223 research outputs found


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    The paper is part of a research project, carried out within the Polytechnic University of Milan about the Burgo Paper Mill, an industrial settlement involved in the production of paper near the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mantua, on the banks of the Lago di Mezzo lake. The area represents an exceptional case study related to the topics of industrial reconversion, landscape, environmental design, and the valorization of cultural and natural heritage. The recent change in the site ownership fostered a new life cycle, which represents the occasion for the enhancement of its architectural and landscape heritage. The research project focused on a new system of relations between architectural artefacts and open spaces, with a particular consideration about socioeconomic and cultural themes, as well as the role that water can play in the future development of the site. Water plays a key role in the definition of cultural and natural elements in this research project, revealing new possibilities for revitalization of the industrial settlement as well as the whole territorial framework. Between theoretical thought and design experimentation, pursuing to tackle the problem in its whole complexity, the authors understood the necessity of a multi-scalar approach structured within a time-based strategy

    Passive mode locking of a Tm,Ho:KY(WO4)(2) laser around 2 μm

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    We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of passive mode locking in a Tm3+, Ho3+-codoped KYWO42 laser operating in the 2000-2060 nm spectral region. An InGaAsSb-based quantum well semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is used for the initiation and stabilization of the ultrashort pulse generation. Pulses as short as 3.3 ps were generated at 2057 nm with average output powers up to 315 mW at a pulse repetition frequency of 132 MHz for 1.15 W of absorbed pump power at 802 nm from a Ti:sapphire laser

    Sensory cutaneous papillae in the sea lamprey (Petromyzonmarinus L.) : I. Neuroanatomy and physiology

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    Molecules present in an animal's environment can indicate the presence of predators,food, or sexual partners and consequently, induce migratory, reproductive, foraging,or escape behaviors. Three sensory systems, the olfactory, gustatory, and solitarychemosensory cell (SCC) systems detect chemical stimuli in vertebrates. While agreat deal of research has focused on the olfactory and gustatory system over theyears, it is only recently that significant attention has been devoted to the SCC sys-tem. The SCCs are microvillous cells that were first discovered on the skin of fish,and later in amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Lampreys also possess SCCs that areparticularly numerous on cutaneous papillae. However, little is known regarding theirprecise distribution, innervation, and function. Here, we show that sea lampreys(Petromyzon marinus L.) have cutaneous papillae located around the oral disk, nostril,gill pores, and on the dorsal fins and that SCCs are particularly numerous on thesepapillae. Tract-tracing experiments demonstrated that the oral and nasal papillae areinnervated by the trigeminal nerve, the gill pore papillae are innervated by branchialnerves, and the dorsal fin papillae are innervated by spinal nerves. We also character-ized the response profile of gill pore papillae to some chemicals and showed thattrout-derived chemicals, amino acids, and a bile acid produced potent responses.Together with a companion study (Suntres et al., Journal of Comparative Neurology,this issue), our results provide new insights on the function and evolution of the SCCsystem in vertebrates

    Copaiba oleoresin: evaluation of the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

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    The copaiba oleoresin extracted by perforating the tree-trunk found in the Amazonian forest has been used by the native indigenous communities to treat several diseases and also as fuel for lighting and for the motorboats plying the region's rivers. Currently, the oleoresin is mostly employed as a traditional remedy, mainly for the treatment of tonsillitis and as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent in oil and capsule forms, and is also used in several industry sectors. Due to its use in oral form, especially as a traditional remedy, an analysis of the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as contaminants in the oleoresin was performed. PAHs are substances formed by two or more benzoic rings and found in the atmosphere as a residue from incomplete combustion of petroleum derivatives and industrial activities. These substances are found everywhere on land and water, and as a consequence can also be found in vegetables and foodstuffs in general. The use of products contaminated with these substances can compromise human and animal life. This study was performed on oleoresin from different areas or regions in the Amazon, using the HPLC methodology with fluorescence detection. The samples analyzed revealed different concentrations of these compounds.O óleo-resina de copaíba que é extraído mediante a perfuração do tronco da árvore que se encontra em forma nativa na floresta amazônica já era empregado pelas comunidades indígenas para a cura de várias doenças e, também, como combustível em iluminação e para o funcionamento de motores de barcos que trafegavam pelos rios da região. Hoje, é largamente empregado na medicina popular, principalmente para o tratamento de amigdalite e como antiinflamatório e cicatrizante na forma de óleo e em cápsulas, sendo utilizado, também, em vários setores da indústria. Devido ao seu uso na forma oral, principalmente na medicina popular, realizou-se um trabalho para avaliar a presença de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) no referido óleo-resina, como possíveis contaminantes. Os HPAs são compostos formados por dois ou mais aneis benzenicos e encontrados na atmosfera como resíduos provenientes das combustões incompletas dos derivados de petróleo e de atividades industriais. Esses compostos, preciptando-se da atmosfera, atingem terrenos, fontes de água e, consequentemente, os vegetais e gêneros alimentícios em geral. O uso de produtos contaminados com os sudetos compostos pode comprometer vidas humanas e animais. O estudo foi realizado com amostras do referido óleo-resina provenientes de diferentes áreas ou regiões da Amazônia, empregando-se a metodologia HPLC com detecção através de fluorescência

