237 research outputs found
Język reklamy jako narzędzie perswazji i manipulacji na przykładzie wybranych polskich spotów telewizyjnych
This article concerns language devices, which are used in television commercials and which are a manner of persuasion and manipulation. The important part of this article is to present the most popular slogans, their influence on us – consumers and the correlation between language of the television commercials and colloquial language. Not only will I focus on neologisms, which introduce the atmosphere of unusualness and convince a receiver about special advantages of the advertised products, but also on the phenomenon of anthropomorphism and personification. This article shows, how authors of television commercials manipulate their consumers, i.a. by introducing created by themselves terms, which imitate scientific terms and apply implicature and presupposition. All described language phenomena are presented on chosen by me examples from Polish television commercials.This article concerns language devices, which are used in television commercials and which are a manner of persuasion and manipulation. The important part of this article is to present the most popular slogans, their influence on us – consumers and the correlation between language of the television commercials and colloquial language. Not only will I focus on neologisms, which introduce the atmosphere of unusualness and convince a receiver about special advantages of the advertised products, but also on the phenomenon of anthropomorphism and personification. This article shows, how authors of television commercials manipulate their consumers, i.a. by introducing created by themselves terms, which imitate scientific terms and apply implicature and presupposition. All described language phenomena are presented on chosen by me examples from Polish television commercials
PRESS PASS Exploring the Depths of Sports Photography
The problem was funding. I wanted it but was denied it. And so my Honors Capstone Project Part III took the form of a senior show on sports photography. I endeavored to recreate the standard photography show by encorporating various media into one collaborative project.
Sports photography is usually to be the bottom of the food chain when it comes to field. It is just like sports in general are considered to be lower class, lower culture than theater and opera and ballet. Even most photographers think getting a shot is just luck and keeping their finger on the motor drive. Sports shooters themselves though realize it takes a certain type of individual, one who has the understanding of the game and reflexes that rival the players, to be a good sports photographer, one who will make is past the “daily” image and capture something great. I endeavored with this capstone to bring that knowledge to the public.
This piece was created in myriad of different programs from Cubic Converter for the QTVR to SoundSlides for the audio/visual stories. Photoshop CS3 was vital for the color correcting, cropping and other imaging tools for the singles, while both Audacity and Garageband were used for the audio. Everything was brought together in Final Cut Pro for final formatting of all the pieces and then burned to disc after the creation of menus using iDVD. The piece is now viewable on any standard DVD player.
This piece taught me a lot about myself as well as the current industry. The Capstone project pushed me beyond the standard, what was being taught in my classes, and allowed me to explore a multitude of programs and possibilities in sports photography while fulfilling my original purpose of education. I believe watching this project brings to the viewer a new appreciation to the field of sports photography
Criminalizing Marital Rape: A Comparison of Judicial and Legislative Approaches
Even though many countries still permit husbands to rape their wives with little or no consequence, there is a growing trend that marital exemption is unjust and has no place in a civilized society. Recognition of the inappropriateness of marital exemption is, however, only the first step towards its elimination. To effectively equalize treatment of marital and non-marital rape, legislatures and judiciaries must take action. Several countries have already been host to the abolition of marital immunity, but their approaches may not be the most effective. This Note examines the experiences of England and Canada as examples of judicial and legislative abolition of marital exemption, respectively. The Author explores several factors that would lead to effective change, including timely alignment with societal morals, thorough and thoughtful consideration of the issues, and legitimacy in the eyes of citizens. After reviewing the effectiveness of approaches such as those employed in England and Canada, the Author argues that an even better method would rely on equal protection provisions found in state constitutions and international treaties
