales o de producción que existen en la zona. A través de este proyecto de extensión, iniciamos la construcción de un camino de participación conjunta con la totalidad de los referentes comunitarios de la localidad, y los propios jóvenes, profundizando el diagnóstico de la realidad en relación a oportunidades de trabajo y la situación laboral de los alumnos que concluyen con la educación media. El propósito es que en articulación con la escuela, se favorezca y propicie la inserción laboral de los mismos en su propia comunidad. Conociendo las oportunidades que desde el Sector Laboral existen, y los recursos y necesidades de la población destinataria, avanzamos hacia la conformación de una bolsa de trabajo que permita a los jóvenes, conocer los puestos laborales que se ofrecen y a las empresas incorporar mano de obra de la propia comunidad. De esta manera, los Centros de Formación Profesional, la Escuela Media y los referentes Comunitarios, encontrarán mayor sustento en sus acciones, en la medida en que desde sus lugares puedan propiciar mejores capacitaciones para los destinatarios de sus prácticas. El proyecto se propone establecer nuevas vías de vinculación entre los diferentes sectores, tendiente a potenciar los recursos (oportunidades) de la zona con la realidad de los jóvenes (necesidades) haciendo visible y operativizando una red que los enlace. La inserción laboral progresiva en empleos más formales dentro de la comunidad, así como acciones articuladas con las instituciones de formación profesional y la escuela como lugar de referencia, son algunos de los resultados que vamos concretando. En esta etapa hemos concluido con el relevamiento de la casi totalidad de las organizaciones del trabajo, y tipo de puestos de trabajo para quienes tienen título secundario, llevando a cabo entrevistas en profundidad, jornadas participativas comunitarias, encuestas, observaciones directas, visitas a organizaciones laborales y de formación, para avanzar hacia la concreción de talleres de orientación laboral y condiciones de empleabilidad, contribuyendo claramente desde la extensión universitaria al encuentro intersectorial y las acciones conjunta

    Servicio de asesoramiento grupal agropecuario

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    Outreach activities, along with teaching and research, are part of the educational mission of higher education institutions. All three must be integrated into the policies and strategies of the institutions, interacting and enriching each other through channels of communication and mutual support. The objective of this work was to contribute to the training and development of agricultural producers, considering good agricultural practices. In order to do this, we worked in the districts of Serrezuela, Caminiaga and Sebastian Elcano. We worked to consolidate groups of producers and to promote behavioural changes; to this end, two aspects were exploited: i) the group dynamics, which consists of an active, participatory and reflective methodology through gradual, intentional and continuous work, and ii) the space-workshop, through which the learning of new behaviors related to livestock production was generated. The training, action and management of three groups of producers were consolidated. Producers and young coordinators of the groups created a space where knowledge was exchanged through an informal educational process.La extensión, a la par de la docencia y la investigación, forma parte de la misión educativa de las instituciones de educación superior. Todas deben estar presentes en las políticas y estrategias de las instituciones, interrelacionándose y enriqueciéndose recíprocamente a través de canales de comunicación y de apoyo mutuo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue contribuir a la capacitación y desarrollo de los productores agropecuarios, considerando las buenas prácticas agropecuarias. Para ello, se trabajó en las localidades Serrezuela, Caminiaga y Sebastián Elcano. Se trabajó en consolidar la formación de grupos de productores y promover cambios de conductas; para esto, se utilizaron dos ejes: la dinámica de grupo, que consiste en una metodología activa, participativa y reflexiva a través de un trabajo gradual, intencional y continuo y el espacio-taller, a través del cual se generó el aprendizaje de nuevas conductas referidas a la producción pecuaria. Se consolidó la formación, acción y autogestión de tres grupos de productores. Los productores y los jóvenes profesionales coordinadores de grupo generaron un espacio donde se intercambiaron saberes mediante un proceso educativo no formal