307 research outputs found

    Common Health: The Role of Non-Profit Organizations in Supporting Community Action for Health Equity and Justice

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    This dissertation explores the ways in which reporting requirements, evaluations, management decisions and other metrics and processes contribute to a growing gap between community development goals of community health centres and their practice. My argument is that there is a gap between the community development mandate of non-profit organizations and their practices, which is increasingly shaped toward direct service-delivery and steered away from the advocacy and community development pillars of their mandates. As a result, the capacity of non-profit organizations to support equitable community participation is curbed. Such a gap is largely facilitated through funding relations that prioritise functional accountability and results-based performance measurement that are consistent with extractivist capitalism. Extractivist goals of neoliberal capitalism imposed on non-profits undermine the goals of equity and social justice in urban community development. The purpose of this research is a careful examination and explication of power relations in everyday work of practitioners in the non-profit sector. I examine non-profit organizations as civil society actors, situated in the broader context of neoliberal capitalism where some actors are subordinate to others, and where subordination results from unequal access to and distribution of resources. I employ institutional ethnography and participatory action research as a methodology. I collected data from two community health centres and one inter-organizational network located in Torontos priority neighbourhoods and interviewed community volunteers, frontline workers, management staff and funders. I also reviewed documents such as reporting requirements and templates, evaluation frameworks and reports. In order to capture the ways in which reporting and functional accountability systems normalize extractivist processes in the non-profit sector, I constructed maps and diagrams to make such processes explicit. My research analyses how the role of non-profit organizations in regard to community action is shaped within capitalist power relations. To counteract and resists extractivist processes, I propose directions for strengthening the role of non-profit organizations as partners in collaborative processes involving co-production with community members

    Personal Reflections from ePortfolio: AHRC New York City

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    Features of insurance risks’ classification as the basis of risk management of insurance companies in the financial crisis

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    Since the global financial crisis had impacted on all aspects of insurance companies' activities, it became necessary to focus on the activities of insurers and further improve the integrated risk and capital management of global and regional insurers. The purpose of the research is to analyze differences between national and European standards for risk identification in Ukrainian insurance companies, and to provide suggestions for improving the mechanism of risk insurance management. Using the method of comparative analysis and the method of content analysis of national and international solvency standards for insurance companies, the national characteristics of the types of insurance risks and the organization of the implementation of European legislation in domestic practice were determined. By the method of generalization and deduction, the key challenges for improving the effectiveness of insurance risk management in Ukrainian practice were identified. The results of the study shows the necessity to implement a unified system of insurance risk management in Ukrainian practice, which contents national and global characteristics of the functioning of insurance markets. The results of the research have significant practical implications for insurance companies and state government insurance market and can serve as a basis for improvement of theoretical principles concerning the identification of insurance risks and implementing European experience of insurance companies in national practice

    Experimental determination of the boundaries of the influence of a stope working on the earth's surface

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    The theoretical part of the research methodology is developed according to the scheme of subsidence of points on the earth's surface relative to the projection of the face. The curve of the trajectory of the subsidence of the earth's surface is divided by characteristic points at different stages of subsidence of the earth's surface. Such stages include: the beginning of the displacement of the earth's surface, the active stage of displacement, the end of the active stage and the attenuation of the processes of subsidence of the earth's surface. According to the goal and the design scheme, on the basis of experimental data, we determined the parameters corresponding to the location of a point on the earth's surface where it began to settle. In relation to the scheme under consideration, three well-known dependencies were analyzed to describe the subsidence curve of the earth's surface: the exponential equation, the hyperbolic tangent function, and the logistic curve. Based on them, it was established that the main influencing factor determining the boundary of the dynamic half-mold is the depth of mining operations, and the boundary angles are practically independent of this parameter

    Water Conflicts in Central Asia: Some Recommendations on the Non-Conflictual Use of Water

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    Central Asian states, where freshwater is a strategic resource, are oriented towards regional conflict rather than cooperation. First, the article analyses the role of the unequal distribution of freshwater that has been generating conflicts in Central Asia in the post-Soviet period. Next, these conflicts are examined. Finally, we provide some recommendations on the non-conflictual use of water

    Formation of metallic magnetic clusters in a Kondo-lattice metal: Evidence from an optical study

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    Magnetic materials are usually divided into two classes: those with localised magnetic moments, and those with itinerant charge carriers. We present a comprehensive experimental (spectroscopic ellipsomerty) and theoretical study to demonstrate that these two types of magnetism do not only coexist but complement each other in the Kondo-lattice metal, Tb2PdSi3. In this material the itinerant charge carriers interact with large localised magnetic moments of Tb(4f) states, forming complex magnetic lattices at low temperatures, which we associate with self-organisation of magnetic clusters. The formation of magnetic clusters results in low-energy optical spectral weight shifts, which correspond to opening of the pseudogap in the conduction band of the itinerant charge carriers and development of the low- and high-spin intersite electronic transitions. This phenomenon, driven by self-trapping of electrons by magnetic fluctuations, could be common in correlated metals, including besides Kondo-lattice metals, Fe-based and cuprate superconductors.Comment: 30 pages, 6 Figure