Communication Apprehension, Self-Efficacy, and Grades in the Basic Course: Correlations and Implications
This article presents a study examining the relationship among communication apprehension (CA), self-efficacy (S-E), and grades in the basic communication course. Data were gathered from 208 undergraduate students enrolled in a public speaking course that fulfills a university-wide core curriculum requirement. Respondents completed MCroskey\u27s (1982) Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24), the Self-Efficacy in the Class scale (SECL) adapted from Pintrich and DeGroot\u27s (1990) Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, and two researcher-designed questions regarding S-E for college (SECOL). Results indicated that although trait and context CA are significantly correlated with final grades. In fact, multiple-regression showed that S-E contributed significant unique variance to grade. Implications for teaching the basic course are discussed
Measuring of the Characteristics of the Gas Ball Valves
Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zabývá měřením charakteristiky plynových kulových kohoutů. Teoretická část obsahuje základní pojmy a seznámení se s charakteristikami kohoutů. Praktická část obsahuje vyhodnocení naměřených hodnot. Měření probíhalo v aerodynamickém tunelu. Cílem práce bylo zjistit charakteristiky kulových kohoutů, tj. Δp=f(Q) charakteristiky, další charakteristiky byly Δp=f(Q2), ze kterých se určil ztrátový součinitel a následně byla vyhodnocena závislost ztrátového součinitele na přivření.This bachelor thesis deals with the measurement of characteristics of the gas ball valves. The theoretical part includes basic concepts and familiarization with the characteristics of valves. The practical part contains an evaluation of the measured values. Measurements were realized in the wind tunnel. The goal was to identify characteristics of ball valves, i.e. Δp=f(Q) characteristic, further modification of the basic characteristics Δp=f(Q2) to determine the loss coefficient and afterwards the dependence of loss coefficient at throttling was evaluated.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívelmi dobř
Determination of the Value of the Manufacturing Company
Import 04/07/2011Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je stanovení hodnoty výrobního podniku Isotra, a.s. pomocí vybraných metod k 1. lednu 2011. Podcíle této práce jsou provedení finanční analýzy podniku Isotra, a.s. (analýza poměrových ukazatelů, absolutních ukazatelů, indexu důvěryhodnosti, bonitní a bankrotní modely), provedení vybraných metod oceňování podniku, dále na základě vyhodnocení ukazatelů a metod stanovit hodnotu podniku, sdělit výslednou hodnotu podniku představitelům společnosti Isotra, a.s. a navrhnout případná doporučení.
Teoreticko – metodologická část je zaměřena na úlohu a metody oceňování podniku a má čtenáři objasnit teoretické pojmy a obecné pojmy, zdroje, využití, úskalí a způsoby oceňování podniku. V této části jsou tedy popsány důvody oceňování podniku, hodnota podniku, kategorie hodnoty, použití základních přístupů k ocenění a metody pro finanční ocenění podniku.
V praktické části je provedena analýza prostředí společnosti Isotra, a.s. Poté je provedena finanční analýza pomocí horizontální a vertikální analýzy, vybraných poměrových ukazatelů, bankrotních a predikčních modelů. Potřebné údaje k těmto analýzám vycházejí z finančních výkazů společnosti v letech 2006 – 2010. Ke každé analýze je přiřazen komentář, který objasňuje získané výsledky. Poté je vytvořen finanční plán pro období 2011 – 2015, který tvoří základ pro výpočet hodnoty podniku pomocí vybrané metody. Posledním krokem v praktické části byl samotný výpočet hodnoty výrobního podniku.
V závěrečné části diplomové práce hodnotím celou praktickou část, analyzuji získané výsledky analýzy prostředí a finanční analýzy, které jsem následně použil k orientační prognóze možného budoucího vývoje společnosti Isotra, a.s. a navrhl jsem případná doporučení, která by mohla navýšit hodnotu podniku.The aim of the diploma thesis is to determine via selected methods the value of Sutra, the manufacturing company, up to 1st January 2011. Other goals of this diploma thesis were: execution of financial analysis of Sutra joint-stock company (analysis of ratio and absolute indicators, reliability index, credibility and bankruptcy models), furthermore execution of selected methods of company liquidity. Last but not least to determine the value of the company on the basis of evaluated indicators and employed methods. The resultant value of the company was communicated to Sutra representatives and relevant recommendations were presented.