    How Are the Interests of Incapacitated Research Participants Protected through Legislation? An Italian Study on Legal Agency for Dementia Patients

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    Patients with dementia may have limited capacity to give informed consent to participate in clinical research. One possible way to safeguard the patients' interests in research is the involvement of a proxy in the recruitment process. In Italy, the system of proxy is determined by the courts. In this study we evaluate the timing for appointment of a legal proxy in Italy and identify predictive variables of appointment.Subjects were recruited among the outpatients seeking medical advice for cognitive complaints at the Centre for Research and Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunctions, University of Milan, "Luigi Sacco" Hospital. The Centre was participating to the AdCare Study, a no-profit randomised clinical trial coordinated by the Italian National Institute of Health. The requirement that informed consent be given by a legal representative dramatically slowed down the recruitment process in AdCare, which was prematurely interrupted. The Centre for Research and Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunctions collected data on the timing required to appoint the legal representatives. Patients diagnosed with dementia and their caregivers were provided information on the Italian law on legal agency (law 6/2004). At each scheduled check-up the caregiver was asked whether she/he had applied to appoint a legal proxy for the patient and the time interval between the presentation of the law, the registration of the application at the law court chancellery and the sentence of appointment was registered. The study involved 169 demented patients. Seventy-eight patients (46.2%) applied to appoint a legal proxy. These subjects were usually younger, had been suffering from dementia for a longer time, had less than two children and made more use of memantine. The mean interval time between the presentation of the law and the patients' application to the law court chancellery was two months. The mean interval time between the patient's application to the law court chancellery and the sentence of appointment was four months.In Italy the requirement that legal representatives be appointed by the courts slows down subjects' participation in research. Other procedures for legal agency of the incapacitated patients may be adopted, taking as examples other EU countries' systems

    Omalizumab efficacy in cases of chronic spontaneous urticaria is not explained by the inhibition of sera activity in effector cells

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    Omalizumab (OmAb) is a humanized anti-IgE antibody approved for the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). OmAb's mechanism of action is known to include actions on free IgE and on pre-bound IgE. However, OmAb is equally and rapidly effective against autoimmune and non-autoimmune urticaria where IgE involvement is not clear, suggesting the involvement of additional mechanisms of action. In this study, we sought to investigate the ability of OmAb to inhibit mast cell and basophil degranulation induced by sera from CSU patients. For this purpose, we performed a comparison between the in vitro incubation of sera from CSU patients treated with OmAb and the in vivo administration of OmAb in a clinical trial. We found that OmAb added in vitro to sera from CSU patients did not modify the ability of the sera to induce cell degranulation. Similarly, the sera from patients treated with OmAb in the context of the clinical trial who had a good clinical outcome maintained the capacity to activate mast cells and basophils. Thus, we conclude that the beneficial activity of OmAb does not correlate with the ability of patient sera to induce cell degranulation

    Endonuclease heteroduplex mismatch cleavage for detecting mutation genetic variation of trypsin inhibitors in soybean

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic variation of trypsin inhibitor in cultivated (Glycine max L.) and wild (Glycine sofa Siebold & Zucc.) soybean varieties. Genetic variations of the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor, represented by a 21-kD protein (KTI), and of the Bowman-Birk trypsin chymotrypsin inhibitor (BBI) were evaluated in cultivated (G. max) and wild (G. sofa) soybean varieties. Endonuclease heteroduplex mismatch cleavage assays were performed to detect mutations in the KTI gene, with a single-stranded specific nuclease obtained from celery extracts (CEL I). The investigated soybean varieties showed low level of genetic variation in KTI and BBI. PCR-RFLP analysis divided the BBI-A type into subtypes A1 and A2, and showed that Tib type of KTI is the dominant type. Digestion with restriction enzymes was not able to detect differences between ti-null and other types of Ti alleles, while the endonuclease heteroduplex mismatch cleavage assay with CEL I could detect ti-null type. The digestion method with CEL I provides a simple and useful genetic tool for SNP analysis. The presented method can be used as a tool for fast and useful screening of desired genotypes in future breeding programs of soybean