    Питання енерго- і ресурсозбереження при вивченні спеціальних дисциплін

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    The article presents the analysis of existing experience in the direction of energy and resource in the study of special engineering disciplines and the development of materials for creation, update, and consolidate the students theoretical and practical knowledge about energy and resource saving in industry.Examines the issues in-depth study of energy and resource saving in special disciplines for students "energy-saving" style of thinking and related knowledge and skills in the energy sector. The methods described provide a continuous system of training in the field of energy and resource for engineers and engineers-teachers of all profiles and professions in all stages of preparation of specialists and masters, including the protection of diploma projects and master works. It is shown that for practical implementation of the issues of energy and resource saving when conducting lectures, practical and laboratory works with teachers of special disciplines of the Department of power engineering and energy saving technologies developed relevant training materials which enable to efficiently and effectively conduct classes and learn the practical principles of energy and resource conservation in various industries. It is proved that an in-depth study of the issues of energy and resource saving in special disciplines will contribute to the formation of students "energy-saving" style of thinking and related knowledge and skills in the energy sector. Shows how such skills in the future are fixed and formed skills on educational qualification levels of specialist and master in the further study of professional disciplines in the curriculum which must include questions on energy and resource conservation.В статье изложены результаты анализа существующих наработок в направлении энерго - и ресурсосбережения при изучении специальных инженерных дисциплин и разработка материалов для формирования, обновления и закрепления у студентов теоретических и практических знаний об энерго - и ресурсосбережения в отрасли. Рассмотрены вопросы изучения энерго - и ресурсосбережения в специальных дисциплинах для формирования у студентов «энергосберегающего» стиля мышления и соответствующих знаний и умений в энергетической отрасли. Описаны методы обеспечения непрерывной системной подготовки в области энерго - и ресурсосбережения для инженеров и инженеров-педагогов всех профилей и специальностей на всех этапах подготовки специалистов и магистров, включая защиту дипломных проектов и магистерских работ. Для практической реализации вопросов энерго - и ресурсосбережения при проведении лекционных, практических и лабораторных работ преподавателями специальных дисциплин кафедры теплоэнергетики и энергосберегающих технологий разработаны соответствующие учебные материалы, которые позволяют качественно и эффективно проводить занятия и усваивать практические принципы энерго - и ресурсосбережения в различных отраслях. Обосновано, что углубленное изучение вопросов энерго - и ресурсосбережения в специальных дисциплинах будет способствовать формированию у студентов «энергосберегающего» стиля мышления и соответствующих знаний и умений в энергетической отрасли. В дальнейшем закрепляются и формируются навыки по образовательно-квалификационным уровням специалиста и магистра при дальнейшем изучении профессиональных дисциплин, в учебные программы которых обязательно включаются вопросы по энерго - и ресурсосбережению.У статті здійснено аналіз існуючих напрацювань у напрямку енерго- і ресурсозбереження при вивченні спеціальних інженерних дисциплін та розробка матеріалів для формування, оновлення і закріплення у студентів теоретичних і практичних знань щодо енерго- і ресурсозбереження в галузі. Розглянуті питання поглибленого вивчення енерго- та ресурсозбереження у спеціальних дисциплінах для формування у студентів «енергозберігаючого» стилю мислення та відповідних знань і умінь в енергетичній галузі. Описано методи  забезпечення безперервної  системної підготовки в області енерго- і ресурсозбереження для інженерів і інженерів-педагогів всіх профілів і спеціальностей на всіх етапах підготовки фахівців і магістрів, включаючи захист дипломних проектів і магістерських робіт. Показано, що для практичної реалізації питань енерго- і ресурсозбереження при проведенні лекційних, практичних і лабораторних робіт викладачами спеціальних дисциплін кафедри теплоенергетики та енергозберігаючих технологій розроблені відповідні навчальні матеріали, які дозволяють якісно і ефективно проводити заняття і засвоювати практичні принципи енерго- і ресурсозбереження у різних галузях. Обгрунтовано, що поглиблене вивчення питань енерго- та ресурсозбереження у спеціальних дисциплінах буде сприяти формуванню у студентів «енергозберігаючого» стилю мислення та відповідних знань і умінь в енергетичній галузі. Показано, як такі уміння в подальшому закріплюються та формуються у навички на освітньо-кваліфікаційних рівнях спеціаліста та магістра при подальшому вивченні професійних дисциплін, у навчальні програми яких обов’язково включаються питання з енерго- та ресурсозбереження