The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the problem and methods of company valuation and it is supposed to explain theoretical and general terminology, sources, application and difficulties of company valuation. This part of the thesis serves to describe reasons for company valuation, value of the company, categories of value, application of basic approaches leading to valuation and methods for financial company valuation.
The practical part of the thesis covers the analysis of Isotra, joint-stock company, environment; followed by execution of financial analysis through horizontal and vertical analysis, selected ratio indicators, bankruptcy and prediction models. Necessary data for above-mentioned analysis are based on financial statements from 2006 – 2010. Each analysis comes with a commentary that explains collected results. On the basis of afore-mentioned entities the financial plan for a period 2011 – 2015 was created; it serves as the background for calculation of company value through selected method. The final step of the practical part was the sole calculation of manufacturing company value.
The final part of the diploma thesis is intended for evaluation of the whole practical part, the collected results of environment and financial analysis are processed and further employed in order to state orientalise prognosis of possible future development of Sutra, joint-stock company and several recommendations for increasing the value were also suggested.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn
Odpowiedzialność członków zarządu spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością- wybrane zagadnienia
Members of the management board of a limited liability company may be held liable in connection with their function. Liability may result from a number of legal acts, including the Code of Commercial Companies, the Tax Ordinance Act, Bankruptcy Law Act. This article describes in a cross-sectional manner the most important issues related to the liability of management board members under individual legal acts. It covers the basic issues influencing the determination of the liability of management board members and the amount of this liability.Członkowie zarządu spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością w związku ze sprawowaną funkcją mogą zostać pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności. Odpowiedzialność może wynikać z szeregu aktów prawnych, w tym kodeksu spółek handlowych, ordynacji podatkowej czy ustawy prawo upadłościowe. Niniejszy artykuł w sposób przekrojowy opisuje najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z odpowiedzialnością członków zarządu na podstawie poszczególnych aktów prawnych. Uwzględnione w nim zostały podstawowe zagadnienia mające wpływ na ustalenie odpowiedzialności członków zarządu oraz wysokość tej odpowiedzialności
Suppression of Inlet Recirculation at a Centrifugal Pump with an Inducer
Diplomová práce se zabývá potlačení vstupní recirkulace u odstředivého čerpadla s inducerem. Teoretická část této práce obsahuje základní informace o odstředivých čerpadlech, inducerech, kavitaci a recirkulaci průtoku. Také jsou zde zahrnuty matematické modely pro simulaci proudění v programu Fluent. Praktická část se věnuje tvorbě geometrie a následně tvorbě sítě v programu Fluent. Dále se zabývá výpočtem v různých režimech proudění a potlačení vstupní recirkulace pomocí vkládání prvků do vstupního potrubí. Cílem práce bylo omezit vstupní recirkulaci před inducerem.This master thesis deals with suppression of Inlet Recirculation at a Centrifugal Pump with an Inducer. The theoretical part includes basic information about centrifugal pumps, inducers, cavitation and flow recirculation. The practical part contains creation of geometry and subsequently meshing to the Fluent program. It also deals with calculation in different flow modes and suppression of input recirculation by inserting elements into the inlet pipe. The goal was restrict entry recirculation before Inducer.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívýborn
Asymmetric Hydrogenation vs Transfer Hydrogenation in the Reduction of Cyclic Imines
A comparison between the two most common reduction approaches for obtaining chiral amines, asymmetric hydrogenation (AH) versus asymmetric transfer hydrogenation (ATH), was accomplished by using iridium complexes based on atropoisomeric diphosphines and cyclic diamines as ligands respectively. Seven substrates, different in electronic and steric properties, were screened applying both reduction methods. For AH the best results in terms of enantioselectivity (e.e. up to 64%) were obtained by using [Ir(COD)(TetraMe-BITIOP)]Cl in the presence of DCDMH as additive. ATH was carried out with [IrCp*(CAMPY)Cl]Cl as catalyst, allowing the obtainment of the products with appreciable e.e. (up to 76%)
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